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Feminism Causes Ruin Of Countless Families And Tens Of Millions Of US Children...

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posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: jonnywhite
a reply to: Gaussq
I strongly suspect this link can't be trusted. Most of the internet is a cesspool of half truths and blatant lies. Most people, outside of the professional (esp science) disciplines, spin the truth to suit themselves.

What are you talking about? Do you think the MSM is more trustable?.. Fake news - where do you find it? Each fact in the article is linked from other news sites. This is no rocket science, just plain facts summarized and presented in that article. The conclusion is that gvmts since at least 50 years have tried to destroy the nuclear family which means they have declared war on all children. Not to mention the high treason aspect of such an agenda.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: Gaussq
Fake news.

This article is a GIANT false correlation. It talks about fatherless homes and then it conflates that with feminism like that is the ONLY reason that a home will just have a single mother. Sheesh. Talk about some obvious propaganda.

Did you read the article? Then you would see that its not like that. I just presented the most shocking facts here as a copy-paste. Read the whole article and you will see that its just a small part of the whole thing. Even feminism is just one part of the whole strategy to undermine society.

Karl Marx:

“Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.”

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: Gaussq

the more you study it, the more you realize that the rich and powerful were using the "Communist" demon to put down any movement that would result in them losing power and profits. labor movements, civil rights movements, feminism, they were all labeled as "communists"..

one could say, there would have probably never been a commuinist movement if the rich and powerful weren't so horribly abusing their power.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
I wonder what effect us shipping all our real work jobs overseas, ya know, work that involved more than pushing papers across the desk.. those they required the heavy lifting, ya know those jobs that women really didn't want to venture into and to be honest pretty much still were offering a decent wage to MEN had to do with things? we've been moving from a nation of makers and doers into one of paper pushing and thinking.. which, women have proven to be just as capable of as men. so they men find themselves sitting in at a desk next to a women and making probably that same wage as the women was making before this change. in other words, did they adjust the women's wages up to meet that of the men's to meet equal pay requirements, or reduce the man's earning power to hers... or more than likely, both.

Given woman graduate at higher rates, it's debatable whether they actually have it worse--as is common argued. It's true men get higher paying jobs on average, but what's interesting to me is how many men are incarcerated in prison. Males are about 10 to 15 times more likely to be incarcerated. Population wise, woman constitute about ~9% or less of the prisoner population. Men are more likely to receive heavy sentences. 98% of all mass shootings are males. This problem rapidly started increasing in the 1970's. Woman seen a high rate of increase starting in the mid eighties and waning about 20 years later.

* - Most Popular College Majors For Women...
edit on 1/30/2017 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: Gaussq

when you have a social service system like this...
you can't pin all the blame on feminists and their desire to be not to be treated as second class citizens.

Exactly you are right!

Who made the stay at home moms resented? MSM and Gvmts. Who made them look like second class citizens? MSM and the Gvmts. Who bought the whole deception? The women. They were the backbone of our society and then were treated as trash. All of that happened in order to push them out in society and forget about the children. The end result is here today - disaster for all "rich" countries. The third world countries have much stronger children actually.
edit on 30-1-2017 by Gaussq because: test

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: Gaussq

Oh I started reading it, then I stopped after realizing how biased and fake it was. Nothing intellectual to be gained from it. Just another click bait article meant to appease the biases of anti-feminists and misogamists. Like I said, fake news.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: Bramble Iceshimmer

Many wish they would have had that kind of mom when they were little. Later on as kids become older her role will become less important. But for babies such a mom is a dream scenario and those infant years are crucial to their future.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: Annee

before you start throwing those deadbeat dads into work camps, you need to audit the books and make the changes needed to ensure that men aren't declared deadbeat when they aren't?

although I don't think they'll do it, because the money is probably being diverted to black ops projects...

Here's one. Grandson who I'm raising, his daddy died. Nurse mistakenly told him he could not sign birth certificate because they weren't married. He was put into induced coma trying to save his life. It didn't work.

Can't prove paternity. Kid should be getting social security payments, but can't without proof of paternity.

All on the mom to prove it.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: MOMof3
Well just don't get up to baby making with too many men, you know promiscuous women are the downfall of society!

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: Gaussq

This is the most arrogant and ego driven drivel I've ever read. Women shouldn't be equals to men because then it is THEIR fault that a family falls apart so they should just accept their lot and be second class citizens? Wow... Go back to 1900.

That is the marxist brainwash thinking very strong in young people. Just because you stay at home and take good care of the next generation you are second class??! Aren´t you the backbone of society rather than those people shoving papers in an office all day in front of a screen?...

Let´s rethink this world with a clear mind. What is important for the future? The children. Without good and strong children there is no hope for the future.

The most important people is the people who can raise good children. This is no wild statement. And we have all seen what happens to modern kids in our marxist, materialist society.

What was it? 70 year olds are more healthy than 15 year olds nowadays..... What else is there to say. Back to the future.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: WilsonWilson

No worries. My man chasing days are over at my age. And I will keep the one I have had for 37 yrs.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: Gaussq

but they were treated like trash before all this though...
before the early feminists, women were working, but legally in some parts of the country, the money she earned belong to her husband. she could have a bank account or credit. and, a husband raping his wife was considered legal, so wasn't being physically abusing to her.
the only difference between now and then is that she isn't left out in the wind, to fend for herself.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:10 PM
Can't say I'm surprised where this thread went.
As it stands men and women in the west are equal across the board in terms of economic possibilities and rights.
The fact feminism even exists in the west is the problem.
It's sole purpose was to increase the rights of women and stamp out oppression.
Guess what?
Job well done there are laws that prevent gender discrimination and the dehumanization.

