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If I Am Elected President...

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posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 07:40 PM
BTW, I'm not sure if there's a different forum or topic that would work for this better than here...
1: I would read the Constitution & Amendments every day before eating breakfast. If I can’t make the time for both, I’ll go hungry until lunch (& I’ve completed my reading).

2: Declare a modified Martial Law (some modifications are specified below). As Commander in Chief, I will recall all military personnel & equipment back to the home front for the overall goal of defending our borders (including Alaska & Hawaii, of course) & the Nation as a whole; The Navy would defend & patrol all sea-front borders while the other branches would defend & patrol our land-front borders. A bit heavier defense would be stationed along our southern border with Mexico, for the reasons I state below in Paragraph 4. There will be no compromise of Citizen Rights or Liberties under this Martial Law. As the current practice of government supports “the spread of Democracy” as one of its stated objectives across the globe, this nation has no need & no right to spread Democracy; This nation is not supposed to be a Democracy in the first place (see Paragraph 10, below). This is merely one reason to recall all military, but the primary reason will be to defend this nation instead of chasing the “corporate golden goose” all over the globe. The corporations will have bigger things to complain about than the loss of the national military as a free tool to further their own benefits; See Paragraph 3.

3: I will nationalize all national resources on American soil; Appropriate all lands that now lay in the ownership of private corporations & regard them as Public Lands to be developed & used for Public Need. The Federal Government had no right or authority to grant these lands into private hands in the first place & they shall be appropriated to be put to the use for which they were intended: Public Need & Defense. Any corporation that does not immediately recall all of the “outsourced” jobs will face indictment under the modified Martial Law; Should these corporations decide to abandon their positions (& the physical infrastructure must be left behind), I’m sure that there are plenty of unemployed American Citizens who are capable & willing to re-fill those positions. Also, strict adherence to ecological concerns will be enforced upon all sources of pollution. Industries & other polluting corporations will reduce such expulsions to the barest minimum for which technology can provide. This world is the only home we have & to preserve its ecology is to preserve the human species as well.

4: Immigration Services will recall all temporary Visas & re-consider the issuing thereof on an individual case-by-case basis; The only temporary Visas that will remain effective will be those issued for those immigrants who will attend & pass Naturalization procedures. If immigrants decide not to try becoming Naturalized Citizens, they will be deported; If they fail to satisfactorily pass the procedures, they will be deported. The Military, National Guard (& hopefully, State & Local Law Enforcement Agencies) will cooperate with Immigration Services in this regard. A natural side effect of this will be to limit easy passage for potential terrorists from foreign nations; If someone is not a Citizen or does not apply for a Visa specifically to attend courses for Naturalization, they don’t come across the border.

5: As the very existence of the Federal Reserve System is Unconstitutional, it shall be banned. NESARA (The National Economic Recovery & Restoration Act) shall be enforced. This enforcement shall be issued as an Emergency Act (see paragraph 6 for my defining characteristics of an Emergency Act). Congress will be given back the Power to coin our money & make the determination of its value for our own Nation & the relative value to foreign monies. As the combination of practicing Usury & Fractional Reserve Banking with Fiat Money serves only to degrade the economy of a Nation, these practices shall be banned. Fiat Money, in & of itself is not the major problem; It is the combination of those three practices that create the problem. If it is decided that Fiat-Money is to be allowed, its value shall be decided upon by Congress, factored in as part of the GNP (Gross National Production) along with labor & the production of valued goods & other factors that actually contribute to the economy; The current production & use of Fiat Money (with Fractional Reserve Banking) has no active factoring procedures with the rest of the National Economy (except how much future debt can be created) & this practice will stop.

6: All previous Emergency Acts shall be repealed after consideration of such States of Emergency may have ended. By definition, an Emergency Act should contain the circumstances of its own ending, but not with the use of “generalized terms”; Once the State of Emergency has ended, so shall the Emergency Act. There shall no longer be “perpetual States of Emergency”, as the defined purpose of any Emergency Act should be to bring a State of Emergency to an end.

7: All previous Executive Orders will be repealed. By definition, Executive Orders are nothing less than the Executive Office attempting to usurp the Legislative Powers of Congress & shall be annulled. There will be nothing titled or containing the context of anything resembling an Executive Order issued from my Administration.

