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Spanish inquisition, Anunaki Reptilians, Immortality, NWO, Etc.

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posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 10:12 PM
Let's just cut to the chase... aliens exist, and there are a lot. Our galaxy is comprised of prison planets for exiled aliens from all over the galaxy with known planets being ours, Mars, and Jupitor (but that is really just being used as an Annunaki base). Earth, is made so we do not know our full potential as immortal beings and so we don't get hints of what really exists. Hints of all of this is exposed in movies like the matrix, and star wars which is kind of ironic in itself. We are all aliens from different planets and stuck in these bodies at birth (our "soul" is placed here). There are signs all over our system instructing aliens not to land here and the only alien race allowed to speak to human leaders are the Annunaki (Reptilian aliens, and the grey aliens that are holding on to their pockets) lol. That is why our government doesn't expose the truth, they think they will get destroyed, get more technology, and be given "immortality" by creatures that don't even have the answers... this will all make more sense later on in my blog.

Am I afraid i'll be killed for speaking this? No, the government doesn't give 2 flying #s because they doubt anyone can fully fathom the truth and do something about it- namely YOU. How does that make you feel? Personally, I believe that is the largest "pat on the head" ever. If that doesn't enrage you, I don't know what will. Second, they really don't want to kill someone like me- I won't even get into why that is. Third, the Annunaki think we will all blow eachother up before we make any spiritual progress and get back to how we used to be... it seems every time in our human history once we get closer to spiritual freedom we have the worst crime, and then we blow eachother up with nukes via world wide chaos (I.E. wars)... yep I said it. Babylon, etc. All nukes. Nothing here is new, it's all been here before, then wiped out by nukes, and then we've had to start over. So i'm off the hook for danger, but not off the hook for teaching YOU the truth so you can seek spiritual awareness.

but let's get to the stuff that most of you can get reality on...

I just finished reading a book by Jim Maars that has completely blown me over... and that is a rare occurance with my knowledge of secrets/hidden elements of society (but in reality it is limited compared to how much is out there, don't get me wrong). The last half of the book goes over ancient texts from Sumeria... way before Jesus even walked the earth. According to ancient Sumerian texts, there is a reason we are the way we are. There is a reason why evolution does not clearly connect us with apes. The Sumerian's documented thousands upon thousands of historical accounts blended with oral-traditons, and during the Spanish Inquisition most of the texts were burned to keep our Catholic ideals alive and flurishing... damn ancestors. The truth would literally destroy the majority of religions, because they are way off of the mark. God does exist, but we can't communicate with him in our current state, and when we die, we don't go to heaven... we actually get transported to a base for implanting, then sent back to Earth to get a new body... hence reincarnation and dejavu and thinking you were someone else in a past life. This is heavy I know. It is actually meant to be unbearably heavy, but you have to work through it. God is not the enemy at all, it is the Annunaki who created our bodies, and another race I won't even mention that sent out souls here.

Now the beef of all this is in the following... according to Sumerian texts, a very long time ago (I don't remember the number) another planet colided with Earth and ripped a whole in the alien planet's ozone layer (and it goes on to explain why our land masses shifted so rapidly, as opposed to Scientist's general idea that land masses move close to two inches every year). In order to repair the alien planet's solar system, they needed gold particles. Scientists just discovered last year that in order to repair our own ozone layer, gold particles might be necessary if not vital. This race was refered to in Sumerian texts as the "Annunaki." This race of people were similar in homonoid apearance except much more advanced, had faces that resembled reptiles, and pointier bone structures/sharp features. The texts also go on to say that the Annunaki created humans as a genetic experiement for slave labor.

