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How prevalent are delusional posters in this forum?

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posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 08:50 AM
The problem is how you define delusional. Medically it would i suppose be out of touch with reality, but if someone claims they were abducted by aliens then are they delusional? I have no idea whether abduction stories are true or not, but if they are then these people would be telling the truth. Thing is that most people would say they are delusional because aliens have never visited earth and may not even exist.

To judge if someone is delusional you need to be able to guage what is true and what isn't with 100% certainty. Sadly you cannot prove that this thing didn't happen to them, so we could go around forever on most issues. This is why i read abduction stories but i have yet to believe one as fact.

Although claims from all angles slow down serious research, we have to be prepared to look at all things that have been said becaase there may be one small case that can prove something in amogst the hoaxes, frauds, and dellusionals.

What percentage? Well i honestly don't think you could put a certain, well researched number on that one.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 08:53 AM
I think this thread topic is the result of frustration - let me explain ....

When I first stumbled upon ATS I was excited to find so many topics and information therein that I find interesting.
Well researched fields, plenty of facts that where linked and allowed me to really get into some interesting reading.

I couldn't wait to get home from work to get online and browse the forums. With SO much rubbish out there today, ATS was a breath of fresh air.

Our search for knowledge is a never ending hunger. You eat, get your fill, digest it, and the process starts all over again. But as big as this site is, and its wealth of information, eventually you hit a brick wall.

This is where the frustration starts.

As good as ATS is, you will come across many a topic/thread that leaves you shaking your head at its nonsense. And that can be frustrating because myself included, I take finding the truth VERY seriously. Main media feeds us all sorts of nonsense day in day out. And sites like ATS are the difference between blind media feed sheep, and actually getting some unbiased information that has been laid out so you can research it for yourself.

I too get frustrated in my quest sometimes, when I read some of the threads posted.
But on a whole, this place will continue to be a daily stop to check out whats what in the world we live in.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh
John Lear, retired airline captain, with over 19,000 hours of flight-time, has flown in over 100 different types of planes in 60 different counties around the world.

He flew secret missions for the CIA in Central and Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa between 1966 and 1983. He has flown as Captain and check pilot for over 10 different airlines.

John held 17 world records including speed around the world in a Lear Jet Model 24, set in 1966.

Now do you think John is a delusional crackpot, trying to get a cult following of his own by perpetuating a web of falsehood and lies?

So it's unfair to rush to conclusions just because your perception of the 'truth' is at variance with what John has known and experienced. What you perceive as science fiction or fantasy, may not be.

As Rik Riley says, "What you think isn't, is, and what you think is, isn't!" So it's up to you to sift fact from fiction.

And that's why we're here at ATS. To deny ignorance. The find the truth.


I defend Mr. Lear because I think he's a reasonable person and because he admits that many of his more esoteric theories are his speculation and can be taken or left at the listener's choice. That is the crux: presenting speculation as fact is where things go off the deep end.

[edit on 2/13/2007 by Togetic]

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh
Yeti, I think you are being a trifle prejudiced. I don't know much about sleeper, but look at the credibility of John Lear:

mike, I think you just might be the one with the blinders on here (respectfully, of course). I don't want to make this thread about Mr. Lear, nor am I calling into question his sanity but one's achievements are not a barometer to judge one's sanity.

John Nash for example is an esteemed math professor and nobel laureate who maintained many levels of delusions ranging from passive to very aggressive. No one questions the man's genius, but his delusions were simply that, delusions.

Who is to say that someone as qualified as Mr. Lear or John Nash in the practical sense isn't slightly lacking in the emotional or behavioral sense?

When judging the validity of someone's claims, don't be blinded by their resumes.


As for the amount of delusionals on this forum.. I think it goes without saying that a Conspiracy Theory forum will attract more delusional types than a gardening forum would. Its the nature of the beast, so to speak, that the delusional can fit in with the non-delusionals, and not only discuss their experiences, but find people to feed those delusions as well.

It would be a hard thing to judge, the exact number of delusionals, but if you find a way to sniff through them to the truth, drop me a u2u.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Celtibero
To tell you the truth, I have been reading about UFO's for the last 20 years, mainly books by serious researchers. I've been visiting this forum during one year, and it has swithched my views almost completely. I was a very strong believer (Group A-B), but now I realize that there's little, little truth in this field, and people is willing to believe anything. Afther 20 years studing the subject, I now know exactly the same as I knew when I started: nothing.

