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40 Microbiologists Killed: Something Fishy Going On?

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posted on May, 1 2005 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Check out this list, if you havn't already. Then ask yourself, is this possible?
I say, no way. Not this many suspicous deaths.

There are lots of "suspicious deaths" here because that's why Quayle's included them, but so what? Suspicious deaths" happen every day. The question has to be if there are more here than would be expected.

You don't answer that by gut instinct, you do the math -- how many people are there in the population he's talking about, and how many would you expect to be murdered, commit suicide, die in accidents just under normal circumstances. Do that and you'll see Quayles list has less deaths than we'd expect, not more. You don't need a linking theory to explain them.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 05:29 PM

You don't answer that by gut instinct, you do the math -- how many people are there in the population he's talking about, and how many would you expect to be murdered, commit suicide, die in accidents just under normal circumstances

As has been said before its not the fact that people are dying in strange ways, its who is dying. Microbiologists are a relatively small population, for a large number of them to die in not only unusual but suspicious ways is very strangfe.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by cmdrpaddy
As has been said before its not the fact that people are dying in strange ways, its who is dying. Microbiologists are a relatively small population, for a large number of them to die in not only unusual but suspicious ways is very strangfe.

Quayle includes plenty of people who clearly aren't microbiologists, though:

Dr. Eugene F. Mallove (cold fusion expert)
Thomas Gold (astronomer and physicist)
Dr Bassem al-Mudares (chemist)
John Mullen (nuclear research scientist)
Mohammed Toki Hussein al-Talakani (nuclear scientist)
Taleb Ibrahim al-Daher (nuclear scientist)
Korean Jeong H. Im (protein chemist)

He also includes several people under the "microbiologist" tag who don't really belong there. So Jeffrey Paris Wall may have had a medical degree, but he worked as a lawyer; Set Van Nguyen worked at a lab where there were microbiologists, but he was just a lab technician; CNN said Avishai Berkman "served as director of the Tel Aviv economic development authority during the past year. After retiring from the Israeli air force in 1987 with a rank of lieutenant colonel, he started a career in business". Not much sign of microbiology there.

As for the microbiologist population, it seems there are around 40,000 in the US ("...the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), representing 40,000 microbiologists in education, research, and industry..." Quayle lists people from the UK, Israel, Russia, Australia etc, though, so the total world population must be, what, 100,000? 200,000? More? Certainly enough that you'd expect to have plenty of deaths in murders, suicides, accidents, especially over a few years.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 11:40 AM
Sounds like a good old fashoned killing of the informed party's so that they will be silenced in death. There must be some rational excuse of all the deaths. but we may be unready for the real truth if it is ever brought to the public.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by ashmok
There are lots of "suspicious deaths" here because that's why Quayle's included them, but so what? Suspicious deaths" happen every day. The question has to be if there are more here than would be expected.

Alrighty then.

I doubt you'd say that if you actually took a look at the entire list and how these people died. As someone else pointed out, it would be impossible for some of them to have suicided themselves the way they supposedly did.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
I doubt you'd say that if you actually took a look at the entire list and how these people died. As someone else pointed out, it would be impossible for some of them to have suicided themselves the way they supposedly did.

I have looked at the latest list, and yes, I still say that. I'm not saying that the murders listed aren't murders, just that there aren't any more than you'd expect, and nothing like enough that you need a linking explanation for them all.

Anyway, doesn't look like we're going to agree, & x more pages of "its just statistics/ no it isn't" won't help anyone, so I guess we should just agree to disagree? And unless I can think of something new to say, I'll leave it at that.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 03:53 PM
I agree with what ashmok is saying on this one, but some of the individual circumstances involved in some of the deaths make them suspicious.
Many were Microbiologists, but the real link seems to be that many were working in prevention, treatment, warning, education of; AIDS, Ebola, West Nile, Mad Cow.
Take this one for example which is not included in the 40+ deaths in recent years, its from 1996, sounds like they burned his house down took out his whole family and lawyers and another Mad Cow expert guy who was his friend.
some similarites regarding abnormal brain protein might be found in recent cases as well. who knows?

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:01 AM
This might have already been asked here, but i dont remember seeing it.
The point that came to my mind, is that, personally, yes, it does seem very strange....all these scientists being killed. And yes, it is hard to tell if it is statistically high.
But....does anyone know how many of these "killings" were investigated and led to prosecutions?
Because if this number is, if no-one has EVER been charged with the murders of any of these scientists, THEN it gets spooky.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 08:22 AM
You are right. Sometimes it is best to agree to disagree. So, agreed. I just think its very strange (all those crazy suicides, mainly), especially considering these people are all highly skilled in these linked fields.

Originally posted by geek101
But....does anyone know how many of these "killings" were investigated and led to prosecutions?
Because if this number is, if no-one has EVER been charged with the murders of any of these scientists, THEN it gets spooky.

