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"If you could ask a time traveler a question what would you ask?"

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posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by win 52
OTD, do you have any info to help me find more about this? Do you think it works as good as The Govt. believes it does?

it's more complex than it sounds.
you might have a knack for it though.
try this

there is alot of info there.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 05:10 PM
Thanks guys....I have started to read this information. It is like a whole new world is opening up for me. The things they say, the things they believe in. WOW!!!

You see, I can understand the military taking matters into their own hands. If there was full disclosure of all the problems, and all the proposed solutions, do you really think it would help any of us? I suggest the answer is probably not. It would just complicate matters further.

But deep down I do feel that everyone should know these things, or else I would not be talking with you. The essential message I want to leave with is that I do actually hope and want to believe that we as a people can handle all this, but sometimes I wake up in the morning and doubt it, but deep down I want people to know the important things that have been kept from us all. But sometimes I do wonder. You don’t know what I haven't told you.


On 27 September, three weeks after the initial meetings, and after we had strongly urged him to view the three part Dan Burisch video interview on the Project Camelot website, we received the following e-mail. It is quoted verbatim and in its entirety.

Dan Burisch is telling the whole truth.

I confirm this.

timelines and all

best wishes

I have a lump in my throat, because it is all starting to make sense to me. The things I have seen, the places I have been, which I thought was a dream...a sick twisted dream, it's all's all true.... had better crawl back under your know what I am talking about.

Renato, I havn't seen you, that I can remember, but the things you talk about, I have seen. I take my hat off to you and what you are doing...It is all true, with some minor edits on details, it's true people.

This is serious disclosure, and if people want to make light of what has been done in the name of science, that crap has to stop. The next a**hole that comes along demanding scientific evidence is going to get some of their own bad medicine.

I am very much a non violent person, at the moment I would advise people not to provoke me....I am seething. I very much did see people responsible for these things shooting themselves in their heads, because of what they did and not being able to look people in the eyes from shame......


This will be the reaction of non violent citizens that you have been keeping under the heel of opression, in the name of, for their own good, science, technology, control, and what ever other name you want to call it.

I am ashaimed to be human....we all deserve to be extinct, the ones who did this and us for letting it happen.

I am not crazy, it is just remote viewing without government approval.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 05:14 PM
hello, win52

is there a thread regarding your experiences and the info you've received thus far or are you considering to make one when you connect some more dots?
i for one would like to read more so thanks if you can show me the direction.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 05:31 PM
sorry lledo, I have not started a thread in ATS yet. I do have some 200+ posts in here, with a lot of info in them.

I never intended to boast about myself, I just wanted to try and make sense of what I have been seeing.

I have started to collect these posts in word. I did delete a few threads and am not sure how to find all of my posts, if that is even possible?

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 05:38 PM
well i was just thinking perhaps you might like to tell your story in a thread of its own, moreso as you mentioned visiting places with the audible voice taking form.
i'll keep one eye open in case you do or simply read more of your older posts,

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 05:48 PM
Ok....I also have abnormal features in my physical make up. My brother has the same ones. We are sweeds, and I wonder if these things may be why both of us have these abilities. He is more advanced than me, because I have been denying it.

They found these during MRI's of my body in 2005. The Dr's were not sure what to disclose to me about what this was all about.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 06:25 PM
Thank you for sharing your experiences. It's clear to me that your experiences are very real.

First, you can find all of your posts by either clicking on the "find posts" button at the bottom of your post in this thread, you can do a "Search Members" search, type in your name and click "Search all posts", or you can go to this LINK. I clicked "find posts" at the bottom of your post.

The same revelations that you are having, Renato is having as well. He comes across information and it brings up crystal clear memories.

Other memories simply surfaced on their own (all beginning in 1997) and some of these memories were torture that he endured at the hands of the same people you are speaking of, who he calls the "controllers".

Whoever they are, just walking around knowing - "knowing" - that these people could help so many human beings that are suffering, and who have done so much worse for these programs has to outrage you.

I am outraged at what I have researched and found. It is the worst possible injustice and offense against humanity you can imagine.

You're absolutely right that there is nothing here to make light of. In Renato's words, these people are going to pay.