Your post reminded me so much of the late Terence Mckenna

UFO's are the most confusing idea in the realm of truth seeking. That is the ONLY thing we can state with absolute authority.

Reptillians and Greys... If you believe these are real beings who are involved with our governments, are controlling our planet etc, then i would call you delusional.

One idea that McKenna struck me with; What if UFO's are merely an expression of our own collective subconscious, as could be the case with crop circles? If we are all interconnected, and to the Earth, then maybe we are manifesting these things because we know subconciously the time has come to change, or that change is about to arrive

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 09:39 AM
Interesting thread.

what appears to occur is a self reinforcing group of people are drawn to each other, providing proof their ideas and suspicions are not alone.

Does Intelligent life exist on other planets...Mathematics and statistics say yes.

Are World leaders part of a Reptilian i do not beleive this can be substantiated. Nor do i buy into ( greys) interbreeding, or some alien war occuring between Nordics and greys or ( insert label or favorite star system here) attempting to enslave humanity as food, slaves, soul chasers or any other exotic theme that can be found in sci fi movies and books.

The Universe is vastly larger than can be comprehended. Life Exists, and may question itself just as we do. They may be sitting at their version of the internet having the same conversation of humans being the head of their Reptilian world, and how silly it sounds. But it would take hundreds of millions of years to travel from life bearing system to life bearing system.

David Icke strikes a chord, as does Mr. Lear. The theories are exotic beyond the rational and scientific. It is alice in wonderland, and the rabbit hole is a great place to be when pressures of everyday life bring stress. Are there deluded people...maybe, sometimes delusion can be a fun place for a few minutes.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 09:40 AM
There was a survey done on ATS regarding views of various matters, but can't find the results i find the search engine here an exercise in futility. Those results may shed some light on the subject.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 09:45 AM
I regard the OP this thread to be a valid question and in line with various other threads based loosely on the same topic. It's a good idea to evaluate the tendencies of a portion of the A&U forum towards fantastic claims.

But there's two 'buts' in this;

1) In who's opinion is a particular thread or member treading the 'light fantastic' and by who's standards are we to decide what is what? A short perusal of the back pages in this forum will uncover thread after thread asking the very same question, and yet, there is no resolution simply because we cannot use Occams Razor to definitively say that 'this' is a crock and 'that' is not. The only arbiter in this endeavor is critical thinking, research and debate... meaning that questionable assertations must run the course of member input. If staff were to be pro-active in rooting what 'we think' is fantasy or hoax, the first accusations would be towards us as acting to 'muzzle' members. ATS gets enough of that BS without giving the idea credibility by staff deleting threads or banning members on a 'gut feeling'.

The second 'but' is this;

The OP specified percentages, not individuals. The trend in this thread toward naming individual members and, in effect, talking about them behind their backs will cease immediately. This is low behaviour, IMO, and you would no doubt be very upset to find such a discussion going on about yourself if you happened to come across it. Let's have a bit of decorum. If you have a problem with a member, then work it out by U2U instead of a 'public hanging'.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 09:46 AM
we live in a tabloid newspaper world, where nobody even knows if the news is true. just read the newspaper and they are all filled with lies. why should anyone care who is going out with who, and if its true. its just made up bull.

no matter what people say on these boards, if i do not want to read it i don't. these people have a right to sit at there computers and write what they want, i do not know if its true, and certainly no one here knows either.

but truths are what the majority believe in this world, and the majority is often wrong. western civilisation used to believe that the earth was flat, anyone disagreeing with that would have been called a witch or mad, in those times.

i am here because i choose to want to hear about people of like mind, and people who like the subjects that i want to talk about, like everyone here.

even though i take the alien stuff with a grain of salt, i am interested in reading these, as they are just the same as reading a fiction novel or watching a sci if movie. so many sci fi movies have some basis in reality that they partly come to fact years later, so who knows what will come of the alien issue thing, and our conscious, in the future.

and if you are talking about conspiracies, conspiracies really do happen in the world everyday, its just that people like the thread starter use the term theory as well, to try to question the validity of the claim, does not make the conspiracy wrong, it just shows ignorance on that persons part.

