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Paranormal activity in sis's room

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posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 07:00 PM
Right about 3 years ago in my sisters room before she moved out she had a desk that was placed in the corner and on top of the desk was a picyure of our dead grandmother in a love heart picture frame and one day she noticed that the picture was faced down when she walked into the roo she thought it just fell or somthing not that paranormal but then she realised every time she left the room or fell asleep when she came back in/woke up the picture was always face down now since then the picture is long gone and i dont know were it is now ,

What i ask is WTF was happining in that room!!

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 07:07 PM
I used to have this happen all the time, I later found out from some people that this can be a spirits way of letting you know they are around,

Was your sister very close to your Grandmother?

How long before all this ad she passed away?

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 07:09 PM
Yea my 3 sisters were very close to our grandmother i wasnt that close though since well weave had a family issues but they were close none the less
All this happned about 6 to a year after the death


posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 11:32 PM
The demon energy from hell.......well let me put it this way, I have asked politely that they dust the home or do do something useful. Instead they persist at knocking things over here too, just like little kids on a rampage.
So I sent them away for adoption

Oh yeahhhhhh, put something else in place of granmas picture. I did the same type of thing and they didn't knock that off. You can also set up a video camera on it and get the series of vibrations that knock it over. I didn't bother, I have no need to prove a durn thing to skeptics. Although I did prove it to a neighbor who came over and looked at the object, then we left and when we came back it had fallen off the shelf. She thought it was spooky, I thought it was rude.


posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 11:40 AM
Well friend I would like to say this.
1:did your grandmother visit this place often and were you guys all close.This can have a big factor when it comes to these kinds of things.

2:How strong was the frame.Was it a flimsy thing easy to fall over.Or were there any windows open in the room?

3:Also is there any other kind of activity in the room.In regards to what you have told me.If it is paranormal activity.Your grandmother wanted more attention so to speak if her ghost was actually present.Having knocked down the picture shows that grandma just wanted to say hi and show you shes still there.Makes me feel warm connecting with this experience so I'm sure just say goodnight grandma once in a while and she'll be happy!

[edit on 25-1-2006 by toraylin]

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