8: Lobbying by “special interest groups” shall be banned. By definition, special interest groups represent only a minority & shall not be taken under any kind of consideration. Should such groups wish to address the Federal Government, let them produce legally-sanctioned Grievances & Petitions just like the Citizen Body does. To replace the practice of lobbying groups, Citizens will be polled on issues that affect the Nation as a whole; Since the media corporations will have been Nationalized under modified Martial Law, the Public can be informed of the issues & the procedures being used for polling. My Administration will listen to the Will of the People before allowing the passing of new legislation that affects the Nation as a whole.

9: I will ask Congress to repeal those Amendments that directly conflict the main body of the Constitution. Amendment 16 is the prime example, but there are others. The Federal Government has no Power to ratify Amendments that directly contradict the Constitution itself; doing so is a Breach of Oath to “preserve, defend & uphold the Constitution.” Note that the Constitution requires not only the President to take that Oath (Constitution Article 2, Section 1), but “the Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States” are also oath-bound as well (Constitution Article 6). If Congress fails in this duty to “preserve” the Constitution, then those who vote against such repeals may be subject to Impeachment for Breach of Oath. Any current Office Holders, as mentioned in Article 6, who failed to take the Oath before assuming Office will be immediately expelled, no Impeachment Proceedings being necessary, as they had originally occupied the Office under false pretenses. This would be followed by indictment for misrepresentation & providing false information to the Federal Government.

10: This President (if elected) will take any & all efforts, legal & Constitutional, to restore a Republican form of Government. This Nation was never intended to be a Democracy, as the Founding Forefathers have seen from history that Democracies have always degenerated into some form of Tyranny. Some of the steps to said restoration have been outlined here, others will undoubtedly follow. Any & all Government Office Holders who seek to derail, detain or prevent such steps from this act of restoring government to a Republic form shall face Impeachment for Breach of Oath (as the Oath is defined in Constitution Article 2, Section 1 & Article 6); If criminal acts were involved (including “Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”; Article 2, Section 4) in the attempts to derail the restoration effort, then indictment will follow Impeachment.

-----------Continued Below---------------

Mod Edit: Title code error only.

[edit on 25-9-2006 by UM_Gazz]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 07:41 PM
---------Concluded Here-------------

11: Constitution Article 1, Section 9, last paragraph (The “Titles & Nobilities” clause) will be enforced. The Founding Forefathers included this clause with the logical deduction that any Office Holders who also hold such Foreign Titles & Privileges would be operating in the American Government with “divided loyalties” & may likely seek to undermine the American government to the benefit of his other “patron benefactor.” The fact that foreign corporations & even foreign nations have received such “official” benefits numerous times in American history has leant evidence of such existing divided loyalties. Any Office Holders that are currently holding such Foreign Titles & Privileges shall be asked to step down or face Impeachment for Breach of Oath, as outlined above in Paragraph 9. There is also some controversy over whether the State of Virginia had actually ratified the “original” Amendment 13; There is prima facie evidence that the Amendment was ratified, but there is opposition within the current government to acknowledge the situation. In short, the original Amendment 13 specified a penalty for breaking the “Titles & Nobilities” clause to include loss of Citizenship Status. Apparently, Virginia had the deciding vote whether to ratify or not, but the actual documented proof of ratification has either been lost or destroyed. If such proof still exists, my Administration will urge the State of Virginia to locate undeniable proof (under an independent investigation), rather than to rely upon the prima facie evidence to confirm Ratification. For the full story as I found it, refer to this link, which contains other links to other documentation to back it up.

12: Public Schools will enjoy more “truth in learning”. The future of America & the world will depend upon the minds that graduate such schools; They deserve truth, not glossed-over half-truth. Do the History classes probe the in-depth reasons how & why our nation was founded? The actual meaning of the context of our Founding Documents? Their views & social-political-religious environments that they experienced? Any discussion over other letters & documents that they wrote to each other while this nation was being formed? Sadly, the current answer is, “no.” Students should be taught how to recognize corruption in Government & how to end it before it gains too much Power.

