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Are our dreams a gateway to another dimension?

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posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 09:48 PM
First off, thanks goes to Reaganero.

During a discussion in another thread (found HERE ), An interesting sub-topic popped up. Rather than take this discussion private, I thought i'd put it up to see what everyone else has to say about it.

time itself is just a manmade concept and we can somehow drift in and out given unique situations. just look at the research done on lsd. i don't condone that drug use but it does free the mind of time. or maybe in dreams you have a bit of dimension jumping and experience the lives of others? we all know dreams can be so real you can't tell if you're awake or asleep.

Could our dreams be a connection to a "spiritual hub" of sorts? The concept of time is a highly controversial one, while it has been explained during our waking hours, can it apply to our subconcious as well? Can our dreams, while sometimes don't make sense, really provide a look into another dimension of reality? Perhaps another spiritual plane?

What do you think? I'm undecided at this point, but I am intruiged.

[edit on 23-1-2007 by Kingalbrect79]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 09:55 PM
Well its strange. Anyone whose read my topics knows Im a skeptic. But there are some things that are iffy. When I was a kid I would focus on a dream I had: almost all my dreams consisted of me with super powers. Then I'd focus on that same feeling while awake (the power being telepathy) and for like 20 second intervals I could control the way my puppy moved.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 10:17 PM
More often than not, in the past 6 months, I have dreams that I am not myself. People that I don't know, places I've never been. I believed for a long time that dreams are merely extensions of you, your subconscious thought, I am questioning now reincarnation and a possible ability to 'see' someone else's life. Some of the dreams are clearly not from this time, while others clearly are.

When my dreams are of me, it seems as though they are not in present time, but a time and place in the near future, the people I know are older, etc.

I do believe that a connection to a 'spiritual hub' is indeed possible.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 10:49 PM
Another thought sky, would be that our dreams, or your dreams in this case, may have extensions to your past lives??

Maybe these older versions of yourself are not necessarily of you in the future, but maybe you in the past?

Could this hub be connecting you to alternate versions of yourself?

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 11:08 PM
King what do you think of my experience?

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 11:13 PM
It's a lot to think about and seriously consider, especially since it just began within the past 6 months.

So you are saying, Kingalbrect, that I am possibly seeing me, older, from the past...not me, older, in the future?

Now I have to consider if that older version of me, in the past is trying to tell me something.


An alternate me all together, possibly in the same time but not the same plane of existence.

Another thing, after thinking about RobotFires post, there are times when I wake up from 'flying' and I still feel the way I did while in flight. The flying occurs when I am dreaming about being someone else. What makes the flying part all the more strange to me is that I am deathly afraid of heights, to the point where I get sick if I get to close to the upper level railing at the mall. That fear does not exist in my dreams.

Honestly, I've never put all that much thought into it until this post. If anyone has links or info on this or something similar, I'd appreciate it.

One other thing about RobotFires post.....was it only as a child that this occurred? If so, do you think that it is because a child is more open to the power their brain, while as adults we 'lose' it due to conditioning?

[edit on 23-1-2007 by sky1]

[edit on 23-1-2007 by sky1]

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 11:35 PM
I think there is something we do lose as adults what it is I cannot say. I think if I tried really hard I could do it again. But for now I'm just going to take it as a coincidence.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by RobotFire
I think there is something we do lose as adults what it is I cannot say.

(first off, thanks king for the cred and the thread)

well, as we get older we dream less and in fact elderly don't dream at all. so, we do lose something. i often wonder if there's any physical counterpart that is effected from the lack of dreaming. ie..memory loss, or on the extreme side maybe people do things in the waking life because they can't dream release them (like serial killers killing because they aren't killing enough in their dreams).

i'd still like to understand what dimension we're in while dreaming. because very rarely do i dream of being anywhere other than earth. actually i can't think of any dream where i'm not somewhere on earth. but time never seems to be an issue. instead time in dreams seems infinite. what couldn't we experience in a dimension where time wasn't at play? who or what couldn't we be?

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by reaganero

Originally posted by RobotFire
I think there is something we do lose as adults what it is I cannot say.

well, as we get older we dream less and in fact elderly don't dream at all.

