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Holocaust - Fact or Fiction?

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posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 07:23 AM
I'm sure you'll have an answer to your question. It is stated in detail by the Auschwitz museums scientist Franciszek Piper when and what the gas chambers where used for.

I'll get back to this topic within a couple of days..

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Duzey
I have a question about Leutcher's report.

If the gas chambers were mostly destroyed after the war and then rebuilt for the museum at Aushwitz in 1948, how could you possibly expect to find traces of chemicals in the walls?
[edit on 29-1-2007 by Duzey]

You're right about them rebuilding a bunch of stuff... I do believe that not all gas chambers were above ground... which some find odd, considering they would have to lift the dead out after they killed them... I have seen video of people going in the underground one, which was quit small. they found little to no residue on the walls and floor...

bad engineering...

i don't know what to think...

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 03:17 PM
before WW2 there was a huge amount of Jews in Poland, close to 2 million i believe, at the end of the war there were about 400K left.

where did they go? you're going to tell me that they weren't killed and then burned but they just disappeared?

it sickens me to hear something like that. my grandparents went to school with Jewish kids b4 the war and then they never saw them again.

i believe there is a book out there that has a list of every named Jew who was sent to Auschwitsz, i think its called Schimmler's List like the movie, but i'm not sure. and what about all those Allied soldiers who walked into the camps and found "living skeletons" and mass graves and huge kilns?

explain this to me, how can you tell me that it didn't happen?

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by CrazyPolak
before WW2 there was a huge amount of Jews in Poland, close to 2 million i believe, at the end of the war there were about 400K left.

where did they go? you're going to tell me that they weren't killed and then burned but they just disappeared?

it sickens me to hear something like that. my grandparents went to school with Jewish kids b4 the war and then they never saw them again.

i believe there is a book out there that has a list of every named Jew who was sent to Auschwitsz, i think its called Schimmler's List like the movie, but i'm not sure. and what about all those Allied soldiers who walked into the camps and found "living skeletons" and mass graves and huge kilns?

explain this to me, how can you tell me that it didn't happen?

Did you even read any of the posts here????
almost all of us said that the holocaust did happen... we just think the numbers are not correct.

I also think most of the jews killed were from poland. common sense.
o and... im also polish. I have no idea how many of my distant relatives died.

WW2 was a brutal war approx. 62,537,800 people died.

but statistics back in ww2 era were not sound... depending on which one u use you could prove or disprove the holocaust theory...

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 06:40 PM
i know i just realized that after my post, srry bout the inconvenience, misinterpreted a few things.

my bad

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by buddhaLight
Please watch the Documentary the truth behind the gates of auschwitz by the jewish revisionist David Cole as mentioned before

Transcript can be found here (David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum)

Another Cole article here (Forty-Six Important Unanswered Questions Regarding the Nazi Gas Chambers).

Cole naturally was leaned on and severely threatened by Zionists groups like the Jewish Defense League (JDL) and suddenly retracted his views in 1998. Retraction statement here (Statement of David Cole)

So, what seems more likely to you:

A: David Cole found new evidence which refutes all his 14 year research and makes him miserably retract his earlier findings in a humble apology


B: Cole´s findings are accurate and he was pressured by extremist Jewish organizations like JDL to retract his findings under penalty of loss of life and limb and/or family or worse???

I tell you what I think. It´s B.

After reading Rudolf, Leuchtner, Irving, Zündel (well...) and now David Cole I am 100% convinced that Auschwitz was NOT a death camp.

Furthermore I firmly believe that the majority of deaths in the so called death camps were caused by malnutrition and disease due to inadequate supplies during the final period of WWII.

This ofcourse was because supplies were (could) no longer or in very limited form being sent to the camps because of a general breakdown of the German transportation infrastructure due to the repeated destruction of the railroad tracks by the Allies.

With regards to the reasons for the gross (and proven!) exaggeration by the Soviets as to how many people died in Auschwitz I can only guess.

What reasons the "eyewitnesses" have to exaggerate the actual events, I dare not guess. Furthermore there are even still living survivors speaking about the theatre, choir and swimming pool. In a DEATH CAMP?

Thank you all for clearing this issue up. History is indeed written by the victors.

I feel like hurting somebody. Off to bed seems best at the moment.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 09:55 PM
Eyewitnesses Without Eyes

Originally posted by Truth4hire
What reasons the "eyewitnesses" have to exaggerate the actual events, I dare not guess. Furthermore there are even still living survivors speaking about the theatre, choir and swimming pool. In a DEATH CAMP?

Have you ever talked to a Holocaust survivor?

It can be quite educational.

The Path To The Dark Side

Originally posted by Truth4hire
I feel like hurting somebody.

You might want to ask yourself why.

Anger and truth are not the same thing.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Truth4hire

Not sure if anyone posted this, but here is the David Cole letter

and here it is in a photo copy

Did you notice anything about that photo copy image? It's of course type written, an obvious sign of forgery. If the JDL really wanted Cole's recant, they would at least make him write it in pencil.

Here is an interesting line from David Cole's letter, talking about his own documentary:

"And just as I must set the record straight concerning my views, it is also incumbent on me to set the record straight regarding the video "documentaries" and media appearances I did from 1991 to 1994. These "documentaries" are merely videotaped garbage filled with self-hatred and pseudo-intellectual nonsense. My "media appearances" were nothing but an embarrassment. My glazed look, specious reasoning, and talking-in-circles during my talk show appearances would have hopefully alerted any astute viewers that this was a man not in touch with reality."

I mean, this is just sad. Who says stuff like this about themselves? And it is a sign of the opposition to use techniques such as "quotes" around certain words like "documentaries" as if implying that his documentary is not really a documentary because it's "pseudo-intellectual nonsense" and I've heard this phrase a bunch of times, mostly from Jew defenders who use ad hominem attacks.

This clearly sounds like a forgery, or at least a forced testimony. I'm angry that this could happen, but it's also Cole's fault. He should come clean and stand up to these people. He has more support right now then in 1998 when I think this happened.

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