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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y S3V3N-

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posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 12:59 AM
If We Don't Act, 2% of the People Are About To Control the Other 98%

If the United States wants to survive the onslaught of socialism, if we are to continue to enjoy self-government and the liberty of our hard-fought freedoms, we have to understand there are two opposing forces: One is the “children of light” and the other is the “children of darkness.”

We must not allow a small percentage of the powerful to overtake our position on America’s battlefield. We, as free-thinking and acting individuals, must control how we will live and not allow a few passionate others to change our way of life.

Highly recommend reading Gen Flynn's article posted today.

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 01:03 AM
Re Q4545:

The strings of multiple periods spell out:

GIGGGIH... something to do with marines? Perhaps a Green is GO command to detain "H"?

Or it could be GJGGGIH... "Grand Jury, Green is GO, GI H"?
(because second string is preceded by a full stop of prev sentence: "etc. .........".)

Usual DECODEs link to:

Q30 White House Booby Trapped
Q36 Military Intelligence. No media. No leaks.
Q141 Rogue Operators Here
Q405 Events to be More Public
Q419 Trip works on single device. Multiple devices required.
Q943 POTUS Speech Tested Delivery Platforms
Q1093 POTUS Movement Speech Video: Knowing what you know now, watch again
Q1099 No more!
Q1119 Fake.
Q1914 Drop on Comey Gmail Draft PDB Triggers MSM Articles on President's Daily Briefing
Q2319 Dr. Ford is a CIA Controlled Asset; Justice K Was Given The Heads Up
Q2785 MSM Is The Propaganda Arm of the LEFT; Anons Are the News Now
edit on 30-6-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 01:18 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

29 Jun 2020 - 5:07:26 PM📁
Another Chinese special delivery?

The UN WHO would like to trot out one of these pandemics every few months until we capitulate to their wishes.

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

If the UN WHO is so worried then maybe they should self-quarantine in GITMO!

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: doobydoll

''Wait until you find out who you been talking to'' - Q.

World's longest game of no-happy-ending foreplay.

Sick of waiting. Blow the lid off this bitch and let's rock and roll.

There isn't one person so good their a__ is not worth that wait? Whatever you ladies like to call it we men supposedly have since, I am out of that one?

I think sometimes you have to weigh the wait verses things we get when our wait was over.

So far, it is a big big tease. I can't win it or lose it, only fret that I have to wait. I am on the outside looking in like most of us and I am praying for the white hats. Pray with me in the belief that good beats evil when you do pray.

There ain't a Tarzan out there, except maybe John Wayne, I'm going to wait four years for.

Well, thank you ma'am! There was one. I can't stand they are trying to tarnish his name for his opinion when the lefts opinions are Marxist who's predecessors murdered 100's of millions the last 100 years.

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

GO signal? As in...

If Gen Flynn tweeted this sound clip I'd being doing a jig on my rooftop w/fireworks.😎

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 01:32 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

29 Jun 2020 - 5:07:26 PM📁
Another Chinese special delivery?

The UN WHO would like to trot out one of these pandemics every few months until we capitulate to their wishes.

If McConnell stands firm with his statement, "States will not get a bail-out. They should declare bankruptcy and start over", we should avoid having the biggest states (economy wise) shut down again.

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 01:33 AM
Q4544 - Usual DECODES link to:

Q4 POTUS 100% Insulated
Q49 Sen Grassley and U1: What must be reported even if filed under 'State Secrets'? It's a name recognized around the world. (Treason?)

Q51 The time has come to take back our great land. The time is now.
Q114 US Military = savior of mankind.
Q230 Test Test 4Chan infiltrated. Future posts will be relayed here.
Q409 Events to be More Public
Q642 Maxine Waters $4.3M Mansion
Q931 Merkel: 10 to comply. Choice is yours. Q+
Q1109 California Targeted
Q1422 NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! They thought it was coming yesterday. They were wrong. Follow the pen.
Q2309 Q Announces POTUS Itinerary (Q Proof)
Q3509 Tarantino Billboards Hijacked in L.A. to Slam Epstein, Polanski and "Pedowood": Coming to a theater near you.

edit on 30-6-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I'm visualising it blaring out from blackhawks flying low over CHAZ/CHOP!!

Black Helo's Matter... "CHOPocalypse Now"!
edit on 30-6-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

"Black Helos Matter" LOL . . . tut, tut, sensitivity training inbound


posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

A rare slip... means its time for bed... 7:41am here.