What makes you think that? My grandparents (and even great grandmother) tell me of their dreams all the time. They still have incredibley vivid dreams just as they did when they were younger.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 09:00 AM
sorry, i guess i meant REM sleep.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 10:32 AM
Elderly folk do dream but it may be that they don't awaken as often or as fully (during the night) as when younger, which would interfere with their remembrance of their dreams. In sleep laboratories, they awaken subjects and question them about the dream they were just having.

It's advised (when keeping a dream-diary) to set an alarm clock to awaken you at intervals. When awakened, you will remember the dreams you had or were still having until interrupted by the clock, at which point you are able to write down the dream and return to sleep.

Many people who claim: ' I never dream/I never remember my dreams' find that they DO dream AND can remember their dreams if they're awakened for some reason.

Some older people have told me that for long periods during the day, they enter a kind of waking-dream state, or reverie, during which they very vividly remember highly detailed incidents from their past. This can continue, apparently, for several hours each day. A woman in her 80s told me that this has been an unsuspected pleasure of old age. She said this pastime now occupies the larger part of her days and is 'wonderful'. It sounded to me as if she were almost 'straddling' the divide between life and death, in preparation for physical-death proper.

I also suspected (based on her descriptions of these reveries) that her deceased friends and loved-ones may have been gently 'easing' her from life to death.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Kingalbrect79
Could our dreams be a connection to a "spiritual hub" of sorts? The concept of time is a highly controversial one, while it has been explained during our waking hours, can it apply to our subconcious as well? Can our dreams, while sometimes don't make sense, really provide a look into another dimension of reality? Perhaps another spiritual plane?

What do you think? I'm undecided at this point, but I am intruiged.

[edit on 23-1-2007 by Kingalbrect79]

Oh god I hope not, cause if that is true mine leads to the dorway to hell's nightmares.

I have dreams that are so horrible I hate to sleep at night. So if your theory is correct my subconcience gateway has found a demention that hell itself would be afraid to go.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 11:08 AM
Sorry Robotfire for passing up your post, It was late, and I just posted a quick reply....

As far as waking control of dream powers, that is a new one to me, but it sounds very intruiging. The subconcious mind is a very mysterious and very powerful thing. We have to only think of something we want bad enough, and most times, through concentration and meditation, we can acheive it. Can you elaborate on how you felt when you had this occurance, how old you were, and were you aware of your surroundings?

Were you in that "between dream and sleep" state?

So you are saying, Kingalbrect, that I am possibly seeing me, older, from the past...not me, older, in the future?

This is very likely, can you recall your surroundings? What were you doing at the time? Were you working on a teleportation pad or churning butter on a farm...this could very well be your biggest clue as to what time period these contacts could be from.

Another thing, after thinking about RobotFires post, there are times when I wake up from 'flying' and I still feel the way I did while in flight. The flying occurs when I am dreaming about being someone else. What makes the flying part all the more strange to me is that I am deathly afraid of heights, to the point where I get sick if I get to close to the upper level railing at the mall. That fear does not exist in my dreams.

I too have had a dream like this. I have had a strange event happen in several of my dreams, although not recently. I will start out running down a hill at normal speed, from what, I don't know, it's not out of fear, just to see how fast I can run. I then begin to take longer and longer strides, until I am almost levitating in a run. (If that makes sense) I then begin to run in this manner faster and faster, covering up to hundreds of yards of ground between the time my feet hit the ground. My feet only have to lightly touch the ground, as if to "skip" across the ground. I'm still not sure what this means, but it is along the same lines as your dream, and I too am not a big fan of heights. I can take a ladder, a balcony, but not fire escapes or rooftops, even 1 story high. Any opinions on this?

Reaganero and Nyk537 are both right on the dreams during our lifetime. Children are more in-tune with the supernatural, spiritual, and I would think even their true selves. As we grow up, we tend to drift away from this awareness, though some do retain this ability to connect. Adults can still dream, based on what is going on in their life, and what they should be doing, I consider these "coincidences" as messages that you are doing as you are supposed to, learning what lesson you were meant to learn, or a warning of what you should be doing if you are goofing up.

