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Incredible close-up footage of Boeing 787 leaving huge vapour trail through the sky

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posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: havok

originally posted by: waynos
a reply to: havok
You're clearly not on the fence at all are you, your post makes that abundantly clear

My fence being...I need proof they don't spray some kind of chemical concoction from airlines that are unidentified. I understand the science behind commercial airline contrails.

Your comment about a broken trail possibly being a chemtrails just shows that you don't know how that can happen with a regular contrail. But it can and frequently does.

This is where we disagree. I have, admittedly very rarely, witnessed a jet sized airplane flying in the sky leaving a dotted pattern contrail for a few minutes, then a solid straight line, and then none at all. This is not a normal thing to see. Telling me it's slightly changing wind patterns, gusts, temperature changes, or whatever is not a good enough answer.

Seems like a perfectly reasonable answer since we're talking about a type of cirrus cloud

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: havok

This is where we disagree. I have, admittedly very rarely, witnessed a jet sized airplane flying in the sky leaving a dotted pattern contrail for a few minutes, then a solid straight line, and then none at all. This is not a normal thing to see. Telling me it's slightly changing wind patterns, gusts, temperature changes, or whatever is not a good enough answer.

It is a good answer. Not all parts of the sky have the conditions that are conducive to contrail formation and/or contrail persistence.

I mean, not all parts of the sky are conducive to clouds or cloud persistence, either. There is invisible water vapor in all parts of the sky. However, only some parts of the sky have the right conditions for that water vapor to condense into visible ice crystals (i.e., "cirrus clouds").

If it isn't differing atmospheric conditions that lead to either "blue sky" or "cirrus clouds", then what is it? Why can there be breaks and "dots" in cirrus clouds, but there be no breaks in contrails?

edit on 29/6/2017 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 02:36 PM
So much ignorance on this page. Contrails are formed on the tips of an aircrafts wing, they do not billow out of the engine like that and stick around.

Literally at a loss for words at the stupidity of the "contrail" comments.

You know what's crazy? Our taxes pay for geo-engineering. Anyone can find patents for aerosol spraying technology as well as the proposed budget plan that is supported by tax payers. People are literally paying for geo-engineering out of their pockets yet they will deny it is happening. That is a peak level of ignorance.

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: AnahataN

So much ignorance on this page. Contrails are formed on the tips of an aircrafts wing, they do not billow out of the engine like that and stick around.

Guess you don't fly much. What's coming out of this KLM 747's engines?

This must be the only A380-Chemtrailer in existence:

Here's that same A380-C in Thai Airlines paint. Unless it has four wings making those contrails:

edit on 29-6-2017 by AugustusMasonicus because: I ♥ cheese pizza.

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 02:55 PM

Contrails are formed on the tips of an aircrafts wing, they do not billow out of the engine like that and stick around.

Guess you don't fly much. What's coming out of this KLM 747's engines?

You must not be familiar with the flat Earth contrails that started forming after the fake moon missions were forced to be created after the reptilians took over the government.

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: roadgravel

You must not be familiar with the flat Earth contrails that started forming after the fake moon missions were forced to be created after the reptilians took over the government.

You forgot to include Satan.

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: roadgravel

You must not be familiar with the flat Earth contrails that started forming after the fake moon missions were forced to be created after the reptilians took over the government.

You forgot to include Satan.

Bettlejuice, Bettlejuice, Bettlejuice

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: seasonal

Awesome video

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: booyakasha
a reply to: waynos

yeah looks great for the earth and our health. I bet standing inside that vapor trail and breathing would be beneficial for your lungs and brain.

Not possible, as you'd freeze to death before you could draw breath anyway, so not something to worry about.

This obviously doesn't probe chemtrails, it doesn't disprove them either though.

Chemtrails or not, # these oil companies holding the 0 emission technology back.

Yeah, right on, but not what I was arguing anyway.

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: havok

originally posted by: waynos
a reply to: havok
You're clearly not on the fence at all are you, your post makes that abundantly clear

My fence being...I need proof they don't spray some kind of chemical concoction from airlines that are unidentified. I understand the science behind commercial airline contrails.

OK, your position, your choice. Fair enough. May I ask why the absence of any physical evidence, at all, of chemtrails being found in the whole 25+ years since the theory was put forward is not enough for you to say that they probably aren't doing it even if they want to?

Your comment about a broken trail possibly being a chemtrails just shows that you don't know how that can happen with a regular contrail. But it can and frequently does.

This is where we disagree. I have, admittedly very rarely, witnessed a jet sized airplane flying in the sky leaving a dotted pattern contrail for a few minutes, then a solid straight line, and then none at all. This is not a normal thing to see. Telling me it's slightly changing wind patterns, gusts, temperature changes, or whatever is not a good enough answer.