They needed gold to be mined from Earth, and they were not interested in doing this themselves. Because the Annunaki's planet revolved around the sun in a different fashion than Earth did, they lived much longer- the texts speculate thousands of years. The Annunaki created us using their own DNA, combined with that of primitive apes. This created the first homo sapian. Cro-magnon, and homo-erectus were basically the same creature... just one had more alien DNA (erectus) and the other had less (magnon). It is possible that the two species interbred, and this is why the Cro-magnon "disapeared" such as scientists have speculated in the past. Further, the Annunaki were said to be Gods to these early developed humans... and because of their advanced technology, different apearance, superior intellect, and mastery of the unknown, the humans redily complied with their orders. The gold was collected, the alien planet was patched up, and then the rulers of the Annunaki debated over our existance. One younger Annunaki ruler suggested we appoint half-breeds as rulers. This was the start of the kingship. As time went on in Babylon, the humans decided to make a spaceport to leave Earth. In the bible it says "a tower" but that is a mistranslated Sumerian word. The humans were building a spacecraft. The Annunaki hated this, and destroyed them. They also spread across the different races, and over time the languages developed differently... as opposed to the Bible's misinterpritation that it was instantaneous.

Later on a man named Moses apeared on the scene. I'm assuming you immediately think of a man with a beard, a staff, and a primitive poncho. Our minds have been filled with garbage... in the Sumerian texts, Moses brought one sample of every animal on earth on the boat with him during the great flood supposadly started by the Annunaki high ruler. This instruction was given to him, again, by the younger Annunaki ruler who took a liking to the human race. This is the scariest part... the original interpritation has nothing to do with taking actual animal specimins, but DNA SAMPLES. Once the flood ceased, and the majority of life stopped on Earth... it began again, with the help of genetic engineering and test-tubes...

Now with that knowledge... of the alien conflict between their own good and evil rulers... read the Old Testament again... but this time, imagine a conflict. "God" seems to change his mind a lot and give himself a lot of counter-intention doesn't he? Of course, I do believe all of this, and I am leaving out a lot of information from a 400 page book. *The Annunaki also knew of the supreme being... the same one you've been praying to all these years... so don't get that upset if you do believe this information, it's not like everything changes... just know that some people on Earth are more Annunaki-related than others... kind of scary, but the majority of them don't even know their own bloodline and innate power. From my own experience, it is not hard at all to find someone with Annunaki roots. If I had to guesstimate I would say 3 in a few thousand people. Look at the eyes... if they are unusually piercing, really seem interesting- there's one. Look at the feautres, if they are pointy or sharp, there's one. If their overall apearance seems to change a lot every different time you see them, there is one (and I don't mean trends/clothing styles). Look at the walk, and look at the overall vibe of the person. It is not hard to tell, you just have to raise your awareness. Creepiness is not necessarily a trait, although it can be one.

And finally... the worst truth of all. There is a God. He has existed forever. However, there is no heaven, and there is no hell. When we die, our souls are transported to an alien military base on Jupitor, and we are brainwashed for about 9 years. Then, we are dumped into the water around California, and we scramble to inhabit a newborn baby. We are all aliens from other planets that were punished. Some of us were revolutionaries, some of us were criminals, some of us were just at the wrong place at the wrong time... but we are caped off from our immortality. In essential form... we are weightless beings that feel 100% happiness, can see everything, can operate with telekenisis and ESP... but yet we are trapped in the human body. I have much more information, but I don't think its in your best interest to lay down all the bulk of it now. I'm sorry to have told you all this, but you need to know the truth.

None of this is meant to make you scared, or confused, or any other negative mental constuct. There are many people working to solve all these problems, including myself. We always need more help though, just ask me.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 10:30 PM
WOW, that is one of the most interesting posts I've read in a long time
. Not exactly sure how much to be believe but I'm open minded. I find the alien origins of humans (whether true or not; I'm not really sure) fascinating. What exactly do the Anunnaki look like (reptiles, greys or nordics)? So Earth is a punishment planet for souls? Are there really invisible bases on Mars and Jupiter? I have a lot of questions but I'll just leave it at those ones for now. More information and/or links would be great

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 10:45 PM
wow , that post was very informational, But I just have 1 more question, what is the name of the book you got all this information from?

