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Trump Stuns Critics By Raising $11 MILLION DOLLARS In Just 48 Hours

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posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 01:05 PM
Trump has not even started. I look at it like a fight. A real fight. There will be no knockout but you have to outlast your opponent. Hillary's team has never run against someone like Trump. No one has. She will spend and spend and spend and if his own party could not knock him off after 300 million then it will be a lost cause.

There is money in the Trump pipeline. Always will be. He is just not going to ask or use it till he has too.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
Just another showing that Trump is no better than the next wanting to run for president!
The special interest are loading him up and you all want to ignore it.
If Trump has held a position, you can take it to the bank he is going to flip on it at some point!

Proof? No? Just venting then I guess.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: onequestion

Yes, he is a old rich guy, can't really get much more establishment than that.

I am sorry you were baited and now he is going back on everything he said.

HA!!!! Just another hater. I guess you would prefer Hillary or someone else that will continue to rape the people, continue the unending wars and line their pockets. THAT SUCKS!!! You really should support someone that helps the country...not themselves. And your hatred for Donald Trump...our next kinda sad.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: nwtrucker

When it comes to financial donations, there is a big difference than a speaking fee. A candidate has to disclose where his money comes from and records have to be kept on the very big donations, like who they are from and how much was given. That is federal law.

Now if you can show me where in the law states that a person has to show about speaking fees and speech's that would be another story.

Now if you are going to demand that the Clinton's disclose how much they got for appearing and doing a speech at a non political event, then it opens up the door for all of the past living presidents to do such, that means also both Bush Senior and Bush junior should disclose such as well as ex senators and politicians, and cabinet members as well, from both the Democrats and the Republican parties.

But since you mentioned such, why has Trump not put his assets into a trust or disclosed any information about such? As president, holding that office, he would not be allowed to be involved with any of his holdings or anything of his businesses during that time frame, and his assets would have to be managed, by someone else. This is a process that takes a few months and would need to be done before the November election.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: sdcigarpig

Actually, Trump discussed this when he talked to reporters today. Numerous reporters. His company would be run by his kids. They do a lot of the day to day.

He has nothing to gain. Like he said today, he is putting himself in a situation where he has lost connections. Macy's..some other retailers. They will kick themselves in 6 months.

Tax returns tell you nothing. A financial statement is enough. The difference between Hil and Trump is HIl takes it and Trump gives it. Like his donations in the past. NY senator. Think there is NO reason to contribute? His deals make jobs during construction and after. HIllary takes it. No benefit to others.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 05:01 PM
that's a lot of idiocracy

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: onequestion

Yes, he is a old rich guy, can't really get much more establishment than that.

I am sorry you were baited and now he is going back on everything he said.

HA!!!! Just another hater. I guess you would prefer Hillary or someone else that will continue to rape the people, continue the unending wars and line their pockets. THAT SUCKS!!! You really should support someone that helps the country...not themselves. And your hatred for Donald Trump...our next kinda sad.

Hillary scares me with things like calling putin hitler. How does she plan to work with putin. 2nd strongest military on the planet with NUCLEAR weopons and she insults their leader by calingl him hitler . My god she's going to start wold war3

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: onequestion

Yes, he is a old rich guy, can't really get much more establishment than that.

I am sorry you were baited and now he is going back on everything he said.

HA!!!! Just another hater. I guess you would prefer Hillary or someone else that will continue to rape the people, continue the unending wars and line their pockets. THAT SUCKS!!! You really should support someone that helps the country...not themselves. And your hatred for Donald Trump...our next kinda sad.

Hillary scares me with things like calling putin hitler. How does she plan to work with putin. 2nd strongest military on the planet with NUCLEAR weopons and she insults their leader by calingl him hitler . My god she's going to start wold war3

I despise Hillary but when did she call Putin, Hitler?

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: MysticPearl

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: onequestion

Yes, he is a old rich guy, can't really get much more establishment than that.

I am sorry you were baited and now he is going back on everything he said.

HA!!!! Just another hater. I guess you would prefer Hillary or someone else that will continue to rape the people, continue the unending wars and line their pockets. THAT SUCKS!!! You really should support someone that helps the country...not themselves. And your hatred for Donald Trump...our next kinda sad.

Hillary scares me with things like calling putin hitler. How does she plan to work with putin. 2nd strongest military on the planet with NUCLEAR weopons and she insults their leader by calingl him hitler . My god she's going to start wold war3

I despise Hillary but when did she call Putin, Hitler?


edit on 6/24/16 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

I don't support hillary. I don't hate Donald either, just don't want him to be president and at this point I don't think that will be an issue.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

I don't support hillary. I don't hate Donald either, just don't want him to be president and at this point I don't think that will be an issue.

If they had been smart and put Bernie in you would be right. But Hillary is such a flawed candidate they gave the election to Trump. Even I'm considering him at this point and I've never voted republican in my life. Buy as they say first time for everything. To be honest I can't figure out how people can ignore thr fact she took bribes as Secretary of state. Then either was incompetance or didn't care about national security choose one. And then when she got that 3 am call on Benghazi did nothing getting people killed. And then throw in her Arab spring do you remember her singing about it. Look where it got us Egypt is now ruled by a terrorist organization. Syria is,a he'll hole bringing down Europe and Libya became ISILs headquaters.

