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Meet the Lobbyist Pressuring the US Gov’t to Disclose Extraterrestrial Activity

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posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:02 PM
For many of us, the truth is there to be seen. Still, many others maintain a very skeptical disposition or an attitude of total disbelief, when it comes to E.T. visitation of Earth. Some, feel that there is no chance of disclosure, while others seek to hasten it.

Washington lobbyist Stephen Bassett is working to get the White House to disclose the truth, regarding this truth as "the most important truth" of our time.

Following the statements made to me by Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell on government cover ups and claims of nuclear weapons tampering by extraterrestrials, I was contacted by an associate of Stephen Bassett who expressed gratitude on his behalf for covering those stories.

Seeing an opportunity to dig deeper into these claims, I decided to interview this unique D.C. lobbyist about his beliefs and mission.

The way that Mr. Bassett describes this issue and the ramifications are directly on par with my views on the issue.

Why is it important that the government fully disclose the existence of extraterrestrials?

It would take a book to properly answer this question but here are some talking points: 1) trust in government has collapsed 2) truth is the antidote to fear 3) a vast military/intelligence/industrial complex has been created that threatens the Republic and this complex is partially a result of government’s desire to secretly address the extraterrestrial reality 4) extraterrestrial derived technologies are being withheld under the embargo that are badly needed to address the human condition 5) the executive and legislative branches of government are being weakened by the policy of embargo 6) a number of other heads of state could end the truth embargo at any time, and this would have serious geopolitical consequences for the United States.

He also succintly describes the compartementalization of the cover up that has been in effect for decades.

Which branch of government is privy to the information regarding the presence of extraterrestrials?

The extraterrestrial history and engagement is most likely managed by cross-agency committees within the military/intelligence complex and working under the highest of security classifications. Each committee would address a major aspect of the issue and comprised of representatives from the appropriate agencies and services for that issue. In many or all cases the agency represented may not know of this committee. The committee may not know of other committees involved. Compartmentalization.

More over, he believes that the President to disclose the truth on this subject will in fact be Barack Obama.

If Secretary Clinton is elected president, would that increase the chances of full disclosure?

Yes, but the Disclosure advocacy movement has no intention of waiting for that uncertain outcome. Barack Obama will be the Disclosure president.

Read the whole article here, it is an interesting read:

Note to mods: if this is a duplicate thread please close. Thank you.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:06 PM
I won't hold my breath.
edit on b000000292016-02-05T16:06:48-06:0004America/ChicagoFri, 05 Feb 2016 16:06:48 -0600400000016 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:12 PM
Thanks for the story.

I often wonder about what would happen if such a disclosure ever happened.

Govt: Yes, there are ET's visiting our planet, we know because we have a dialogue with them. They mean us no harm. Their technology is pretty much amazing. No we can't release it, it is far too dangerous, we are far too dangerous...

Ummm ok, now what?

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:18 PM

More over, he believes that the President to disclose the truth on this subject will in fact be Barack Obama.
a reply to: OneGoal

I doubt Obama has the gonads to disclose the truth. He's reneged on his campaign promise for government transparency and has attacked more whistleblowers than any other president.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:20 PM
And what if the truth that is sought does not exist?

What if there has been no known contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence?

Or worse still what if there has and the 'phenomenon' is known to act with impunity endangering human life at will?

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:23 PM
Bassett has been around for a long time. At the 2009 “X-Conference” Bassett gave President Obama an ultimatum that “He better disclose by May 31, 2009 or else another country probably will before then.”

In another famous exchange where he was asked why he supports known charlatans in the field, he said,

“The problem is not about our opinions about who is a laughingstock. It’s all about the government. Don’t worry about the individual aspects of people in the field. I don’t care about your background. Credibility is not an issue in the Disclosure process. I just don’t care. It’s not my concern and I’m not in a position to sort it out. I don’t give a damn."
Link to the quote. His breakdown begins at the 1h:15min mark.

