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The FED is a serious scam. When is something going to be done about it?

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posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy
And Astayanax...tell me what that has to do with buying and selling money....

Ummm *blushes* I originally brought that subject up as a sort of passing rant but Nax didnt want to let it go, so it all his fault!
so suuush, dont bring it up again...

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 03:50 PM
EB - You asked what can be done about the Fed... You may seriously want to look (very quickly because this is happening NOW) into the Leo Wanta story and the 'Wanta Plan'. It sure looks like there is a real war going on behind the scenes, not being covered by the mainstream media, which could topple the Fed, Bush & Co., and possibly the Illuminati if Mr. Wanta is able to return 27.5 trillion dollars owed the American people and revitalize our economy. Here's the ATS thread on the subject:

In reference to toppling the Fed, check this link out (quote is about half way down):

In 1973, President Kennedy was assassinated after intelligence cadres working within the corrupted and penetrated US intelligence community, became aware that he was intending to abolish the Federal Reserve System and to replace it with a central bank network fully owned by the United States and therefore exclusively loyal to the interests of the American people.

As matters stand, this private corporation, owned mainly by foreigners, is now impeding the will of the US Treasury under its superbly qualified new Secretary, Henry M. Paulson Jr., and is depriving the United States and the American people of the benefits which will accrue following implementation of The Wanta Plan, which was the primary subject of behind-the-scenes discussions in St Petersburg.

If this matter is not resolved, the American people will have every right to demand the nationalisation of the Federal Reserve, the indictment of its senior officers, and the bringing to justice of those office-holders and corrupt intelligence community cadres owing allegiance to foreign powers which appear to be working through the Federal Reserve to frustrate this new 'Marshall Plan for America'.

If this is all true, and I believe it is (it's hard to confirm anything outside the 'aternative' sites), this could be a world changing event and we need to do something about it very quickly. I've contacted Sen. Feingold (I suggest we all contact our reps) and will update the other thread if I get a reply.

[edit on 3-8-2006 by mecheng]

[edit on 3-8-2006 by mecheng]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:30 PM

EB - You asked what can be done about the Fed... You may seriously want to look (very quickly because this is happening NOW) into the Leo Wanta story and the 'Wanta Plan'.

I have come across some info on Leo Wanta. I will have to get deeper into it. It would be a lot easier to jump on an existing bandwagon than to create a whole new one!

The big question I guess is: Does the FED have enough power to keep the crap from hitting the fan? I hope they don't...but my fear is that they DO! I hope I am proven wrong....and SOON!

I think I now need to change my focus to what is currently being done to rid us of the FED and how we as citizens can get involved!

This is good:

"Leo Wanta, an honourable and upright man (rare in the intelligence environment), refused to accommodate demands from two US Presidents for Trustor funds to be diverted for their own ultimate personal benefit, and annotated a Federal Reserve transactions print-out to the effect that George (Jorge) Bush Sr. is in breach of crucial US statutes in connection with a transfer of $1.0 billion from a bank in Malaga, Spain, to Panama, in August 1989. Instead of being supported by his peers, as would be expected in an ethical environment, Wanta was framed, arrested, flung into a stinking Swiss dungeon for 133 days, extradited to the United States (after an intervention by Yizhak Rabin), arraigned before a US Judge in New York, released when the judge threw the case out, rearrested without a warrant on the US courtroom steps, extradited illegally to Wisconsin on a trumped-up tax charge, suffered false witness, jailed for 22 years, experienced three attempts to murder him in prison plus unsuccessful official efforts to have him certified insane, released into house arrest in Wisconsin where he languished for many years, and falsely reported by the lying CIA to be dead."


It appears Prescott taught his son well......Someone high up on this website should try to get an interview with this Leo Wanta!! Can that be done?

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Excitable_Boy]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:45 PM
I agree! The problem I'm havinig is confirming any of this. There are only a few sites reporting on this story, none of them mainstream, and all of them seem to reference each other. I contacted Sen. Feingold about whether he knows of the Leo Wanta story and he said he forwarded my questions regarding the Wanta Plan to the Federal Reserve... Like I'm going to get a straight answer out of them.
I then asked for more info from him personally. I'm looking forward to see what, if anything, he has to say. Meanwhile, I'm trying to confirm any of this but it's pretty hard right now.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 05:34 PM

During the interview that can be heard in full by going to The Investigative Journal archives at **

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 05:39 PM
EB - I just posted that same interview on the other thread relating with the Leo wanta story. Perhaps (just a suggestion) we should post info regarding Wanta on that thread and keep your thread here for discussions regarding the Fed. I added the Wanta stuff because I thought it might be of interest to you and posters to this thread... just a thought.

