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Born Again Christians actually Satanists!

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posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 10:04 PM
dAlen ask Him, Keep asking, scripture it says, Knock & keep knocking & the door will be open. I hear what your saying about how some say ( Oh they hear Him talking as plain as day everyday, or they see Him everyday etc.)

I'm not going to judge that or say it's not true, but maybe in their own hearts they feel that to be true! Well with me, in all my years of walking with Him, ( not literal of course ) spiritually
Since 1981 I've had only a few startling occurances- In case some are wondering, I do know it is possible to have that close relationship as prophets did in the Bible & who spoke often with God! I pray for that ferverantly, He comes in a soft whisper, maybe so soft that many are to busy to really hear. Or haven't yearned enough or spent time trying to know him! I think you know what I'm saying.
But I do know this much, He will show you that He is very much Alive & closer than your breath. Matthew 18vs 18 & 19. read it if you wish, it's excellent, If you ask for ANYTHING, it says, not some things, but ANYTHING, He will do it for you, so the Father may be Glorfied! He does yearn for us to seek Him so He may Bless Us. Of course some will sarcastically say, ok I will ask for 50 million dollars, lol He won't do it, if their is any chance you will forever have no need for God, since you will have everything you ever wanted, but what good is it, if you lose your soul! So of course He knows if it will cause you to fall away, rather than draw you closer to Him, is why He won't answer that type of ridiculous request! Use wisdom in what you ask, and He Will Do it, and Show You - that He is Very Much Alive & wanting to Bless You & Sup with You!
I believe, if we were minus, all of our trinkets, like computers, tv, radio, cars, entertainment etc we would have much more time on our hands, and maybe we would then Hear our God Like the Prophets Did in Times Of Old! Until then we will of course hear many True & False Prophets say they speak often with the Lord!
Really that isn't important, what is important that our eyes stay fixed on Him!

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy
It has come to my attention that many Born Again groups are actually satanic in nature! Using symbols like upside down crosses for example.

These fascist "Born Again Christians are against homosexuals and they believe in exclusive salvation . Exclusive salvation means to them ; only those who are "Born Again Christians" will enter the kingdom of God! All others will burn in hell! They are Anti-Christ.

Born Again organizations tend to be "fascist" in nature as it says above. They shun homosexuals and believe they have exclusivity on Heaven. This is not is quite the opposite: Anti-Christian. So many Born Again Christians are AntiChrists!

I guess Paul was "fascist" and "Anti-Christian" (Romans 1:24-28, etc.), as was YHWH Himself (Leviticus 18:22, etc.), for 'shunning' sodomites. As far as "exclusivity on Heaven," that can hardly be "Anti-Christian," because Christ Himself made it clear that entrance into Heaven was exclusively through Him.

Also, stop using the deceased Prefontaine's picture when you post such drivel.

[edit on 8-4-2006 by Paul of Nisbis]

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by sanse_nz

I am a believer in God, and proud of it. I will never, however, be a bible follower...

You nothing but a believer in a god of your own imagining then.

Originally posted by sanse_nz
I've seen it for myself, in a church recently where the priest spoke of acceptance of your fellow man and god welcoming all his children into his church and how not to be prejudice against other religions and beliefs but to just 'accept' - yet I was denied communion because I am anglican not catholic.

Well, first, you are not Anglican, you are a heathen, as you yourself state, "I will never, however, be a bible follower..." Second, you mistake "welcoming all his children into his church" as a relativistic statement, when it simply means that all other people should be welcome to give up their false beliefs and religions to embrace the truth, which is Christianity and the Bible.

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

Quite the contradiction here, no? God does not hate the sinner, but he hates homosexuals who you say are sinners. So, God does hate sinners your world. Do I have it right parasite? God loves all sinners, except homosexuals. Every other sin is okay with God, like murder and rape and pedophilia and armed long as the perpetrators are straight. If they are gay, then it's bad. Do I have it right? Murder is okay with God as long as the murderer isn't a that it?
See this to me is Anti-Christ behavior = Satanic.

