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FREE THE HAMMONDS: We, the People, Upholding the U.S. Constitution vs. the BLM/USGOV

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posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 03:58 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

No kidding. Not only have we squeezed all the small mining operations off of the land in favor of large corporate mining outfits, the profits from these large mining operations that will radically transform the landscape and create serious public health hazards in the process won't even go to Americans!

Oh sure, a few wealthy Americans will get even richer cutting the deals, but the people will lose. We'll lose the landscape, we'll lose the water quality, plus a lot of natural resources that will go somewhere else without even going through American hands. Except for all the pollutants: we get to keep those, I guess. Free of charge!

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 02:03 PM

Stewart Rhodes on LaVoy Finicum: “The Oregon Governor Has Blood on Her Hands” - YouTube

Published on Feb 4, 2016

As institutional tyranny marches onward, a relatively small number of Americans have either worked individually, or have formed groups, to answer tyranny with liberty. One such group is Oath Keepers, founded by Yale Law graduate and former paratrooper, Stewart Rhodes.

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 02:31 PM

Cliven Bundy speaks after Kanab funeral for LaVoy Finicum - YouTube

The Salt Lake Tribune
Published on Feb 6, 2016

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy shares his thoughts after the funeral for Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, who was killed by law enforcement Jan. 26 after a weeks long occupation of an Eastern Oregon wildlife refuge.

Finicum first became active in lands-rights protests when he joined Bundy in a 2014 standoff with the federal government over unpaid grazing fees. Bundy's sons Ammon and Ryan are thought to be among the organizers of the Eastern Oregon occupation.

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: thorfourwinds

I think this video by Stefan Molyneux belongs in here as well. Stefan does a pretty good job of breaking down the facts pertaining to the Hammond case, in my opinion. If you haven't watched it yet, you should have a look.

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Most Excellent!

Thank you…I saw that before and thought I had posted it in this thread.

Check this out:

OREGON: Pete Santilli LIVE From Jail, Deb Jordan, SSG Moe, and Brandon Curtiss - YouTube

Who Is Sincere?
Published on Feb 12, 2016

What's Next?
The Oregon Standoff is over but will be remembered in history as one of the most significant Constitutional stands of our modern time. Deb Jordan, SSG Moe, and Brandon Curtiss join me on Anon Radio Live's "The All Rights Matter Show" with a special call in from Pete Santilli.

These are trying times in our country and this is exactly the type of conversation we need to start hearing to see each other as we should...
~Sincere #Respect

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 09:04 PM

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 09:19 PM
"If I lose my life for the future of America, it's worth it."
Victoria Sharp

Burns Oregon--CNN attempt to talk Victoria into saying LaVoy was reaching for gun - YouTube

Published on Feb 2, 2016
CNN trying to make Victoria say that LaVoy was reaching for a gun---what a joke!

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 09:53 PM

How the CALL Heard Round the World was Made! - YouTube

Published on Feb 12, 2016

The backstory on the call heard round the world.
Lot's of people get credit here including attorneys, legislators and folks you never saw.
Here's what happened and how we repeat it.

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 10:24 PM
First one needs to understand the mentality of ranchers and farmers in the West. There have been long standing agreements for them to graze cattle in exchange for fees paid on large areas of lands West of the Mississippi. There has been increased competition by other interests including wilderness preservation, recreational off road users, hikers and naturalists, mining interests as well as battling over water rights against cities like LA or entire states.

What Obama has done is to declare vast areas of Federal lands as designated wilderness areas - even though such labeling does not stop mining or logging from occurring. It just keeps everyone else out. The BLM has been using every trick in the book to get remaining land owners and lease holders out of those same lands. This leads to expensive legal fights the government knows it can nearly always win.

