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A Freemason spilling it all!!!(except modes of recognition)

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posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 12:54 AM
Come on. Ask the questions. I am a Freemason from Rochester, NY USA.
I am 35 years old, love heavy metal music. I am Christian in faith, buhdist in philosophy. Before we go down the road of Freemasonry vs Christianity; I am not the typical Christian, but will happily tell you what I believe.

I will answer all questions with the following rules.

1) I will not deny, confirm, or otherwise portray any mode of recognition.
2) I will answer ALL honest questions.
3) I will ignore nonsense, this includes posts from sites such as, et al...
4) I will not debate any "religion vs Freemasony", as ALL such arguments are nonsense. You will be ignored by me.
5) I will not give my name, address, telephone number or email, etc...(This is a VERY public forum)
6) I will not break my obligation, but will inform you when the question may infringe on such.
5) I will not lie. If there is something I can't say, I'll tell you.

[edit on 1-7-2005 by AngelWitch]

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 11:37 AM
What would you say is the biggest "secret" of freemasonry?

Can you explain how being a freemason has helped or possibly even hurt or hindered you in your life.

Thank you

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 11:47 AM
If anyone here could appreciate what your try’n ta do, I could… ‘Cause I try’d it myself.

Ya might want ta revisit a thread I start’d here back some time ago… Here to Divulge the Secrets of FreeMasonry!!

As they were quick ta point out then, ‘n I’m sure they will want ta point out again, how can someone trust ya when you won’t give out your name, address, etc. They will say, if your not a SECRET Society, then why hide.
I must agree with ‘em. I feel it’s no different then list’n our lodge in the phonebook, ‘n it is, or on the web, which it is. ‘Sides it’s like…. Free Publicity.
I will help ya, in your endeavors ta answer any questions, as I’m sure ANY Mason here will, with this exception: I’ve answered the questions before, on the link above, and will again. My status as a Master Mason, Past Master, SECRETary, and place holder in the Grand Lodge of Colorado AF&AM is all verifiable ta all, I have NOTH’N ta hide, ‘n no reason ta fear anyone (include’n my brothers).

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 12:30 PM
In My Opinion, the biggest “Secret” in freemasonry, would be….
Ssshhh, I must say it in a low breath… “That, there are no great secrets” Honestly! The passwords, ‘n how we may know each other, is in fact is a secret. But isn’t that the means ta the end? What everyone wants ta know is what the passwords protect, ‘cause you wouldn’t have passwords if there wasn’t “someth’n” that needed guarded. So it would seem. ‘N that “someth’n” is that without everyone think’n there was someth’n more, they might not be think’n ‘bout masonry at all.

Ever watch kids in a playhouse… “N0 G1R7S AL0UD”, “We don’t like Billy, He does drugs”, or “What’s the ssssecret passsssword?”. Ya think they were try’n ta take over the world, or plot assassinations? As far as the Obligation… how ‘bout the boy scout’s moto: (Check me on this it’s been a bit)… “On my honor, to do my best to God, and my Country, and obey the law of the pack”? Look religion, 'n collectivism.

Again, that is in my Opinion.

Has Masonry hurt me? Since I’ve become more involved with the Grand Lodge, I get a lot more… “Your never home.” Or “…, but you did lodge stuff last night”. However, she helps with the projects ‘n is always there when giv’n away scholarships, volenteer'n at band camp, or pass’n out pies ta senior citizens.

Has Masonry helped me? ATS’s server wouldn’t be big enough for my post. I’ll tell you what. YOU organize a fund raiser; setup, ‘n execute a successful projects that protects & helps innocent kids, then be able ta donate all left over proceeds ta send a high school senior ta college who might not have been able ta go. Then when you receive the thank you letter from said student, say’n that their life is better, maybe then you could begin ta understand how it has helped me, just this month (would'a been more, but got married, 'n unable to benifit as much as normal).

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by AngelWitch
Come on. Ask the questions.