Parasite...Jesus isn't going to cleanse anyone. He's been dead for almost 2000 years. Who's he going to cleanse??

Firstly, the article you cited as "fact" is silly. Not even a little believable.

That being said, God loves everyone and wants everyone to be happy, ect; and so on. Having free will, we all sin. I don't see where *anyone* said that God hate homosexuals on this thread. Must be a touchy spot for you, to make you twist it like that.

I have a hard time understanding how God can forgive murders, rapists and child molestors. I know he can and if I seperate my feelings of anger, I can see why this is such a good thing.

We all know what is right and wrong in the eyes of God. It is spelled out pretty clearly. Doesn't mean if you sin you are hated. Sex before marriage,(or sex with someone else during marriage) are sins also. Doesn't mean that God hates you for that. He does hate the sin though.

Just because you want it to be right, doesn't make it so. Just because one does wrong, doesn't mean one is hated.

I meet more Christians that are poor examples of what the church stands for than good ones. Doesn't mean it is the religion's fault. It is the fault of that individual.

I have met some truly good people that are real followers of Christ.

Oh, and as far as judging one another. We all do it and should *to a degree*. Stealing is wrong. Adultery is wrong. Murder is wrong. Rape is wrong. That kind of judging needs to be done to keep society from falling into chaos.

What we as people cannot judge is the heart of one another. You cannot know what lies in the heart of others. Only God can. Mere humans cannot know where others are going in the afterlife. Only God can. That is where the judge not lest ye be judged comes from.

Behaviors can be judged as right or wrong, ones heart and standing with God cannot be judged

[edit on 4/8/2006 by llpoolej]

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 08:28 AM

Also, stop using the deceased Prefontaine's picture when you post such drivel.

Wow...barking out the orders are we? What does this "request" have to do with the subject of this thread?"

Drivel? Really? How is this drivel? A Born Again, Devil worshiping, Cult member is going to tell me I'm talking drivel?
Nisbis....Do you have any mirrors in your home?

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by 2manyquestions
Do you think homosexuality is a way to keep populaiton levels down?

I'm not an expert .. not by a long shot.
But from what I've read I have to say - no. I don't think
the environment is correcting itself for overpopulation.

Evolutionary psychology (a fairly new field) says that people
have a drive to live, to reproduce, to carry their own genes and
DNA on to futher generations. Homosexuality flys in the face
of evolutionary theory. It shouldn't exist. But it does.

I think it's just like 'they' say it is. Some are born with that
way. Some due to stress on the pregnant mother releasing certain
chemicals that cause the glands in the baby's brain to change
and others are born that way through reasons we don't know
about - but their brains DO show a difference. Also some are gay
through 'learned behavior' - through society and through
interactions with others. (read up on the behaviorists in
psychology - like Watson - it's really interesting)

[edit on 4/8/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 02:24 PM

Some are born with that
way. Some due to stress on the pregnant mother releasing certain
chemicals that cause the glands in the baby's brain to change

Stress on the pregnant mother releasing chemicals that cause a baby to become gay? Wow....I'd love to see some sources that corroborate this nonsense!

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 04:02 PM
A quick google search will bring up plenty of sources, some good, some dicey. But, if you think about it, it makes sense. If a male fetus is exposed to excessive estrogen, it could theoretically repress the development of testosterone. Or, the reverse with a female fetus being exposed to excessive testosterone.

So, google it a few different ways and you will come up with some fairly sensible sources and explanations of the theory

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 04:54 PM

I guess Paul was "fascist" and "Anti-Christian" (Romans 1:24-28, etc.), as was YHWH Himself (Leviticus 18:22, etc.), for 'shunning' sodomites. As far as "exclusivity on Heaven," that can hardly be "Anti-Christian," because Christ Himself made it clear that entrance into Heaven was exclusively through Him.

