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Weather Wars

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posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Essan

Manipulation of weather patterns with Scalar weapons is possible. The creation of high pressure domes to steer cold fronts isn't that difficult to understand.

It's not as simple as that........ The positions of high and low pressure are determined by a variety of factors such as sea/land surface temperatures and the position of the jet streams.

If a high pressure cell were to form abnormally, it'd easily be spotted.

Thermodynamics drives all weather in the world. Adding a little heat in the right spots can make a very big change in how a "front" moves down or up from the pole to the equator. Supercomputers and a few gW's of power can do strange things.......

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Essan
I am a meteorologist.......

I appreciate the input.
The guy that got me onto this subject was a meterologist, too. What is your position on chemtrails? And don't you think nukes DEEP underwater could shift plates, causing mass damage such as the Indonesian quake?

Sorry if any of my questions sound ignorant... I slept through most of my science classes.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Thermodynamics drives all weather in the world. Adding a little heat in the right spots can make a very big change in how a "front" moves down or up from the pole to the equator. Supercomputers and a few gW's of power can do strange things.......

Can you tell us a little info. about your professional background, Doc?

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Originally posted by Essan
I am a meteorologist.......

I appreciate the input.
The guy that got me onto this subject was a meterologist, too. What is your position on chemtrails?

I'm afraid I've yet to see anything that doesn't look like common or garden contrails and high level cloud. And the logic behind the theory is so obviously flawed - why do they only occur where people can see them? Given that 70% of the Earth is ocean.... It is possible that a small percentage of cases do involve deliberate release of chemicals or something into the atmosphere. BUt the vast majority of cases are simply misidentifications of normal cloud formation.

And don't you think nukes DEEP underwater could shift plates, causing mass damage such as the Indonesian quake?

Theoretically, yes. In practice: highly unlikely and for what reason? Also, the seismic signatures of a nuclear explosion are different to those of an earthquake (which is how we can tell when, say, the Chinese set off an underground test explosion) .

Sorry if any of my questions sound ignorant... I slept through most of my science classes.

No probs, though a) I'm about to leave work now so won't be able to answer many more questions and b) I'm a sllight fraud insofar as I'm only an amateur meteorologist (although I do have friends who are fully trained professionals....)

[edit on 13-1-2005 by Essan]

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Thermodynamics drives all weather in the world. Adding a little heat in the right spots can make a very big change in how a "front" moves down or up from the pole to the equator. Supercomputers and a few gW's of power can do strange things.......

Can you tell us a little info. about your professional background, Doc?

I was an independent researcher in energy conservation at one time. I worked with many others at LBL, Los Alamos, EPRI, NRDC, ACEEE, DOE etc. I experimented with different methods of generating, transporting, conserving and transmitting energy. I was the "call (doc) something screwed up...guy". The "trouble shooter" you might say. If "it" went bad I got the call to clean things up and find out what failed.

[edit on 13-1-2005 by DrHoracid]

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Thermodynamics drives all weather in the world. Adding a little heat in the right spots can make a very big change in how a "front" moves down or up from the pole to the equator. Supercomputers and a few gW's of power can do strange things.......

I still don't think it's that simple. After all, at times we can't yet predict how the pressure cells and fronts will behave in 3 days time (sometimes less) with any real certainty. And whilst it's possible to look at a model output and think "well if that HP cell was a bit bigger, or we had a ridge join up to it there" a LP cell would move how we wanted, actually getting it to do so is a whole different matter.

And as I keep asking - if we can control the weather, how comes most of us in Britain didn't get a white christmas this year, when conditions were so nearly right?

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:54 AM
Let me be clear here, I don't think man can control things yet. We are just screwing things up for now. Mad scientist stuff.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Let me be clear here, I don't think man can control things yet. We are just screwing things up for now. Mad scientist stuff.

Sadly, that is more believable - we think we can do it, so we muck around and end up making a right pig's ear*of it all........

(*UK slang for a very big mess!)

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 11:14 AM
Thanks for the background, Doc.

Here's another article I came across.. Kind of what you guys are discussing..

The Earth As A Weapon
In 21st Century Of Wars
By Rahab S Hawa

While scientists, governments and concerned groups worry about increased industrial emissions of greenhouse gases and its effects on the planet, the role of the military in climate change has been ignored.

'When environmental crises occur, it is usually only the civilian economy that is called upon to rectify the balance, while military programmes are rarely taken to task,' says Dr Rosalie Bertell, renowned scientist and nuclear activist.

According to her, the military has got away scot-free from responsibility for polluting the environment and ecological disasters.

In her path-breaking book titled 'Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War' (2000), she cited examples from the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the NATO bombing in Kosovo.

Many believe that over-population is one of the greatest concerns facing mankind. I don't buy into that. Do you guys think this technology is used as a form of population control?

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 11:54 AM
I somewhat agree with this article. Nuke testing in the 50 and 60's and in particular current French tests in the pacific "still" have done great harm. There is data linking weather issues following atmosphereic testing of nukes. HAARP was sought to provide similar "heating" that was more controlable than a sudden blast.

"Traditional" global warming from enviro-libs is still BS. But scalar heating is more probable and in fact likely.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:14 PM
Much to consider.. And I thank you both for humouring me.

Ever hear of Project Woodpecker? Here's a story about it. Any thoughts?

Project Woodpecker
By Cal

In the Tulsa World (1-11-94), there was a small article entitled: "Weapons Designers Win Secret Award". It said this: "The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory won an award. The staff is very proud. The award is on display. But, they can't say what the honor was for. It's a secret. .Its 21 member "Project Woodpecker" team was cited. It won the Intelligence Community Seal Medallion. That's an award from the CIA and National Security Agency. The citation says the award was for solving complex problems."