Good question. From what I know, I don't think anyone's too interested in getting to the bottom of these strange cases. And you're right. That STINKS.

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 06:48 PM

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 08:33 PM
OK Ill go ahead and say it. The real force behind this story is this: The powers that be(Bush) need a major event to reign in the public to a police state. No one would give up their freedoms out right but if the world seemed to be ending they might go alone with it. You ask why would anyone want total control? One look at history should answer that. Once you start down the road to control it has one end.

Sure this sounds way out there. Look around ask the question, why does they(media) want us to hear this or watch this? The bio war/terror is one idea out there but there are more. Just watch FOX for about a day. You will be so afriad of crime and kid rapests you'd want the police on every block in town. Your sure would want all "bad guys" GPS tracked and on file. The police feed us a line that a nation ID would help this problem and many more. Nosense, crime databases work just fine. Whats the goal of all this? Control, are loss of it for the averge person.

Dont forget old Regan ran on a "world terrorism" plateform back in the day too. Did he win he's war on it and its just now coming back? Im thinkin not. Terror is all that you can make of it. Could these deaths just be that? Sure, maybe we are just reading into events. Thats not all bad I say, but dont let fear get the best of you. If one of Bushes connies does start up on the old bio terror(like the washington anthrax thing) dont loose your head. You cant do much about it. Just read into it a bite and ask who stands to gain from this.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by AdamJ
worth a read

Thanks for that link, AdamJ. I'm gonna take a look at it on my next smoke break. For those of you who havn't looked at it, it has to do with the making of ethnic bioweapons. I don't know about y'all, but that sounds pretty wicked to me, not to mention tin foil hat. Knowing how governments truly operate, tho; I do not doubt the existence of such weapons.

I tell ya, humans are the nastiest creatures of all God's creation.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 12:42 PM
I've been reading the article AdamJ linked us to. Talk about evil.

It never ceases to amaze me the depth of wickedness that runs through humanity.

I sprayed a line of ants the other day that had found their way to my dog's food. I watched them twitch and stumble into death. It's their version of nerve gas. I thought about God looking down at humans being sprayed with it. It's a most cruel way to kill.

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by geek101
murders of any of these scientists

#30 William T. McGuire, NJIT Senior programmer analyst, "adjunct professor".

This person might have been the person swapping drives and network hardware and performing the duties of a "substitute teacher" in a class on programming. A "scientist"? The man graduated from NJIT with a bachelor's in "management". I have not been able to find anything to connect Mr. McGuire to microbiology, any other research or any other listing or mention in a search . Seems like Mr. McGuire's only claim to fame is that he is on "the list"!

That's just a name picked at random.

How many of the others have no connection to "microbiology"?

Maybe I'll try another from the list...

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by FastFwd
#30 William T. McGuire, NJIT Senior programmer analyst, "adjunct professor".

Do you know if he was ever doing contract work for our government/military or another country's?

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 07:58 AM

Do you know if he was ever doing contract work for our government/military or another country's?

No. What info does anyone else have? Just wondering what makes him a more likely candidate for assasination than your average Joe off the street, based on the scant information given.

posted on May, 9 2005 @ 10:43 AM
I just ran across this article from Mike Ruppert (FromTheWilderness). It goes into backgrounds, odd circumstances and possible contracting connections. Hope its helpful.

A Career In Microbiology Can Be Harmful To Your Health
(Revised - updated)



Michael Davidson, FTW staff writer
and Michael C. Ruppert

Copyright 2002, From The Wilderness Publications,, All rights reserved. May be recopied, distributed for non-profit purposes only; May not be posted on an Internet web site without express written authorization. Contact [email protected] for permission.]

[ED. NOTE: As FTW has begun to investigate serious discussions by legitimate scientists and academics on the possible necessity of reducing the world's population by more than four billion people, no stranger set of circumstances since Sept. 11 adds credibility to this possibility than the suspicious deaths of what may be as many as 14 world-class microbiologists. Following on the heels of our two-part series on the coming world oil crisis, this story by Michael Davidson, a graduate of the Syracuse University School of Journalism, is one which takes on a unique significance. In our original story we incorrectly reported the original date of disappearance of Don Wiley and two other microbiologists. These errors have been corrected and we have updated the story to include new deaths that have occurred since we published an earlier version on Feb. 14. The newest connections to DynCorp, Hadron and PROMIS software are leads an amateur would not miss. How else would any microbiologists threatening an ultra secret government biological weapons program be identified than by secretly scanning their databases to see what they were working on? -- MCR]


FTW -- Feb. 28, 2002 -- In the four-month period from Nov. 12 through Feb. 11, seven world-class microbiologists in different parts of the world were reported dead. Six died of "unnatural" causes, while the cause of the seventh's death is questionable. Also on Nov. 12, DynCorp, a major government contractor for data processing, military operations and intelligence work, was awarded a $322 million contract to develop, produce and store vaccines for the Department of Defense. DynCorp and Hadron, both defense contractors connected to classified research programs on communicable diseases, have also been linked to a software program known as PROMIS, which may have helped identify and target the victims.