We've been talking about Born Agains. Paul wasn't a Born Again. YHWH Himself wasn't/isn't a Born Again (whoever YWHW is). Jesus, the mortal prophet, said to follow him and he supposedly died for our sins, which means, as a result of his dying for our sins, he made a place for EVERYONE in heaven (if this is even true). Not just the Born Again, Devil Worshiping, Cult following freaky kind of Christians. EVERYONE!! Everyone goes to the same's not just waiting for the freaky Born Agains!! Born Agains are obviously quite egocentric, never mind all the rest of their bizarre nonsense.

In the Bible, Jesus states that as a result of dying for our sins, he has made a place for EVERYONE in heaven. You Born Agains just like to twist it so that you all are the only perfect people on the planet and thus, heaven is set aside just for you and your kind. How pathetic is this?

Born Agains are some of the scariest people on the planet. Scarier than Charles Manson. At least Charles Manson doesn't pretend to be anything other than what he is, a psycopath. Born Agains are sheeps in wolves clothing. Devils pretending to be saints. Sickening!

What is a Sodomite?

A sodomite is a person who practices sodomy--a homosexual.


Okay...if a "homosexual" is a sodomite, what then is a female homosexual? AKA lesbian? Lesbians don't practice sodomy, so what is their sin then? So to all you Born Again Cult people I ask, is it okay for women to lay with women, but not for men to lay with men? Since the Bible only discusses the sin of men lying with men...this must be true, right? And women don't sodomize each other, right? So there is no sin to being a lesbian? So is it okay for women to marry other women, but not for men to marry other men?

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy
Stress on the pregnant mother releasing chemicals that cause a baby to become gay? Wow....I'd love to see some sources that corroborate this nonsense!

Tsk tsk. Ya' really ought to be careful about tossing the
insults around. Especially when you are on the wrong
end of the discussion.

Take it up with the doctors of the field.

Abnormal Psychology - The problem of Maladaptive Behavior.
10th Edition - Irwin and Barbara Sarason
ISBN - 0-13-0918490

Sociology - ninth Edition - John J. Macionis
ISBN - 0-13-097763-2

Both Psychology and Sociology say that some homosexuals are
shaped that way through society and some are born that way.
Many of those gay men that are born that way have a part of the
hypothalamus (brain region that influences sexual behavior) in the
anatomical form usually found in women rather than typical
heterosexual men.

The LaVay study of 1991 said that there are many times anatomical
differences between the brains of homosexual and heterosexual men.

The arguement for genetic basis for sexual orientation are often based
on the findings of the study by Baily and Pillard (1991). They found that
for adoptive and non twin brothers of gay men, about 10% were also gay.
The rate of 'bouble' homosexuality for fraternal twins was 22%, and for
identical twins it was 52%. The fact that fraternal twins of gay men were
found to be roughly twice as likely to be gay as other biological brothers of
gay men suggests that environmental factors play a role, since fraternal
twins are no more similar biologically than are other biological brothers.

The study by Simon LeVay (1993) said the same about brain structure
of the Hypohalamus.

Gladue, Green and Hellman 1984; Troiden 1988; Isay, 1980; Putterbaugh,
1990; Angier, 1992; and Gelman 1992 have all positioned their conclusions
that homosexuality is both organic and sociological.

American Psychological Association answers to commonly asked
questions on sexual orientation -

The information about stressed pregnant women having more
homosexual children is in the books that I mentioned, and it is
also 'common knowledge' and can be found by a simple google.

Here are just a few -

The Sunday Times
December 05, 2004
Katie Samuel

TAKING pills for slimming and thyroid problems during pregnancy may
increase the possibility of bearing lesbian daughters, a study has
revealed. Researchers studied thousands of pregnant women to study
the effect of prescription drugs on their babies and discovered that the
drug thyroxine, used to treat thyroid deficiency, and amphetamine-based
slimming pills appear to influence homosexuality among female children.

The results show sexual orientation is affected by prenatal rather than
social factors, with mothers of homosexual girls proving eight times more
likely to have taken those pills — most noticeably with daughters whose
mothers took them during their first three months of pregnancy.

They also discovered that women who suffered prenatal stress were more
likely to have a male homosexual child.

