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Ann Coulters, leaves a bad taste in my mouth

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posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 04:45 PM
She gives a@@holes a good name. I can see someone inventing the Iron Maiden with her in mind. Speaking your mind is one thing, she takes "open mouth, insert ass" to new heights imho.

Doesn't ATS have a AssHAT of the Month Award?

If they do, I'd vote for Ann Coulters at a bare minimum, 20 to 30 times a day...

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 04:49 PM
Liberty threads:

A Google search should turn up some more. I'm pretty sure that's not all there is.

I figured I'd post these to give y'all some info, but it's REALLY off-topic.

So, let's get back to the original topic, which is Ann Coulter and the bile that she sprays.

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 05:43 PM
I cant bear to watch... what a dyke... even if the 9/11 conspiracies are wrong (which they aren't) she has no right to go and bad mouth others over it... they are just trying to find the truth... and deserve a lot more respect, to have denied the ignorance that obviously plagues you Ann Coulters or Ann #

[edit on 10-6-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 05:48 PM
If I may speak for the moderates a moment I believe I have a solution.

Ann Coulter vs. Jeaneane Garafolo. Caged knife fight to the death and then we shoot the winner.

Problem sovled?


posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 11:10 AM
According to some sources, she used to be a Key West drag queen working under the name Pudenda Shenanigans. Apparently she got dumped by an arab and that would explain a lot.

When I read the story that details the above information, I laughed so loud and so hard that people from the other side of our office came over to see if I was OK. sophmoric, maybe.......hilarious, definitely!

its about two inches down from the top, under the heading "strap on veterans for truth"

mAnn Coulter - "She's a MAN, Baby!"

[edit on 9-6-2006 by subway]

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 11:20 AM
Lou Dobbs interviewed her (like a pussy--I've lost all respect for the man) and she likened herself to a right-wing Mark Twain. Best laugh I had all evening.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 11:47 AM
I'm very surprised no one is talking about her voter fraud charges coming up.
Mann Coulter never stops with the insults, the more I read about her the more I think she is insane.

COULTER VOTER FRAUD: New Admissions! Digging her Own Grave...

Denies Living in Palm Beach Which Means She Admits to Breaking Florida State Tax Law By Taking a $25k Homestead Exemption.
Coulter denied knowingly voting in the wrong district in a Fox News Channel interview Tuesday night, and said she actually lives in New York.
First, her denial of "knowingly voting the wrong district" contradicts the incident report given by the poll worker after the event. That incident report, by the poll worker who gave it, and the Election Supervisor's letter to Coulter about it are both posted one of our earlier stories here.

Second, her admission that she "actually lives in New York," if true, means that she's now admitting to a violation of Florida tax law since she took a $25,000 homestead exemption -- according to the Palm Beach County Appraisers office -- on the $1.3 million dollar crib in Palm Beach County which she purchased in March of last year. As we reported previously, the Florida homestead law states
She said the reporters who wrote about the case are "all retarded" and accused Palm Beach officials of having a sexually transmitted disease.

"I think the syphilis has gone to their brains," she said. "This is all false, I'm telling you."

Meanwhile, Coulter is also registered to vote in New Canaan, Conn. - though the local registrar told the Daily News yesterday it's illegal to be registered in two places at once.

Coulter cast an absentee ballot in New Canaan in the 2004 election. She also owns a $1.5 million condo on Manhattan's East Side but has never registered to vote there.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by rizla
Lou Dobbs interviewed her (like a pussy--I've lost all respect for the man) and she likened herself to a right-wing Mark Twain. Best laugh I had all evening.

Lou Dobbs as of late keeps up good writing on the CNN front page. To the point, and pretty critical of govt and the Dems. A lot of common sense.

And Ann is an @sshole, no doubt abotu that.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 09:52 PM
Ann needs to take her asshat off and put her thinking cap on... Though I hear blondes are borne without them...

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 09:42 AM
So MAnn Coulter wants special treatment, I guess cause she is special, she has hired the same attorney that was involved in the 2000 elections of Gerbil and Chenny in Florida. With a bit of luck I think we will see this (******* *****) get 5 years. Also there is that little defrauding of the State of Florida for 25 grand, yes it looks good, but I / we have to keep in mind money talk and horse crap walks.