Night all!

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 02:03 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
So, how long until the CDC drops it's mask recommendation? It seems like all the rabble is based upon it.

Let's see the fake data for the fake masks.

That OSHA Covid mask discussion and California HD using similar language on the PPE with a respirator is the ONLY way to prevent the spread of the virus. That fact is not going away.

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 02:22 AM
Someone take the keyboard away from Q...


30 Jun 2020 - 3:00:13 AM📁
[camouflaged by protests_riots]
COVID-19[2] positive patients in MEXICO were quietly transferred [routed] to CA.
"The swelling numbers of COVID-19 patients entering the United States from Mexico comes as many parts of California have pushed down their infection rates, enables many counties to lift stay-at-home restrictions and reopen businesses."
NEXT: -enforcement-1202972895/📁
Next challenge: rise in cases [due to testing inc & MX>CA] but overall decrease in death rates [nursing home scandal in public domain _no longer viable option].
edit on 30-6-2020 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 02:42 AM

- the MSM are not flipping Trump supporters or Indys to become anti-Trumpers. They are simply trying to maintain what diminished market share they have left.

- the avg citizen isn’t buying the systemic racism accusations. They (all races) look around at their circle of friends/coworkers/worshipers and think, “hmm, where are all these racists?”

- the anti-Trumpers are simply running out of ammo. They hijack any event they can spin in an attempt to hurt Trump or paint a Trump America as “bad”.

- Q is trying to keep Patriots between the ditches. Not getting sidetracked or distracted by MSM/Left tactics. Stay on target. These are the tactics, this is why they are false, this is why they fail. That’s the nature of Q drops leading up to November.

- Q’s right. Not just a normal 4 yr election. This one will be a benchmark on where the Country stands ideologically. What happens if massive mail in votes only inflate a Trump win? How is THAT spun by MSM and Left?

- It comes down to 3 win/win scenarios;

1) Trump wins bigly and the verdict is in. Death to Dem message (as it stands) and the MSM influence.

2) Trump wins narrowly. More work to be done and 2024 becomes the big one.

3) Trump loses (by any margin). The brainwashing worked and for 4 years the country gets a very clear side by side view of the contrasting agendas. MAGA vs MADS (Democrat Socialist).

If it’s #3 the first impulse of Patriots is dire despair. Shake it off. Sit back and see how humped up things get. The I told you so’s will be self evident. The shame on the states that went against Trump will be stinging.

Again, IMO.

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 03:58 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Someone take the keyboard away from Q...


30 Jun 2020 - 3:00:13 AM📁
[camouflaged by protests_riots]
COVID-19[2] positive patients in MEXICO were quietly transferred [routed] to CA.
"The swelling numbers of COVID-19 patients entering the United States from Mexico comes as many parts of California have pushed down their infection rates, enables many counties to lift stay-at-home restrictions and reopen businesses."
NEXT: -enforcement-1202972895/📁
Next challenge: rise in cases [due to testing inc & MX>CA] but overall decrease in death rates [nursing home scandal in public domain _no longer viable option].

Q is just letting you know what the Democrat game plan is. The problem is that there is no way to over inflate death counts now that most people who are infected are young.

You can bet the same MO was established in every place that has had a surge in cases. Notice a pattern - Florida, Arizona and Texas - three battleground states.

I personally think that Trump is using this time to weed out the RINOs who are just concerned about being re-elected. It’s abundantly clear that the reason why idiots like Pelosi and Schumer can dance around these guys is because they don’t have any real ideology.

The people who attended Trump’s rally in Tulsa - Cotton, Jordan et al - they are the guys you can trust.

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Youth killed in another shooting in Seattle’s occupied protest zone
- 2nd deadly shooting
- A 16-year-old was pronounced dead & a 14-year-old male is in critical condition.
- Detectives searched the Jeep for evidence, but it was clear the crime scene had been disturbed.

Now watch the unedited stream from SHAWN WHITING:
- Guy is walking around & streaming CHOP when the shooting occurs.
- CHOP security spots him... walks up, knocks phone away, curses him & takes his phone.
- Not realizing it is still live-streaming, he films himself and other CHOP security.
- Their faces on camera talking about deleting evidence from a crime scene.

- Nearby businesses and property owners filed a federal lawsuit against the city.
- City workers tried to remove makeshift barriers last week, but stopped after demonstrators objected.

