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They Knew: Why Didn't The Unvaccinated Do More To Warn Us?

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posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 01:42 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: infolurker

I've always said that the shot was a personal choice.

I'm not a virologist nor an immunologist.

Any "opinion" I could give would be simply parroting people I may agree with.

The shot is something we'll either have to live with, or die with.

You don't need to be a virologist / immunologist to use common sense. I'm not a mechanical engineer but I know how to fix a car and how to operate a motor vehicle safely.

There are literally volumes of data available publicly from big pharma themselves about the 10-15 year (on average) lengthy process of vaccine development, trials, more development, trials, changes, trials, approval stages, etc. and the exorbitant costs associated with vaccine development yet no one thought to question the rapid "development" of an experimental vaccine in 5 months was suspect?

And if that basic piece of common sense wasn't enough no one raised an eyebrow when the Emergency Use Authorization Act was approved to rush through an experimental vaccine holding none of the manufacturers accountable?

Common sense, man. Common sense.

People gulped down the fear hook, line, and sinker and marched in lock step to their own demise. Sorry if you feel the need to stay middle of the road because you chose poorly but you don't get to make a passive aggressive comment insinuating one needs to be a virologist or an immunologist in order to make an informed decision.

Just like the mask fear mongering. Anyone in 2 seconds can Google "Level 4 microbiology lab" and quickly see the actual PPE lab techs wear when working with viruses. None of them are wearing face masks. They are all wearing 2 mm poly suits with full face enclosure with oxygen.

Again...common sense.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 03:20 AM
This is clearly satire -

"And silence is, after all, consent."


posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: infolurker

I've been trying to tell people for a long, long time. People don't listen. Or they just don't have the intellect to understand what is told.

Want to know how I knew the coof was all a hoax? The time. The timing. It was right on time, happening on the cabal's timeline.... Nine month time cycle

Then I wondered why hoax a pandemic? Ohhh.... to trick people into taking the shot. It's the shot. The shot is the weapon.
edit on 26-1-2023 by TheGuyThatKnows because: The shot!

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Well if they were reading ATS that statement wouldn't have been true, plenty of warnings on ATS.

But for those that got censored on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and any poor souls still left on Reddit, that were shadow banned anyways.....they got banned for speaking out including doctors and nurses.

I imagine those that spoke up at work in person or digitally had a very hard time maybe lost their jobs even.
I know of employee's bullying co-workers to be vaccinated, when management of the company was neutral, even then they couldn't stop all their workers from adopting the hive mind on it.
edit on 26-1-2023 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 08:37 AM
Well gee, if the unvaccinated weren’t being harassed and humiliated and even threatened and shadow banned by the believers, some might have been more vocal. But the material of opposition was definitely out there.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:00 AM
Ah, my fellow Pure Bloods, we meet again.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 10:13 AM
First post in a long while.

I came across this yesterday as well. Like others, I first thought it was satire. Took a quick look at a couple of other articles and figure it's probably not. The stated perspective to me is entirely uninteresting. I use the Brave browser most of the time, so I miss most ads. The articles I skimmed seemed very much written with SEO in mind. Notice the disclaimer that says they participate in Amazon partners. There is nothing wrong with a site that does either of those things, but it's not hard to notice. The interesting about it is that sites that make their money by SEO writing to get page views, ads, and click through purchases are starting to write things like this. The tide is turning rapidly on how people feel about the vexes.

If anyone remembers me, I never broke on not taking any of the COVID vexes or boosters. I was prepared to lose my job last year until the SCOTUS ruling on the OSHA mandate. A year later and no regrets on my stance. Still only had COVID once for sure 2 years ago almost to the day. Have had a couple of little colds since then, but never bothered to test even though I got a stack of them at the house courtesy of government largesse. The stuff that used to take a week to get over, now is over in a couple of days with the regimen of C, D, Zinc, quercetin, and some other supplements I've kept handy since early days of the pandemic.

My oldest daughter is dating now, and the younger isn't too far from it. I did just recently advise both of them that they probably shouldn't date, especially with the intention of marriage and children, any boy who has taken the COVID vaccine. Long term effects are still unknown, but fertility does seem to be down noticeably throughout the western world. I told them this was to protect them from the pain of watching someone you are intimate with croak on the soccer or football field; or even worse, have to care for someone long term who will not be able to live a normal life.

3% dead or materially disabled is my now optimistic projection of vaccine damage from the first series worse if additional boosters were consumed. Three months ago 3% was the middle of my range from optimistic to pessimistic. I'm hoping and praying that a lot of the people who got the shots received ineffective product due to failures in storage requirements.

Glad to see some names and avatars I recognize still around and posting. I honestly wasn't sure ATS would still be here when I came back after this hiatus.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 10:20 AM
I never wore a mask. I told people they were being lied to. I am not ever taking a vaccine. Reading this makes me wonder if people are being trolled. There were plenty of experts banned from Twitter and all the pro vaccine types demanded any dissent be destroyed. Seeing Steven Colbert do his Vaccine dance along with the other talking heads made me want to puke. Now they are all angry that their lives are going to get shortened.

