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To John Lear-Existence of the Dulce Facility

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posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 06:18 PM
Where is AlanP?

Wasn't he suppose to handle this thread? Did we scare or offend him?

Gee I hate when we do this to the new members.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 08:43 PM
its now four pages into this thread, what are we still talking about? The origional poster has failed to post any new updates, and the topic of Dulce has been debated and discussed countless times...

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by SkyWay
5 boxes! That is a lot of material. There may have been more than photos in them too.

One set of information was smuggled out. Not 5 boxes. The one set of information contained:

1. 6 minute videotape of hallway
2. Approx 25 black and white photos
3. A number of pages of information

4 copies where made of each. the five sets of information were placed in a hermetically sealed sturdy box. Each box was given personally to a friend of and by Thomas Castello.

One box was given to Mr. X in Las Vegas and hidden near Dolan Springs.

By agreement, the boxes were only to be opened if TC failed to make his regular contact (every 4 months) twice in a row. The failure to make contact twice in a row occurred in the middle 90's. Mr. X waited a year and then went to retrieve the box at Dolan Springs. Many attempts were made to find the box. Mr. X apparently had either forgotten exactly where he hid the box or, more likely the box was found by the government and taken by them. I never went on any of the searches although I was taken to the area about a year after the box was hidden. I was shown approximately where the box was but not taken to the box.

I can't help wondering, though, even if anyone had any of the photos contained in those boxes, how could they prove it to anyone? Even if these photos of Mr. Casbolt are authentic, how can he convince anyone of their authenticity? I guess we all have to look at them and decide for ourselves.

I have never seen the pictures so I can't comment.

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by johnlear

Originally posted by SkyWay
5 boxes! That is a lot of material. There may have been more than photos in them too.

One set of information was smuggled out. Not 5 boxes. The one set of information contained:

1. 6 minute videotape of hallway
2. Approx 25 black and white photos
3. A number of pages of information

4 copies where made of each. the five sets of information were placed in a hermetically sealed sturdy box. Each box was given personally to a friend of and by Thomas Castello.

One box was given to Mr. X in Las Vegas and hidden near Dolan Springs.

By agreement, the boxes were only to be opened if TC failed to make his regular contact (every 4 months) twice in a row. The failure to make contact twice in a row occurred in the middle 90's. Mr. X waited a year and then went to retrieve the box at Dolan Springs. Many attempts were made to find the box. Mr. X apparently had either forgotten exactly where he hid the box or, more likely the box was found by the government and taken by them. I never went on any of the searches although I was taken to the area about a year after the box was hidden. I was shown approximately where the box was but not taken to the box.

I can't help wondering, though, even if anyone had any of the photos contained in those boxes, how could they prove it to anyone? Even if these photos of Mr. Casbolt are authentic, how can he convince anyone of their authenticity? I guess we all have to look at them and decide for ourselves.

I have never seen the pictures so I can't comment.

What a brave man Thomas Costello was. I wonder if there are anymore like him working in those underground facilities who may remove solid evidence and make it public. Unfortunately, they would have to accept the risk which proved to be fatal for Tom. I don't much doubt that he was killed. The CIA is nothing more than a governmental version of the Mafia.

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by johnlear

One box was given to Mr. X in Las Vegas and hidden near Dolan Springs.

I never went on any of the searches although I was taken to the area about a year after the box was hidden. I was shown approximately where the box was but not taken to the box.

Evert think about going back and looking again?

If you found it, would you share with us here at ATS?

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone
Ever think about going back and looking again?

The guys that went on the search were extremely thorough. There is no way they missed it if it was there. Something else happened to the box.

If you found it, would you share with us here at ATS?

Of course, but the ATS response would be: The photos look fake.

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 12:21 PM
I might know where the "box" is....

A very highly guarded place, that NO ONE can get into.... but this place is highly visible to the public....

yes... FT Knox.

I do not think that FT Knox is full of gold, just enough to "show off" every once in a while...

I'll bet that this "box" was recovered and taken here where it can be guarded 24-7 / 365.

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Something else happened to the box.

It probably wouldn't be too difficult to locate something like that with the help of aliens and their technology. After all, it has been reported that there are aliens working with the humans in the underground labs at Dulce and probably other such subterranian bases. The box and the material in it could have been "marked" and easily tracked with some alien homing-in device. The aliens probably use similar devices to track abductees that have been marked (implanted).