COULTER VOTER FRAUD: New Attorney Seeks Special Treatment for Cruel GOP Hate Monger...

EXCLUSIVE: Letter from Lawyer Asks Mail Be Sent to Him Instead of Address Where Coulter Admits Not Living Despite Previously Swearing the Opposite Was True...


The attorney representing Coulter -- who recently told Fox News that she doesn't even live in Florida, where she submitted a voter registration application nonetheless -- asks the Supervisors office to set aside their rules, regulations and possibly the rule of law in favor of his wealthy client. He suggests that it was Supervisor Arthur Anderson's office who failed somehow, rather than his client who didn't respond to the letter which was sent to her via registered mail.
We have no word yet on whether Jimenez will also seek leniency for Coulter in regard to her apparent $25k fraudulent tax evasion in relation to a "Homestead Exemption" she received on her $1.3 Palm Beach crib in violation of the Florida tax code which requires such exemptions be taken only by "permanent resident[s]" of the state.

[edit on 10/6/2006 by Sauron]

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 10:35 AM
yeah and before that she'll see

l l
l l
_____ l l__
l l
l l

from me (middle finger)

what a bitch!

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 10:57 AM
Ann is perhaps the most rediculous conservative out there. She is in the running for rediculousness along with Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Mike Savage. I got to give props to Matt Lauer for calling her out on Today a couple days ago. I just wish he would have pushed her chair over and tossed her down into the crowd below where she certainly would have been ripped to shreds. New Yorkers protect their own! (even if the 'witches of east brunswick are technically from Jersey)

I'd like to know where she says she lives in NY anyway and publish that! Maybe she would be forced to move to Florida after her place is burned.

[edit on 10-6-2006 by Pragmatist Centrist]

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 11:12 AM
Personally, I think it's as simple as this. Ann Coulter has a LOT of hatred in her. I really wouldn't say she is a good person (human being). She is truly black inside.

She (like some others) is going to have some real trouble getting into Heaven when her time comes.

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 11:42 AM
I see her in Real time with Bill Mar first thing that came out of my mouth is
"WHAT A BITCH" she is one of the most hateful people I seen. When she was
there she was talk about black folks like there # I said I would never hit a
woman but she an excepetion I whould hit with out holding back.

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by xander68Heres a thought.. she's the conservative answer to Michael Moore, but without the spin or twisting of truths!

More like James Carville.

Remember his "Drag a dollar through a trailer park" tour?

Carville, as far as I can remember, is the one who originated this kind of "no-holds barred" commentary. He's the first I hever heard, anyway. So I credit him with inventing this somewhat new genre of political slimeballing.

I say "somewhat new" because it's really quite old. Our country was founded by people willing to go out and claim their political opponents were having sex with the livestock. But this sort of activity faded out. Now it's making a comeback. What's old is new.


posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by Sauron
I'm very surprised no one is talking about her voter fraud charges coming up.
Mann Coulter never stops with the insults, the more I read about her the more I think she is insane.

Denies Living in Palm Beach Which Means She Admits to Breaking Florida State Tax Law By Taking a $25k Homestead Exemption.
Second, her admission that she "actually lives in New York," if true, means that she's now admitting to a violation of Florida tax law since she took a $25,000 homestead exemption -- according to the Palm Beach County Appraisers office -- on the $1.3 million dollar crib in Palm Beach County which she purchased in March of last year. As we reported previously, the Florida homestead law states

Whatever may come from her alleged voter fraud, I seriously doubt that she will be in any trouble at all regarding this "Tax Fraud" tripe. Bradblog is really reaching on that one. Understandable, yes, but it makes him look really stupid.
Florida homestead act:

Under the Florida Homestead Exemption law, no municipal or county taxes are levied against the first $25,000 of valuation of a home occupied by its owners except for special assessments.

Proof of Florida Residency must be provided when applying for the Homestead Exemption.