13: The United Nations has been walking the path to become a world-wide, all-encompassing government. This goes far beyond its name & original purpose to arbitrate differences between nations & provide additional military defense against aggressor nations; This, in itself, would be a grand & noble purpose, but it’s been corrupted by power-lust. While the US has a permanent seat within the UN, I would urge the UN to return to its original purpose & cease its current path. As the US has more than enough problems of its own to solve, we have no need of the UN adding problems by seeking to push its current agenda upon this nation recovering its Constitutional purpose to secure individual Rights & Liberties. Therefore, if the UN ignores such urgings, I would seek a way that the UN would move its headquarters to a place not within the borders of this nation; New York may still hold the UN infrastructure for occasional meetings, but would not be the actual HQ of the UN. The world isn’t socially ready to be united yet; Pushing for such unity before Humanity wants it will only result in a true world-wide war against oppression & Tyranny. Some people that may be orchestrating such an event may believe that they’re bringing about the Biblical Armageddon so that humanity can achieve the prophesied peace at the end; Would it not be better to let humanity grow into it rather than by being dragged, kicking & screaming, into it? IMHO, the Biblical chapter of Revelations is a warning of something to avoid, not a future already set in stone. Forcing the situation will only bring it about as it was written, rather than allowing humanity to socially mature into such a description of peace. I hope to restore America with my efforts enough that America may be given such a chance; Perhaps the rest of the world may follow suit, in time. All I can do is hope for the best but try to prepare America for the worst.

14: Judicial Offices that currently enjoy lifetime terms under the phrase of “good behavior” will now be required to practice good behavior while in Office; Constitution Article 3, Section 1 says, “good Behavior” & that’s what it means; Exhibiting “Bad Behavior” shall make that Office Holder subject to removal from Office. As a reminder, even the Supreme Justice must abide by the Oath of Office (Constitution Article 6), so any breach of the Oath would easily be defined as “bad behavior”. While we’re at it, the stelae of the Ten Commandments that was removed from the front of the Supreme Court will be put back in place; It was there to remind us that the Laws of God supersede the Laws of Men at all times. Whether or not any individual even believes in God, those Laws still come before the laws of the courthouse.

15: I will not tolerate political maneuvering within my sphere of influence while in Office; Politics has been defined as the “Art of Compromise”, but the Constitution should never be compromised, by politics, foreign powers or corporate influence. Allowing such compromise constitutes Breach of Oath, as defined by the Constitution.

16: Once the most pressing issues have been resolved in the pursuit of Public Rights & Liberties, the current structure of the government will be reduced to manageable levels; Government was never meant to get any bigger than necessary to do its job, as defined to the Constitution. The Constitution was written to precisely define what powers the Federal & States governments would have, but more specifically define what Powers they don’t have. The Bill of Rights (specifically Amendment 10) has been mightily abused in the past; “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Many of the Powers of the States & the People have been taken by greedy corporations...No more. Since the government (& by proxy, the corporations) have stolen more Powers than for which they never had any Constitutional Rights, the most reasonable solution is to reduce governmental Power & its size to the levels for which it was intended. All of those out-of-work corporate puppets will just have to go back to their corporate jobs (which, at this point, would be nationalized). As the governmental structure & procedural processes have steadied, Nationalization may slowly be relaxed. However, part of the Government’s job will be to keep corporations under tight controls to prevent future corruption, but the vigilance of the People will be mandatory as well.

Paragraphs 2 & 4 is brought to you courtesy of the Constitution Preamble; “provide for the common defense.”
Paragraphs 3-8, inclusive, by courtesy of Constitution Preamble; “promote the general welfare.”
Paragraph 5 is courtesy of Constitution Article 1, Section 8.
Paragraph 10 courtesy of Constitution Article 4, Section 4.

Pretty much the whole list is courtesy of Constitution Preamble, “secure the blessings of liberty.”
Only Paragraph 1 stands apart, as my own personal assurance to take my Duty to The Public & Oath of Office seriously. As hard as this text sounds to the whole of the Government, the President cannot be allowed immunity to these same pressures. If the USA has been riding the road to Tyranny, then the most logical path would be to use the current structure of Tyranny to end itself...Then Paragraphs 15 & 16 should be the last goals accomplished. After that, it will be up to the People to maintain vigilance against future corruption & Tyranny in government (& all other aspects of America).