PROJECT WOODPECKER pertains to the "Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating Method" now being used to alter the earth's magnetic field---inorder to modify weather, create or trigger earthquakes and volcanoes, spread viruses, create the phenomenom known as "electromagnetic pulse", and, to modify behavior control among the populous. The HAARP (i.e. High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) transmitter site, that is located NE of Gakona, AK, is large enough to cover most of the Northern Hemisphere. It is however but one of other such sites (some of which are known as "Ionospheric Research Instruments") scattered around the world. And, many of them here in the U.S. are able to tie into the much smaller GWEN (i.e. Ground Wave Emergency Network) remotely controlled transmitter sites that have been built all over the U.S. in a grid pattern, with their antennas spaced about every 200 miles or so.

The original research concerning the "Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating Method" was done by Nickola Tesla, and later expanded upon by not only Soviet scientists, but also by U.S. scientists, such as Bernard J. Eastland---a scientist who was associated with ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Oil Co.). ARCO has traditionally been controlled by members of the CFR (i.e. Council on Foreign Relations). Eastland, who was the "front man", now resides in TX. He transferred the patent rights to APTI, Inc. (i.e. ARCO Power Technologies Industry, Inc.) in the late 1980s, which was a Los Angeles, CA subsidiary of ARCO. APTI, Inc. then sold out to "E-Systems" on June 10, 1994, which company has pretty much, over the years, been under the control and influence of the CIA. On April 3, 1995, "E-Systems" sold out to the still larger Raytheon Corp. I don't know what has happened, by way of "transfers" since that time.

The U.S. and the Soviet Union first began secret cooperation on world weather engineering in about 1971. On July 4, 1976, the Soviets began generating powerful electromagnetic transmissions, that were dubbed "The Russian Woodpecker" by western ham radio operators. On June 18, 1977, the US government OFFICIALLY became covert partners with the Soviets in these operations by sending them sophisticated scientific material and equipment for further research and development. The secret code name given US operations was Project Woodpecker. The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory located at Livermore, CA was and is the main research center for US development of the Project. Covert funding for the Project was funneled through the CIA and the National Security Agency. The DOD and NASA have, of course, been cooperating in the Project from the beginning stages.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:29 PM

It is long but a must read on this subject.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid

It is long but a must read on this subject.

Mucho thanks, Doc.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 02:20 AM
it looks to me that you are a informed on Scalar Waves and their usage.
do you recognize these pictures? wheather contorol? 1960s to now?

i would really want to hear your comments on the pics above

here is also a 55 min Video (RealMedia format) that talks about soviets playing with weather over north america

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 05:26 AM
I am not directly familiar with the drawings you posted. However, the "grid" was a early version of GPS technology. Coordination of an EM howitzer without supercomputer techology was labor intensive. Plotting the "bounce" and other "geometry" must have taken a room full of mathmaticians. There is significant evedence to back up a Scalar weapons "war" has been taking place for sometime now. I do know that ALL "secure" telecom buildings in the US have an internal "em grid" and elaborate grounding system. It has been that way since the 60's.


posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 05:30 PM
ECK - lest you missed them, some other information and comment related to the tsunami

The suggestion is about that the promised tsunami for the Eastern seaboard of the US deriving from the Canary Islands could occur as early as this year, following the success on the Indian Ocean rim
An opportunity to lock down a nation without further manufactured terror events
The Indonesian government has already indicated it wants foreign troops out by the end of March
Ingrates, still a whole occupation of a depopulated gas-rich province without a single shot fired in anger
It makes sense


posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 04:37 PM
And note this article

"Dozens of religious groups have moved in to Aceh, looking to help tsunami victims - and convert them and others, creating tensions in the disaster area.
The arrival of Western Christian groups with records of aggressive preaching risks confrontation with local Muslim leaders which could jeopardise the provision of aid to the 600,000 local people made homeless by the disaster. The death toll in Aceh stands at around 110,000 and is expected to rise.

Reacting to the attempts of one American group to fly hundreds of local children to a Christian orphanage, Din Syamsuddin, head of the Indonesian Council of Clerics, said any attempt to spread religion under the cover of aid was wrong. "

So the area is not only swamped by US, UK, Japanese, Australian et al military

Neo-Con christian aid groups, Islamic fundamentalist groups, and hell, even the Scientologists are getting in on the act, if you read the article

Military occupation plus conflicting religious missionaries in on the act

And yet not a shot fired in anger

The perfect recipe for neo-colonisation
And you think they won't do it again?

[edit on 16-1-2005 by dh]

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
If it was a man-made event, what would the purpose have been and who might've been behind it? Who has the technology, or, who is working on it?

Well, prolly cus, most terrorists are hidding out there. That's what the US govt. thinks,,,,
Bout who's working on it,,,,well,,u know

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 08:35 AM
DrHoracid what is your take on this

Agenda: DOE Atmospheric Science Program 2005

Does this have anything to do with what you were discussing - I found it while looking up BNL to see if they were involved in it.

Also when they are referring to atmospheric aerosol application -- could that be referring to chemtrails?



posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by justme1640
DrHoracid what is your take on this

Agenda: DOE Atmospheric Science Program 2005

Also when they are referring to atmospheric aerosol application -- could that be referring to chemtrails?


Jeez jm - certainly looks like it
Looking down the topic list, whatever else could it mean
Time to study the terminology in regard to possible functionalism
Very interesting
Could be an elaborate wind-up

[edit on 17-1-2005 by dh]

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