It amazes me people ignore this but I have a feeling they won't negative ads haven't been starated by republicans yet. This is why I told a friend in polls with margin of error its a tie nationally. Trump has been bashed for months with negative advertising and bad press. And they are in a virtual tie what do you think will happen when the ads start on Hillary??

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: sdcigarpig

I'm aware that it isn't a legal issue. At least, so dar.

My point is The questioning of Trump's 'ethics' or the microscope the MSM and 'some' on ATS place on him. I see little if any lists of donators to Hillary being question-excepting the odd 'blog'.

In fact, I'd say the Clinton tactic with the foundation and the "speaking engagements'....and the amount either one of them receive is flat out brilliant.

It's very similar to the mechanism used by big pharma to 'reward' high volume sales of psycho-tropics in the medical field. Along with the fee paid for 'speaking' all expenses are paid to that particular resort. Strictly legal, of course.

I am a Trump supporter
. My personal politics has moved a little to the right of the center. Largely due to Trump and the stress he's placed on the entrenched machine that is D.C. What has been exposed has opened many eyes.

I am also convinced that centrist is the only route that can halt this slide. Resuming the more centrist-and therefore 'agreed upon' views- of the past requires balance....and a little give on both 'sides'.

While I'm not addressing you with this response, balance will gain credibility instead of automatic trash binning that occurs too often now. JMO.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: nwtrucker

Neither candidate is an angel, though the problem with Trump is that he fails to take into account any sort of facts, when it comes to the issues. He makes broad claims without anything facts or truth to back them up, and speaks his mind quite freely.

Take for example his speech today in Scotland, without any knowledge of what all is at stake, without any concern for the very people he was there to see, and without any knowledge, he spoke out and it was pathetic. When asked about what he thought about the Brexit that the vote was on, he cheer it on, stating that the people of Scotland wanted it and got it, yet it came out later, that they did not, but they voted in mass to remain a part of the EU. It is things like that, which puts doubt on him fully.

And it only appears as though his full concern is not for any one but himself, the business mindset ultimately is too strong and I do not know if he will make an effective or a productive President at all. Now while he spoke before, I could discount that as being a Patton move, to get the free publicity, however, when it came out that in the court of the primaries, he was paying himself millions of dollars out of his campaign funds, it does not seem right. To charge his campaign money for him to hold an event at his house in Florida, a place where he stays when down in Florida, or at any number of hotels that bear his name, that alone makes one wonder what he is doing and why, though it leads to not so pleasant conclusions.

As I stated, by this time of the campaign, with him being the only candidate on the Republican side, he should at least, and it should be known that he is putting forth his assets into a trust fund, and moving away from being the head of a business and looking to show he is going to be president, which the man is not, nor is he explaining with any sort of reason how his policies are going to affect the USA at all, or the world. He speaks with a two faces, to try to gather in voters, and yet, when he is caught in a bold face lie, even when given the opportunity to explain or even correct, he compounds it even more. We should wonder about his values in itself, cause he is showing too broad of a spectrum that does not make any sense.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

Like the donations to the Veterans groups that he claimed that they raised all of that money and then instead of putting out a simple list, delayed for several months until he found out that he could delay no more and then had to release a list, of which some are still trying to confirm that they actually received any sort of funds? Or how about the same veterans that he accused of theft in another speech?

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: sdcigarpig

Your make my point with this post. He gave his support. The UK will not stand alone if Trump is President.

'That counts far more than being an 'expert' in my books. Not to mention the rest of us that support him. Hillary's response? Likely a giggle.....

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
Tax returns tell you nothing. A financial statement is enough.

I disagree strongly.

A financial statement would be enough if we were voting a business into the presidency. Oh wait, that is exactly what Trump is, a business.

If he considered himself a citizen, or even better, a public servant, I don't think there would be a problem seeing his tax returns.

Trump is a brand.

Hmmm, thinking about this, do you think it's possible that corporations will be allowed to run for the presidency?
The SCOTUS regards corporations as people via Citizens United.
The Constitution requires a presidential candidate be 35 years old, a resident for 14 years, and a natural born citizen (which isn't constitutionally defined). So, a 35 year old U.S. born corporation could technically run for president?

Hello President Clorox.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: sdcigarpig

He raised money. Went to Vet groups. End of story.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: Olivine

So. his personal returns or his business returns? I know a guy who says he makes 100k a year but his business sure does better than that. So if you looked at his personal assets, he would have a decent job, a nice house and small savings. Add all of his investments and businesses and he is worth 10's of millions.

This does not concern me in the least. I do not want to see anyone's returns. It is an asinine talking point up there with abortion and gay rights. Fringe Issues a president has no control over.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: matafuchs

No, it is not the end of the story. If you raise money for a veterans group, or any charity, once you have the money and all of the fundraising is done, you can't keep that money, you actually have to give it away, to keep it is fraud and a crime. This was a one day event, it was collected, and should have been given a week after the event, after all of it was collected.

If you were running for president, or any office, the most expensive part is the advertisement, to get your name out. Now he knows he has critics at that time frame, why not use that as a means to get the publicity to not only assist in your own campaign, and start to put doubt in those critics and to sway people, along with bringing attention to those groups who could use the attention to be on lists and minds of people which receive charities?

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: jimmyx
a reply to: Snarl

that 12.2 million dollar figure is from an estimate by "celebrity news"...all other estimates are around the 7 million figure

He wrote 2 autobiographies!

Most people only write 1.

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