He belongs to this school of thought you often see in Cargo Cults that "Disclosure" is imminent, right around the corner, and that "insiders" really want this to happen, but the time is just not quite right. This is the same sentiment echoed by Bill Moore many decades below, Steven Greer, and others. When ET is "disclosed," so will free energy devices be, all our problems will be solved, and the future will be glorious.

It's kind of like the Second Coming. It was supposed to happen within Paul's (Saul) lifetime. But it has been 2,000 years....

...and we're still waiting.

edit on 2/5/2016 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:33 PM
If (big "IF") alien visitation is real, and if TPTB of the world are in contact with these aliens, then obviously the aliens themselves DO NOT want disclosure, or else they would simply disclose themselves to us (and in an unambiguous manner) -- TPTB be damned.

If the existence of alien visitation is being hidden from us, then the aliens themselves are in deliberate collaboration with the governments/TPTB to do so.

edit on 2/5/2016 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:33 PM
Whatever is known or not known about this topic by those currently in the government, intelligence, etc., the official line has historically been disingenuous and in many cases blatantly deceptive.

I admire the balls of anyone who makes it their business to rock the boat regarding the government's stance on UFOs.

edit on 5-2-2016 by BiffWellington because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:34 PM
Why I believe they are already here.
IF we don't know whats out there, then it aught to be considered the biggest threat facing this world!
But look at the actions of our protectors......NOTHING!

The only explanation I can see is that they must already know whats out there.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:36 PM
I was hoping for thoughtful replies and so far i like what i see. I agree with much of what you all have brought up, important things to recognize.
edit on 5-2-2016 by OneGoal because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
And what if the truth that is sought does not exist?

What if there has been no known contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence?

Or worse still what if there has and the 'phenomenon' is known to act with impunity endangering human life at will?


This is the truth if it, it isn't some giant conspiracy with the government colluding with aliens.

They come, they do as they will, they leave.

End of story.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 05:05 PM
Very interesting

If they could get the white house to seriously consider any sort of disclosure, what would make the holders of extraterrestrial secrets give in?

Furthermore, what power does the executive branch have to force disclosure?

Couldn't the military, or whoever, just give the white house nothing by basically saying that there is no secret information about extraterrestrials?

I think what I'm trying to say is that, it appears to depends entirely on whatever or whoever holds extraterrestial secrets. Why release the greatest secret in history? Secrets can have power.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: OneGoal

What chance is there of working through the office of the Prez? One or two of them have tried to get a straight answer about the UFOs and failed. These days that office is by-passed by those in positions of power that will not be gone in four years and who also have a better grasp on the world situation that a civilian politician that by hook, crook or luck gained the job after being maybe a lawyer.

The UFO topic is too complex to just be laid out for all to see. The black triangles, not to mention probably half a dozen of other devices of equally amazing abilities, are the results derived from the alien UFOs and are our supreme weapon of war these days with no equal. They are the weapons that keep the Chinese off our necks. Eventually, they will emerge as the only viable long-distance hauler to move through the atmosphere. We have the edge on that market and will make every effort to keep it.

It isn't just about acknowledging the existence of the UFO hardware, it is about a remaking of the world according to mandated universal standards that even now are being imposed. Few will be pleased to know the truth about the UFOs. Denial all around is far better than the true horror most would feel.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: VoidHawk
Why I believe they are already here.
IF we don't know whats out there, then it aught to be considered the biggest threat facing this world!
But look at the actions of our protectors......NOTHING!

The only explanation I can see is that they must already know whats out there.

I've read this about half a dozen times, and I don't understand:

"If we don't know what's out there it must be the biggest threat"??? That makes no sense.

But our protectors are doing NOTHING, therefore they know what is out there??? That also makes no sense.

Isn't a perfectly logical explanation that if they aren't doing anything, it's because nothing is out there? Now THAT fits the facts as we know them.