[edit on 3-8-2006 by mecheng]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 06:06 PM
It appears Leo Wanta IS related to the FED and is topical to THIS discussion. Found a TON of info here:

It is a bit odd and frustrating that NOTHING can be found on this gentleman from any "legitimate" news source. Of course, what IS a legitimate news source? And....who owns them?

But....I have searched many...and come up with ZERO articles on Wanta. Is it all a joke OR have the powers that be removed him from databases??...or have the media been "politely asked" to not get involved in this story since day one....

Anyone have anything more substantial on this guy??

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 09:52 AM
Don't mean to keep bouncing you guys from thread to thread but I found some interesting articles regarding Leo Wanta. Check out my post on this thread:

Here's the link to the Wisconsin newspaper articles.

Leo Wanta Articles

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 05:05 PM
The tax evasion trial of Leo Wanta last week before Dane County JudgeMichael Torphy had all the elements of a fiction thriller: espionage,international intrigue, assassination attempts. The trouble was that these events apparently took place mostly in Wanta'smind. Instead of the high drama of a spy trial, the case had the unfortunateair of one man's tragedy.From Wisconsin State Journal, Mon May 15 1995

Looks to me that they are going to dismiss anything he has to say as ranting of a crazy man. does not surprise me. The only way this will ever be changed is a united display of civil disobedience ( refuse to pay taxes). But if it is not observed my at least 30 thousand people the individuals the express their disobedience will simply be erased as a cult. Or just like Wanta dismissed as a crazy, conspiracy theorists. This was in 1995 and so far there has been no mainstream media coverage at all. Well i suppose i should expect that as well. the media is owned just like every thing else. There is one thing you can do remove your self from all alliances with all countries. As soon as i get my boat that is exactly what i am doing. I would rather live as a hermit than be owned and ruined by a faceless global corporation.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 12:36 PM
I got my copy of "Miracle on Main Street" yesterday. Thanks for the recommendation. I read about half of it yesterday and so far very interesting and surprisingly easy to read (even for someone as dumb as me when it comes to economics).

IMO - this subject, paper money and the FED, deserves far more attention by Joe Public than it's getting. Perhaps because people, like me, are too ignorant, naive and consequently afraid to discuss it.

I'd like to discuss the book more here when I'm finished if you guys are up to it.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 04:09 PM

I'd like to discuss the book more here when I'm finished if you guys are up to it.

Absolutely! I may have to read that myself. Definitely share the info!

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 12:37 PM
Ok EB, I finished reading the book.

I’m no expert but at least I’m trying.

You said you want to know what can be done about the FED. I suggest anyone that is new to this, like I am, who knows there’s something wrong but doesn't know what it is, should start by reading I Want The Earth Plus 5%. It will give you a quick, easy understanding of how we got to where we are now.

Then, if you're interested in knowing what you can do to fix the problem, I suggest you pick up a copy of "The Miracle on Main Street" by Frederick Tupper Saussy (and pass it on when you're done). I got mine at Amazon for about $5.00 +S&H. It's a very easy read and although there is a lot of information presented each chapter is only a couple pages long. I read the entire book in two nights (and will be going over it again in more detail soon).

Here is a summary of some of the points Mr. Saussy talks about in his book...

1) The social ills apparent today and their cause… inflation.

2) The only cause of inflation is paper money.

‘Experts’ will try to explain inflation in ways that are impossible to understand. The system is set up such that the average man does not know what is happening to him and can not ask because he does not ‘understand’ these experts. But no matter how the experts choose to explain inflation, the simple truth is that paper money is the root cause and it is a scam of incredible proportions.

3) You have the lawful ability to change things. Government officials are obligated to serve you and to obey the constitution. In Tennessee, they must even support citizen’s right to alter, reform, or abolish the government should things get out of control.


Article 1, Section 10

Section 10. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility.

Our Forefathers, in particular Roger Sherman knew the evils of paper money which is why Article 1, Section 10 was written.

5) There was sudden economic relief in America shortly after the constitution and Article 1, Section 10 was written. Many of our Forefathers including George Washington were astonished by the positive impact of using gold and silver as the only tender in payment of debts.