You seem to have visions of how this will occur for some of them,

I very much did see people responsible for these things shooting themselves in their heads, because of what they did and not being able to look people in the eyes from shame......

You also indicated the "civil unrest" that Renato sees as occurring when these events come to pass, and this means the concert, and the mass landing,


This will be the reaction of non violent citizens that you have been keeping under the heel of opression, in the name of, for their own good, science, technology, control, and what ever other name you want to call it.

Renato remembers experiencing people taking individuals into the street and killing them. It is not going to be a pretty picture.

Further, you said,

I am ashaimed to be human....we all deserve to be extinct, the ones who did this and us for letting it happen.

This is coming from the heart. It's an outrage that reaches down into your soul and I share it with you win.

They said Jesus died for our sins, but if we were allowed to continue in the manner we are, or to choose to have our race extinguished for what has gone on, I wonder what choice people would make when they find out exactly what has been going on.

Soon enough people will find out precisely what has been going on, and everyone will have a choice what to do with this planet.

But the people behind the scenes who let all of this stuff happen will be held accountable.

Renato sees a lot of them defecting and walking out. For those individuals, I hope that's enough. For those that remain, bad things are going to happen.

[edit on 8-3-2007 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 8-3-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 08:41 PM
This has been a very interesting thread

I was wondering when you go on these time travel missions do you ever recall what happens or is it erased from memory?

Do you know if all of the races ever come to peace in any of the time lines?

Do homosexuals ever get the same rights of everyone else in the United States?

If someone was interested in volunteering, is there any way that they could speak to someone to answer questions before doing so?

[edit on 8-3-2007 by CORTARA]

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 09:03 PM
Wow. alot of ideas, so many things to ask, and I don't know where to start....

First off, I have volunteered, as a skeptic, I am at this point completely neutral and on the barb-wire ropes so to speak, but I have a few questions I'd like to ask TD. Keep in mind I'm not being negative or attacking you in any way. Just curious questions and constructive critisizm.

After reading through a good portion of your pdf book, a couple points and counter points came to my attention:

1. Grammer, no offense, but that has to be the longest run-on sentence structure in the history of the english language, and at times is very very difficult to decypher, or even read. Ever thought about a revised version with Word?

2. In reading a good portion of your book, you claim to have traveled to california, picked up Mel gibson and a film crew (with relative ease considering you were getting into a flying disc), and proceeded to travel back to the crusifiction (spelling?), to where you claim to have helped Jesus with his cross thereby adding yoruself into history and the bible.
Would you care to elaborate on this event, maybe more of what was said between you and your "gun weilding guard alien friends" after you broke protocol?

3. You controdicted yourself by saying that in a conversation with Ben and his alien counterparts, that they did not believe in a "God" (neither do I for that matter), and yet they specifically have you travel back to THE pivitol event in Spiritual history? Why?

4. Back in the beginning pages of this thread, a poster asked you a specific question, and you kind of diverted him, and I would ask the same question of you, mostly because I am as curious of It as he.
He said: "After the colossal contact we are supposed to have, will there be alien races or modified human races living with us on earth and interacting as normal? Much like the suburbs and the ghetto (no offense to anyone on that)
You said: "After the contact event, ET's will be know to everyone (something of that nature...couldn't find the post)
This is still a valid question, will they or won't they live together with us in the open, not in underground bases and government facilities?

5. With the coming event in the skies of overwhelming alien races showing themselves, and the systematic march away from power of our government officials, how long do we remain without leadership? When will this governing council come to pass? And of what members are the council comprised of?

6. What is the purpose in the future for these body modifications that you speak of? The ones where humans just add arms, or even wings to thier bodies. For what physical purpose are these body upgrades necessary?

7. Based on your experience and contact with these ET's, which theory is the correct one, Evolution, or Creationalism? (One or the other please, no vague answer)

8. Did humans exsist on this planet as an advanced race before, and either have one extinction event already, or just decided to leave? (ala Atlantis, Egyptian pyramids, 7 Wonders, etc.) Or are we the inagural hundred thousand year flower pot of the universal garden?