It is very possible to have dreams later in life, proven fact, ask any older person to recall the last dream they had, however, due to the deterioration of the mind with age, they are not as frequent, nor do they hold as much meaning.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 11:15 AM
Whatukno, would you care to elaborate on these dreams of yours? It could offer some insight as to what you might be able to do something about it. It could be a message to you, or from you, depending on how you look at it.

Are these dreams violent? Or are they just flashes of random frightening occurences?

Sometimes the subconcious mind sends messages to us through our dreams and the concious mind has difficulty interpreting them into a way that is reasonably linked to reality. Is it possible that these frightening dreams could be past life occurences, maybe a horrible end to one unfortunate life?

My brother had this happen. He had a past life regression, and his daughter and his wife are directly linked to him through this past life. In the past life, he and his now daughter burned to death in a fire to which he was trying to save her. Her spirit came back as his daughter due to this event.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 11:16 AM
I think for the most part and for most people the dreams we have are just a mish mash of processing the mundane data collected during the day and our subconscious dealing with our fears and hopes. I do though think the state of consciousness we are in at the time might be very close to what we think of as a transcendental state and at times it can blend into that and takes us beyond the material world maybe into other dimensions too. I've read often that a supposed afterlife state, while being essentially real is made up of an imaginal element whereby what we perceive and experience is interpreted through our own memories, experiences and cultural axioms, so that one person might see Buddah, another Christ, a heavenly realm of feilds and flowers or a feeling of being a part of the universe. I believe the dream state might be one of the closes, accesible and informative areas we have with regards to what other dimensions are like and how they operate.

[edit on 24-1-2007 by ubermunche]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 11:30 AM

Are our dreams a gateway to another dimension?

In my case, SOME dreams certainly hint at occurring in another dimension or in an alternate reality.

It may be that ALL dreams qualify for the other-dimensional description, be they precognitive, shared, recurring or even 'ordinary' dreams.

There's one set of dreams I've been having for years now and they take place in a specific location and are peopled by the same group.

I've grown to know this particular dream locality and those who inhabit it.

Those with more than a passing interest in dreams will know what I mean when I say these particular dreams all have a certain 'feel' or atmosphere, in the same way you would be able to recognize your old school or house, even decades after you last went there.

When I wake up after one of these dreams, it's quite a tug, having to leave 'that world' behind and accept I'm back in 'this' world. Not that anything particularly momentous occurs in the dream-location. It looks virtually the same as 'this' world. The people in the other place look and behave like people in this world. The other place is well-ordered and logical. There's none of the usual 'mixed-upness' that occurs in ordinary dreams. Basically, I go somewhere else occasionally when I'm asleep and when I wake up, I KNOW I've been to someplace that DOES exist, be it a parallel reality or other dimension or whatever.

I REALLY like being in the other-place, although when I'm there, it feels just ordinary and natural. It's only after I wake up that I suffer a sense of loss.

I'm just an ordinary person in the other place. It's not as if while I'm there I'm rich or important or privileged. And the other place poses at least as many problems and anxieties as I have in this 'real' world.

It's just that I feel 'right' and at home in the other place, far more than I do in my real life. Although I'm only aware of it after I wake up.

It's possible, I suppose, that we lead more than one 'life' at a time, without being consciously aware of it. That's how it seems to me anyway.

If true, it might mean that our Mind receives information from one, two, or seven or more 'brains' (each residing in a body) simultaneously. Each body and its brain would be unaware (for the most part) that the other bodies-brains-lives exist.

Occasionally, there could be leak-through from one brain to the next and this might account for people who claim they are 'picking up' thoughts, emotions etc. from 'someone else' or from several someones. Could this go some way to explaining multiple-personalities or perhaps schizophrenia?

Scientists still don't know WHY we need to sleep and/or dream. There are numerous theories, but no one specific proven explanation.

Perhaps the multiple-simultaneous-lives theory is the reason we dream?

We know where the brain is located and science claims to have mapped out the functions of many of the different areas of brain.

NO ONE knows where the Mind is though. It could be a receiving-station hovering over our heads ------- OR it could be hovering ten miles out in Space.