6) In 1913 the “Friends of Paper Money” were able to pass the Federal Reserve Act. From the book, “In the passage of that Act, a small group of world bankers with a long and carefully-guarded, very private history of manipulating the affairs of rulers “got into the Legislature” just as Roger Sherman feared they would and obtained “license” to print money.”

7) The failed (or successful, depending on your point of view) “Experiment” in Germany from 1916-1923 which caused unimaginable hyperinflation but was ultimately fixed by making paper money once again redeemable in gold coin. The honor of restoring the system belonged to Dr. Hjalmar Schacht who later became Hitler’s Chief Economic Advisor.

8) “Congress has never declared Federal Reserve Notes to be legal tender in payment of debts.” If you look at a dollar bill it has the words “This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private”. According to Saussy, the word “for” was carefully selected in place of “in payment of” to get around Article 1, Section 10.

All the Federal Reserve Note can do is replace one debt with another debt, itself. The FRN is not your government’s money. It is the “script of a private organization”, the Federal Reserve.

9) We can not fight this through our Congressmen or Senators. It must be fought at a personal and local level by informing our friends, neighbors, relatives, and local and state officials about Article 1, Section 10. – Congress, by law, does not tell the states what shall be tender. The states, because of Article 1, Section 10 tell congress what legal tender shall be… gold and silver.

10) How a government official should abide by the constitution and Article 1, Section 10

11) How Saussy handled an investigation by special investigators of the Tennessee Department of Revenue after repeatedly asking the state to define what a ‘Dollar’ meant on his tax forms. And of course your right to the Fifth Amendment (you may need it at some point).

12) How to discuss this issue with other people and who you should avoid.

13) Getting school teachers, most of whom took an oath to support the constitution and consequently Article 1, Section 10, to discuss the evils of paper money.

14) Some real life stories of how ordinary people are objecting to paper money.

Saussy then describes how nearly all of your rights can be taken away in an instant, through Executive Orders 10995-11005 (all now under Executive Order 11490), if the President declares an economic or financial crisis, a path which we are headed down now (just like Germany in 1923) unless we do something to change it.

I enjoyed the book. I don’t know that I’m ready yet to stop paying taxes however. I hope you have the time to read it too and discuss it further later. Hope this helps.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 02:39 PM
Thanks for synopsis, Mecheng. It is definitely a book worth reading and I now plan on doing just that. Also, point #9 is the one that each of us who are privy to this knowledge needs to take to heart. If everyone was aware of this crime, then I suspect it would make the task of changing the system much easier.

9) We can not fight this through our Congressmen or Senators. It must be fought at a personal and local level by informing our friends, neighbors, relatives, and local and state officials about Article 1, Section 10. – Congress, by law, does not tell the states what shall be tender. The states, because of Article 1, Section 10 tell congress what legal tender shall be… gold and silver.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 04:48 PM
If you look at the talk page related to this wikipedia article, you can see many folk aren't too happy about it:

1. No sources
2. Assumptions. Cleverly worded to not directly implicate jews, but racist none the less

[edit on 16-8-2006 by Peyres]

[edit on 16-8-2006 by Peyres]


posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by mecheng
I enjoyed the book. I don’t know that I’m ready yet to stop paying taxes however. I hope you have the time to read it too and discuss it further later. Hope this helps.

Nice one, Ive not read the book so it all helps! This whole 'stop paying taxes' thing cracks me up, taxes are woven into everything, its not like we have to go somewhere and pay 'em, or at least that not how its done in the UK. I think our protest has to come from somewhere else somehow.

I had a heated debate last night, after reading your post, with my beloved about basing money on gold. I was wondering why we must base it on precious metals, my argument being if we need more money printed and there is not enough metals to back it, what do we do? And we all seem to be doing fine with fiat money at the moment, what we dont do well with is interest and banks being private instead of public (non-profit). As it stands, someone must set the gold standard, someone decides how much gold is worth in terms of paper money. I may have misunderstood the whole concept but I feel I need persuading on the money backed by gold thing.

I found this site, The Money Reform Party, its a UK party that appears to have been set up only last year. When I originally looked about 4 years ago, there was nothing, so Im happy about this and I shall be joining up asap.


posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by Peyres
If you look at the talk page related to this wikipedia article, you can see many folk aren't too happy about it:

LOL that entry is a tad bias to say the least! I especially thought this bit was the dead give away:

As Iraqis die by the scores daily in an insurrection turned to civil war within Iraq,

But it did make me look in Tinwiki to see if we had an entry on the 'banking cabal' and we dont. So Im going to work on one despite the fact its the school holidays and my 'creative time' is a bit limited.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by Dae
This whole 'stop paying taxes' thing cracks me up...