9. Would you care to elaborate more on this Halo that is supposed to surround the earth in the future? When is it created, installed, and what is it's purpose? Why would the earth need a cloaking device? Are we being hunted?

10. Considering you say that our brains are harddrives, is there anything you can tell us now to unlock some of our hidden abilities? Telepathy for example?
--This seems to be the universal way to communicate--

11. How is it exactly that humans are supposed to be able to breathe in space without a suit?

12. Why timetravel outside of global events/catastrophies, wouldn't that create too many possibilities for a new disaster to arise in place of the one you just "fixed"?

13. Are your memories of your travels in chronological order, or are they jumbled about indiscriminantly?

14. How can you post answers to most of these questions if you only remember snippits of your experiences?

Again please don't take offense to anything I've questioned you on, but I'm sure there will be more questions once I **Grimace**, work my way through the rest of the book.

It is great in some parts, although really non-desriptive, and it seems in the next part of the sentence, you drift off into pot-enhanced sex with alien lizards. It's really hard to be convinced, nor denied at the same time. If it is a story, you have the makings of a very intruiging tale, if it's real, then I can't wait for the coming of the ships bringing galactic peace to this war-raged and greed mongering planet.

Either way, I hope your motives are positive, and this isn't a hoax. If you truly are trying to bring people together and bring about a new peacful co-exsistance, then more power to you, and I'll be there right beside you, if not, well.......

More to come pending answers...


[edit on 8-3-2007 by Kingalbrect79]

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 09:44 PM
I'm glad you've found this stuff interesting. I will tell you that it's not only interesting, it's real.

Even if you are hard pressed to believe TD's story, what is happening on this planet on a larger scale is very real.

There are massive changes around the corner. All of the strangeness has a purpose. Everything that seems to have sprung from nowhere, and doesn't seem to make sense is all actually part of a larger picture that is unfolding before our eyes. And we are heading toward an apex.

I am not TD (Renato), but I have, with his OK, been responding to questions as best as I can right along with him.

You asked,

...when you go on these time travel missions do you ever recall what happens or is it erased from memory?

From here on out, as far as I know, if you use this technology you should remember everything. You have the option of erasing all or part of your memory, however, if you so choose. So this means yes, you will recall everything. This is my understanding. Renato (TD) can correct me if I'm wrong.

In the past, for various reasons, individual's experiences were often erased/wiped. This was done, for example, if recalling the events would upset the individual, or prevent the individual from taking certain, necessary actions on his timeline in the manner and order that they needed to naturally unfold. This is a simplification, but it's the right idea.

Most if not all abductees have a form of memory erasure. But by the time all of this comes to pass, as I understand it, there will not be a need to erase or wipe memories of your travels unless you wish to do so. If that is done, you always have the option of getting them back.

As Renato explained it to me, you can upload or download your memories/experiences, much like you would a computer hard drive. You can also download other people's memories that have been stored in a similar manner. The things we are going to be able to do are absolutely astounding. This really is a fantastic place when it operates as a free and open system.

You asked,

Do you know if all of the races ever come to peace in any of the time lines?

This is definitely a Renato question. This can, to some extent, be answered by yourself. Imagine a free and open community, where everyone is provided for.

Imagine not having to work 60 hour work weeks, but instead a one or two day work week doing something for your community that you immediately see the results of. The rest of the time, imagine traveling to different planets, time traveling, or just taking a 10 minute trip to the other side of our planet.

Imagine not having the need for money, or government. Not living in fear, but living in a completely open, nurturing and "connected" society; a society that doesn't exploit its citizens, or trample their god-given freedoms, or oppress thought, or the free exchange of ideas.

Are you starting to get the picture? How would this future affect the way you treated other people? Would you be more relaxed, happy and open? I say yes. And soon, we will not only have our own races here to try to understand and live in harmony with. We live in a big neighborhood.

With regard to prejudice and fear, if you could really look inside yourself and see where your hatred and fear come from, you would see that mirrored in every other human being on this planet. We are exactly the same, and these separatist emotions stem from the same place.

There is a saying I recall, it goes something like this, "Vanquish the enemy in yourself, and you instantly vanquish all enemies." Eliminate the need to fight and kill in yourself, understand it, and you will instantly eradicate every enemy. There are no enemies left, only brothers. Only reflections of yourself.

