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Lost inventions and suppressed technology

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posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: [post=19977794]AdmireTheDistance[/post

Guess you you are rather limited and a piss poor judge of reality...

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
Of course it would cost a hell of a lot of money to implement and to maintain in the long run but unlike Nuclear you don't have to clean radiation and bury the waste deep underground for half a million years, unlike fossil fuel you don't have to extract it or deal with pollutants and once in place the energy would become freely available with only the maintainance to take into consideration, in effect this type of tapping is actually energy harvesting and you are not paying for the energy at all only the mechanism to harvest it with no fuel extraction or waiste disposal costs.

Thorium would not need to be buried. Nuclear power is more varied than you think, we simply do not use the correct forms because they are difficult to weaponize. I am glad you admit it's not free, and has a price.

The energy is Free as you are not exchanging fuel for power but rather tapping into the already existing ambient energy.

The ambient energy IS the fuel. It's not an unlimited supply.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

I don't know enough about the isotopic propertys of spent thorium or how much energy it could produce to make an opinion but even low radioactivity can be dangerous, it is not always the amount as much as the type that matters of course and will probably do some reading to bring myself up to speed on suppressed thorium reactor technology and theory when I am not battling to keep my eyes open as I am now.

That said I agree what what you say about the energy as fuel is a valid point, it is looking at from another angle.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I definitely think there have been a few poor choices in terms of fuel sources.

We go off the rails when we talk about energy being free, either in terms of over unity or cost. It's not free, under any definition. Calling it that actually does a disservice to the argument, which has merit, if you focus on the right things.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 01:26 AM

originally posted by: Esarman
a reply to: FromRussiaWithLove

I designed a solar collector that a child could make, but nobody cares.
It gets around needing to make a parabolic dish in a novel way.
search google for "Who needs parabolics", if you care that is!

Is this the one?

That is really cool. I saw someone once who made a dish with lots of mirrors, and when it was aimed at the sun, and you held something up to the focal point, it would melt right through rocks, horse shoes, steel plate, anything.. Scary powerful.
Seems like a a decent electrical generator with accompanying apparatus could use that heat to run a complete home on.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Temperature is not heat.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 02:55 AM

originally posted by: Bedlam
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Temperature is not heat.

Um, okay? I never thought otherwise.

By the way, do you remember that video years ago that showed a small dish antenna someone used to glue hundreds of little mirrors to, and then had it on a small cart he then aimed at the sun, and carefully held up objects like iron scraps to the focal point in front of the dish, and then it melted right through them?

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 03:23 AM

originally posted by: hellobruce

originally posted by: donktheclown
There are many who would disagree with you. Energy from the Vacuum and whatnot

Yet none of those people have been able to demonstrate that "energy from a vacuum"!

It's probably pertinent to remind you and everyone who subscribes to your model of thought...that for Millions of years, right through our development from primitive hominids towards becoming Human beings, the introduction of technology such as tools and flint weapons, right through the Palaeolithic, Neolithic, bronze age, Iron age..all of those millennia stacked one atop the other..Human beings could never achieve stable we can.

During those previous untold millennia, we could not travel into space, build robots that go to space and land on other worlds...we could never create life in a test tube, we could not transmit our voices and images and communicate instantly over thousands of miles, we could not make steel, we couldn't see the smallest fundamental atomic particles.

We couldn't do MANY things that are now common place yet only arrived in our realities with the advent of some curious people actually considering a problem, identifying what could be achieved and then devoting time, resources and the prerequisite research and experimentation required to find a solution to obstacles along the way to discovery.

Point made?

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 03:32 AM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: FromRussiaWithLove

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
As soon as I saw Free Energy I stopped caring.

Well solar is free

Water turbines are free

Gravity pumps are free

Why you have problem with free

Did free punch you in the face at local pub

Solar is free? How do I get free solar energy to power my house?

Where i live there's companies falling over themselves to install free Solar panels and associated gear onto roofs of private homes that meet roof orientation criteria and so on ...have a look in your local area listings for the businesses that offer this (they make money on part of the generated electricity)..unless you're American, in which case your government doesn't like losing all the lovely oil tax money, so doesn't really encourage clean and yes, cost free Solar energy for the individual home regardless of how much people are penalised due to 'global warming' taxes, so perhaps you're out of luck mate.

But strictly speaking, one can get free Solar energy if the right criteria

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

I don't protest too much, you understand too little.

I don't understand at all, although i comprehend a great deal.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 03:37 AM

originally posted by: MysterX

Where i live there's companies falling over themselves to install free Solar panels and associated gear onto roofs of private homes that meet roof orientation criteria and so on ...have a look in your local area listings for the businesses that offer this (they make money on part of the generated electricity)..unless you're American, in which case your government doesn't like losing all the lovely oil tax money, so doesn't really encourage clean and yes, cost free Solar energy for the individual home regardless of how much people are penalised due to 'global warming' taxes, so perhaps you're out of luck mate.

But strictly speaking, one can get free Solar energy if the right criteria

It's not free, it's paid for with tax dollars, they get the rebates, and you pay them for the energy. What, did you think you got the solar panel and then got the energy it provided? Hahahaha, no. Get educated. They install it free, and keep the rebates, and then charge you for how much you use, and keep all the money for energy going back into the grid.

Not free.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 03:38 AM

originally posted by: MysterX
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

I don't protest too much, you understand too little.

I don't understand at all, although i comprehend a great deal.

You obviously do neither since you claimed I was saying the opposite of what I said. How is that comprehension?