More info at the site

[edit on 4/9/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy
Stress on the pregnant mother releasing chemicals that cause a baby to become gay? Wow....I'd love to see some sources that corroborate this nonsense!

Tsk tsk. Ya' really ought to be careful about tossing the
insults around. Especially when you are on the wrong
end of the discussion.

Insults? Who did I insult? I said that a stressed out mother resleasing chemicals that caused a baby to be gay was nonsense. What did I do, insult the information?

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy
What did I do, insult the information?

Okay. I thought you were insulting me and saying that
I was posting nonsense. If that isn't the case ... I apologize.

More info coming ....

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 06:48 PM
This is pretty good. It describes what stress on a pregnant
woman does to chemicals in her body and the baby's body.


Her findings showed that if a mother is stressed during the early
stages of pregnancy, she will release an adrenaline related hormone into
her own bloodstream and that of her unborn baby. This hormone, called
androstendione, is structurally similar to testosterone, the male hormone.
If the baby carries "XY" chromosomes and is destined to become a male,
testosterone needs to be active when the Central Nervous System
(including the hypothalamus) is being formed. This is the only way that the
CNS "knows" to develop along male lines. Because the stress hormone
seems to bind to the receptors that would normally be receiving
testosterone, there is the delay or blockage of the effectiveness of
testosterone, even if it is plentiful.

More info at the site -

Of course .. none of this means anything as far as those who are
homosexual due to sociological influences. I'm just talking about
those who are born gay.

[edit on 4/9/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 07:30 PM
Two points of clarification, here:

Originally posted by PaRaSiTe
god destroyed two cities for the being homosexual.

In fact, that's not true. Jehovah had decided to destroy the cities back in Genesis 18 (and there were 4 cities, not two) long before the angels go there. Abraham bargains with him to spare the city if a few righteous men are found:

Ezekiel 16:49, in fact, states clearly that the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah were gluttony and pride and idleness. Not a THING is mentioned about homosexuality or other sexual matters.

Nor are the men necessarily homosexuals -- Lot offers his virgin daughters to them (who would have been about age 14), saying, "I got two virgin daughters here. Why don't you go party with them, rape them if you like, it's okay. Leave the guys alone."

It's wise to doublecheck the facts of preachers and leaders. You'd be surprised how often some of them use a fact-edited version of the Bible instead of the whole thing.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

Born Agains are obviously quite egocentric, never mind all the rest of their bizarre nonsense.

Born Agains are some of the scariest people on the planet. Scarier than Charles Manson. At least Charles Manson doesn't pretend to be anything other than what he is, a psycopath. Born Agains are sheeps in wolves clothing. Devils pretending to be saints. Sickening!

Do you see the irony in how you are judging an entire group of people like this, yet, calling yourself correct in your behavior? It is always fun to throw around the phrase judge not lest ye be judged, but not so fun to refrain from judging others.

In all honesty, I doubt you really even *know* any true born again Christians. You may have seen some, or seen a TV show about them, or even met one or two at some point. I doubt you really would give any the time of day.

Quit fixating on how bad others are and just strive to be the most fair, kind person you can be. When you are truly kind and fair, it is amazing how nice people become.

(had to edit out my typos)

[edit on 4/9/2006 by llpoolej]

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 08:42 PM
Here's a good example of why many people's hormones, men & women alike are all in a frazzle!
Has been tested over & over & displayed openly in the press & on web sites, that their are many perscription drugs that accompany our water!
Birth Control is one. Any one can only imagine if your drinking water from the faucets what that would do to a males body functiion to say the least!

If you don't believe that it's fine, but you should look it up for yourself! It's true. Also take note I said it frazzle's many not all!

Only one of the many reasons why some people are having their bodies show numerous side effects because of this!

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by Paul of Nisbis

Originally posted by sanse_nz

I am a believer in God, and proud of it. I will never, however, be a bible follower...

You nothing but a believer in a god of your own imagining then.