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Originally posted by FastFwd
#30 William T. McGuire, NJIT Senior programmer analyst, "adjunct professor".

Do you know if he was ever doing contract work for our government/military or another country's?

This doesn't rule him out. A programmer analyst could easily be writting a customized program for a biologist. Or be on a programming team that's writting a program for a biologists.

Case in point, how the programmers who wrote the voting program for Team Bush, for the Ohio touch-screen voting machines. They were told to skew the program to favor Bush no matter how the people voted. The programmers could've not been Republican or Democrat. Some could've been simple techs from little known schools. But if there's any chance they know what the project they're working on is really about.... or what other projects its really related to.....

To create a bio-weapons program would involve more than simply micro-biologists. The big picuture would involve scientists from many fields. Including programmers making programs to run "possible scenarios". Or to do other things.


Originally posted by AdamJ
worth a read

I read it. Nothing new. May I direct your attention to:

ISRAEL is working on a biological weapon that would harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli military and western intelligence sources.

Anyone who knows their world history knows that:

1. Today's Jews are in no way at all related biologically to the Jews in the Bible. The Modern Jews are biologically from the Khazars, who came from the Khazar Empire. The Khazar ruler one day decided to convert to Judiasim hundreds of years after the Romans destroyed Jeruselem after Jesus was long dead for decades.

2. Modern day Jews aka Khazars, are a mix of Nordic-Turkic-and Mongolian bloodlines. They range in ancestory. From "High Scandenavian" to "low asian/mongolian/middle eastern" aka the same bloodlines as Arabs.

3. The Jews from the Bible no longer exist. Majority were killed off by the Roman invaders (they were good at doing it in wars back then LOL! Kill the men, rape the women, kill the women.) The Romans surrounded and lay siege to the city first. So no chance of majority escaping.
Some did escape. Jesus fortold it. Rome would surround and lay siege. Then mysteriously pick up and leave. Rome would come again, surrond and lay siege, but then kill, rape, murder, pillage, plunder. The ark of Yahweh was either destroyed, or taken by the Romans.

The few Jews from the Bible who did escape, went as far as their feet would carry them. No chance they could walk/run 4,000 miles away to where "modern Jews" come from (western and central Europe). Over mountains, lakes, rivers, fending off Bandits, Barbarians, and the Roman Empire. The few Biblical Jews who did escape, have offspring who live in the area. 50 to 100 mile radious of the former Jeruselem. They never re-grouped - this is why it can be said they no longer exist.
If there's any chance of anyone currently alive who have direct bloodlines to the Biblical Jews, it's the..... modern day Palistinians!

4. IF such an Ethnic weapon were made, it would also kill many "modern day Jews" since their real bloodlines include Mongolian/centrial Asian aka Middle Eastern bloodlines. Which overlaps Arab bloodlines. So modern Jews would be killing many of their ownselves!

4b. Many Arabs have bloodlines that include European bloodlines. (Europeans orginally come from the Germans. Who came from the Iranians. The world "Aryan" comes from the world "Iran"/"Iranian". Some Iranian tribes crossed the Caucasius Mountians, en route into Europe. (Yeah it's where the world "Caucasian" comes from.) Technically Caucasian is a synonym for Iranian.
So an Ethnic weapon killing Arabs, would also kill many Europeans. And many of anyone with European bloodlines. And also kill another round of "modern Jews".

5. The main reasons this story, idea, theme, is pushed, is to act as a smokescreen to what's really going on. Same way the KKK is advertised as being a racist organization when it's really a secret society that helped pushed one of the biggest scams on white Americans. (Read the recent thread at this site about the Federal Reserve, and how it relates to JFK and Abraham L.)
"Whites" around the world will think "ok a weapon that kills the heathens!". When in reality this weapon would kill off many "whites" as well. Since again, the Arab population includes European bloodlines. Europeans come from one branch of the Arabs. (European

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 07:30 AM
I don't think Israel is alone in trying to develop new bioweapons.

BushCo. is going full speed ahead with their nefarious programs. Even being in contravention of certain agreements.

posted on May, 12 2005 @ 08:39 AM
fascinating thread, as in the other one, i mentioned i wasn't following this too closely. Still I found no breakdown or comparison to any other fields with sensitive information, etc.. I think if anyone really wants to know what is going on, all aspects need to be looked at. maybe microbiologists are just a bunch of reckless people (not really) but still in order to say scientists are dying, we need to compare it to another profession.

still i don't put it past this society that this could all be part of very nefarious plot against people.

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