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Trump is KILLING the Republican chances for Presidency

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posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: grandmakdw
a reply to: Krazysh0t
If the Democrats are truly the party for racial minorities then why do the Republicans have 100% of the minority presidential candidates

Because the career politicians in the Democratic party are getting too old to let another minority have a go at the goal. You can be sure that there was internal pressure within the party to ensure that Hilary was at the top of the pecking order, before it became apparent just how screwed she was on the email front. Sanders is a wrench in the system, a rogue agent that truly embraces the communist ideals that the party has been using to pander for votes. Biden is only receiving more attention now because he is a likely choice for next to bat after Hilary gets shipped off to prison or has to drop out after taking a career killing pardon from the outgoing Obama.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 04:03 PM
I am glad Trump is running. Now that there is a loud mouth braggart running for president, that people with certain beliefs can get behind. You are seeing peoples true colors. The things they were afraid to say, they are now saying. Trump is helping us get to the truth in peoples souls.

Count me as another middle voter that is running away from the Republican party. I voted for Obama in 2008 but voted against Obama in 2012, because I thought he did not live up to his words. Now I am going to have to switch back to vote Democrat. The world the left wants is scary, but at 31 years old, having lived through all the social and technological changes that I have, not as scary to me personally, as the world the Republicans want. And its not just things that the politicians are saying. The politicians are just saying the things the base wants to hear. What scares me the most is seeing and hearing, both online and in real life, the things the average Republican believes nowadays.

I mean, I get it, your pissed at the world. The Left has ruled for eight years, which causes resentment. But you can't just play to your ever shrinking base that is primarily made up of one race and is aging. I mean if the right would just run on economics and push the religion and social stuff to the back burner. They would be much more attractive to voters like me. Voters raised with technology. Voters that have been exposed to all types of people all over the world, because of the internet. Voters that don't care what race you are. Voters that don't care what your sexual orientation is. Voters that don't care what your religion is.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

A bottle of dark rum is nice. Its smooth, seductive, with quite a lot of hidden undertones, and a sudden bite at the back end. It also leaves you with either a hangover, or alcoholic amnesia.

Nice... It's overrated. I like rum as much as the next fellow, but if I intend to operate a life, I cannot commit to drinking it as much as, oh, say for instance my avatar does! Trump is not even that nice. The man is alcoholic dishwater. It will taste bad while you drink it, and it will get no better by the morning, with all of the same after effects.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Just, yeah - go you!!!

*lights lighter from audience and waves it back and forth*

In all seriousness.
NOT being sarcastic.
edit on 8/27/2015 by BuzzyWigs because: Genuine applause, TrueBrit! Thank you for that post.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: grandmakdw
a reply to: Aazadan. Really you think a dictatorship is the answer look at Venezuela it is falling apart under dictatorship look at North Korea falling apart under a crazy dictator there isn't a single dictatorship in the world that isn't slightly crazy and failing and actually doing great harm too it's people

I didn't say it was the answer, I was explaining why politicians can never solve problems. Dictators are the ones who are in a position to permanently solve problems, monarchs can do it as well, but elected officials who always need to justify their position in office can't. In a democratic process where there's a back and forth between multiple positions you can never permanently solve something because of compromise. If I want teacher retirement funds increased to increase teacher quality, I can get it for say 10 years in exchange for say a tax break for home owners over those same 10 years. Both sides agree to this, because they get something now, and they get to put a time limit on the policies of their opposition. That's democracy, dictators don't have this problem.

Look at it another way, lets say we elected someone to the Senate who permanently solved all of the nations problems in 12 years (2 terms), why would we ever elect them to a third term? They've made themselves obsolete in that case.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: Aazadan

That's an interesting aspect.

We look to who can/will solve our problems.

We look to government to solve our problems.

THAT'S the problem!

We've stopped looking towards ourselves for the solutions.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 04:31 PM
I don't think so. I will refer to a thread from earlier this week,

The polls in the thread linked claims to have found that 51% of "Hispanics" in the U.S. have a negative view of Trump. This infers that 49% do not view him negatively. If only half which do not view him negatively actually vote for him, that gives him 24% of the "Hispanic" vote. That number combined with his popularity with Independents would mean the election could result in a comfortable victory for Trump.
edit on 27-8-2015 by KEACHI because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: karmicecstasy
Count me as another middle voter that is running away from the Republican party. I voted for Obama in 2008 but voted against Obama in 2012, because I thought he did not live up to his words. Now I am going to have to switch back to vote Democrat.

I know where you're coming from, I consider myself slightly right and various political compasses put me at just about dead center (occasionally a very small push right). I'm essentially a swing voter, in the wonderful swing state of Ohio, and I live in one of the most competitive districts in the country, we're very popular come election time. I'm one of those people candidates spend thousands of dollars per person courting the vote of in the general election. My voting history is
W Bush (though in hindsight I wish I voted Gore)
W Bush
Ron Paul

I will not vote for Trump. Sanders, Biden, Paul, Kasich, and Fiorina are the ones I'll consider right now. Trumps Republican influence seriously concerns me, I'm convinced he won't make it to the general election but he's going to cause problems for the people I am willing to vote for and if he does somehow make it to the general as a third party he's going to split the vote and ensure half the people on my possible vote list can't win.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 04:43 PM
I welcome Trump as a voice of honesty and reason that we have gone without in the US political arena for far too long. Our political system is starving for honesty and Trump seems to energize people of liberal and conservative values alike.