When you take away the struggle for survival, the fear of loss, the loneliness, the depravation and poverty, and replace it with abundance, care, openness, truth, and compassion, then the fear and hatred eventually fall away and reveal our true nature. Our true nature is not war and hate.

The majority of people on this planet don't want war. We don't want our military going to other countries with tanks and guns and killing people. This is an aberration.

I will tell you, now that I've said that, that Iraqi citizens would love to drive tanks out here and kill Americans. And I don't blame them. I don't blame them at all. If you read soldiers' accounts of what has been done to Iraqi women and children you would be so ashamed of your own government you would offer your life to those poor people. You cannot have a heart and not have those things affect you.

Our government has been killing, beating, raping, and terrorizing civilians in other countries for decades. This is unconscionable and it must stop. My soul aches for the atrocities our government has perpetrated in other countries. And just because a facade of Democracy exists in this country does not mean that we have any say in what our government does anymore, and certainly does not mean we condone the inhuman things they are doing.

The citizens of the United States have become targets of this government's agenda, and we are having our rights taken away, and our voices silenced. We are impotent, and our representatives have stepped in line with our government's agenda. The only power we have left rests with information. The truth. And getting that out to as many people as possible is the greatest thing we can do. Second to that, is to ask in our hearts for forgiveness from whatever god you pray to. And forgiveness from those our government has tortured and abused in our name.

You asked,

Do homosexuals ever get the same rights of everyone else in the United States?

Renato actually made it very clear that homosexuality is alive, well, and very much accepted in the future. There are actually a good number of people, from what he's told me, that switch genders like switching clothes. There is nanotechnology that allows us to do this and much more. So the answer is a definite yes.


If someone was interested in volunteering, is there any way that they could speak to someone to answer questions before doing so?

As I understand it, you will be contacted, and at that time the situation will be explained to you. Basically, the contact will confirm the reality of the situation to you; a sort of debriefing.

I don't know the specifics, but you may be given a chance to back out at that point. If you decide to proceed, I believe you will be offered a number of missions from which to choose. Nothing is kept from you. Everything is up front - risks and all.

Also, nothing is forced upon you. Everything you and your friends do is driven by a desire to help our race. This is not the military. You will also have the option to pass entirely. It is all a matter of choice. Everyone will have a choice.

However, you will have to wait until you are contacted to get answers about that time frame and what is specifically involved. All Renato knows at this point is that he is looking for volunteers.

There is more he can probably tell you, but if you're looking for information about your situation specifically, like when it will happen and what missions will be offered you may have to wait until you are contacted. He can, however, give you plenty of examples of the types of missions, etc.

He actually has memories of people he's just met being on some of the missions. He's had friends he's just acquired now (2007) visit him when he was younger, but wasn't able to make the connection until he saw these people within the last year or so. Basically, future versions of his friends now have visited Renato when he was younger...

CORTARA, thank you for your questions!! Renato will probably hop on soon and answer, but I wanted to offer up what I could.

Feel free to ask more. Thank you for your contribution to the discussion.


posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 09:50 PM
Thank you very much for the excellent questions!! Fantastic!

Renato may have to get these on his own.

Your questions are very good and not offensive. You did your reading. LOL

You're putting the screws to him now. He's got a lot of typing to do, and I know he's kind of slow at it LOL

(joking, TD haha)

Thanks again. Let's see where it goes...

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 10:01 PM
Thank you for your answers

If you wanted to be contacted do you know if you could be contacted by email for awhile, I am very interested in volunteering, but do not want to give out my address or number?

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 10:02 PM
Win 52, I think I did meet jesus for a reason, I believe. and thanks again for all your input here! rock on young man!

Craquer and any other doubters, I could care less of your opinion!!
and the IRS place I went to was referred to as mantauk within the office, so if exit 52 is not right, than maybe I stand corrected but never the less I experienced a loss of time once there, and kiss off, you should be banned, get off your high horse you hater, I did not ask for your or anyones belief here so kiss off and since this is a circus show to you, thanks for participating, nice clown suit.