If you see a picture of 200 ranchers together protesting you know something serious is wrong. Those people don't have the spare time to protest, farming is a full time occupation every day. They don't want to have to take days off to bitch at the government but that's all they can do and meanwhile the BLM is driving many of them out of business - businesses that have been run in some families for generations spanning over 100 years. The very symbol of a free American - the cowboy is in danger of going extinct. Corporate farming, Monsanta and the BLM are taking absolute control over America's food supply.

Did America do anything when our car manufacturing was sent overseas?
What about when family farms were dying out by the thousands every year?
When the textile industry up and moved away?
One more sector of employment but more than that a way of living, not just making a living is dying out.
When will Americans stand up and support their own?
At the present rate I don't believe it will ever happen.
To sum: we won't do s**t.

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Good post

If you see a picture of 200 ranchers together protesting you know something serious is wrong. Those people don't have the spare time to protest, farming is a full time occupation every day. They don't want to have to take days off to bitch at the government but that's all they can do and meanwhile the BLM is driving many of them out of business - businesses that have been run in some families for generations spanning over 100 years. The very symbol of a free American - the cowboy is in danger of going extinct. Corporate farming, Monsanta and the BLM are taking absolute control over America's food supply.

Amazing how many people are ready to throw these people to the wolves, just in the case of Finicum he was labeled every from a violent criminal to a government scammer for of all things having foster kids....You are spot on people who work the land work hard and they work together.....if people actually understood what they were advocating for i suspect they would be horrified ...the people desperately need to be in control of their food supply it really is a matter of life and death...

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 11:38 PM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
a reply to: 727Sky

No kidding. Not only have we squeezed all the small mining operations off of the land in favor of large corporate mining outfits, the profits from these large mining operations that will radically transform the landscape and create serious public health hazards in the process won't even go to Americans!

Oh sure, a few wealthy Americans will get even richer cutting the deals, but the people will lose. We'll lose the landscape, we'll lose the water quality, plus a lot of natural resources that will go somewhere else without even going through American hands. Except for all the pollutants: we get to keep those, I guess. Free of charge!

The TPP was rammed through the same time the BLM went in to overdrive taking land that everything in your post will sadly prove true. Foreign corporations have bought rights inside the US for resources our Federal government owns (probably demanded of us due to foreign debt). The National laws of these same corporation will apply wherever they do their business. Let's say uranium mining by Russia? Let the dust fly, there's no Russian laws to govern extraction of uranium - you see where this is going? All water downstream unsafe for 15 million years. People protest and shut down the mine? The corporation can sue in an international tribunal for lost profits. Oh yes, it's that damn bad and it's starting out West. They are selling the country from beneath our very feet. Its minerals, it's water, it's timber and eventually us too.

Agenda 21 is upon us and will be affect every aspect of our lives. We will be beggars upon the land our forefathers worked so hard to create; left in ruins and run as giant slum labor camps under tight security while the pristine natural areas and key cities are kept in immaculate condition for the new rulers.

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Sounds like we get to see Orwell's future of "a boot stamping on a human face, forever", whether we like it or not. And here we sit, essentially powerless to do anything other than blog about it...

edit on 14-2-2016 by TheBadCabbie because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 12:34 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

essentially powerless to do anything other than blog about it...

Unless you join what is left of bundy and co
....those people were the only ones apparently pissed enough to make some noise...

posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

I'll hold off for now. They seem to exhibit a tendency for poor planning and execution of their operations. The required equipment lists they send out tend to include extra and unnecessary pieces of equipment. I also noticed that their last big event seemed to lack a clear exit strategy.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
The very symbol of a free American - the cowboy is in danger of going extinct. Corporate farming, Monsanta and the BLM are taking absolute control over America's food supply.

Greetings Asktheanimals:

Did You actually say 'Monsanta'?

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 06:18 PM

Government Sanctioned Murders Of Patriots Continue; Perverts, Traitors, Informants Responsible - YouTube

Bobby Powell
Published on Feb 4, 2016

In this episode of The Truth Is Viral, the government-sanctioned assassination of rancher LaVoy Finicum is definitively exposed from all angles.

