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How to fix the border once and for all.

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posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: angeldoll

Otherwise kids get drug across the border as human shields. Cartels run wild. 10,000++ deaths from here to Columbia annual. Rotten to the core governments. Immeasurable suffering and environmental ordeals every single day. Families destroyed. Police state apparatus'. Cops trigger happy. Wars of Drugs across the world.

All of which we cant afford.

So whats your fix to all of that?

Its called seal the damn border and the cartels will have to divert their energies. Otherwise they corrupt and shoot everything.

Then liberals scream its so bad we have to let them all in in haste.

So they "need" that border open to maintain their outraged posture.

When no matter what as long as its left as is, no matter how nice we are to the migrants that show up, the drug corridor will continue as a wrecking ball down there.

But gawd forbid people would be able to liken it to NK DMZ. Better save face, and F YOU to all those millions of children that live suth of the border.
edit on 20-6-2018 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

You honestly think that those are legit signs? Can you drive by those signs today and find the "felons, illegals and MS13 welcome! Democrats need the votes!" hanging at the bottom of it?

Nope, you can't. And if you want to talk about being poor, an entire generation is buried under a mountain of student debt in our country. An entire generation will spend most of their lives paying back tens of thousands of dollars in debt.

That's America for you though, nearly an entire population being indentured servants. America is both the richest and poorest country on Earth yet people seem to be proud of where we stand. We're called the land of the free but we're shackled in the chains of debt more than any other country by far. Ironic and sad.
edit on 6/20/2018 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

There is no "immigration crisis".

Trump has made it up, like he made up the "crisis" of football players taking the knee, like he made up "the media is the enemy."

He's leading this country into an abyss of hatred, division, fear and racism.

Divide and conquer. That's what he's doing.

He's a very sick man. Everything that has made our country good, and decent and great, he is undoing. Set us all against one another. Scoffing our allies, courting dictators. Chipping away at the less-motivated, less successful of those among us, at their ability to think. He lies and wants to think for them with his twisted views of what the world should be.

He lives for himself. He's undone the separation of children/parents at the border, not because it was the right thing to do.
But because as it turns out it was bad "optics". For him.

He doesn't care about people because his illness prevents it. He is unable to experience the emotions most of us do.
He's trying to make it okay to be void of morality. He's made it acceptable to embrace racism and hatred.

Shallowness that is blind and unthinking, that serves only himself. A primitive philosophy of how to succeed, of what it means to live a life well purposed, and well intentioned.

I'm sorry.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Dude they were OBVIOUSLY A PRANK.


originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Nope, you can't. And if you want to talk about being poor, an entire generation is buried under a mountain of student debt in our country. An entire generation will spend most of their lives paying back tens of thousands of dollars in debt.

That's America for you though, nearly an entire population being indentured servants. America is both the richest and poorest country on Earth yet people seem to be proud of where we stand. We're called the land of the free but we're shackled in the chains of debt more than any other country by far. Ironic and sad.

I get all that. But what about lifting up Latin America by sealing the border?
edit on 20-6-2018 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: angeldoll

You didnt actually respond to anything I've tried saying to you. Just a big ol Trump is a meanie head rant.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: angeldoll

You didnt actually respond to anything I've tried saying to you. Just a big ol Trump is a meanie head rant.

I know I didn't. I'm sorry. I wanted to say something real. So I did.

'night Iggie.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

If you think some illegal immigrants coming into America (which has been happening for decades already) is a bigger priority than an entire generation being indentured servants because of student loans then you have your priorities mixed up, as "they" prefer it.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

How are you comparing illegal entry and self imposed debt?

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Which is a bigger issue in reality? If you're honest with yourself you'll admit it is the student loan bubble that is bound to burst and screw an entire generation over. Yet here we are getting worked up over something that has been going on for decades already and acting like it's a bigger deal.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

That's subjective.

Might make a good thread.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: JinMI

My point is that we continuously get sucked into the talking points the media wants us obsessing over. The real issues are barely discussed, anything talked about for days on end by the media is usually a distraction and insignificant compared to what's really important, yet here we are every day and week following them around like sheep. They love the fact that we obsess over what they want us to, it's mind control and even those who are against the media aren't immune to it. In fact they seem to be the biggest sheep of all because they obsess over it constantly.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

You had me at A but lost me at C.

In any case, this is a better start to a decent plan than recreating the failed wall of China.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

It's a forum. Folks like to talk.

What you deem important could seem completely benign to another.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: JinMI

You don't find it odd that ATS ebbs and flows with the very same talking points as the media week in and out even though the majority of its members claim to hate the media? It's like a form of Stockholm Syndrome.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

I'll let you in on a lil secret.

ATS = Media

I get your point even though I don't see it as dire.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: JinMI

It is dire because it goes to show just how in control the media is, even over the ones who claim to not trust them at all. They're controlling the way people think and they are controlling the narrative 100%, even for the ones who rail against them constantly. People seem to think they're fighting against the media when in reality they are doing exactly what they're told to by that very same media.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
a reply to: toysforadults

Yay, let's turn into North Korea! Great idea.

North Korea is best Korea
Believe me

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Or are they talking about what they wish to talk about?

Is it guided? Sure. Completely? Hardly.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 10:06 PM
We should greatly increase the amount of people we let into the country legally to reduce illegal immigration. Maybe we could have work programs that provide cheap labor for farmers and the like.

posted on Jun, 20 2018 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Is it guided? Sure. Completely? Hardly.

What makes you think it's not completely guided? I don't think you give those in power enough credit. They're always one step ahead of your average person, they've had it planned out for years and are using the media to guide both sides in the direction they choose. Divide and conquer, look at the discussion around these boards and tell me their plan isn't working. Your in denial if you don't think so.
edit on 6/20/2018 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

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