I don't care about the Republicans getting elected and I hope that no Democrat gets elected either, but if Trump can keep Jeb and Hilary out of the Presidency he will have done a GREAT thing for the people of this country.

Opening dialog about tough issues and coming up with common sense solutions is long overdue. Go Trump!

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 04:50 PM
I am glad Trump is leading in the GOP, It is about time we have someone that's willing to work for (We The People) and NOT the world lobbyist.

I believe Trump will give us change, and change that is truly needed. All the other Candidates are bought and paid for including Ran Paul.
I believe Americans are waking up and are sick and tired of our politions serving the elite for their own personal gain.
I believe Americans are sick and tired of the corruption and no accountability.

Americans are sick and tired of the illegal wars, Americans are sick and tired of big corporations not being held accountable for poisoning our food ( GMO's ) and our politions supporting them and not allowing GMO's labeling their products.

Americans are sick and tired pharma industries pushing dangerous drugs on our children that have case's some serious side effects and mandatory shots to stay in the school system.

Americans are sick and tired of the illegal aliens swarming in over our boarders, many of them are gangs, and criminals who have nothing to offer for education. ( free loaders )

Americans are sick and tired of corporate greed and them not paying their fare share of taxes, hiring illegal aliens, and out sourcing many of our jobs over seas. Not just blue collar work but white collar work as well.

Americans are sick and tired of witnessing our politions handing over what is left of the United States to foreign globalist like the UN. And allowing them to dictate law in our country, such as the new gun control.

Americans are sick and tired of our poor economy and the high unemployment as more business close. I don't see any of these Republicans addressing this serious problem but Trump.

Americans want our boarders closed. Americans want jobs, and industries brought back so we can be a producing Nation, which is the only way to strengthen our economy.

Yet most of these politions are not addressing the real issues, only Trump is.

We american want our country back, we had enough of these fake terrorist wars engineered by mostly the CIA for the elites in Washington to profit from.

We Americans are sick and tired of paying high energy bills to these energies monopolies. We want free energy and it does exists.

Trump is the only one addressing some of these issues and he is willing to take our country back from the globalist and squash their NWO.

Trump is not bought and paid for, he owes no one any favors. Yes, Trump lacks being diplomat, and is ruff, he is not groomed to be political correct.

I will vote for Trump.
edit on 27-8-2015 by Informer1958 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: Aazadan

That's an interesting aspect.

We look to who can/will solve our problems.

We look to government to solve our problems.

THAT'S the problem!

We've stopped looking towards ourselves for the solutions.

Interesting insight into my verbose ramblings. But if government isn't there to solve problems, then what is government for?

National defense exists to prevent the problem of being overrun.
The legal system exists to solve or prevent the problem of disagreements between citizens

A government which does neither, where the citizens solve all of their own problems gets us Somalia.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: Aazadan

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: Aazadan

That's an interesting aspect.

We look to who can/will solve our problems.

We look to government to solve our problems.

THAT'S the problem!

We've stopped looking towards ourselves for the solutions.

Interesting insight into my verbose ramblings. But if government isn't there to solve problems, then what is government for?

National defense exists to prevent the problem of being overrun.
The legal system exists to solve or prevent the problem of disagreements between citizens

A government which does neither, where the citizens solve all of their own problems gets us Somalia.

You say that like it's a bad thing!

Government can deliver the mail, handle the national defense, and build interstate highways.


posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: Informer1958
I am glad Trump is leading in the GOP, It is about time we have someone that's willing to work for (We The People) and NOT the world lobbyist.

I believe Trump will give us change, and change that is truly needed. All the other Candidates are bought and paid for including Ran Paul.

Trump is not bought and paid for, he owes no one any favors. Yes, Trump lacks being diplomat, and is ruff, he is not groomed to be political correct.

Why do people think Trump is not bought and paid for. Because he is rich? Why do people think Trump is not part of the same ole same ole that has been running things? Just because Trump has not been a politician does not mean he is not part of the establishment. I guess I just never understood the reasoning that Trump is somehow different than the other rich guys who run.

edit on 27-8-2015 by karmicecstasy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: karmicecstasy

originally posted by: Informer1958
I am glad Trump is leading in the GOP, It is about time we have someone that's willing to work for (We The People) and NOT the world lobbyist.

I believe Trump will give us change, and change that is truly needed. All the other Candidates are bought and paid for including Ran Paul.

Trump is not bought and paid for, he owes no one any favors. Yes, Trump lacks being diplomat, and is ruff, he is not groomed to be political correct.

Why do people think Trump is not bought and paid for. Because he is rich? Why do people think Trump is not part of the same ole same ole that has been running things? Just because Trump has not been a politician does not mean he is not part of the establishment. I guess I just never understood the reasoning that Trump is somehow different than the other rich guys who run.

