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Beyond Bigelow & BAASS, After AATIP and on To the Stars...

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posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
Some history: The record is clear. A known government AFOSI agent Richard Doty spread open disinformation and fraud as an agent and after he was an agent.
Kit Green ran around with Vallee in the late ’90s pretending to be a legitimate researcher and 7 years later was a part of the Serpo hoax with another government operator Hal Puthoff, (Doty again) and Mr. Gullible traveler Bill Ryan!
The record is clear—they can’t be trusted

One thing that I thought was curious about the Serpo emails that Gut linked a few pages back was Dr Green's constant quips about his forgetting that it wasn't real and just for entertainment. With TTSA he's done a complete switchback and now it's entertaining but real. Trustworthy or not, he can certainly bend with the wind.

It was my assumption that the threats of exposure were engineered by Green or Doty to fragment the group. Lifting them up and then dropping them from a great height.

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Didn't miss it MM

Just didn't see the connection with frankie boy from the previous project that sounded very similar to AATIP in terms of the papers (DIRDS) it produced and then Davis quoting ol frankie in that specific paper

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 05:26 PM
About "paradigm shifting", how can you know that the paradigm has shifted if you haven't recognised that paradigm unshifted? What is the paradigm whose shifting Elizondo refers to in his slides and Davis refers to in his paper?

Some paradigms are harder to shift than others.

Personally, I'd like to see some demonstration that they know what a paradigm is before they go shifting any about.

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 05:30 PM
I’m a little over halfway through American Cosmic and while it’s a well-written and interesting read, I didn’t buy it for that reason—-I wanted to glean it for clues and a better understanding of Team Bigelow/TTSA. I think it payed off in that respect and might go towards understanding why TTSA is stacked with bio-scientists.

Last night I came across a couple of intriguing chapters. They stood out from the rest of the book in that they were written more like the language you come across in declassified technical papers. The kind of language that uses terminology that those in the know will understand, but that the common person wouldn’t necessarily grasp the implications of—-or for plausible deniability purposes.

One of those chapters was discussing some of Vallee’s lesser-known interests/venture capital projects and referenced Synthetic Biologists, Bioengineers and “biotechnical imaginaries.”

Human-Use experimentation is nothing new to the scientists working in the IC. Most here are familiar with MK-ULTRA and associated projects. Kit Green and Hal Puthoff are certainly familiar with it—-the remote viewers were designated as “Human-Use Experimentation." More than a few of the RV’ers, btw, had psychotic breaks and other ailments associated with their training.

Kit and crew also addressed the subject in the T.I.G.E.R. & Emerging Cognitive Neuroscience and Related Technologies, from the National Research Council studies where it was noted that the U.S. is in danger of lagging behind other countries where human experimentation isn’t constrained by ethical considerations. China was mentioned. Having noted that I’d say it’s at least worth mentioning that Kit is the Assistant Dean of Clinical Research, China for the Wayne State School of Medicine.

Not all of the "good" research will be done exclusively in the West--at least not before 2015. The results of this work will make sick people well and soldiers safer, but the technologies will not exclusively follow Western views on ethical questions, such as human stem-cell research, research on willing prisoners, and work on human-animal chimeras…

Emerging Cognitive Neuroscience and Related Technologies, from the National Research Council

Also maybe worth noting is that John Alexander is also on record a decade ago talking about the rules of human-use experimentation needing to—and starting to—loosen up again.

The terms mentioned are basically related by Paskula to the “human antenna” aspect and seems to suggest that that receptivity might be capable of being enhanced. These topics are also of interest to NASA and I’d say that Bigelow’s space industries might be another clue as to the kind of things the TTSA team might be working on.

I figured I’d throw it out there and see if any of our sleuths think it’s applicable and has explanatory power in relation to the scientists of TTSA.

Synthetic biology is an interdisciplinary branch of biology and engineering.

The subject combines disciplines from within these domains, such as biotechnology, genetic engineering, molecular biology, molecular engineering, systems biology, membrane science, biophysics, chemical and biological engineering, electrical and computer engineering, control engineering and evolutionary biology.

Synthetic biology applies these disciplines to build artificial biological systems for research, engineering and medical applications.


Synthetic biology is a new interdisciplinary area that involves the application of engineering principles to biology. It aims at the (re-)design and fabrication of biological components and systems that do not already exist in the natural world. Synthetic biology combines chemical synthesis of DNA with growing knowledge of genomics to enable researchers to quickly manufacture catalogued DNA sequences and assemble them into new genomes.

