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Lost inventions and suppressed technology

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posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: MysterX

I just posted a source saying exactly what I thought. It's "free" and the government pays the company, so its paid with tax dollars. Not free.

You end up better off buying the panel. Explain how it's "free" when you lose money?
edit on 30-10-2015 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Terrible deal.

You'd have the upfront costs of 10K +, PLUS interest payable on either the loan amount or the lost interest which that amount would have earned for you in interest.

Then you'd have to wait approximately 12 years to recoup that initial cost of installation.

The way i explained it to you, you earn right away...not from the feed in tariff but from FREE Solar electricity, for no investment, no upfront costs, no loan interest and cost free electricity for the household.

If you want to take the Guardians business model as being somehow better than cost free every which way, i'd recommend you take a long hard look at any investments you might have...

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: MysterX

So a good investment to you is one where after 10 years you lose money?

You pay for it with your taxes. It's not free.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: MysterX

That is correct, the way a geothermal power plant works is usually to bore two deep hole's down to the high temperature layers of the crust and much like fracting a small explosive may be used to crack the rock between them, cold water is pumped down one bore and the heates steam allowed to rise through the other and drive a turbine, the excess energy is syphoned off for the electricity grip after whatever it needed to pump more cold water back down and it can be a closed system in that the steam is cooled and then reused.

Simply Thermocouples but scaled up have been used to power some tropical island's in the past but they only produce a negligable amount of energy so as yet are not ideal.

Devices such as wave generators can both reduce coastal erosion, good in some areas though it can lead to erosion of sand bars and beaches further down the coast as reduced erosion mean less sand is washed onto them, they turn the action of the waves into electricity by in the most simple example two floats are moored to the sea bed, as the waves pass them one float moves up and the other down and then back again and each up and down motion is used to drive a geared turbine.

Tidal barrages are used to trap large volumes of sea water at high tide, as the sea water enter's the reservoir it drives a turbine and as it leaves the reservoir if drives the turbine, excess energy is stored and used to pump water into the reservoir when demand is lowest.

We all know about the ups and downs of wind farms and solar mirror arrays that cook wild birds in flight but they still remain viable alternatives in what is called the renewable energy sector.

And these are only the obvious ones, there are many more sources of clean, cheap renewable energy out there but organised petrochemical mafia and governments believing there slavery to the petrochemical industry is crucial to there economy will not allow this out without another money spinner, hence the carbon point scam.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: dragonridr
I am a generator, you are a generator(yes WE have to comsume fuel to make this energy) but the sun is a generator and planets but on a much vaster scale. Solar IS free energy, it is there, just because man makes the getting of that energy expensive does not alter the fact that man has no input in producing that energy (the sun does it naturally)so to us it's free till the sun burns out.The same applies to other stars that are strewn over the universe. Yes they consume fuel to generate power but man has no input and the power will still be provided till the universe colapses.
A simple question for everybody, think of how much power it took to send the earths radio signals into space? Now tell me what power must a star have to send their radio signals to earth over billions of miles?
Different power, yes, but power non the less.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: dragonridr
I am a generator, you are a generator(yes WE have to comsume fuel to make this energy) but the sun is a generator and planets but on a much vaster scale. Solar IS free energy, it is there, just because man makes the getting of that energy expensive does not alter the fact that man has no input in producing that energy (the sun does it naturally)so to us it's free till the sun burns out.The same applies to other stars that are strewn over the universe. Yes they consume fuel to generate power but man has no input and the power will still be provided till the universe colapses.
A simple question for everybody, think of how much power it took to send the earths radio signals into space? Now tell me what power must a star have to send their radio signals to earth over billions of miles?
Different power, yes, but power non the less.

To use solar you need solar cells. To make them costs energy materials and time all which cost money. So yes even solar has expenses and canot be relied upon to supply unenterupted power. Every form of energy we can use has a price and requires energy just not always on the way you may think. There's no magic bullet for energy needs never will be first thing you learn in physics is any system isn't going to give you more power than you put in to it.
edit on 10/30/15 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
Every form of energy we can use has a price and requires energy just not always on the way you may think.

Quite so. Yes, there is plenty of "free" energy floating around, but you have to use energy to build the things to capture it, store it, transmit it, and covert it to something useful.

Anyway, I find it highly unlikely that anybody is going to "suppress" any energy system that could potentially make a healthy profit after the money to create all of the above has been invested.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

I am not going to post the url as I do not know if linking to Rense is allowed on ATS but enter this search criteria into Google and have a quick perusal of relavent web pages.
suppression of technology by the petroleum and automotive conglomerates
Also try variants on it as search engine algorythms are crap most of the time as well as being discriminatory in what they display.

In the US invention's have been suppressed also when they became of interest to national security, often even if they were not so as the industrial military apparatus took control the states after ww2.

edit on 30-10-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: and14263

And not enough to look at the content further. The content was no longer interesting, only trying to prevent the gullible from being scammed. Why is that weird? Should the norm be to sit back and smile as people get scammed? I find that weird.

Who am I to stop you, feel free to go buy the Keshe free energy device for only $800 (mandatory "donation" included)

Oh thank you! For your philanthropic generosity to stop by and warn, and save everyone from being scammed,,,. LOL

And for the fine example of Arrogance meets Ego!

Sorry the world does not work how you want it to. Free Energy = Scam. Welcome to prove me wrong, good luck.
It is more useful to advance science with an open mind, then to close your mind and instantly think, "free energy = scam" which leads to a blank, followers mind of living in the cave.

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