In concurrence with Paragraph 8, I now ask US Citizens (who are members of ATS/BTS/PTS & can post replies in the forums) if there are any other pressing issues that I should also address (if I should become President) and post such replies in this thread. I also ask opinions and/or suggestions that would be of tangible aid toward accomplishing what has already been written.

For my “election campaign”, I will not accept any corporate-originated donations; Privately-operated non-profit organizations will be decided on a case-by-case basis, to avoid any corporate connections to such donations.

I will not participate in the distracting practice of “political mud-slinging”, as it causes candidates to stray from the actual Issues of Public Concern; Any such entries in this forum will be ignored & reported, as such mud-slinging is officially restricted to the Politics @ATS forums by the Site Founder & his Administration.

For my “election platform”, I can offer no promises other these two: The promise to treat the Office (& the rest of the government) the way that any US Government Office needs to be treated...For Civil Service, not self-service; And the promise to listen to the actual employers of the Government...The People.

Should someone wish to become an “opposing candidate”, please open a new thread & we will provide links between all threads for candidates.

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 07:46 PM
You know how I stand on these issues, if you were president I would be willing to stand with you and offer what ever support I am able.

MDS for 08!

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 02:35 AM
I appreciate the applause Advisor (I can always use the extra ATS Store Points
), but I was hoping more for either new issues to contemplate or additional discussion about the solutions for the issues I did mention.

However, I was also re-thinking the idea about not accepting any corporate money for my campaign...I figure I could get away with accepting such donations, but once in Office, turn on the corps like a rabid jackal. Once the corps are nationalized, whadda they gonna do about it?

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 10:18 PM
If I am elected president...

My first official act would be to resign, take my lifetime presidential pension, and retire to a life of leisure.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 10:39 PM
Are you up for election MidnightDS? Your post made me wonder if certain presidents had a similar type list or agenda before going into office and then once 'there' the list became null and void. In other words just how many good hearted men lost their way in that transition and how difficult would it be to stick to your own guns being that you've got to go through the Supreme Court etc..

Anyway, you're too intelligent and honest to make into presidency

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by dave_54
My first official act would be to resign, take my lifetime presidential pension, and retire to a life of leisure.

I'd thought of this myself...But I would've declared a new national holiday (to give everybody another day off work) before resiging.

Originally posted by HarpStrings
Anyway, you're too intelligent and honest to make into presidency

That & too few corporate strings attached to be a good puppet.

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 08:17 AM
Website I made..I'm running for President in 2032..

Vote for me!

Bob For President In 2032

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by DickBinBush
Website I made..I'm running for President in 2032..

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer
Should someone wish to become an “opposing candidate”, please open a new thread & we will provide links between all threads for candidates.

So would you be kind enough to post a link back to this thread? I was kind enough to let you post your website link here to announce as an opposing candidate; So please provide the same courtesy for me at your website.

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 09:13 AM
Ok, how about this..

Since that was supposed to be just a pointless website..I'll make a real serious website and I'll run for President in '08. You will be my competition. I can make seperate websites or put it on the same website, doesn't matter to me. But i'll put all my policies and put all of your policies and I'll post a thread with the link. I'll include a poll. We'll see who get's more votes. Just a little friendly competition is all

Are you up to the challenge?

EDIT: Also..what party are you representing? I'll just pick the opposite cause I'm neither republican nor democrat..I'm just..I don't know..whichever

And..who want's to be the independent? We need another guy to just be a push over and lose


[edit on 9/29/2006 by DickBinBush]

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 11:39 PM
The humorous aspects of your website were not lost to me...My "campaign" here is pretty much a joke as well, but my discussion of the issues is taken seriously. No need to link this thread from your website or create a new website, because I was more looking for other "candidates" to link between similar threads here at ATS only.

BTW, I'm neither Rep or Dem...I don't want to even associate with the parties known to be bought by the corporations. That's why corps contribute to both of the main parties (& mud-sling any others into obscurity, through their financial control over the media)...No matter who wins, they've already got an Office in their pockets! However, if you were to go by my posts up above, wouldn't they seem to be the work of a Constitutionalist? I make no such claims, but that is the direction I'm leaning in this thread.

