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Gay Marriages (Not what you think).

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posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 12:12 PM
as Bill Hicks would have said....

'so you're a Christian - forgive them'

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 12:16 PM
Oh, ok so then you hav eno choice?
Did someone rape you and make you gay?

Oh, yeah, if your gay then just forget them (or f*ck 'em) and move on.


posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 12:20 PM
You just don't understand. How can you comment on something you have no clue about? Do you know any gay people? I doubt you do.I know gay peole who are so conservative & quiet you would never guess they were gay.You should read the links I posted,atleast see what the opposite side says so you can brush up & reinforce your arguments!

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 12:36 PM
You said you have no choice to be gay???

How is that possible?
Did someone make you be gay!

And a gay dude did try to rape me/kidnap me when I was 9. Fortunately I was a 2nd degree red belt in Shotokahn karate and I smashed a glass pitcher on his head.

now that I'm getting personal, tell me why you cannot cnoose whether you want to be homosexual or bisexual or not.


posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Tassadar
You said you have no choice to be gay???

How is that possible?
Did someone make you be gay!

And a gay dude did try to rape me/kidnap me when I was 9. Fortunately I was a 2nd degree red belt in Shotokahn karate and I smashed a glass pitcher on his head.

now that I'm getting personal, tell me why you cannot cnoose whether you want to be homosexual or bisexual or not.


Did you choose to be straight? Were you asked at birth "Do you want to be straight?" No, of course not. So why is it different with gay people?


posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 12:42 PM
well I guess that personal revelation makes sense of some of your homophobia Tass - not surprised really. If a man had tried to rape me at a young age, I guess I'd be a little anti-men.

Choice though.... think of a food you really really love. Can you make yourself hate it, never want to touch it again and stick to that decision? Now think of a food you detest and try to make yourself love it. (my nemesis is raw tomatoes and after 30 years of trying - still can't enjoy them despite wanting to)

Not easy is it? Potentially impossible. Now equate that to sexual preference. You could possibly be forced to change - if someone gave me an electric shock everytime I ate chocolate, then eventually I'd probably not like chocolate anymore. But no one has the right to mess with my mind like that.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 12:42 PM
Wait, what does being raped and being gay have to do with each other?

And in France, one gay couple does it so all bad? How many little girls and boys are touched by daddy or mommy or both? Gee, seems more hetero parents f*** their kids then gays. Why? Because, a hetero couple is looked at nicely. A gay couple, if even go 1mph over the limit are called child abusers and are going to to do this and et cetera.

Again, what is so bad about them being married? Do they grow fangs and claws kill people when they get married?

Also, why is it unnartural? Seen two dogs do it, both male, cats to. Rats do it, monkeys do it(some species).

Also, the whole world will turn gay if gay marrige is allowed is bull JM. The whole world won't turn gay. That is just common sense, which blind faith seems to kill off pretty well.

Then, since no kids are produced. Well, infertile people can't reproduce, should they all be banned from sex and marrige? Or guys who get snipped or women who get tied, should they be banned? Wait, asked this a long time ago, the pro gay people support it, the anti gay people seem to have vision problems and can't read it, so can't respond to it. We on page four, that was on page one, what the problem? You say sex for sex is a sin and just lust, so someone who is infertile is commiting a sin and is having sex just for lust.

Or my favorite, also awhile ago, menopause! Well, arc is only women to post so will ask her. Arc, will you stop having sex when you turn 40 something just because you can't reproduce? I doubt it, and good thing to. But the anti gay people will say you commiting a sin and it is just for lust.

Well, any proof it is just for lust??? Have you gone out and asked every single gay person if they only have gay sex for lust, not love? It is like saying all blacks can't be police officers since all they do is kill, steal, and commit other crimes. Or only reason hispanics want to come here is to steal American jobs, not to escape Castro or to live a better life. Don't generalize.


posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 12:45 PM
lol - arc has no intention of halting her sex life until she stops enjoying it or men no longer find her attractive

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 12:48 PM
at a young age & ever since then he's felt this way towards gay people.My grandma was robbed by a hispanic lady & ever since then she feels uncomfortable around them.Weird, I know but that sounds like Tas's problem.

Yes, people are born Gay.Ask any gay person & they feel confused at a young age then come to terms when they get older.Yeah, you karate kicked their As* did you? Wow, what a man you are Tas!