JSR, sorry I misinterpreted what you said, no I did not see any "pros" for help.

Originally posted by CORTARA
This has been a very interesting thread

1) I was wondering when you go on these time travel missions do you ever recall what happens or is it erased from memory?

2) Do you know if all of the races ever come to peace in any of the time lines?

3) Do homosexuals ever get the same rights of everyone else in the United States?

4) If someone was interested in volunteering, is there any way that they could speak to someone to answer questions before doing so?

[edit on 8-3-2007 by CORTARA]

1) both, the memories seem to be resurfacing now little by little.
2)yes they do in the near future
3)of course
4)no, roll the dice, there is always the option to refuse.

[edit on 8-3-2007 by timedrifter]

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Kingalbrect79
Wow. alot of ideas, so many things to ask, and I don't know where to start....

First off, I have volunteered, as a skeptic, I am at this point completely neutral and on the barb-wire ropes so to speak, but I have a few questions I'd like to ask TD. Keep in mind I'm not being negative or attacking you in any way. Just curious questions and constructive critisizm.

After reading through a good portion of your pdf book, a couple points and counter points came to my attention:

Again please don't take offense to anything I've questioned you on, but I'm sure there will be more questions once I **Grimace**, work my way through the rest of the book.

It is great in some parts, although really non-desriptive, and it seems in the next part of the sentence, you drift off into pot-enhanced sex with alien lizards. It's really hard to be convinced, nor denied at the same time. If it is a story, you have the makings of a very intruiging tale, if it's real, then I can't wait for the coming of the ships bringing galactic peace to this war-raged and greed mongering planet.

Either way, I hope your motives are positive, and this isn't a hoax. If you truly are trying to bring people together and bring about a new peacful co-exsistance, then more power to you, and I'll be there right beside you, if not, well.......

More to come pending answers...

[edit on 8-3-2007 by Kingalbrect79]

1)I agree, onthedeck will be co-authoring the next version! LOL which will be free of course.
2)well I did cover this in interviews with onthedeck, but I carried the cross a bit and spit at people spitting at jesus and when he was hanging on the cross I went to touch him and I was taken from there. this is when I was 18 or 19 years old on my timeline.
3)cause jesus was real and his crucifixion was a hologram and the controllers took the event and twisted it, the bible(s) was a guide book(s) that were edited into control book(s). I believe they mean they believe in the creator instead of "god", god is a man made word or ET made word.
4)sorry I skipped that question, that is a good one and the answer is YES. we will be hosting many races from many planets and our own creations, there will be no seperation or seperatism, everyone will know their purpose in the earth/universal community, there will be the most undeniable disclosure with the mass landing, you must also consider things like project blue beam that is trying to block the positive events coming.
5) there will be instant leadership, no loss of leadership, there will be power to the people and not some small group of secret squirrel club leaders, earth will take control of itself and communication will be at its highest!
6) wings are obvious, people want to fly, extra arms too, you can multi-task, imagine sex with two sets of arms and hands, more options indeed.
7) Evolution exists, there is indeed such a thing and I feel very confident saying the way it is theorized is way off such as the ape theory, but creationalism is also very real even today, look at the cloning tech we have and are aware of today.
8) I think evolving humans were on earth and earth is also an ET melting pot, I guess it all depends on how you interpret nature in the sense that it was possibly manipulated in many ways like look at our moon, some say it is most unnatural, yes I believe atlantis was very much real but I am not sure where the bad or good guys come into play yet.
9)the halo is a defense mechanism and cloaking is for safety, I think it starts a small station and grows little by little over time and people love anti-gravity sex, its addictive.
10) I am trying to figure that out myself, I think there will be a procedure to "upgrade" out brains since the theory is that earth human brains have been dumbed down to 15% considering intellect and ability such as telepathy and so on. I think there are symbols involved when it comes to unlocking and meditation is part of it.
11) I dont know, I just stand behind that I think I did it more than once, there is nothing wrong with questioning NASA or the like, there are still plenty of controllers and blockers, wouldnt you agree?
12) of course there are new possibilities but that is the chance you have to take. natural earth disasters can be overcome easily, human disasters is a different story cause people want to see them happen, like war and such.
13) they are jumbled
14) I do my best, and I see these questions as a tool to excercise my brains search engine I guess, I think certain questions will resurface more memories.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by timedrifter
Craquer and any other doubters, I could care less of your opinion!!
and the IRS place I went to was referred to as mantauk within the office, so if exit 52 is not right, than maybe I stand corrected but never the less I experienced a loss of time once there, and kiss off, you should be banned, get off your high horse you hater, I did not ask for your or anyones belief here so kiss off and since this is a circus show to you, thanks for participating, nice clown suit.