As for Perot, I'll give him credit for not accepting any corporate money, but I still don't really agree with his side of his issues...I'm only representing my side of the issues. How could I claim to represent anyone else if I haven't polled the nation? I discuss only what I have concrete info on...The rampant corruption & lack of concern with the Constitution being displayed by the current Government. But I was also hoping to get more ideas for these & other issues to contemplate, for running the "platform on my campaign."

At any rate, I really don't want to be President; Have you compared pics between a Pres' Innauguration Day with pics when his 4 years are done? Anyone who wants a job that ages them 10 years for every 4 spent in Office has to be a lunatic! Also, look at how many Pres' got shot while in Office...Why would anyone want a job that puts such a big bulleye on him?
IMHO, Government Office of any kind should be considered as a Civil Service job (or a Public Duty), rather than a "self-service" job. So anyone who wants the job must either be greedy beyond all ethics or must be insane...Both conditions should serve as automatic disqualification.

Nope, I don't want to be President, but if I happen to be thrust into the job, I'll do it the best I can manage, just like I treated any other job I've had...Before they sic any assassins on me!

Originally posted by HarpStrings
Would you wear that costume as well?

Now that I consider it, such an outfit would be a way to get some decent armor against sniper bullets...At least I might be able to save a few lives in Secret Service, if they don't have to use themselves as "human shields" for my sake.

[edit on 29-9-2006 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 07:39 AM
Since Im not a US citzen I wont comment other then to say that there are a couple of things that I disagree with however its worth noting what appears below.

You have voted MidnightDStroyer for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 05:23 AM
I've run across a thread here that asks some very interesting questions. I've linked between the two threads so that, perhaps, some real issues can be brought here for contemplation. Sounds like this could be a real challenge to my addressing of the issues...

[edit on 12-10-2006 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 05:55 AM
What would you do about RFID chips?
Human chips?
National ID cards?
A wall between Mexico and the US?
Would you limit the power of CIA?
Would you ask for another independant 9/11 comission... with the help of the 9/11 for truth movement and consider their claims?
You withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, right, but how do you do it?
North American Union?
Health care system?
Free energy patents that corporations have?
Hidden technologies that the military have, free energy?
Would you disclose all alien information the US government and military have?
Would you arrest Bush Co. because of what they've done?
Would you arrest everyone in Bilderberg?
What would you do about Israël?
Would you delete the Rex-84 program?
Reform FEMA?
Stop producing anti-personnel land mines?
Delete the program of using mini-nukes?
Delete the program transforming ICBM into conventionnal missiles?
Stopping putting weapons in space?
Agree with all the nuclear country to disarm?
Give, or sell free energy technology to all countries in the world?
What do you think fuel religious extremism and what would you do about it?

I think you would close Guantanamo and the secret prisons in Europe? You would also delete Patriot Act, Military Comission Act and all this crap that the congress voted for in the past 5 years?
I'll think of a few others issue... Thanks!

[edit on 12-10-2006 by Vitchilo]

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 07:41 AM
Excellent thread midnight you certainly get my vote even though i'm not and american citizen.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
What would you do about RFID chips?
Human chips?
National ID cards?

The chips would be ok, but never for use on humans. Pets, as they are not human & cannot be Citizens, would not be required to have the implants but it would be at the discretion of the pet's owner (This would not be regulated by the Federal Government in any way...The States or the People would be the ones to call for properly legislated regulations on pet-chips). If used in National ID cards, only the bare minimum info would be encoded: Name, address, a photo of the card-owner. Since no one other than an official Federal Agency can legally demand a Citizen's SSN, that would be encoded differently than the other info & only accessible from a Federal database (& never released to anyone else for any reason whatsoever!).

Originally posted by Vitchilo
A wall between Mexico and the US?

Well, as I mentioned above in my initial "campaign speech", it would be a wall of military. As also mentioned above, the military would also be aiding Immigration Services to round up & expel all illegal aliens that chose not to remain for the purpose of becoming naturalized citizens. The European refugees of WW II said their goodbyes to their homelands to become Americans...Let the Mexicans have the same choice. That would mean they would have to learn our language & attend classes that teach what being an American is all about.