Hey brother, we've all done the same as you have. We have all offered to provide honest and accurate answers to all legitimate questions, only to be sneered at and told that we can't be trusted because we took a "bool oath" to lie about Freemasonry to outsiders. It's ridiculous, and it's not worth the headache from slamming your head against a brick wall.

That said, we have been on these forums for a long time to answer people's questions and there are people here who are geniunely interested in knowing the truth about Freemasonry and exploring past the B.S. These people know they can come to us for answers. But there is no need to advertise this issue on an individual thread, you are only inviting the trolls to post their venom.


posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 06:00 PM
Will no-one help the widow's son?
The secretion of 'get out of jail' signals makes a mockery of open society
Those in the elite organisations manipulating the world are also Freemasons with their recognition codes
The freemasons at the 'top' are also bifurcated, with those in the know and those not in the know
Some venom from the Profane, or 'Troll' seeing as this is the Internet, no doubt

[edit on 1-7-2005 by dh]

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 09:07 PM
Hi all
Sorry for not paying closer attention, had a busy day.

What would you say is the biggest "secret" of freemasonry?

That's an easy one. The modes of recognition the only real secrets, and most of those can be found in printed materials as well as on the net.

Can you explain how being a freemason has helped or possibly even hurt or hindered you in your life.

Masonry has been an extemely positive influence on a personal level. I can't honestly think of any negative, except maybe the duties of a Junior Warden which is to arrange for all the meals and refreshments for lodge social functions
Thanks for the questions warpboost.

Hello Brothers CO_Cowboy and sebatwerk. I know it's been done on several occasions, and inevitably go astray. I've been lurking for a while. I've been reading your posts for some time and truly enjoyed them.

I like seeing one of these threads once in a while, occasionally some honest questions are asked, such as those by warpboost.

[edit on 1-7-2005 by AngelWitch]

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by AngelWitch
Come on. Ask the questions. I am a Freemason from Rochester, NY USA.
I am 35 years old, love heavy metal music. I am Christian in faith, buhdist in philosophy. Before we go down the road of Freemasonry vs Christianity; I am not the typical Christian, but will happily tell you what I believe.


Not to suggest that you're not being totally honest, but if you're REALLY "buhdist in philosophy" Why don't you know how to spell "Buddhist?"

Doesn't bode well for the veracity of the remainder of the post . . . ya' know?

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by senrak

Originally posted by AngelWitch
Come on. Ask the questions. I am a Freemason from Rochester, NY USA.
I am 35 years old, love heavy metal music. I am Christian in faith, buhdist in philosophy. Before we go down the road of Freemasonry vs Christianity; I am not the typical Christian, but will happily tell you what I believe.


Not to suggest that you're not being totally honest, but if you're REALLY "buhdist in philosophy" Why don't you know how to spell "Buddhist?"

Doesn't bode well for the veracity of the remainder of the post . . . ya' know?

remeber sometimes when we type fast and get caught up in what we are trying to write we misspell certain things, however i do agree, prefection is always key. but i dont think that's a refleciton of his honesty or his character.

Anglewatch i agree with what your doing. There are so many questions out there about what it is we are and do, and someone needs to answer them. but we must also understand that people such as DH will be here and will be giving much negetive feedback. But mostly they are just looking for a fight.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 11:06 PM
Anglewatch ,

What were you taught by fellow masons, Was the founding date of the beginnings of Free(Masonry)?

Also, What degree are you?


posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 11:09 PM

Not to suggest that you're not being totally honest, but if you're REALLY "buhdist in philosophy" Why don't you know how to spell "Buddhist?"

Doesn't bode well for the veracity of the remainder of the post . . . ya' know?

I'm sorry senrak, I hadn't realized my poor typing skills would impact the veracity of my posts.

Obviously I'm not a Buddhist. I have read some on the subject, discussed it at length with a friend who is and find that it fits with my own own system of belief. I included it to stress that I have my OWN views, opinions and beliefs.

umwolves123 - Thank you. I see it didn't take long for dh to arrive.