Florida Voter's Registration (if you vote)
Florida Drivers License (if you drive)
Florida Registration for Car (if you own a car)
Recorded Deed for Property
Current Electrical Receipt for Service in Your Name Prior to January 1
Social Security Number (all owners)
Definition of "Permanent Resident" in Florida Tax Law:

"Permanent resident" means a person who has established a permanent residence as defined in subsection (18).
(Subsection 18):
"Permanent residence" means that place where a person has his or her true, fixed, and permanent home and principal establishment to which, whenever absent, he or she has the intention of returning. A person may have only one permanent residence at a time; and, once a permanent residence is established in a foreign state or country, it is presumed to continue until the person shows that a change has occurred.
Do you doubt that Coulter has the "intention of returning" to her home in Palm Beach County?
See, the Florida law is really pretty lax. Why do you think so many people have "second" homes there?

Originally posted by Sauron

Meanwhile, Coulter is also registered to vote in New Canaan, Conn. - though the local registrar told the Daily News yesterday it's illegal to be registered in two places at once.

Coulter cast an absentee ballot in New Canaan in the 2004 election. She also owns a $1.5 million condo on Manhattan's East Side but has never registered to vote there.

How does one go about "unregistering" to vote?
Anyone that has moved out of state in recent years and registered to vote in their new state is also guilty of being "registered in two places at once." This is because of the completely lax voting registration regulations implemented in an attempt to remove every obstacle to voting that could possibly hold back any single voter, without admitting that laziness is the main factor (outside of the absence of any real choice - at least in Federal elections.)
If you register once in Florida, you are registered for seven years after the last time you voted. If you vote every seven years, you never have to register again. If you move (within Florida,) you have to change your address (you can do this online) and they'll send you a new card, or you can just continue to vote in your old district with your old driver's license, until the license expires anyway. Technically that is illegal, but it's done all the time.
IMO, as long as you only vote once, what's the difference?

I don't care much for Coulter, I wouldn't buy her books. I don't need to read "How to Talk to a Liberal," for example. I dislike the divisiveness of today's politics. But I also dislike silly things like what I read on Bradblog about Coulter. It's all just pure vindictiveness. He hates Coulter (not just him) so he posts this insane crapola about her "criminal" activities. He'd be better off just quoting some of the stupider stuff she's written.


[edit on 6/10/2006 by Harte]

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 06:14 PM
Ann Coulter is right on the money! Instead of being upset with her, how about being upset with the pathetic democrats using widows and mothers of dead soldiers for political gain. This upsets Democrats because the truth hurts, and the next time Democrats try this they will be busted!

BTW: Ann's book is #1 on the best seller list!

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Ann Coulter is right on the money! Instead of being upset with her

So you agree with the insults and the hate that consumes her?

BTW: Ann's book is #1 on the best seller list!

According to who? Not NY Times...

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by maximusX
For those of you who have heard some of Ann Coulters', you probably have a bad taste in your mouth. I know I sure do. I've heard some of her recent remarks, and they have seemed to be "Fox like" news. If any of you know Fox news, you'll completely understand. It's our #1 political disinformative, twist the story, humiliate the anyone who questions the real story, biggest government media outlet in the country. Sounds bad? Just watch this video.

Uh let's get this straight... there is 4 major TV networks in the US with 3 of them being old school around forever...

Those three are as I see it Left of Center in their policial leanings and only 1 of the 4 is right of center in its political views (some have argued here that Fox is in fact moderate in its views...).. and you find that offensive? A ratio of 3 to 1?

You speak as though you are threatened by having a 3 to one advantage... I see it the other way though, 3 to 1 is UNFAIR and it needs to be 2 to 2.

In regards Ann Coulter, she does go overboard at times I agree but no more than most of her critics from what I can see.. also the current tactic of using vicitims to score political points for one's agenda is less than tastefull itself if you ask me.

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by maximusX
For those of you who have heard some of Ann Coulters', you probably have a bad taste in your mouth. I know I sure do. I've heard some of her recent remarks, and they have seemed to be "Fox like" news. If any of you know Fox news, you'll completely understand. It's our #1 political disinformative, twist the story, humiliate the anyone who questions the real story, biggest government media outlet in the country. Sounds bad? Just watch this video.

Is this the kind of media personnel that should really be even credible in our media programs. I think not. Personally, I think shes a disgrace to our country. To actually get airtime is ridiculous. Two words. White Trash.

Your right maximusx, she has proven again that she is nothing but a BIG MOUTH for fox news and conservatives. She not only leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but she leaves me a pounding headache from that ignorant mouth of hers.

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