Next problem is to fix the oppression of women around the globe right?
"Nope next are the non existent wage gap and pink tax."
Are you freaking kidding me?!?!
" Nope then mansplaining and microaggressions are next to combat."

The fact 3rd wave feminism and everything it entails does nothing to promote the nuclear family model. It promotes fatherless households replaced by the government. Creates vast swaths of federal dependent single mothers and fathers. In fact feminism and other left wing movements like BLM have actually said they intend on ending the nuclear family model of child rearing and shift to a "it takes a village" model. Just watch BET for 5 minutes and this mass movement is evident. Men on most sitcoms are portrayed as frumpy complacent cucks who are the butt to most jokes on the series. I'd take a Al Bundy any day over this most current rendition of the typical father being rammed down my throat nightly.

As it stands right now. Western women are the most privileged humans to ever grace this planet. Most women can say or do things I wouldn't dare. The fact this movement still thinks there is a battle to be fought will be it's downfall just like regressive liberalism and it's oppression Olympics.

A question to all feminists.
In your eyes will men and women ever be equal?
Or will this just continue to a point where men are just sperm donors and have as much to do with child rearing as that of reptiles? Unless you all address this progression it will happen weather you agree with it or not because that is the inevitable outcome down this current path.

A fun fact feminists choose to ignore.
The group with the highest rate of suicide in most western nations are white males between 35-55. They simply feel unneeded by society now. As much as feminists choose to ignore these facts women are designed and genetically programed to bring life into this world just like men are genetically programed to gather resources for them. No one to gather resources for? No need to be alive. This is mainly to blame for modern 3rd wave western feminism running out of battles to win and now sees issues where there are none!

I will end with my favorite anti-feminist.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: Gaussq

the more you study it, the more you realize that the rich and powerful were using the "Communist" demon to put down any movement that would result in them losing power and profits. labor movements, civil rights movements, feminism, they were all labeled as "communists"..

one could say, there would have probably never been a commuinist movement if the rich and powerful weren't so horribly abusing their power.

The super bankers always sponsored the communist movement. The whole Soviet Union was run from Wall Street according to Rakhovsky in "Red Symphony". Rothschild funded the Paris Commune openly in 1871 when he made a fortune by buying up all the properties from the killed "bourgeoisie"... It goes on and on but the winners write history so very few know the story.

Communism is a cover for taking control of all property and killing all competition and opposition - in the whole world. The modern word is "Globalism" and "Liberalism". The essence is the same. Control money printing and then start revolutions and take control over all gvmts. Simple but effective so far.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: Gaussq

Women aren't born to have babies and raise children. They can have lives too. I know that is hard for you to accept, but women contribute to society with grand ideas and inventions just as much as men. If you can't see how women were second class citizens forced to be homemakers and nothing else, then you don't want to see it.

Marxist brainwashing... Psh. Get over yourself. I can think for myself and can recognize a good idea when I see one. If you want to fix the decline of the family in this country, striping rights and freedoms from women isn't the way to do it.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: Gaussq

This may be an alternative I do know that I am a man who does manly even some may say macho things but many men are assholes that I would not sit with. Men and women are forgetting the art of relating and bring up kids which includes men cooking and changing sh+tty nappies.

We seem to raising many boy -men i.e. men who are actually immature.

Your implication is that women are responsible. Men of all colours are f*cking up and not pulling their weight! I do not demonise feminists, I do not like all feminists. I do not like all my country man nor all members of my race.

edit on 30-1-2017 by Tiger5 because: Add in more text

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:19 PM
I wish people would stop talking about third world countries, like they are beacons of family values. Look at the rape statistics, the high numbers of deaths in child birth, the infant mortality rates, the low life expectancies, the high levels of iliteracy. The numbers of sexually transmitted diseases. Child marriage.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: Gaussq

but they were treated like trash before all this though...
before the early feminists, women were working, but legally in some parts of the country, the money she earned belong to her husband. she could have a bank account or credit. and, a husband raping his wife was considered legal, so wasn't being physically abusing to her.
the only difference between now and then is that she isn't left out in the wind, to fend for herself.

Some women were treated like trash but FAR FROM EVERYONE. Ie my grandmom was a farmer´s wife at home with no legal rights whatsoever. Do you think she was below her husband? Forget it. Anyone who entered her house was under her dominion. And it was pleasant and it was a nice atmosphere and the kids thrived in that home and she was also a kindhearted mother. The strength is not in dollars,titles or in gadgets, its in the heart.

Again, the MSM sells this kind of idea that women were garbage in old times. They were not. They were as strong as the husband or many times even stronger and the men worshipped them for taking so good care of them and their kids. Of course, there were alcoholics and bad guys but those always exist. Its the same for all those evil women who make life a living hell for kind men.

MSM has its agenda and its impossible to not be influenced by it. Its called fake history.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: WilsonWilson
I wish people would stop talking about third world countries, like they are beacons of family values. Look at the rape statistics, the high numbers of deaths in child birth, the infant mortality rates, the low life expectancies, the high levels of iliteracy. The numbers of sexually transmitted diseases. Child marriage.

Wow. Is that why the numeracy rates are way above the USA? The rape statistics are suspect as rape is under reported in the USA. High numbers of deaths in child birth, infant mortality and low life is expectancy is true. true but then certain sections of the US poor show similar statistics.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: WilsonWilson

At the very least, if you go to the countryside of a poor country like India you will see happy people with traditional family values. MSM only talks about the bad stuff and never about the good stuff there. Go and check it out, you will be amazed by how warm those people are. The have faith in good things, they are kindhearted and honest and they smile alot. I remember once in China when poor kids came up to me in the street and started hugging me spontaneously. They had never seen a white man I guess. I was so dumbfounded but they had no bad intentions at all. From the heart.

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