Originally posted by Vitchilo
Would you limit the power of CIA?
Reform FEMA?
Would you delete the Rex-84 program?
You would also delete Patriot Act, Military Comission Act and all this crap that the congress voted for in the past 5 years?

As Federal Agencies (or Federal Programs), they would be subject to strict adherence to the Constitution, which is how the entire government, Federal & State should have always been restricted. If any National Emergency has been solved, I'll cancel any attending Emergency Act: All Executive Orders will be nulled, unless they can also pass through Congress for "due process of legislation": In short, if it doesn't adhere to the Consitution, it will no longer exist.
There will be no more "black budget programs" receiveing any Federal monies unless they disclose complete information to Congress for due deliberation: However, in the interests of domestic defense, some sensitive info will need to be excluded from Congressional publications & filed seperate from public-view publications: The Government does have enough leeway for secrecy to ensure that national defense is not compromised. However, the Government will not be allowed to cover up embarrassments under such secrecy: Accountability to the People must remain intact. The members of Congress would be sworn to secrecy in matters of domestic defense, but they would at least have all the info needed to deliberate whether such programs would be duly restricted by Constitutional writ & also provide legitimate defense for the Nation. FEMA, in particular, is currently set up to provide Government emergency protection from the People...They will henceforth be restructured to provide emergency protection to the People. In the short term, if they really do have secret "concentration camps" in place on our soil already, they will be outfitted more like schools & classrooms & put to use for Immigration Services for those illegal aliens to become Naturalized Citizens. Note my emphasis on the use of the terms "schools & classrooms"...In no way will any abuse be tolerated, either on the aliens or by the aliens. These will be places to teach & learn, not to incarcerate or punish.

Originally posted by Vitchilo
Would you ask for another independant 9/11 comission... with the help of the 9/11 for truth movement and consider their claims?

There wouldn't be any need...The current Administration clearly ignored several warnings that the 9/11 attacks were to happen. Since this is a clear failure to "provide for the common defense", they will be charged with Breach of Constitutional Oath, impeached or removed from Office (if any of them still hold any Offices when I get into the Oval Office) & indicted under that charge. Well, as another investigation may reveal extra offenses against the People & the Nation, then another investigation may be in order. But any trial or punishment would need to go through the Judicial Branch (impeachment has to go through Congress)...The Executive Branch has no authority in that area, other than to levy charges for the Judicial to handle, as appropriate.

However, I should also point out that a lot of the current Government (Federal & State levels) will need to be replaced...Due to the "Titles & Nobilities" clause of the Constitution, I suspect there will be quite a few people put out of their jobs anyway.

Originally posted by Vitchilo
I think you would close Guantanamo and the secret prisons in Europe?
You withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, right, but how do you do it?

In theory, it's quite simple...As Commander in Chief, I'd just issue the orders: It would be up to the DoD to organize & carry out the orders. Specifically, this would involve the total recall of all military personnel & equipment: What facilities cannot be transported should be scuttled. Let the Middle East blow each other up...My Duty is to America & we've got enough problems of our own to straighten out. American embassies in foreign lands will be maintained with a minimal "security" force, rotated often to allow personnel to come back home reasonably often. Military & Federal Law Enforcement Agencies at home would be allowed to aid but not dominate local police authorities & would also be of primary aid to Immigration Services, as I've indictaed already.

Originally posted by Vitchilo
North American Union?

Only with mutual consent & no more than a political alliance. In no way would I seek to compromise national sovereignty for any nation (including ours) involved in such a venture. I don't think Canada would be against such a proposal, but I think Mexico would be a tough nut to crack (politically)...Especially so soon after putting a halt to their recent "civilian invasion."

Originally posted by Vitchilo
Health care system?
Free energy patents that corporations have?
Hidden technologies that the military have, free energy?
Would you disclose all alien information the US government and military have?
Would you disclose all alien information the US government and military have?