This post has been spell checked, and has been found to contian several errors

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 11:11 PM
AngelWitch, glad to have you aboard and eager to answer questions regarding the Craft. Since you have been lurking, no doubt you are well aware of the players in this forum... Enjoy yourself.

If you have any questions, send me a u2u...

Here is a good primer to ATS:

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Freedomrik
Anglewatch ,

What were you taught by fellow masons, Was the founding date of the beginnings of Free(Masonry)?

Also, What degree are you?

freemasons doesnt really teach another....just because someone is a 32* mason doesnt make them a teacher of a 3*degree mason. what we share among each other are life lessions and the underlieing princible is always the same. always try to be the best man you can be.

i am a 3rd degree master freemason

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Freedomrik
Anglewatch ,

What were you taught by fellow masons, Was the founding date of the beginnings of Free(Masonry)?

Also, What degree are you?

freemasons doesnt really teach another....just because someone is a 32* mason doesnt make them a teacher of a 3*degree mason. what we share among each other are life lessions and the underlieing princible is always the same. always try to be the best man you can be.

i am a 3rd degree master freemason

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 11:24 PM

What were you taught by fellow masons, Was the founding date of the beginnings of Free(Masonry)?

It's obvious that Masonry dates back long before the formation of the first grand lodge in 1717. Some contend that it dates back to ancient Egyptian king making (The Hiram Key), others believe it grew from the stonemason guilds. I tend to lean towards the latter. Unfortunately, I don't think the final word on the question of Masonry's origins will be discovered any time soon.

This comes through reading and discussion with others, rather than being "taught by fellow masons".

Here is a link to the UGLE which contains a summary:

Also, What degree are you?

I am a Master Mason.

Mirthful Me - Thank you for the warm welcome

[edit on 1-7-2005 by AngelWitch]

[edit on 1-7-2005 by AngelWitch]

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 11:37 PM
I am reading " The Lost Keys of Freemasonry"( Manly p hall) great book.
what i would like to know is if Hiram Abiff is a real person that exsited or is his story something we should learn from?
In the Chapter "In the Fields of Chaos" does this story have a special meaning that is deeper. What do you think should be learned from this.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Chasrac64
I am reading " The Lost Keys of Freemasonry"( Manly p hall) great book.

Excellent book. I really enjoyed reading this one. It's definetely one of those books that should be read more than once.

what i would like to know is if Hiram Abiff is a real person that exsited or is his story something we should learn from?

Knight & Lomas contend, The Hiram Key, that he was a real man. I'm not as certain. In either case there is much to learn from the legend; integrity, fidelity and justice.

In the Chapter "In the Fields of Chaos" does this story have a special meaning that is deeper. What do you think should be learned from this.

Your millage may vary but I saw a reminder of mans mortality in the death of Hiram Abiff. A reminder of the potential for dreadful evil caused by greed through the calousness of the 3 workmen. A reminder of the great good a man may do with the right intentions, integrity and will. There's so much more, he really packed quite a bit into just a few pages.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 12:17 AM
Could you recommend any other books that i could learn from. also could you give alittle info into the Checker Board floor? what does mean and why is it so important. My grandfather was a Mason, but he died when i was ten so i never got to know him that well. This is why i would like to know about these things. also i am a female so i dont think i could ever join so i study this on my own. any info is greatly appreciated. thanks

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by Chasrac64
Could you recommend any other books that i could learn from. also could you give alittle info into the Checker Board floor? what does mean and why is it so important. My grandfather was a Mason, but he died when i was ten so i never got to know him that well. This is why i would like to know about these things. also i am a female so i dont think i could ever join so i study this on my own. any info is greatly appreciated. thanks

you are correct, women cannot become freemasons. However we do have the order of the eastern star which accepts both men and women...most of the members consist of women however. it's basically the woman's side of freemasonry.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 02:41 AM
what's the million dollar 32 degree ramses club all about? what million dollars?

i'm not being combative. i'd take freemasons over the vatican any day of the week.

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