Too bad. If the vaccinated had listened to those who knew better, they might see things differently.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 11:11 AM
Sorry but it’s plain and simple foolishness to agree to have your very DNA altered (the very thing that caused the biblical flood) for a supposed, never-before isolated sickness which kills fewer people than the common cold for God’s sake.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 11:16 AM
So after reading the story and the comments and seeing the world wide censorship of the the data that most have tried to get out there. Ruined lives and deleted accounts, lost friends and loved ones over this. Now they claim to be the victim? The audacity of people never cease to amaze me. How is it the "left wing" and the "liberals" think that this behavior of shifting responsibility is a good idea. That stuff is still going to pile up and eventually topple over.

Side note i looked up the definition of the word liberal and it gave me a few laughs after reading the above.

edit on 26-1-2023 by HarlokOmega because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 11:46 AM
These people are so strange, they can literally sit there atone faced and just.....I dont know ...they say one thing and literally will claim the exact opposite the next day.

People dont remember how much trump was mocked for saying Russian collusion. Trump was the 1st to bring up Russian interference before he was president.

And the Democrats, Osama and the media mocked him

Saying it was impossible, u.s. election system was most secure in the world.

And then when turmp won.. the same people and media who laughed at the idea of Russia collusion, said trump won by Russian collusion......

These people have to be trolling, they do this on purpose.
Their goal is to disrupt and keep people questioning
It really slows the progress of a country.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 12:30 PM
This may be satirical now, but satire keeps coming true so just wait a year or two

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 12:37 PM
These people including members of my own family are fully vested in their stupidity and will not change their position because their ego and pride gets in the way.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 12:57 PM
I certainly did say to lots of folks it was a bad idea.
But generally everyone thought they knew best and wouldn't listen spouting off about it all being conspiracy theories.

You were just conned easily by the propaganda machine like most of the masses.

Even my own father is still taking boosters and wont listen to reason as he says he's pro vaccination.

Dont blame the rest for you not doing your homework at the time dude.

originally posted by: infolurker
I don't know if this is Parody or not but I can see this mindset happen, especially if the recent studies hinting of ADE turn out to be fact as well as the "new normal" of a major increase in all cause mortality.

You Knew!

How could YOU have let us do this? You did not tell us.

They knew: why didn't the unvaccinated do more to warn us?

The unvaccinated knew what we didn't. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands.

But the unvaccinated had access to important information about the potential side effects of vaccines. They knew about the risks of severe allergic reactions, blood clots, and other serious health complications. They knew that vaccines did not immunize us. They knew it wasn't effective, and that they can cause more harm than good.

They knew all of that, but instead of warning us, the unvaccinated chose to remain silent. They chose to look the other way and not speak out about the potential dangers of vaccines. They let millions of good folks who did the right thing (at the time) fall to death and disease, and many antivaxxers even gloated online about how their coin flip had been the right bet.

The more diabolical even urged folks they disagree with to "get boosted."

It has become all too clear. The silence of the unvaccinated was a dangerous, sociopathic, and irresponsible decision that has had serious consequences for those of us who received the vaccinations.

And silence is, after all, consent.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: infolurker

These people are beyond mad/insane.

They made a fake website to peddle fake articles. And this 'real' progressives site is championing it...


is it a whitewash to admit they done messed up ?

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: jefwane

If you don't mind me asking, what were your daughters responses?

I too had my first fever and illness of the sort in Dec 2019, after never being sick like that in over a decade. Bedridden, dry cough, splitting headache, super body aches. Fever of 101 to 103, couldn't walk for 2 days. I just got over it from sleeping.
I think it had to have been the Corvid 19. Never tested, don't care to.
This is all just...dumb.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: Dem0nc1eaner
This is clearly satire -

"And silence is, after all, consent."


To be fair, most of the political threads on ATS sound like satire as well. but sadly aren't

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 03:18 PM
Why didnt they say anything?????? They tried.. most of them were blocked from all social media, arrested, fired or threatened for doing so or trying to do so.... so, the real question is how in the world did all of the people who took the vaccine allow themselves to be so easily lied to and manipulated into believing the nonsense.... paper masks, 6 foot rule, the entire world being locked down right after Jeffrey Epstein was arrested and murder strangled hanged in his cell ???.

And all of the efforts by formers tyring to wake up the people..

The funny thing is, most of this Pre Epstein thing was exposed on the Weiner Laptop....

a reply to: infolurker

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:49 PM
I saw this today on ZeroHedge and was LMAO.

The way I see it, the decision to get vaccinated or not was simply an IQ test. Us Purebloods refused to be Big Pharma's lab rat.
edit on 26-1-2023 by wills120 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: cwwcww

The fact is that a great percentage of the population really are as thick as a brick. They will also turn on a dime to blame the easiest target to satisfy their revenge response. Thats not putting them down it is just the way it is.

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