[Edited on 17-7-2003 by romantico]

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 01:07 PM
Dude, it was more of a break the chokehold then smash a pitcher on his head. It was a fat guy. He's in jail now.
Karate really does help I've got the trial for my 3rd degree black in two months.


posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 01:11 PM
Interesting link. Thank a homosexual for the Bible

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by maynardsthirdeye
Your third one is no reason. You point out one incident and that is supposed to justify that gays can't adopt.
What about organizations like NAMBLA? Don't they want to do the same thing?

HA HA HA HA HA HA..........

So, when YOU write " I know 2 gays who have adopted children & they are the BEST parents for them ", you don't write one incident may be ?

It's probably your liberal sens of humour who was writing....

And don't speak to me about NAMBLA. They are too much disgusting.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 01:27 PM
But whats that got to do with 2 gay men adopting a child or 2 gay women adopting a child? Oh yeah, & Why is it your business? If you see 2 guys walking down the street & they have a child who calls them both daddy, what exactly are you gonna do about it? Once gay marriages ARE allowed, what are YOU gonna do about it?

[Edited on 17-7-2003 by romantico]

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix

Originally posted by maynardsthirdeye
Your third one is no reason. You point out one incident and that is supposed to justify that gays can't adopt.
What about organizations like NAMBLA? Don't they want to do the same thing?

HA HA HA HA HA HA..........

So, when YOU write " I know 2 gays who have adopted children & they are the BEST parents for them ", you don't write one incident may be ?

It's probably your liberal sens of humour who was writing....

And don't speak to me about NAMBLA. They are too much disgusting.

What do you mean? I write out that one incident because it was ONE incident.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 04:17 PM
Didn't they just pass something thru parliment or going to pass thru a bill which alows gay couple's to have a legally binding civil marriage? So they can put thier gay lover as thier next of kin etc etc...

I'm sure that was on Question time a couple of weeks back. My own opinion is that they can marry if they want, i dont really care, aslong as they dont do stuff infront of me i'm happy, and also... ALSO! if certain gay guys stop bouncing about like fairies when they walk!!! but apart from that i'm all for Gay marriages.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Snoopdopey
Didn't they just pass something thru parliment or going to pass thru a bill which alows gay couple's to have a legally binding civil marriage? So they can put thier gay lover as thier next of kin etc etc...

I'm sure that was on Question time a couple of weeks back. My own opinion is that they can marry if they want, i dont really care, aslong as they dont do stuff infront of me i'm happy, and also... ALSO! if certain gay guys stop bouncing about like fairies when they walk!!! but apart from that i'm all for Gay marriages.

I hate when people say that they don't care if gays do what they want as long as its not in front of them. That makes it sound like gays are sex-obsessed maniacs that want to have sex in the park!

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 04:23 PM
But it's just something i dont think is appropriate, i dont wanna c two blokes kissing each other, it's just minging, fair enough, they love eaxch other and all that but c'mon, it's as irritating and as disrespectful as people who smoke next to u in a train or really tall people who refuse to move seats when they sit in front of u in a cinema, it just sucks... i have gay friends but i tell them just not to do stuff infront of me cos i find it vomit inducing

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 04:52 PM
& saw two young guys holding hands & kissing.I also saw a guy & a girl doing the exact same thing. Some teens(about 15 or 16) were heckling them & people actually got pissed that they were being mocked (& I'm talking some older people that were maybe in their 60's looked angry that they were being made fun of) They shut up real quick. Point is, these 2 guys were doing the exact same thing the hetero couple was doing.They weren't doing anything graphic, just holding hands & giving a couple kisses on the cheek & lips. They have the same rights as the hetero couples have. If you don't like seeing it its YOUR problem, not theres!

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 04:58 PM
I'll leave this one up to God to decide, when the time comes. I know a few friendly gay people, and I got no personal problem with it, but if it's not what God wants, then there's not much I can do about it. Who knows whats right and whats wrong? I think our views, expecially when it comes to morality, has been so distorted and shifted back and forth that we don't really know what is actually right anymore......

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 06:58 PM
Well romantico I thank god I don't live where ever the crap hole you live in is.

At least here Gays are more quiet about it. And they ESPECIALLY aren't kissing in public...though occasionally you may see some girls holding hands (but that doesn't necessarily mean anything).

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