As Domestic Defense is concerned, some info would have to remain secret. But also consider that, once all resources on American soil have been nationalized (including the corps!) under the modified Martial Law, it won't be difficult to make beneficial (to the Public) corporate secrets available...In effect, they will have all become Federal Agencies & can be regulated as such!

For the health care system, they will be structured to allow affordable or free medical policies & the pharmaceutical (sp?) companies will have to regulate their costs (and actually perform research to produce cures & make them available, instead of merely treating sysmptoms and making everyone keep paying for their lifetime!).
Another effect of nationalizing the corps would be that wages/salaries/etc could be regulated to be in line with the GNP: The banks would be restructured in how they operate, so that "fiat money" can't create a "debt-driven" economy any longer: Gold & silver will be made legal tender again, with "fiat money" figured in with the total economy so that "output-to-income" will actually mean something again.

Originally posted by Vitchilo
Stop producing anti-personnel land mines?

In all of military history where land mines have been used, they've never been tactically or strategically important to the outcome of any war or battle...And cleanup afterwards is might-nigh impossible to accomplish. Resoundingly, "yes" & diplomatically call for a total world-wide ban on land mines (and attempt to clean up existing mine fields). Even if no other nations agree to a ban on mines, our nation will! We will, however, continue with military training on how to deal with mines.

Originally posted by Vitchilo
Give, or sell free energy technology to all countries in the world?

Do you think I'd give up the kind of foreign trade concessions that America could have with this?

After all, the Constitution does put foreign trade rights firmly in the Government's hands...Once the corps are nationalized, they wouldn't get any say whatsoever! And this should provide enough Federal Income to reduce or abolish most taxes on the Citizens.

Originally posted by Vitchilo
Delete the program of using mini-nukes?
Delete the program transforming ICBM into conventionnal missiles?
Stopping putting weapons in space?
Agree with all the nuclear country to disarm?

Only if they do too...With full inspection teams exchanged between nations to ensure compliance. Not likely to happen otherwise: If we give up our nukes when no one else does, I'd be failing in my Duty to "provide for the common defense."

--------I have to continue below----------

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 01:51 AM
----------Two-part Post Concluded-----------

Originally posted by Vitchilo
What do you think fuel religious extremism and what would you do about it?

Seperation of Church & State is one of the Founding Principles of America: It will remain so. Let Religion take care of itself. However, when extremists get violent (& there will be Agencies that watch them for such tendencies!), they will have earned the use of force so that the American Public remains protected from violence. All in all, even the Church will retain the Right to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievences, just as Citizens do. Even as the Corporate sector will no longer control the Government, the Church will not either: The current practice of "lobbying" in the Government will not continue, by Corp or Church or "special intrest groups"...Simply because they must prove that they represent a majority of the People, not the interests of small groups wielding some influence.

Since my intention here is to address every issue I can, did I miss anything, Vitchilo?

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by HarpStrings
In other words just how many good hearted men lost their way in that transition and how difficult would it be to stick to your own guns being that you've got to go through the Supreme Court etc..
Anyway, you're too intelligent and honest to make into presidency

No, it wouldn't be easy...But then I never indicated that it would. Of course, my personal security would be beefed up & I'd be taking other steps to ensure that my "sudden death or disappearance" wouldn't slow me down. At the very least, I think I'd have The People backing me up.
As for the "intelligence factor", I've recently run across something that I thought I'd share. Try looking at this article.

Even though the Constitution specifies "no religious test" is allowed for Government Officials, I may try to institute an "intelligence test" as qualification...

[edit on 13-10-2006 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 09:55 AM
I would definitely vote for you as you're views are the same as me. Run for 08!!

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 11:48 PM
Honestly, I don't want votes for myself...I'd rather see the majority vote, "No Confidence." Do you think that would shake up the corrupt power-mongers a bit?

Another point I should mention is that, with all the controversy surrounding the use of the Diebold voting machines, people would be better off voting through the Absentee Ballots...That still leaves an accountable paper trail that the Diebold machines lack. I've seen a report (somewhere, I don't remember precisely) that a hacker can access the Diebolds & alter the programming in 30 seconds or less, corrupting the ballot counts. Is this something that Americans want to happen?

But what's this? No more new ideas for issues in 4 days? C'mon people, I'm trying to run a "campaign" here!

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