[edit on 2/13/2007 by andy1033]

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Mechanic 32
In order for anyone to answer that question truthfully, they would have to have a degree in psychology, psychiatry or in a related field.

So I think this thread is pointless and will do nothing other than to stir up emotions here.

A degree in psychology why? Common sense is enough for me. Besides the OP says he wants our opinion. We are all intitled to that, not just the intellectual elite.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh

OK, lagos. Suppose I tell you that everybody on this site is a delusional crackpot (Except me!), what are you gonna do about it? Try and shut this site down?

Relax man. Get a glass of beer and enjoy the ride!!


If everybody was a delusional crackpot then ATS is serving a purpose keeping them off the streets.

As for a glass of beer. That may the answer to some of the topics and responses...Drink fueled delusion.

Perhaps there should also be a question "How many post(ers) are delusional by reason of drink and drugs

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 10:44 AM
It is my belief that vast majority are just looking to be led. Bring in a charismatic storyteller and there you have it. If it looks like a cultish movement and acts like a cultish movement, well....

1. Mentally ill: I do see a very small percentage to be delusional. If you look for the signs they are easily picked out.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 10:46 AM
75% of the posters here know that 89% of the content is 100% poo-poo. Of that 75%, 62% of them are having fun with it and the remaining 38% of them are drinking 5% beer.

25% of the posters here know that 11% of the content is 100% gospel. Of that 25%, 1% need help. The other 24% agrees that 2% milk is best on Total (TM) cereal.


I think that's it.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by jbondo
3. Independents: Those that try to keep an open mind and seldom support a point of view completely. Sometimes mistaken for a 5 or a 7 because they can lean pretty far in a direction while trying to untangle a story. These are the calmest people on the board and although they can be aggressive at times they most often are laid back and analytical. Independents may very well think for example that life exists off of the planet just due to the vastness of the universe. However, they still want to see some evidence.
Approx: 12%

5. The debunkers: They try to uncover hoaxes and tend not to believe too much. Usually cordial, they try not to offend for the most part. They may work a street with a 6 but not really in conjunction. They tend to have their own opinions and often uncover hoaxes with the help of number 3's. Most often they will zero in and get into exchanges with an OP via their often impeccable research. Debunkers are often accused of attacking; usually when they are getting close to exposing someone or something.
Approx: 20%

I agree with your analysis, although of course I think the numbers are probably different. But I don't understand quite the difference between these two groups quoted above: it is one of method or attitude, or both?

[edit on 2/13/2007 by Togetic]

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 11:07 AM
Honestly here is the correct percent of.........reality v. fantasy.

75% reality as in these people have a right mind

25% fantasy, they'll believe anything!...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 11:17 AM
jbondo, nice post

i also worry about the last group (hale-bopps') but i think the number 2s who try to lead or feed them knowingly false information are the most dangerous.

now i know ats would pride itself on having freedom of speech and let people make up their own mind but i think letting the number 2s run amok with no guidance is giving them a platform to recruit and potentialy abuse the number 8s. Judging by some of the posts on here theres quite a few kids who are quite frankly more gullable.

i really think ats admins should be more resposible and create a new section for these guys. Maybe a "far out theories" section or something.

If this goes unchecked i can see something tragic happening.

[edit on 13-2-2007 by yeti101]

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 11:18 AM
I came to ATS because I thought that it would be a valuable information source.

It is an information source but valuable?

There are so many dipsy doodle posts here that it is hard to sort wheat and chaff.

But ultimately what can you expect?
What has ATS contributed to any real world situation? Its virtual existence is proportional to its virtual affect on the world, IMHO.

To deny the status quo and seek an alternative view will always be counter the normal mindset, I suppose.

IMHO the fact is most of the outlandish ideas on here could not be aired out in the real world, not because of the administration, government or NWO assassinating the originators of that idea but because the general public would laugh them out of the pub

I have seen nothing on ATS that has changed my mind about anything.
What I find disturbing is that go against some crackpot idea on here and you are instantly a "sheeple" or some such.

I see no evidence for anything on here. Maybe my standards are too high.
I dont consider a dodgy picture or someone elses viewpoint evidence. It is a viewpoint, we are entitled to that. A conspiracy theorists viewpoint is not the truth or fact just because it goes against the status quo.