wow, someone finds a mistake in your story and you get so cranky.

I would like to offer up an apology of sorts as I did find that there are a few IRS offices other than the one in Holtsville. I should have known about the one in Riverhead, which is where the majority of the gov't (US, NYS and Suffolk County) offices are for servicing the east end. Oddly, there is no Montauk on the IRS list of locations. There isn't an IRS office in any town or city in the state of NY that begins with an M. (unless you go with Manhattan over New York City),00.html

Call me what you will (sticks and stones...) but you lied about that aspect of your story. Plain and simple. You tried to be specific to make your story more complete and in the case of the laptop delivery story, you failed. You got busted. That story was based on a lie. How many others are too?

I should be banned, you say. I have done nothing wrong. I haven't broken the highly coveted Terms and Conditions in any way shape or form. I haven't even called you any names. Yes, I have implied that you are lying and one might then infer that I am calling you a liar. I'm not. I'm calling you a hoaxer. Tread carefully as it is the hoaxers and their accomplices that find themselves getting banned. The ones who root them out and uncover their lies tend to get praised, not banned.

peace and happy time travelling.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 07:15 AM
I'm not going to debate the Montauk issue any further. If you want to take your perceived victory and walk, you can carry your trophy far from here.

I will tell you that I wrote the timeline, and although he skimmed through and approved it, I was the one who gave the location as Montauk. And it is just because he said, "The I.R.S. building in Montauk."

That he had incorrectly thought the exact physical location was in Montauk was his own error. Again, that was not a building he traveled to for work every day. He was only there on a couple of occasions.

This is simple human error and is not a lie. The issue is closed as far I'm concerned. It's not worth the time we've already spent on it.

If people wish to see this simple error as the card that sends our card castle tumbling to the ground, they are completely welcome to do that.

And if you want to walk away feeling you've slayed a dragon, Sir Galahad, then go savor your perceived victory elsewhere. No one wants to see a sophomoric debate centered around someone's inaccurate recollection. The human mind can do that, you know?

Don't get me wrong, Crakeur. You have been persistent, and I am glad there are people like you here. You keep everyone honest. I deeply value that stories and accounts can be challenged. It's necessary. So, I say thank you for your efforts here. It is a little disconcerting being on this side of it LOL

In any event, if you wish to carry the Montauk torch to your grave, you have our blessing.

I would suggest, however, that instead of resting your entire case on an incident of probable foggy recollection, that you build a stronger case and seek out more numerous and serious lapses in honesty.

I don't think a court of our peers would jail us, because Renato misremembered a location he had only been to twice a few years ago. The admins at ATS have seen fit to keep us here, and I hold their judgment in slightly higher regard than I do yours.

There is not now, nor will there be a money making scheme with regard to this story. There are several reasons we are compiling everything into a book, and nowhere on that list is the thought of personal gain, period.

The book is free. The information is free. The website is free. The love is free. Everything is free.

But if your own self-deception is so masterful that you still can't accept this as anything but a sincere offering up from your fellow human beings, then you are in ultimately sad shape.

If you have been so entrained to believe that a human being cannot offer something to you, through their own efforts, for free out of compassion and goodwill, then you may not adjust easily to the future that is now upon us. Because people are going to be "nice" to each other LOL

People are going to care for one another. People are going to be happy, and yes, people will do things for other people without motivation for profit, or reward.

And do not say that this is simply to get attention and adulation, because you are an example of the type of adulation we are drawing, and I can tell you I seek this kind of adulation like I seek sticking a hot poker to my genitals.