Or, here's an alternative often put forth by the Disclosure movement: "Obama (or ANY president) can't disclose anything because he doesn't know anything. In other words, presidents aren't told. That's actually part of the meme. So that begs the question. Why do Bassett and others like him keep asking presidents to disclose?

Bassett is on record saying that if Obama did not disclose by 2009, some other country would. Well, Obama did not and no other country has.

So Bassett's explanation is: More conspiracy! See how self-fulfilling these prophecies are?

if the government says, "Yes," that proves there was a conspiracy.
if the government says, "No," that proves there IS a conspiracy.
[Put any statement whatsoever in this space], therefore there is a conspiracy.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 05:28 PM
I used to only support lobbying for veterans rights. Now I have this as well

That being said lobbying is the devil & needs to be criminalized.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: schuyler
I've read this about half a dozen times, and I don't understand:

We exist on this planet, and we are a bunch of warmongering murderers. For all we know, just around the corner their maybe an even bigger planet/s with even more war mongering murderers, with big fast space ships, who MIGHT discover us!
That must surely be considered a possible threat to our safety?

Our protectors go through every possible scenario of what could happen on this planet from its own inhabitants. I do not believe they would not do the same for possible off planet threats. And being as we don't (supposedly) know whats out there, then it must be considered. But it isn't, in fact anyone who suggests such a thing is considered a loony!
How can they be so sure, unless they already know?
And being as we're still searching space using lumps of glass, how can we possibly be sure the nasty hungry alien isn't about to invade?
Only if they've already met the aliens could they know there is no threat.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: VoidHawk

Dude they won't even protect our grid from an EMP attack despite the known & substantial weaknesses. I'm pretty sure they aren't too worried about off world invasions.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: schuyler
I've read this about half a dozen times, and I don't understand:

We exist on this planet, and we are a bunch of warmongering murderers. For all we know, just around the corner their maybe an even bigger planet/s with even more war mongering murderers, with big fast space ships, who MIGHT discover us! That must surely be considered a possible threat to our safety?

It's complete conjecture. We just started discovering other planets in other systems and they are WAY far away.

Our protectors go through every possible scenario of what could happen on this planet from its own inhabitants. I do not believe they would not do the same for possible off planet threats. And being as we don't (supposedly) know whats out there, then it must be considered. But it isn't, in fact anyone who suggests such a thing is considered a loony! How can they be so sure, unless they already know? And being as we're still searching space using lumps of glass, how can we possibly be sure the nasty hungry alien isn't about to invade? Only if they've already met the aliens could they know there is no threat.

First, it's a matter of budget and resources. We plan for every terrestrial threat, but the fact is, we know about those and even then, success is not assured, as we have seen. We already spend 3/4 of a trillion dollars a year on those. We can't plan for a threat we don't know about. If, as you say, it "MUST be considered," then it is just as logical to conclude that it HAS been considered, nothing credible has been found, therefore we aren't doing anything about it.

It is not logical to claim that we're NOT planning for an extra-terrestrial invasion BECAUSE we already know about them and they're benign, and BTW, we're not telling.

You're claiming: "Nothing is being done, therefore we must know about them and they're not a threat."
I'm claiming: "Nothing is being done, therefore we haven't found anything worthy enough to do anything."

You gotta prove they exist first, and no one has been able to do that.

edit on 2/5/2016 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: VoidHawk
Why I believe they are already here.
IF we don't know whats out there, then it aught to be considered the biggest threat facing this world!
But look at the actions of our protectors......NOTHING!

The only explanation I can see is that they must already know whats out there.

They are protecting us by not telling us the truth.

Would the average her be better off knowing they come here and do whatever they want and we ate powerless to stop them, or being able to lie to themselves that it isn't happening?

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: Sargeras

This is the truth if it, it isn't some giant conspiracy with the government colluding with aliens. They come, they do as they will, they leave. End of story.

Ding, ding, ding, WE HAVE A WINNER !!
Give that man a cigar.

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