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 10:57 PM
you kind of lost me after you talked about being dumped into the water near california and scrambling to go inside babies. what would happen if say, a newborn baby was not inhabited by anything?

also, what is the name of the book you had read?

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 12:20 AM
These bases are not "invisible" per say, it is just that the government doesn't show pictures of the bases... also how there is a ton of life on Mars and aliens there too... I mean mars isn't even red and it has an atmosphere... also just a random factoid: the cydonia image we all saw, flip it upside down, and really look at the picture. You'll see an anunaki alien, as well as the neck, and the shoulders. In native state they look humanoid but have reptilian features and are bald generally... of course the "superior" ones have small horns on their head. The book I am speaking of is Rule by Secrecy by Jim Maars, it is a tremendously awesome book. And also to the person who asked what if a baby is not inhabited by an alien spirit... well, there are so many spirits coming to earth this doesn't happen... hence our population skyrocketing these past thousand years. All of my information is a wealth of knowledge, and I will be speaking more and more on here. I was going to keep my identity safe on here... I still will, but I will tell you that my blood line traces back to Anunaki roots, i'm not as human as most. It really shows too. I look different every day and its sort of getting more frequent. I wanna learn how to shapeshift, doubt I can though- I'm not a full-fledged reptilian. Anyway, I disaprove with the Anunaki race and think it's all bullshyt... so i'm telling all of you the truth.

[edit on 6-4-2006 by jaguarmike]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 12:36 AM

Actually, the Tower of Babel was a ziggurat called the Etemenanki. It was built by Marduk (biblical Nimrod) in honor of his "father", Enki. From my research, it appears to have been a stargate not a spaceship, but the concepts are similar in that they both pertain to space travel. If you'd like to read more on the subject, see my e-book:

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 12:40 AM
No, your research is wrong I am sorry to say. Go read the Sumerian texts again.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 12:45 AM
Sounds like Zacharia Sitchen mixed with scientology.

Sitchen is the only one who sees this in the sumerian texts.

He also thinks that everytime someone says name in the bible, they mean rocket ship.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 12:47 AM
ok...ok, so firstly that was a good post. but secondly where the hell do people get the idear and names of the aliens?? Annunaki? where did everyone get this name from i see heaps of post on here about Reptilians and some names of alien races, but i have always dissmised it for over active conspirologist imagination. This one however has made me think a bit but ill need some RELIABLE referances both histoicaly, presently and factually to say i believe it all. People must understand that if you have never heard about reptilians and/or alien race names than all of this sounds like it came from a season of StarTrek or something...PLEASE give some references!!!

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 12:48 AM
Sorry for so many posts I am still learning how to use this site. Your ebook is very interesting I just read it over. But the texts say that a spaceship was being created. Stargates work to a certain degree but it is not guaranteed. You need to tap into another stargate and the primitive humans had no idea what was beyond other than Anunaki stargates- and we both know the outcome if they chose those stargates. What do you have to contribute to that portion of the argument? I am curious I liked your ebook. As for references... you must understand UFOlogists that study Anunaki have little to work with other than Sumerian texts... and those were from a LONG time ago and the translation isn't even the hardest part. These people have to dig through what they suspect was added, mistakes, and other small details. Is this Zacharia Sitchen combined with Scientology? No, but the ideas are very similar because they all are true (or mostly true). All of us from the start of time have questioned, and we are so close to the truth you can't even start to imagine how close we are.

[edit on 6-4-2006 by jaguarmike]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 12:50 AM

I did. I even have links to the translated texts and compared them to the writings of the hindu Mahabarata, the Vedic texts, the history of Babylon, the ancient Egyptian texts, the hebrew pseudopigraphia, the bible, and so on. Follow me here:

Enki's ABZU is clearly explained in the sumerian texts. It's not a place in south africa. It was an underground chamber in Eridu - Enki's city in Mesopotamia and the future site of the Tower of Babel. It's the biblical bottomless pit, the abyss, a star gate. Following the deluge, it was buried and Enki's ziggurat, the E.ABZU, was gone. I agree that his "ziggurat" was a spacecraft, but not the Tower of Babel. I'm working on a third book entiteld "the star*gates", which has 2 preliminary pages up for free if you'd like to read the info I compiled on his "spacecraft" and the stargate:

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 12:55 AM
Interesting, where do you believe they intended to link their stargate with? The only two possible scenarious... the good anunaki prince (forgot his name, sorry) decided to tell the humans more information and guide them, or they wanted to tap into an Anunaki stargate... which would mean death.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by jaguarmike
Stargates work to a certain degree but it is not guaranteed. You need to tap into another stargate and the primitive humans had no idea what was beyond other than Anunaki stargates- and we both know the outcome if they chose those stargates. [edit on 6-4-2006 by jaguarmike]

could a stargate been used in the exodus of Cydonia to Atlantis? check one of my other posts here

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 12:57 AM
I'm not totally knowledgeable on stargates this question should go to Undu

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 01:01 AM
I apologize again I don't know why it posts everything I said twice... but yes the book by Jim Maars did cover this with our different origin such as nordics, caucasoids, mongaloids, aryans, etc. The anunaki leader had sex with different types of humanoids and thats how it all started. As for the Nazi connection, the nazis were on a quest for buddhist ideas right before the war started and thank God Buddha was not alive in that time and was in the states at that time working on a new religion... or else the Nazi's would have surely won the war... and sorry for this I bet this whole post is going to get messy since we are covering so much information.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 01:01 AM
Jaguarmike I'm really curious about this: how does someone know if they're alien? Er well I know everyone is supposed to be part alien and ape or something, but some people are more annunaki than others right? Are people with blonde hair and blue eyes more likely to be alien?

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by jaguarmike
Interesting, where do you believe they intended to link their stargate with? The only two possible scenarious... the good anunaki prince (forgot his name, sorry) decided to tell the humans more information and guide them, or they wanted to tap into an Anunaki stargate... which would mean death.

In the texts it says the upper reaches were in the Field Constellation, which is believed to be the modern day Pegasus constellation.

[edit on 6-4-2006 by undo]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by jaguarmike
I'm not totally knowledgeable on stargates this question should go to Undu

im talking about the idear in general, there were talkings of a connection from the mother cydonia to atlantis. Did the Annunaki make the stargate and moved the humans to earth and than destroy it?...just a thought. you mentioned cydonia so i thought id bring it up.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by ProudCanadian
Jaguarmike I'm really curious about this: how does someone know if they're alien? Er well I know everyone is supposed to be part alien and ape or something, but some people are more annunaki than others right? Are people with blonde hair and blue eyes more likely to be alien?

You simply proclaim yourself as such, and then refuse to provide any type of verifiable information.

It's really easy to do.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 01:07 AM
I have no clue... but this is all interconnected somehow. I mean basically, the Anunaki are in the same position we are as I see it. It boils down to this, there is a super horrible race of aliens that aren't even discussed on this site that are above the Anunaki, greys, etc. Those beings are not like all of us (all the aliens) because their native state is matter. Ours is not. So basically they are no better than we are. All of us are trapped in bodies including the Anunaki, greys, and so on and so forth. If you could comprehend the magnitude of what I am telling you I give you a pat on the back, because it took me a long time to fully experience the thought. Also, these horrible aliens I speak of that are on top of the anunaki, they forgot about our system... now think about that... they actually forgot about us. That is how many systems they are enslaving and how little they think of us. Scary stuff. But we're going to kick their ass one day : )

Oh yeah and to the guy before me... what do you expect me to do? Send you a picture of me every single day for a month and show you. You want me to bend my pencil with my mind? You want me to show you my personal geneology reports? Think about this for a second bro... I just posted on conspiracy site, I have no idea who you are, and i'm not telling you my name or any of the above. I am not here to prove to you that i'm an anunaki half-breed. I want to get the heck off of this planet already- this place is stupid. If you only knew what it's like off of here.

[edit on 6-4-2006 by jaguarmike]

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