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

solar warms your house everyday ..
for free .

converting heat to electricity will cost you initially ,
but will outlast your earning capacity !

edit on 30-10-2015 by radarloveguy because: xxx

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 03:51 AM

originally posted by: radarloveguy
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

solar warms your house everyday ..
for free .

converting heat to electricity will cost you initially ,
but will outlast your earning capacity !

So then it is only in my mind that I need blankets during the day in New England winters?

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Surely is .
Without the sun we'd have
minus 236 degrees !
... all year round .

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Sounds awfully like the model of the mythical atlantis does'nt it, with its temple (power station) powered by hot and cold springs driving it's generator

So a heat difference engine then?

Don't you find it both maddeningly frustrating that our world's buzz phrases and sound bites all seem to centre on Global crises of energy one way or another..such as 'Global warming', 'Peak Oil', 'Climate change', 'environmental pollution', 'energy crisis' and all the rest of it, yet we have access to an energy system unlimited in it's capacity, which would power our entire world literally forever, or as long as either the world exists or Humans are around to tap into it, is totally clean and non polluting, and once set up and running would be extremely cheap to access, yet only a tiny fraction of this eternal power source is being utilised?

Heat difference engines (differential engines) can power the world if enough investment in infrastructure is put in.

We have a massive, inexhaustible reservoir of heat beneath our feet and a massive, inexhaustible reservoir of cold above our heads...if we measure eternity as being the life of either our planet or our species, then this heat differential engine, which can be easily tapped (as opposed to difficulties tapping vacuum energy and so on) and set to work today, right now with only rudimentary, but initially cost expensive engineering standing in our way.

Some countries are utilising geothermal energy, such as Iceland..but the entire world could do the same on a massive scale if the will to do so was there. If we wanted to really avoid the challenges and obstacles posed by the likes of 'Global warming', 'Peak Oil', 'Climate change', 'environmental pollution', 'energy crisis' and all the rest of it, this is the way we can do that, and right now, ZERO pixie dust required... for totally clean energy and once the infrastructure is completed, virtually $,£,Y cost free.

In the face of all the Global this and that sound bites being thrown around over the last few has to wonder why the hell we are not doing this, and haven't been doing it for the last few decades!

Oil lobby as usual.
edit on 30 10 2015 by MysterX because: typo

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 04:08 AM

originally posted by: radarloveguy
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Surely is .
Without the sun we'd have
minus 236 degrees !
... all year round .


posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: MysterX

Where i live there's companies falling over themselves to install free Solar panels and associated gear onto roofs of private homes that meet roof orientation criteria and so on ...have a look in your local area listings for the businesses that offer this (they make money on part of the generated electricity)..unless you're American, in which case your government doesn't like losing all the lovely oil tax money, so doesn't really encourage clean and yes, cost free Solar energy for the individual home regardless of how much people are penalised due to 'global warming' taxes, so perhaps you're out of luck mate.

But strictly speaking, one can get free Solar energy if the right criteria

It's not free, it's paid for with tax dollars, they get the rebates, and you pay them for the energy. What, did you think you got the solar panel and then got the energy it provided? Hahahaha, no. Get educated. They install it free, and keep the rebates, and then charge you for how much you use, and keep all the money for energy going back into the grid.

Not free.

Your Solar companies are obviously working to a greedier business model than our UK companies are then...i would have thought you would have noticed that i live in Britain, since i state it clearly on my profile..perhaps if you open your eyes along with your mind a little more, you'd have better comprehension abilities?

Here, allow me to educate you, don't worry it's easy to comprehend.

Our system is such that to encourage greater energy use from renewable energy systems, we have a Government initiative called a 'feed in tariff', whereby for every unit of energy generated via Solar, the Solar panel provider earns a higher per unit generated rate than the consumer would have to pay per unit from the power company. The payments are made from a pool of funds raised from dirty fuels like oil gas and coal. Obviously used as an incentive to encourage greater renewable energy and less fossil fuel usage.

THIS is the incentive for the Solar companies to install cost FREE panels and systems to individual homes...the feed in tariff.

Energy generated via the free panels is for the cost free use of the householder...the householder pays nothing, zip, nada to either the Solar panel installer company nor to the government.

Free Solar actually means free Solar in the UK, unlike the USA apparently.

See...easy peasy.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 04:37 AM
a reply to: MysterX

It's still not free. Someone is paying, which in the end trickles down to the consumer. Free = no cost. There is a cost. I would have to look into it more to see exactly how it works, but we both know it's not free. Someone pays, and they pass that cost on to consumers.

In 10 seconds I saw I was right.

Be wary of 'solar for free' offers, householders told

Under the "rent your roof" model, the companies earn the tariff worth approximately £835 a year

But homeowners would almost certainly be better off paying for the solar panels themselves, even taking into account interest on a loan for the upfront cost of around £10,000 for a typical home. "Looking at the figures, it [paying for panels yourself] looks like a better deal on paper
edit on 30-10-2015 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Someone is paying?

According to the endless rhetoric about climate change, we are ALL paying and will pay a great deal more both financially and environmentally in the near future...this is why there's Trillion of $/£/Y being generated (no pun) in the form of carbon credits and know that right?

The money generated from dirty fuels, is being put to use (partially so, after the backhanders have been grabbed and pocketed i suppose) to finance and encourage clean forms of energy, and of course this applies to free solar initiatives as i've said.

The cost does indeed trickle down to the consumer, but not the Solar energy consumer, rather the dirty and polluting fossil fuels consumer.

You were talking about YOU obtaining free Solar energy...i quote: "How do I get free solar energy to power my house?"

Well...i've just educated you on how we get cost free Solar energy in GB, yet you're still not accepting it as cost free to the consumer?

There's just no pleasing some people i suppose.

Good luck mate

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