As an aviation photographer, barely a week goes by without I see this above me. It's not actually caused by any of the things you mentioned, so they would indeed be not good enough explanations as they would be wrong

The cause is differences in humidity across the sky, the exact same reason you often see clear blue spaces between clouds, rather than a pure white sky. Picture if you will a sectional slice through such a sky. That's what a broken contrail is.

Either way, I don't know if they are real or not.
But I wouldn't doubt it.
I've read worse stories about the evils of man.

No, we don't know. But I do note the said lack of evidence, but my real argument is not whether anything has been sprayed, only why they are not contrails and why focussing on contrails, as many chemtrail chasers do, is a mistake. Any real chemtrail that was sprayed would, by its nature and by the laws of physics, be completely invisible from the ground.

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: AnahataN
So much ignorance on this page. Contrails are formed on the tips of an aircrafts wing, they do not billow out of the engine like that and stick around.

Literally at a loss for words at the stupidity of the "contrail" comments.

You really should be wary of making comments like that. Especially when you just posted the stupidest thing on the thread. Aerodynamic contrails (the ones you just described) are a different phenomena entirely and almost never persist and spread.

You know what's crazy? Our taxes pay for geo-engineering. Anyone can find patents for aerosol spraying technology as well as the proposed budget plan that is supported by tax payers. People are literally paying for geo-engineering out of their pockets yet they will deny it is happening. That is a peak level of ignorance.

Given what you said above about contrails, I take comfort from the fact that you don't know what you're talking about

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: AnahataN
So much ignorance on this page. Contrails are formed on the tips of an aircrafts wing, they do not billow out of the engine like that and stick around.

Literally at a loss for words at the stupidity of the "contrail" comments.

You know what's crazy? Our taxes pay for geo-engineering. Anyone can find patents for aerosol spraying technology as well as the proposed budget plan that is supported by tax payers. People are literally paying for geo-engineering out of their pockets yet they will deny it is happening. That is a peak level of ignorance.

Yeah it's ridiculous to think that engines that pump out tonnes of water vapour into subzero conditions are going to form condensation trails

And it's utterly ludicrous to think that condensation is going to hang around in the sky forming clouds

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: AnahataN
So much ignorance on this page. Contrails are formed on the tips of an aircrafts wing, they do not billow out of the engine like that and stick around.

Aerodynamic contrails (sometimes called "wing-tip" contrails because of one place they can form)

Exhaust contrails

Aerodynamic contrails:

Exhaust contrails:

And why couldn't an exhaust contrail stick around? They are made of ice crystals, just like a cirrus cloud, and cirrus clouds can stick around.

edit on 29/6/2017 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: havok

This is where we disagree. I have, admittedly very rarely, witnessed a jet sized airplane flying in the sky leaving a dotted pattern contrail for a few minutes, then a solid straight line, and then none at all. This is not a normal thing to see. Telling me it's slightly changing wind patterns, gusts, temperature changes, or whatever is not a good enough answer.

Have you ever seen clouds in the sky and then witnessed a space between the clouds? If you look into why that is, you will quickly learn that the atmosphere isn't homogeneous. It's dynamic and that alone causes things to shift and change depending on the conditions.

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 04:29 PM

originally posted by: BadBoYeed
a reply to: seasonal

Admitting chemtrails

If you can post the exact point in the video where "chemtrails are admitted" I will believe you, but you won't be able to do that.

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: waynos
I guess we shouldn't listen to the people who understand and are talking about this.

Published on Nov 16, 2015
Chemtrails in the air are killing people all over the world as Dr. Russell Blaylock explains. Some people are oblivious to them.

As a former neurosurgeon and expert on the effects of the chemtrail spraying on us, he talks about the insidious mass poisoning of people.

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: havok

Especially when I see trails that break into segments like a malfunction nozzle spray would

Do clouds always form one continuous mass? The reason why clouds dot the sky is the same reason why contrails can dot the sky.

edit on 29/6/17 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Ah yes, a natural cure remedy doctor. You will need to purchase some Organite, some other detox products, and perhaps a t shirt on the way out. Nope, no conflict of interest here. Don't forget, inhale, then exhale, in that order.

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 05:47 PM
While I appreciate all the replies...

I don't think some of you understood what I said.
I witnessed the plane produce contrails, then sputter into an on/off pattern, and then solid lines, and then none at all. I watched this plane flying through the sky. It wasn't like a normal cloud formation. These stoppages were cut perfect lines. Like on/off binary ones and zeros. Not like cirrus clouds.

I'm certainly no expert.
But what I saw looked mysteriously like someones finger on a button producing morse code.

It's hard to say what I saw.
Like some Bigfoot witnesses, or UFO witnesses.
It was enough to make me question what I thought I knew about contrails.

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Ah yes, a natural cure remedy doctor. You will need to purchase some Organite, some other detox products, and perhaps a t shirt on the way out. Nope, no conflict of interest here. Don't forget, inhale, then exhale, in that order.

Yeah he needed money right.Maybe he decided something needed to be said.

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