Yeah, I agree. The only thing it seems like it will do is get you thrown in jail and sorry, but I've got a family and kids to support. I guess it depends on your commitment level. However, I think a better way to go about it is to spread the word at the local level, grassroots, and get the law changed. If everyone (easier said than done sometimes) starts protesting things will change.

Saussy does have some interesting stories of people that got away with paying fees, fines, sales tax, etc. but your chances are much better if you organize a number of people to all do the same. If it's just you, not only is it easier for a judge to toss you out, but you just end up looking like a kook.

Even Mr. Saussy looks like he got to cool off a bit in the slammer...

I was wondering why we must base it on precious metals, my argument being if we need more money printed and there is not enough metals to back it, what do we do?

I'm no expert (I have to say this before every point I make regarding economics so I don't get bashed, so for now on I'll just use INE for short
) but that's the advantage of gold and silver. INE, but with gold and silver you can't just print more money. There's a limited quantity (although I suppose you could coin more). Therefore you and other product's worth is held in check. It's not manipulated by how much money was printed and introduced into the system. Your worth is tied to something material. However, like I said, INE.

And we all seem to be doing fine with fiat money at the moment.

INE, but from the little I've read, we're heading down a similar path that Germany went down in 1923 It all started with getting away from gold and silver coinage and going to fiat money. In the book, Saussy eludes to the fact that the system in Germany was manipulated to create hyperinflation. Eventually Hitler came to power on the heals of the recovery. And as we've seen in some of these posts, the central bank can create inflation and depression, sometimes severely, with paper money... but, INE either.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 09:34 AM
"INE" I like that.
I'd use it myself, but I'm not sure it's an accurate description of my deficiencies. I might have to go with JARG (Just A Random Goof).

Anyway, glad someone saw some value in the Saussy book, for the informational value. No, I wouldn't advocate not filing a tax return. Wife & kids here, too.


Some good (IMO) info regarding the financial markets and >gasp!< conspiracy from another of my favorite cyber freethinkers, J. Orlin Grabbe-

There's a book's worth of info there, but if nothing else the first two links -The End of Ordinary Money, parts 1 & 2 - are worth a read.

He's also got a very good primer on the gold market, IMO (but I'm JARG) here-

The Internet is great, isn't it? Not only a wealth of information available, but a place like ATS to gather together on a world wide basis and share thoughts and ideas. If anything can give the ordinary guy a chance to help effect some real change, it's avenues like this that will ultimately create the tipping point.


posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Peyres
2. Assumptions. Cleverly worded to not directly implicate jews, but racist none the less.

Speaking of the Jews, and I'm not an anti-semite, just a JARG
, but I found this on the Anti Deformation League's website under their "Militia Watchdog" page. It appears they don't appreciate anyone complaining about the paper money system or the FED and have set up a whole page of what they call "Idiot Legal Arguements" defending the FED and paper money.

Idiot Legal Arguments: A Casebook for Dealing with Extremist Legal Arguments

I wonder why the Anti Deformation League feels it necessary to defend the FED and paper money? Then people wonder why "all Jews" get blamed for the system we're under.
And how dare they call these "idiot" legal arguements. According to the ADL if you feel the FED and paper money is a scam, you're an idiot!

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by mecheng

Originally posted by Peyres
2. Assumptions. Cleverly worded to not directly implicate jews, but racist none the less.

Speaking of the Jews, and I'm not an anti-semite, just a JARG
, but I found this on the Anti Deformation League's website under their "Militia Watchdog" page. It appears they don't appreciate anyone complaining about the paper money system or the FED and have set up a whole page of what they call "Idiot Legal Arguements" defending the FED and paper money.

Idiot Legal Arguments: A Casebook for Dealing with Extremist Legal Arguments

I wonder why the Anti Deformation League feels it necessary to defend the FED and paper money? Then people wonder why "all Jews" get blamed for the system we're under.
And how dare they call these "idiot" legal arguements. According to the ADL if you feel the FED and paper money is a scam, you're an idiot!

Yes the ADL doesn't like it when the sheeple wake up and leave the herd. They get really angry when the people use "Their" laws against them and free themselves from slavery.

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