Improvements in the speed and cost of DNA synthesis are enabling scientists to design and synthesize modified bacterial chromosomes that can be used in the production of advanced biofuels, bio-products, renewable chemicals, bio-based specialty chemicals (pharmaceutical intermediates, fine chemicals, food ingredients), and in the health care sector as well.

What is the difference between synthetic biology and systems biology? How does genetic engineering fit in?

Systems biology studies complex natural biological systems as integrated wholes, using tools of modeling, simulation, and comparison to experiment. Synthetic biology studies how to build artificial biological systems, using many of the same tools and experimental techniques. The focus is often on taking parts of natural biological systems, characterizing and simplifying them, and using them as components of an engineered biological system.

Genetic engineering usually involves the transfer of individual genes from one microbe or cell to another; synthetic biology envisions the assembly of novel microbial genomes from a set of standardized genetic parts that are then inserted into a microbe or cell.


The skills to manipulate DNA

DNA is the language of life. Scientific understanding and ability to manipulate this molecule has significantly progressed since the age of Gregor Mendel. Today, reading and writing DNA has become a standard in the industry and is utilized in a plethora of applications, from data storage to antibody creation. Following the central biology dogma of DNA → RNA → proteins, DNA opens doors to further molecular discoveries and is an indispensable resource for synthetic biologists.


NASA Moon To Mars: Advanced Exploration Systems

In digging around you’ll find interesting titles such as the following:

Biological Modeling, Directed Evolution and Complexity from Design to application

What’s a little harder to find—at least in clear non-technical terms is the ways some envision “directed evolution.” In reading up on the disciplines involved you’ll read a lot about proteins and industrial uses but the big picture is how they hope to upgrade the human-being.

Of course that’s a rather touchy subject and for legitimate reasons.

It occurs to me that “experiencers” are pretty vulnerable. They have big questions about what they’ve experienced. I’d say it’s probable that a fair number of them are open to being examined and even experimented with. Especially if they are reinforced with the belief that they are special.

ETA correct 2011 article/interview of Kit Green by Ryan Dube (of Serpo buster fame) Current State of Mind Control and Human Performance Research
edit on 22-3-2019 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 05:56 PM
Here is the new propaganda from TTSA

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Reading your post GUT got me to realize one thing TTSA may be doing. And that is changing the narrative about UFOs—distracting ufology from the basic reality that its an endeavor of seeking what it is. They're trying to imposing all this other stuff on it.

We know Kit Green doesn’t even believe in them and like Puthoff likes to examine humans who are experiencers for some reason. And they also like to hoax UFO events for one reason or another.

It may be that TTSA is just trying to impose these other elements on Ufology in order to distract from it.

These guys are in a nutshell cynical scientist use to manipulation.

It smells like a distraction operation, among other things.

Of course, we know at this point they don’t remotely have the resources to even implement these sciences.

As for American Cosmic, I got a little frustrated when she goes into all the psych stuff revolving around Ufology and alien experiencers. Popular deductions based on little evidence of anything.

It's her book she could write it the way she wants but as a UFO book it has much to be desired

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: Willtell

I find it interesting that what once was a "flying object" now we must style an "aerial phenomenon", widening the scope of the term infinitely...

I mean, what is a phenomenon anyway?

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: beetee
a reply to: Willtell

I mean, what is a phenomenon anyway?

Only a complete muppet really knows Beetee. As a fellow European I trust you understand what that means?

Zondo on the other hand can't tell the difference between phenomena and phenomenon. Although I do like the way he pronounces the word "data" like a true Brit. I think Patrick Stewart probably had a lot to do with that.

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 06:58 PM
To me it looks like they have this amazing technology, but everybody is making fun of them and trolling them. Russia, the ancient gods and David Wilcock. And they don't know how to deal with it

posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: Willtell

We know Kit Green doesn’t even believe in them and like Puthoff likes to examine humans who are experiencers for some reason. And they also like to hoax UFO events for one reason or another.

I agree that Kit has given conflicting statements on what he does and doesn't believe in regards UFOs. When looking at the whole of the information he appears to definitely be part of the Woo Tribe though. Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that jus' sayin'.

It may be that TTSA is just trying to impose these other elements on Ufology in order to distract from it.

It smells like a distraction operation, among other things.

That's a possibility of course and one I've mulled a lot over the years. At the end of the day, however, I don't think their mission is an official operation to obfuscate the governments knowledge of nuts and bolts UFOs. It just doesn't seem to account for all the things we've seen and are seeing from them.

Of course, we know at this point they don’t remotely have the resources to even implement these sciences.

Agreed. At least not the stuff they're pushing about exotic propulsion and such. Does anyone know if they've addressed the "human interface" stuff to any significant degree?

