posted on May, 5 2004 @ 02:18 PM
Whenever I hear a 'christian' talk about how wrong being gay is I think: and when did the sexual orientation fairy appear to you and offer YOU a
Folks like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and, God help us all, Fred Phelps, all are completely convinced that being gay is a choice. As if they have
ever had to deal with their sexuality in terms of anything other than 'I'm heterosexual so anything else is wrong.'
What I say is: Until you have walked a city block in my gay shoes, don't you be wagging your nasty-ass finger at me telling me where to put my
You see, the problem is that these heterosexuals, with their God-given 'normal' sexual orientations believe that there really isn't such a thing as
homosexuality. They seem to believe that the world is made up of heterosexuals. Everyone who doesn't fit into that category is simply a misbehaving
heterosexual. The line of reasoning here seems to be: 'The thought of having sex with another man is revolting to me. Therefore, if any man has sex
with another man, he enjoys being revolted. That is so sick! It is wrong! It is wrong for me so it is wrong for everyone! And look! I can pull these
Bible quotes out of context to prove my point! See? God hates queers, too!'
Um, no.
1) The whole story of Sodom and Gomorrah has much less to do with sexuality than with hospitality. If you take the idea that every man in Sodom and/or
Gomorrah was homosexual, then how do you explain the fact that there are daughters present? Um, hello! If an entire city has gay sex, I don't think
there would be much progeny.
2) Jesus didn't say a single word about homosexuality. And don't tell me it was too disgusting for him to notice or mention. Homosexuality was a
widely accepted practice among much of the ancient world. The fact that he never said anything about it - or that he did and it was edited out - says
to me that he just isn't that worried about it.
3) There is the argument "Homosexuality is a crime against nature. Animals don't do it." I have two responses to that. The first is: animals don't
read the Bible, either. Since when are animals representative of The Pure State of Holiness? My second response is: you idiot, animals practice
homosexuality MORE than humans do. Chimpanzees in the wild experience an astonishing array of sexual practices. We all know that Canadian geese tend
to couple for life. How romantic. Well, there are plenty of documented cases of male geese coupling for life. There is also the case of the penguins
in the Central Park zoo raising a baby chick. Two male penguins. Is this evil? Or just part of the exuberance of nature? In fact, why not check out
the book 'Biological Exuberance' by Bruce Bagemihl? It is chock-full of documented cases of homosexuality in the animal kingdom. So far, animals
have yet to pass laws against same sex unions. Neither do they tend to make signs saying 'God Hates Fags' and parade around in front of homosexual
animals. Animals simply don't care if other animals are drawn to members of the same sex. Hmmm. Maybe animals are a bit more morally superior to us
after all.
4) When in doubt, trot out tired old Leviticus and make signs saying God Hates Fags. You can even put a Bible verse underneath to 'prove' that God
agrees with you. Problem with this is, if you're going to follow that one line in Leviticus, you kinda have to follow them all. So you can't work on
the sabbath, or you get stoned to death. You can't wear clothes woven with two kinds of thread. Oh, and lobster is also an abomination. What makes
you think God 'hates' homos any more than he 'hates' lobster, or shrimp, or crab? Do you offer doves as a burnt sacrifice on the altar of the
Lord? Do you sequester your wife for seven days when she has her period? No? Then shut the hell up with this Leviticus crap and stop selectively
choosing verses that merely reflect your own twisted bias.
5) I think it is worth mentioning here that not only did Jesus not say a word about homosexuality, but Peter had a vision in Acts 10:9-16. He was on
the top of a building, feeling very hungry, when God showed him a vision. Peter saw a cloth full of all kinds of unclean animals lowered from heaven.
The voice of God said, "Kill and eat!" Peter said, 'no, Lord, those are unclean, I can't eat them!' Three times God lowers this cloth and tells
Peter to kill and eat. Now, why would God show Peter unclean animals and tell him to eat? Perhaps the idea here is that the old laws of the Old
Testament were replaced by a new law, the law of the New Covenant. In this paradigm, the Spirit of God enters us and tells us by daily revelation how
to live. Does this mean we go out and break commandments and riot in the streets and carouse and drink because the old law has been taken away? No.
Because the law is now written on our hearts. God leads us into holy behavior. And since I have prayed daily since I was a little kid for God's
guidance, I can not see that I have been led into evil ways by the mere fact that I am gay.
6) If the above makes you sick, then ask yourself: how do you know your version of the Bible is the correct one? When was the Bible created? Did it
fall out of the sky - ZAP! - fully formed, in English? Or was it created by numerous committees, numerous hands writing numerous words/chapters/books,
translated, re-translated, edited, watered-down, politicized by the various religious leaders over the past 2,000 years? What are you going to believe
more? A book with an extremely dubious history, or the leadings of your own gentle heart?
7) Let us not forget the story of Jonathan and David. That story is an embarrssing mystery to many a biblical 'scholar.' The dances and
bending-over-backwards I've seen preachers do in order to assure us that Jonathan and David were 'just friends' makes me laugh. Just read the
story. It's in Samuel 1 and 2. The guys were totally in love. It's the most romantic story in the whole Bible.
8) Folks who rail against the evils of the modern world will blow blue in the face against books, movies, songs and all manner of art that they see as
threatening their fragile view of reality. "But have you actually SEEN The Last Temptation of Christ/Will and Grace/Jesus Christ Superstar/Corpus
Christi?" Almost invariably, the response is: "No! I will not tolerate such filth!" Well, dude, I have read the Bible for years. I have read C.S.
Lewis, Hal Lindsey, Meister Eckhardt, Bruce Wilkinson, Corrie ten Boom, Tertullian. I have listened to Keith Green, Honeytree, Second Chapter of Acts.
I have gazed upon murals by Michelangelo and frescoes by Da Vinci. I believe that any faith worth defending is faith worth examining. When I began to
examine the basis of the pentecostal faith that I'd believed for so many years I was astonished to see how quickly it crumbled away under intelligent
scrutiny. But I wanted to know more. So I read. I continue to read. If you're going to blast me for watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (as one
pastor in Alabama has done) then at least do us the favor of watching an episode so you know what the heck you're talking about.
And, by the way, Da Vinci and Michelangelo were homosexuals.
9) Why is it that the 'pro life' contingent rails against the 'American holocaust' of abortion but seems equally adamant to rail FOR the death
penalty? Why is life MORE precious in the womb than out of it? Why?
10) Even if none of the above does anything to move anyone to anything other than 'righteous anger' (which is nothing more than disgust bolstered by
a sense of moral superiority) then at least consider this: in Matthew, someone asks Jesus what is the greatest commandment. He replies (I am
paraphrasing here) You must love God with all your heart and all your mind and all your strength. The second greatest commandment is pretty much the
same: love your neighbor as yourself. If you do these two things, you will see the Kingdom of Heaven.
A pause to reflect.
I would rather focus on what Jesus said was the most important commandment and let the rest fall as it may. If we all truly love God, we will be
peaceful, generous, loving, gentle people. Sounds like the Kingdom of Heaven to me.
Or, we can rip the law out of God's hands and wreak havoc on everyone who doesn't seem to fit our vision of holiness.