If we imagine our Minds hovering out-there somewhere, then it's perfectly feasible that ( like a telephone switchboard ) it's receiving data from several brains simultaneously, with each individual brain being located in widely separated physical bodies.

One body (and its brain) may be five years old and reside in Sri Lanka. Another body-brain may be 75 years old and reside in Alaska. Yet another body-brain may be ageless and reside on a distant planet OR within an entirely different dimension OR in the long-gone PAST ------ or far FUTURE ! All transmitting to one particular Mind.

It may also be that the numerous individual Minds (each catering to numerous brains which reside in individual bodies) function NOT ONLY as 'receivers', but ALSO as 'transmitters'.

A basic computer could easily handle the task and I'm confident Minds can, also.

* IF * so, it could explain PRECOGNITION ----- and Reincarnation. And more (such as 'flashes of brilliance', prodigies, 'hunches', genius, simultaneous-discoveries, shared-dreams, etc). And it would certainly explain our dreams and belief in multiple dimensions.

Were we to take this as step further, we see that all the individual Minds (each receiving and transmitting to numerous brains in different bodies) may THEMSELVES link-up or transmit/receive to/from things superior to Minds -- a series of Super-Minds, say.

And this Network may ultimately connect with what we call God.

If so we would, as they say, all be connected, all part of the One.

Of course, this seemingly enormous network may be only the size of a pin-head within something unimaginably profound.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 11:32 AM

Can you elaborate on how you felt when you had this occurance, how old you were, and were you aware of your surroundings?

I felt almost as though I was "summoning the dream" I tried to picture myself there and the feeling. The feeling mainly. I was 19. I was wide awake when it happened, down in my living room.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 11:32 AM
what about the idea of being free of time (in your mind) in a dream state? what does that mean a person has the ability to do?

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 11:57 AM
First off, Kudos to you Dock6 for that very insightful post, you beat me to a thought...but not by much...

With this multiple-mind theory, could it be reasonable, yet rational that our dreams are somehow a connection to another life, whether it be in another body/time/dimension, and that this dream is in fact the day-to-day life of this other life? This of course would make our life nothing but a dream to yourself/someone else?

I felt almost as though I was "summoning the dream" I tried to picture myself there and the feeling. The feeling mainly. I was 19. I was wide awake when it happened, down in my living room.

That would be your immediate surroundings, I am speaking more of a little broader than that. Can you think of anything around you in this room that is out of the ordinary, say funny-looking furnature or futuristic table-top gadgets? How old are you now? That alone could be a clue as to when/where this dream might take place.

It's just that I feel 'right' and at home in the other place, far more than I do in my real life. Although I'm only aware of it after I wake up.

This could be very similar to an OOBE, (Out of body experience) to which you actually do leave your body to visit another dimension. This could be very much like the REAL feeling you get when you are there, and the impact it has on you when you return.

what about the idea of being free of time (in your mind) in a dream state? what does that mean a person has the ability to do?

Well, it's proven fact that the body slows to almost a stop when we sleep, as the mind is still working at 100%, reguardless of whether you know it or not. I suppose it would also be very likely that the mind can "travel" at 100% while the world in which we are asleep is moving by at 10.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 12:11 PM
Its interesting that the idea of halluncinogenics has been brought up in the original post.

There is speculation that a neurotransmitter known as '___' (Dimethyltryptamine) is present in small amounts in the human and animal brains.

It is also speculated that '___' is responsible for dreams or near death experiances.

Which in a substancive way makes sense seeing as using external forms of this drug can send the user into what people call "alternate realities" that interact with our current one.

Unfortunatly no conclusive data is available to say one way or the other. Science it seems, is sitting on the fence with this one...

As for the issue of time and dreaming: As previously states, time is man made. I personally have manipulated time in some Lucid Dreams, moving forward or backward in the dream with relative acuracy. Or then theres always those bad dreams where i get stuck in slow motion while everything around me remains in normal time...i think those are common dreams among others aswell...

A side note, while on '___' or other direvatives, the concept of time is completely unimportant to a person, which is interesting and often correlates with great amounts of concentration on specific objects or aspects of altering reality that lyes before the user.

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