In addition to enhanced FBI video footage of Finicum’s murder throughout the show, TTiV will be exposing the criminal past of the FBI Special Agent in Charge of the standoff at Mahleur Wildlife Refuge, and the US Attorney for Oregon who had to resign because it was revealed that she was a sexual deviant, a stalker who obsessed on her underlings, the woman who was responsible for unjustly sending the Hammonds back to prison for a second time.

You will see BLM officials plot to defraud the United States Government while paying far below market value for properties they want to seize, so that people like Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton can profit by selling the mineral rights to the Chinese and Russians.

You will learn that it was corrupt local, state, and federal officials who created a climate of fear in Harney County, dressing up like militia and attempting to sow discord. There is a reason the Harney County Fire Chief Chris Briels resigned in disgust.

There is a reason that three top officials in the Harney County School District resigned their positions as well. At the very least, the occupation of the Mahleur National Wildlife Refuge has exposed deep-seeded, incestuous, and nepotistic corruption at all levels of government that have awakened the locals and require further investigation.

We’ll also be hearing from Mark McConnell, whose interpretation of events has been picked up by the mainstream media as definitive.

However, through the eyewitness testimony of two of the occupants of the vehicle LaVoy Finicum was driving, you will learn how the government laid an ambush in a deliberate attempt to kill everyone in the vehicle.

One of these witnesses, Shawna Cox, states that she believes it was Johnnie-come-Lately Mark McConnell who set them up to be murdered, and also how her son-in-law was killed in a mysterious explosion in the garage where all of her weapons had been stored.

And finally, TTiV Publisher Bobby Powell will address the charges that talk radio host Pete Santilli is a federal informant, responsible for the arrests of the protesters at the Mahleur Wildlife Refuge. Santilli’s livestreams from the refuge provided a lot of evidence to the federal government that was used to indict the Bundys and others, and published reports have labeled him a “Douchebag Turncoat.”

Read much more at:

To read published accounts and listen to complete interviews quoted in this report, please visit the following sources:

Oregon U.S. Attorney Amanda Marshall Resigns:

Special Agent in Charge of Oregon Occupation Greg Bretzing Linked to National Security Breach, Fraud and Corruption in Salt Lake City:

Complete interview of 18-year-old Gospel singer Victoria Sharpe:

Complete interview of Shawna Cox describing ambush:

Complete interview of Shawna Cox talking about the mysterious death of her son-in-law:

Pete Santilli Framed! Criminal Conspiracy By Rivals Vinnie Eastwood And Susan Posel Exposed:

Pete Santilli's Live 24/7 Feed: Constitutional Crisis In Burns Oregon - Malheur National Wildlife Refuge -

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 06:21 PM

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 06:31 PM

BREAKING! Investigation will continue

Dallas Ahrens III%
Published on Jan 30, 2016

This was a letter and forms that Shawna Cox handed out at one of the press conferences that I was at. If you don't want to hear me read it, fast forward and I show all the pages for you to read them if you want. There will be more to come.

Here is the text if you wish to read, print-

One Cowboy Stands for Freedom! R.I.P. LaVoy - YouTube

Dallas Ahrens III%
Published on Feb 5, 2016

edit on 15/2/2016 by thorfourwinds because: add video

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 08:33 PM

The Secret Call from JAIL that Ended the #OregonStandoff

Published on Feb 15, 2016
Gavin Seim

The secret call from a jail that may just have changed the course of history.

-- Here's the facts the media won't tell you.

The FBI did not make this end peacefully.

The only thing they came prepared for was violence.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: thorfourwinds

I just wanted to say thanks thorfourwinds for all the informative posting. I sure appreciate it, and I'll bet some others do too.
New American-Oregon Standoff: BLM’s “Burn ‘Em Out” Legacy — The Untold Backstory

thread on it

ATS Thread-EPA Goes After Low-Income Farmers In Land Grab
OP Links:
edit on 15-2-2016 by TheBadCabbie because: (no reason given)

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