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A War With Russia = Possible Extinction of the Human Race

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posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 02:53 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

She might just be the Antichrists evil twin.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 03:10 AM
I laughed so hard reading this post. Thank you. All of that tough guy picking sides stuff was just adorable.

Seriously, stop taking yourself so seriously.


posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 03:14 AM

originally posted by: SoulSurfer
A War With Russia = Possible Extinction of the Human Race

I wouldn't lose sleep, the 'race' will not go extinct for at least a thousand years!

"Be the change that you want to see!" - Gandhi

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 03:40 AM
In this one documentary show I watched one time, they had an expert on claiming it would only take perhaps as few as only 20 nukes to light off around the globe simultaneously to trigger a global nuclear winter to enough degree to mute the sun just enough to ruin the ability to grow crops.

Gawd she just looks wretchedly vile and wicked now that she isnt trying to win an election. Imagine having to look at and hear the that creature for the next 4-8 years EVERY SINGLE DAY.

edit on 13-12-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: Jefferton

I found it rather funny as well. It's like preschool in here.

WW3! The Russian Apocalypse!

1. We can detect nukes and shoot them down.

2. Russia would loose even with Chinese help.

3. Clinton's always had it out for Russia. If know anything might remember Kosovo. It was so bad Bill almost faced impeachment for worst intelligence and warcrimes. He bombed a daycare that he thought was a pharmacy (still illegal) and used "drugs" (very serious crime in Russia) as excuse. Might know how hard Hillary was when serving for UN. CIA/FBI attacking Russian speaking Ukrainians who got # on by EU. NATO forces surrounding Russia, aiming missles at them. Following their naval patrol.

4. We all hack each other. Always have. America is great at it. Probably #1 seeing how have CIA and NSA who must know what goes on in other countries. Spies have been around since mankind's first war.

5. We have influenced all kind of people and rigged votes or installed leaders. Most turn out to be psycho and go war with them.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

The only threat I have seen,is the exposing of war criminals we have had and have in office,the truth being revealed,they show a very panicked attempt to try and skew the truth,put dogs on another hunt,and the idiots that believe Russians had anything to do with it should read beyond the magazine face in grocery store

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 04:55 AM
Seems WE are DIRTIER than Russia was,we haven't KILLED as many of course, so it's time we grew up and lead.
edit on 13-12-2016 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

This is the reason Trump won imho.... people instinctively knew that a vote for Hilary was a vote for war.

I mean honestly... Who in their right mind would want Trump in the Whitehouse if it was not otherwise?

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 05:46 AM

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

It has been table-topped for many, many, years. A direct conflict with Russia escalates very quickly into all-out nuclear war...every time. There are too many alliances which are not fully understood (thanks CIA and NSA). There are too many leveraged military holdings. The probability of "use it or lose it" is well above 90% (on both sides too). It starts out as in-theater conflict, then tactical nukes. Then someone hits something they didn't realize was as strategically important as it was to the other side. They retaliate, and conflict grows beyond the theater. Not long after this strategic nukes start flying, and once this happens, once the first strategic nuke clears the sub's silo, it's game over.

It's a fool's errand to think even a limited nuclear exchange can be de-escalated!

I mean just think about it... The US and Russia are going at it with conventional warfare in Eastern Europe/Middle East somewhere. The conflict escalates in someplace like Ukraine and some tactical nukes get used. Then someone does something stupid, like say Iran nukes Isreal, or NK launches one of their K-mart Special nukes on Japan. What then? The US flattens Pyongyang (from SK), China hits Seoul. US hits Bejing. Russia hits NY and LA. US releases all land based nukes before they lose them. Guess what?

edit on 12/13/2016 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 06:24 AM
Any Nuke hitting the Northwest will indeed be a E.L.E, Yellowstone is primed and ready be it war or a natural event that kicks her/it off... I wonder how those bunker air filters are with concretion? Something overlooked I think.
edit on 13-12-2016 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: DreamerOracle

If the will is there then the way will follow.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 06:42 AM
So you are sitting beneath an apple tree, an apple falls on your head, do you:-
A sit somewhere else
B chop the apple tree down
C pick all the apples.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 06:44 AM

originally posted by: Anonopolis
a reply to: Jefferton

I found it rather funny as well. It's like preschool in here.