Originally posted by sanse_nz
I've seen it for myself, in a church recently where the priest spoke of acceptance of your fellow man and god welcoming all his children into his church and how not to be prejudice against other religions and beliefs but to just 'accept' - yet I was denied communion because I am anglican not catholic.

Well, first, you are not Anglican, you are a heathen, as you yourself state, "I will never, however, be a bible follower..." Second, you mistake "welcoming all his children into his church" as a relativistic statement, when it simply means that all other people should be welcome to give up their false beliefs and religions to embrace the truth, which is Christianity and the Bible.

Please, don't profess to know anything about me or my God. You know neither, at all. Nuff said.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 05:45 PM

Do you see the irony in how you are judging an entire group of people like this, yet, calling yourself correct in your behavior? It is always fun to throw around the phrase judge not lest ye be judged, but not so fun to refrain from judging others.

In all honesty, I doubt you really even *know* any true born again Christians. You may have seen some, or seen a TV show about them, or even met one or two at some point. I doubt you really would give any the time of day.

Quit fixating on how bad others are and just strive to be the most fair, kind person you can be. When you are truly kind and fair, it is amazing how nice people become.

1. I never said don't judge lest ye be judged. That is supposedly in the Bible or something. I am human. I can't help but be judgemental. You can judge me all you want. Good luck!

2. How do you know whether I know Born Agains or not? That I would say is making a Can't follow your own advice?

3. I will fixate on whatever I like, thank you very much. I didn't realize I had to live by your rules here. Don't worry about whether I'm kind and fair...why not just concern yourself with yourself...again, take your own advice....don't be so judgemental lest ye be judged mental.
I think Jesus said that!!

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by PaRaSiTe
god destroyed two cities for the being homosexual. God also says that if a man lies with a man like he lies with a woman then they both are a abomanation to him. Our morally bankrupt non believing society who dont want to be held accountable for its actions by claiming there is no god twist this and try to say that god judging homosexuals to hell if they die being homosexual is god not being a loving god. Yes im gonna say this now and yes some will think im a nut case for saying this.
Homosexualality is a evil spirit and always has been. I dont care what so called scientific evidence you say there is. What makes me even more sick to my stomach is people who claim to be christian advocating gay marrige under the pretense that it is the christian way of being tolorent of that behavior. God does not hate the sinner but believe you and me he hates the sin of homosexuality and all who practice it. Even as terrible as the sin is if you confess that sin and ask jesus christ to cleanse you and come into your heart he will rid that evil spirit from you. Salvation is for all who receive it.

Nice! A truly classic response.

First, the Christian god destroyed the cities (if you believe that) because he's a...huh, glad I caught myself. Second, if 2 men sex each other they are to be EXECUTED; just wanted to point out how you conveniently left that part out. And, there's no need to twist a thing, the book does quite a good job of promoting homophobia itself.

BTW, I LOVE the "we don't need no stinkin' scientific evidence" line.
Truly classic. Ah, what can I say, I gotta love you Christians. The world would not be as funny a place without y'all.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 09:09 PM
I do love it how christains always say that God Said being homosexual is an abomination when its was Paul. A man not God.

Anyway about christains being Satanist. I dont think they are actual real satanist. But some of the more fundy ones dont half go on about him.
I use to be a pentecostal and some people I met where obessed with the enermy In a really unhealthy way. If Satan really exsist he's getting plenty of attention from fundys. I listend to a sermon on radio a while back and it was the enermy this and the enermy that. oh people got stuck in a traffic jam on the way to the meeting, its the emermy attaking no its like rush hour. Then finally ten minutes in the sermon he mentioned Jesus. Its so off putting.

And some christains use satan to controll you with fear. They go on about feel will enough, but when you express a free will thought thats not in the bible, its like satans putting dout in your mind and deciving you. and your like oops close my mind down. Ive heard stuff like if you have thoughts of a fearful nature, they of the devil and he can here them and make them happen.

Then you get all religons are of the devil and every who practices them are being decived even if they don't belive in satan. I mean they go on and on so much that theres people who don,t want to become christains cause they dont want to become like that. they devil must be pissing himself laughing.

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