So although I am not medically qualified to assess delusion I am entitled to an opinion, based on experience and common sense. For example a neighbour years ago would answer her door with a noose round her neck asking you to strangle her. She was stopped from jumping onto a trainline from a set of ladders she had been carrying. I do mot hold any medical degree but experience tells me something was not quite right with that woman.

So in an ignorant, ordinary blokes point of view it is that my perception is that there is a variance forum to forum. In the Paranormal Forum I would say about 98% delusional. Aliens and UFOs 65% perhaps.

I think though, the biggest delusion of all is that if anyone here at ATS really believes that they can change the World talking Bull Poo on here.

I wait until the forums here seem busy, then I go out of my house, safe in the knowledge that the loonies are all indoors on thier computers and the streets are safe

I came here to ATS looking for info, I now come here for a laugh, its cheaper than the Comedy Club

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 11:24 AM
Though I am newer to ATS, I wish the UFO section was divided into two groups, "The Facts" and the "Well, Maybe".

The fanciful stories that cannot be verified should be off on their own. Now granted, how do I know that these people are not REALLY being abducted every other night? But there are no facts to prove it, (why don't these people put up vid cams all over their house and yards).

But there really WAS something seen by many over O'Hare, that should be in "The Facts" section.

The problem is when new people come to this forum to look for real info from intelligent people on the UFO phenomenon, they are either brickwalled by people who are having half-grey children and prey to the reptilians for help, or they come with real info and are rudely debunked into the ground. Or they run into an arse on the board.

I know that the owners mean well for this forum and it is the best there is. I think it will get better in time.

Originally posted by cainey
I agree.
The "I prayed to the reptilians" post is a prime example.
I'm finding that I'm skipping more and more topics as I know there is little in there worth reading.

How many threads are really worth reading, you are so right. The fanciful are not getting any of my time until I see some real facts to back them up. And the vids of tiny lights moving in the sky miles away and small smudges on pics are hardly worth looking into.

Originally posted by Burginthorn
This is where the frustration starts.

As good as ATS is, you will come across many a topic/thread that leaves you shaking your head at its nonsense. And that can be frustrating because myself included, I take finding the truth VERY seriously. Main media feeds us all sorts of nonsense day in day out. And sites like ATS are the difference between blind media feed sheep, and actually getting some unbiased information that has been laid out so you can research it for yourself.

I too get frustrated in my quest sometimes, when I read some of the threads posted.
But on a whole, this place will continue to be a daily stop to check out whats what in the world we live in.

I so agree!

Originally posted by Celtibero
To tell you the truth, I have been reading about UFO's for the last 20 years, mainly books by serious researchers. I've been visiting this forum during one year, and it has swithched my views almost completely. I was a very strong believer (Group A-B), but now I realize that there's little, little truth in this field, and people is willing to believe anything. Afther 20 years studing the subject, I now know exactly the same as I knew when I started: nothing.

Exactly! I was raised in a very religious family, I did not feel I found the facts in what was presented there. It was all based on hope, 'just believe'. There are many facts that make me believe UFOs are real. The Disclosure Project is what really made me take it seriously and brought me here. But now I read the Greer is a loon also, doh!

Originally posted by something smells
I came to ATS because I thought that it would be a valuable information source.

It is an information source but valuable?

There are so many dipsy doodle posts here that it is hard to sort wheat and chaff.

I have seen nothing on ATS that has changed my mind about anything.
What I find disturbing is that go against some crackpot idea on here and you are instantly a "sheeple" or some such.

I see no evidence for anything on here. Maybe my standards are too high.
I dont consider a dodgy picture or someone elses viewpoint evidence. It is a viewpoint, we are entitled to that. A conspiracy theorists viewpoint is not the truth or fact just because it goes against the status quo.

I wait until the forums here seem busy, then I go out of my house, safe in the knowledge that the loonies are all indoors on thier computers and the streets are safe

Great post, thanks!

[edit on 13-2-2007 by MiahX]

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 11:36 AM
Because of the above, I also think that the fancifuls make up the majority, posting on ATS often.

The majority of intelligent people visiting ATS are either lurkers or post less often.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 11:38 AM
miahx & something smells- great posts guys.

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