WW3! The Russian Apocalypse!

You find it "funny" do you? Well, maybe preschool is funny. Do tell.

1. We can detect nukes and shoot them down.

Maybe in about 5% of the instances (if that). Clearly you are pretty mis/uninformed about anti-ballistic missile weapons systems.

2. Russia would loose even with Chinese help.

Define "loose". Presumably you mean "lose". In any case, define "lose"? First of all, your statement is patently false. The US, Russia AND China have enough nukes, independently, to incinerate the planet! One doesn't need the other's help to do this. Wherever you got this silly notion is not factually based.

3. Clinton's always had it out for Russia. If know anything might remember Kosovo. It was so bad Bill almost faced impeachment for worst intelligence and warcrimes. He bombed a daycare that he thought was a pharmacy (still illegal) and used "drugs" (very serious crime in Russia) as excuse. Might know how hard Hillary was when serving for UN. CIA/FBI attacking Russian speaking Ukrainians who got # on by EU. NATO forces surrounding Russia, aiming missles at them. Following their naval patrol.

So what? What does this have to do with anything being discussed?

4. We all hack each other. Always have. America is great at it. Probably #1 seeing how have CIA and NSA who must know what goes on in other countries. Spies have been around since mankind's first war.

Again, what's the point? The OP's post is about the relationship of Hillary Clinton to war with Russia. China, Russia and the US have had spies for decades, and will for decades to come. Spies don't start Armageddon, world leaders do.

5. We have influenced all kind of people and rigged votes or installed leaders. Most turn out to be psycho and go war with them.

Again, what is the relevance to the OP here??? This thread isn't about vote rigging, hacking or pizza. It's about the consequences if Clinton became the leader of the most powerful nation in the free world.
edit on 12/13/2016 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 07:34 AM

originally posted by: jhn7537

originally posted by: buster2010
a reply to: SoulSurfer

This is a very dangerous game the liberal left are playing.

Not as dangerous as bending over and kissing Russia's ass like the next idiot in chief is doing. So it's ok for Russia to cyber attack America and we should do nothing about it. If Putin is so worried about Clinton then just stop cyber attacking America then problem solved. I forgot their attacks were to help Trump so that makes everything a ok.

What's wrong with having a friendly relationship with Russia? Do we want to continue living in a state of "cold war" like times? I like the idea of having a leader who tries to better the relationship with one of the few countries that could wipe us off the planet with a nuclear exchange...

We have the CIA, NSA, and many other agencies that constantly do cyber attacks on other foreign governments, but when someone does it back to us, we don't like it?? Its like being the guy who cracks jokes about everyone, and once a joke comes back his way, he gets all bent out of shape...

I asked the same question until I started reading history and seeing how so many friendly relationships with Russia turned into mischievous tactics of being taken advantage of.

There is a reason it's easier to ally with China than Russia. Even China broke off relations with Russia.

I disagree with the hardline approach on Russia and too would like to extend a hand, but they are certainly not easy to deal with.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

So we should forgive Russia's transgressions then? Sounds like 1930's Britain dealing with Germany to me.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
So we should forgive Russia's transgressions then? Sounds like 1930's Britain dealing with Germany to me.

Sorry, but as an American you certainly do NOT have the high ground when it comes to talking about forgiving transgressions committed by other countries.

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

At least America will eventually own up to its mistakes. Russia will just bury their involvement then blame it on someone else. That is unless it makes them look good. Then they will do everything in their power to receive sole credit. When was the last time Russia elected a new leader by the way?

I've heard many a Trump supporter tell me that Trump's election was a repudiation of Obama, Hillary, and the Democrats. Well where is the repudiation of Putin's regime? You can't tell me that people HONESTLY haven't gotten fed up with is rule all these years have you? The US can't even go six years before everyone is sick of the political climate.
edit on 13-12-2016 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Great armchair general stuff.....maybe a nice movie

Still won't be an ELE if the US and Russia were there go hot....

I don't care how you dream it up.....

This is real life not Hollywood

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