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 12:36 PM
John, im sorry if you have commented on this a million times before.. but what exactly is going on in the dulce base?!?! Is it really being ran by people who arent exactly "human"?

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by hikix
John, im sorry if you have commented on this a million times before.. but what exactly is going on in the dulce base?!?! Is it really being ran by people who arent exactly "human"?

Dulce is a joint U.S./alien underground base for the experimentation with humans and animals and combinations thereof for various kinds of tactical and strategic military and other purposes. It is 'run' by the aliens but we have access.

I don't know which alien species runs Dulce. The U.S. government works with and has agreements and alliances with at least 7 different alien species.

And, incidentally, for those of you who have been carefullly following this thread, I spent a couple of hours with AlanP the other day, who moved here to Vegas a few months ago. He knows a lot about Dulce having lived in the area for many years. He may share some of his knowledge if he doesn't get continaully attacked by the members here demanding 'proof'. There is no proof and no proof is going to be offered.

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
It is 'run' by the aliens but we have access.

I was just thinking about that.
If its acually true what John says then no wonder that its hidden that well.
I think the alien race who "runs" the base there is using intelligent technology to cover any exits and or entrances, shafts or vents.
I would consider something like a hologram very possible.
Any other thoughts about this?

AlanP, mabey you'd care to join the conversation once more?


posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 05:22 PM

And, incidentally, for those of you who have been carefullly following this thread, I spent a couple of hours with AlanP the other day, who moved here to Vegas a few months ago. He knows a lot about Dulce having lived in the area for many years. He may share some of his knowledge if he doesn't get continaully attacked by the members here demanding 'proof'. There is no proof and no proof is going to be offered.

Hey John, could you encourage AlanP to post his story? Im sure there is alot of others on the board who would actually like to hear what he has to say.

As for not being hassled, this is ATS, Ive yet to see a post where the poster hasn't been bashed or called a hoax.

But really, tell him to ignore the "deny ignorance" bunch as some of us do keep open minds


posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 05:27 PM
double post. my bad.

[edit on 26-1-2007 by Chronic_Blaze]

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 03:44 PM
Hey AlanP where did you go?? I came back on today specifically for this thread. I am interested in what you have to say. I know some of the members here can be pretty tough to deal with, but please try to ignore them. There are so many others here that want to hear what you have to say.
Also, I want to thank you John Lear for going out of your way to bring information to ATS. You are appreciated.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone
surely you took pictures of these "vents" ?

No one would go up there without a camera... would they

I can see how this post came out.. I honestly was hoping that AP had a camera with him....

I hope that we can hear more from AlanP on Dulce....

I apologize for my "snide" comment.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone
I apologize for my "snide" comment.

Alan was supposed to come over to my house yesterday and never showed or called.

I will go over to his office today (he is head of a large, nationwide company) and see whats up.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:38 AM
Hey John, thanks for the heads up. I'll keep checking back for more info.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by metalmom
Hey John, thanks for the heads up. I'll keep checking back for more info.

Off topic, but I know someone who's referred to as MetalMom, who has a son named Derin. Are you the same person?

Oh, and I hope AlanP posts some more.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by Airyphyla

Originally posted by Netami
you guys made him leave now didn't you?

way to go..

i think you're right Netami.
This wasnt the best way of approaching.
Damnit..its all because we've had serval ppl who joked around with their own made up stories here!
And thats not good for our convidence.

Just a note for all of us. Alan P is probably like any one who is actually legitimate. ... they are not savy about boards and the scepticism as a result of all the attention seekers. Please be careful and more sensitive as anyone who has some real information to offer here will not be versed or weathered in what can be expected. Anyone offering real information will most likely be a "noob' by our standards and would have found this site as a result of a search take it easy and just keep asking honest questions. If its obvious the information is right or wrong ...the more questions and info the better. Be careful not to accuse by insinuation. We lost a great opportunity by not taking this same attitude with "Victor" many better questions could have been asked without playing the 'credibility' game, which in turn understandibly perturbed him and he ended the interview.

I think we need the same gal that interviewed Dan Burish as a mod here. hehe

Godspeed ...........Dango

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 11:05 AM
Hey UnstoppableForce,
Sorry, that's not me. I do have a son, his name is JD. That would have been weird.

John, what's the good word? Any luck yesterday? It would really be a bummer if we lost another person who possibly had a piece to the puzzle.

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