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

Trouble in paradise.


posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 05:48 AM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel

originally posted by: doobydoll

originally posted by: MountainLaurel

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: doobydoll

''Wait until you find out who you been talking to'' - Q.

World's longest game of no-happy-ending foreplay.

Sick of waiting. Blow the lid off this bitch and let's rock and roll. sense of humor is a little weird today, anyone else ? IDK, dooby's post touched my Heart. Is it totally impossible that we are actually talking to " God "...the whole point of view thing.

Lol yes i do understand it sounds hilarious to some people. It's okay, I get ridiculed many times. I was once where you are now, laughing at stuff or people i didn't understand. I considered the idea of God and Heaven and Hell and Satan a made-up fantasy. I was young then, though.

For years now, decades, I meditate every day. I am extremely sensitive to spiritual energies and I have psychic ability. I've had countless different kinds of spiritual experiences and super-natural experiences in my life so far, good and bad. I know that that realm is all very real.

You can easily research the topic for yourself, though. Try to think a different way. Have a go at meditating. Work on developing psychic ability. Become aware of your own energies, learn how they have an effect on everything and everyone around you, how these energies affect and create the world we're living in, and learn how to change them from negative to positive. We ALL have the ability to do this. Many just don't know it. Many more don't even believe it.

The choice to know, to learn, to understand, is there waiting for you. Make your choice, red pill or blue? This is your life, your journey, your choices. I'm not here to argue nor to try to convince anyone what to believe.

Oh no dooby, I wasn't laughing at what you said, sorry if it seemed that way.
What you wrote made a lot of sense to me and I was actually blown away that it doesn't seem impossible at all at this point that Q is working with God !! Again, please know that my poor attempt at humor / nervous laughing, was the opposite of ridicule, much respect actually.

Good morning ML, thank you for clarifying.

Please don't apologise, I wasn't offended or anything. But thank you for your kind words.

I'm absolutely certain Q and your President are working with God and His powerful energies. They really would have no chance nor would have got this far nor so quickly without Faith in God and His protection. They would have been stopped in their tracks the second they stepped up to the challenge.

The energies in the dark spiritual realms really are extremely heavy and dense. If one is not spiritually strong, very VERY strong, it is impossible to move through it. It's why your President refers to it as 'the swamp'. That's exactly what it's like. It's feels like one is trying to wade through a living dense dark swamp, living tar, but you can't see it - it clings to you and pulls at you, it feels like you're being stretched. My gosh, it's difficult to get away.

How your President describes things and the words he chooses, I'm convinced he has experienced/is experiencing the spiritual realms and communicating with God.

Same as the horror films that I've seen - what Light does to a demon entity in films. We've all seen the horror films where Light instantly vapourise any dark entity it touches, and turns them to pieces of ash-like substance that floats up and dissolves in the air. I've seen Light do this for real, and it's exactly what happens - the ash, everything. But how do film-makers/writers 'know' this? To portray it so accurately they must have actually seen it happen, witnessed such things themselves. It certainly isn't from anyone's imagination. Too accurate for that. It's the reason I believe Hellywood is deep into this stuff. They've seen it, they live it, they make films about it. Real life.

Having Faith in God really is like wearing an armour when encountering dark energies/entities. I've experienced it. 100% Faith changes your own energies and it is this that protects you like a big impenetrable invisible bubble - you become the 'eye in the storm', the calm in the centre of chaos.

Your President knows he is safe. God keeps him safe. God bless him.

edit on 30-6-2020 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 06:54 AM
Hello all! Please let me in on the loop of where this is going if ATS goes away. I have been reading this thread every day since the beginning. Thank you for all of your hard work on this wonderful ride.

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: YesTodayTomorrow
I'm getting a bit twitchy - I keep expecting to find tumble weed when I log on.

Do we know, if, when, where, this thread will go?

Please please please...

If you find another resting place for future Q discourse before ATS future is secured.

Let me know! - without all you guys and gals I will be lost in a swamp of Lib-tards and deniers.

All the other hang outs are just so bombastic.

Only here have I found, level headed - intelligent - well researched conversation.

Don't forget me!

Sorry I cant contribute much - I am always so busy, I have a couple of hours every-night 11-1am where I try and catch up.
Quite often I want to respond, start typing, the thread moves along I cant get the pics to load and I give up. Too tired.

Therefore I am so impressed and humbled by the amount of work some of you g n g put in - wish I could offer more support.

blah blah blah ... back to work and lurk mode.

Same here please!

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