As for American Cosmic, I got a little frustrated when she goes into all the psych stuff revolving around Ufology and alien experiencers. Popular deductions based on little evidence of anything.

It's her book she could write it the way she wants but as a UFO book it has much to be desired

I also think there were a couple of her assertions that were somewhat weakly argued or relied too much on anecdotal information (even when I basically agreed in my opinion) and can't be considered scholarship. It was definitely written by an adoring disciple of Jacques Vallee. In some ways it's more his work than hers. But, heck, he is an impressive thinker and has asked some of the most pointed and profound questions in all of ufology.

And I do think ufology is basically a "religion" of faith for many and that trend will continue. Pasulka succeeded, I think, in furthering that theory.

Overall, though, I thought it was an exceptional offering and worthy of consideration. I appreciated her intellect and I find her to be an excellent writer---except for those chapters I mentioned in my last post--she went from writing very clearly to what appeared to me to be obfuscation for some reason.

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 02:12 PM
Nothing really new here in this article from the Army Times except maybe the, ahem, trademark symbol. It may have been mentioned here but if so I missed it.

DeLonge, who founded To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences as a means to prove the existence of alien life, will be teaming up with a number of former Pentagon officials for a six-part documentary series called “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation™." (The trademark symbol is reportedly part of the title.)

The show, set to premier sometime in May, will air on the History Channel, because the eternally-memed, electrocution hairstyle guy from “Ancient Aliens” wasn’t generating enough history for the network to begin with.

It's OUR investigation y'all! Well not for you Brits. I'm sure that stings. Probably changed the name from something more inclusive after all those meanie memes from MM & Pigsy. And Georgie thought he had it tough when it came to memes.

Officials from the Department of Defense confirmed the program’s existence in a December 2017 New York Times story.

“The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program ended in the 2012 time frame," a DoD statement read. “It was determined that there were other, higher priority issues that merited funding and it was in the best interest of the DoD to make a change.”

Yeah, sounds like they realized a bunch of goofs were scoring some nice paychecks for not much in return.

“From the heart, I left my band and all that I was known for because this is the moment in time that I can change the world for my kids, and everybody else’s," DeLonge says in a TTSA video.

I'll leave that one alone.

Blink-182′s Tom DeLonge and former Pentagon officials get History Channel show to prove aliens exist

posted on Mar, 23 2019 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: The GUT

I don’t believe the government is hiding anything. We have documentation that they have been manipulating UFO perception. It’s no secret.

My money is on the government doesn’t know a Goddam thing about UFOs. If anything they want to spread, as you call woo, in order to keep things murky.

The book is a decent book and I like the part about the Mary apparitions.

edit on 24-3-2019 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 05:56 AM
Even if this is the current thread that collects the negative views of TTSA, I am taking the freedom to post this good response by Lue Elizondo to a critical question.

Audiatur et altera pars

Source is Twitter.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 07:03 AM
Maybe we can learn something about these aliens by simply connecting the dots. Elizondo said there is a connection to water, and Delonge said the alien abductions are real. The abductees are talking about strange looking creatures very similar to insects, so we must explore their insect-like nature. I don't know much about insects, but they can be seen near water sources and like to remain hidden from our view. We are dealing with very smart creatures with extraordinary powers, who are able to coexist with other species. In fact they need them to survive, because they like to use other animals for their own benefits. Can they be beneficial to us? If you look at nature, than yeah, we need them as much as they need us.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: vortimond

Have you ever seen TTSA use the word ‘alien’?

I don’t think it’s an accident...

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 07:13 AM
I said it before. We are dealing with real ancient gods, I think they can be both physical and non-physical.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: ctj83

But they will plaster abductions on pyjamas and sell them to you!! Free shipping though CTJ

What a total mess TTSA are, what was the purpose of Project Outgrowth? To look at technologies that may come along in the next 40years, funny how the bidding contract for AAWSAP / AATIP is roughly 37 years since project Outgrowth huh...that provided pretty similar documents / technical reports and DIRDS.

That's all it is in my book...the rest is nonsense and I still believe that Zondo has an axe to grind for being given the AATIP "job". Ufos aren't known to help your career, I still believe he did something and was punished for it, hence the "position" he allegedly held.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 08:12 AM

edit on 24-3-2019 by Baablacksheep because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: Baablacksheep
a reply to: pigsy2400

What a deplorable idiot that boy/ man is! Am refering to the comments and shirt by Delonge.

posted on Mar, 24 2019 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: vortimond

There was a guy on ATS who wrote about wood nymphs looking like a cross between dragon flys and human looking. Probly not the right thread to discuss, PM me and I'll point you to the posts if you like.

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