I have put myself in the line of fire, yes, but I do it with the intent that other people may gain from it. And yes, that includes you, Sir Galahad.

In any event, Renato and I are spending much more time and energy on the second book, "Renato and the Prisoner of Azkaban" (joke). Actually, the second book is going to be written better, because I'm writing it (LOL OK, Renato, you KNOW I'm an extent
I slay me).

Also, the second book will include more detail, all of the message board exchanges here and elsewhere (Yes, Crakeur, you'll be famous. You might even be nicknamed, "The Montauk Guy". Don't respond when people call you that. Just nod knowingly and maybe people will begin to think you're somehow affiliated. Cool.), a full, detailed timeline, Renato's friends and family's experiences with time travel and ETs, prophecies, missions/travels, our history - past and future - and car chases (OK, there won't be car chases).

Because of this, response will be slow to questions on the message board here. But we are still reading and responding.

win 52, thank you so much for your heartfelt posts!! I am intrigued by your experiences, and look forward to reading more of your posts here, or in another thread if you so decide. Peace, man!

Anyone is still free to volunteer and ask questions. Volunteers will be taken seriously, so be prepared.

As significant events come to pass, we will post them here. Renato is waiting for certain things to happen. Although he's already had so much confirmation in the last couple of months, he's expecting more.

And when he gets the "call" he's been waiting for, everyone will be made aware.

Thank you, everyone, for your posts!! If anyone hears from Paris or Nikki Hilton, or Mel (you know the one LOL). Feel free to post it. If we hear from them first we will do the same.

Thank you, everyone, for your posts!!

Peace out!!


posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by timedrifter
JSR, sorry I misinterpreted what you said, no I did not see any "pros" for help.

is that something you refussed. i mean, i would think the police department would have offered/suggested that after you were found several days later.

and, was there ever an official missing persons report filed?
was it resolved? not sure if that would be the correct term.
but, im sure it isn't unresolved?

one more thing.
did your parents ever go tho the police, and say "my son has a stalker".
how could they not think that.
if some strange guy kept coming up to me and asking about my son all the time, well, i wouldn't be nice to him, to say the least.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 11:25 AM
hello to all,

me again on the civil war issue, combined with lynching mobs and such.
will it be done by humans alone and how can this be allowed/approved of by the torchbearers of our here announced future?
won't anything be said or erm at least recommended?
sorry, english is not my native tongue but the impression i get here is all will be well once the controllers are executed.
this is my perception as flawed as it might be,
but what kind of a start is it, dealing with that horrible issue in a horrible way?
will any courts be arranged for handling those cases etc?
i find it deeply disturbing.

what will be the role of television in the informing of the public?

OTD (i like your civilized approach, that's very cool) and TD, a Crakeur is good to have here, imo.
all should be questioned, holy cows only jam the traffic

edited for grammar
[edit on 9-3-2007 by ledo4]

[edit on 9-3-2007 by ledo4]

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 11:44 AM
you said I should be banned for being a hoaxer, did you not? based on that is why I am cranky, so............... please............
have fun waiting for your praise, you should be getting it around the day after never, maybe a TV network will seek out your skills but we have more clown suits for you and the circus show.

dont worry, the IRS thing happened and the location is irrelavant and craqueer is just trying to get fame from this thread, he is a typical wannabe controller and blocker, he should be the one banned indeed.

I did not refuse any doctors attention nor did I seek it, my mother reported me missing to the police but I never got a copy or anything like that. and yes my parents thought they were being stalked indeed, but my parents are not violent so they dealt with it.

I believe earth humans will be the front line and non-earth ET will be there for backup and disclosure. and all will be well once the controllers are contained and a new court system will be in place to deal with them as well.
I think all broadcasting mediums will be taken over and broadcasting "the messages" on the big day.

I suppose your right about cracker, but his suggestion of banning me was not called for, that certainly offended me.

[edit on 9-3-2007 by timedrifter]


posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by timedrifter
jsr, mother reported me missing to the police but I never got a copy or anything like that...

do you know the exact date, and police station of the report?

you could, or we could, request a copy.
i would be interested in reading the conclusion.

what was the officail reason your missing? on the report?

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