As long as he isn't Jeb or Hilary and is willing to discuss actual issues with honesty he is better than the alternative. Frankly, Trump doesn't NEED to be bought and paid for since he is already wealthy. He can do whatever the hell he likes and I find that refreshing.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
You say that like it's a bad thing!

Liberals and libertarians, turning countries into third world hell holes one way or another. Contrast with European colonialism which transformed parts of Africa into actually productive countries until being violently ejected by natives that are now begging for Europeans to return to the farms stolen by murder of the whites living and working there because they cannot match the productiveness of those "barbaric" oppressors.

Be careful about chastising me by saying that the land belonged to the Africans all along, that sort of rhetoric will allow a perfect defense of turning back the immigrant invaders now swarming to Europe. An appeal to the supposed injustice of might making right won't work either, the Europeans either chose to leave of their own altruistic accord or were also ejected by might.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: karmicecstasy

Why do people think Trump is not bought and paid for. Because he is rich? Why do people think Trump is not part of the same ole same ole that has been running things? Just because Trump has not been a politician does not mean he is not part of the establishment. I guess I just never understood the reasoning that Trump is somehow different.

I disagree with you about Trump being bought and paid for.

The Donald’s Secret Weapon

The most interesting moment of the news conference came a little later, however, when Trump was talking about money, and fundraising in particular. Here’s what he said:

I mean, part of my thing is, frankly, I’m not controlled by anybody. These other people are raising hundreds of millions of dollars. I could do that easily. I don’t want to do that. It’s not necessary for me to do that.
Later, when asked about special interests and the Republican Party, he built on that point:

A lobbyist, a person, very good person, came to me, offered $5 million, ‘please, I want to give you $5 million for the campaign.’ I said I have no interest in taking that. In fact, it’s the first time I think he’s ever been turned down. […]
He’ll be coming to me and he’ll be saying in two years, in one year, in four years, he’ll be representing a country, maybe a company or maybe a person—I’m not doing anything for him.
All of this fits with earlier rhetoric;
edit on 27-8-2015 by Informer1958 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
You say that like it's a bad thing!

Government can deliver the mail, handle the national defense, and build interstate highways.


Having a country comparable to Somalia would be a bad thing. We would also be a toxic waste dumping ground because we wouldn't have a government who could prevent it. We wouldn't have a functional road or rail network. Towns would grow isolated from each other, new sewage projects wouldn't happen, the legal recourse to someone stealing from you unless you could prove it would be nil (and if you could prove it, would be extracting vengeance yourself), if you got seriously ill you would simply die rather than be able to recover, and there would be no education system. These are the types of things you support?

I like having a government that can land robots on Mars, send probes out of the solar system, build satellites to map the moon, help develop new medicines, discover new and useful mathematical breakthroughs, build superhighways, fund schools that train the next generation of a skilled workforce, create sewage systems that prevent disease, enforce patent laws to encourage innovation, have a well defined legal code and law enforcement, have fire fighters, ensure clean water, and many more.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: Reallyfolks

I was aware he was on some illegal immigrant kick, was not aware he was denigrating Hispanics in general but I'll look into it.

It doesn't matter what he actually has said or what his actual position is, it is reading as extremely negative from the Hispanic perspective.

I know several people of Puerto Rican descent (second and third generation living on the mainland )who have never mentioned politics to me before but are now talking disdainfully about Trump every time I have seen them lately.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: Aazadan

I like having a government that can land robots on Mars, send probes out of the solar system, build satellites to map the moon, help develop new medicines, discover new and useful mathematical breakthroughs, build superhighways, fund schools that train the next generation of a skilled workforce, create sewage systems that prevent disease, enforce patent laws to encourage innovation, have a well defined legal code and law enforcement, have fire fighters, ensure clean water, and many more.

Sure government does some of that now. But individuals can do the above and have done it better than government.


Government, at it's best, is like a prostate exam.

It is annoying, irritating, painful, intrusive, but sometimes necessary.

posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: karmicecstasy
Why do people think Trump is not bought and paid for. Because he is rich? Why do people think Trump is not part of the same ole same ole that has been running things? Just because Trump has not been a politician does not mean he is not part of the establishment. I guess I just never understood the reasoning that Trump is somehow different than the other rich guys who run.

The reasoning goes mostly like this: Clinton and Bush are through and through political dynasties, no doubts about being part of the establishment there. All of the other Republicans are either towing the party line which is clearly establishment in nature and/or have instances of cow-towing to special interests on their records. This leaves Sanders and Trump as being potential outliers. With them, it isn't guaranteed that they will follow through on their promises, but with the others it is guaranteed that they will be more of the same. It comes down to choosing between a sure lose situation and a potential win, at which point you decide whether you want communism or nationalist capitalism. Even if Sanders/Trump betrays the swell of belief upon which they would be elected, it is important simply that they get elected by the force of that belief. For instance, if Trump wins and falters, it clears the way for an actual independent to run next time on a faithful platform of similar content as Trump will have proven that the people want such change. That is why much of the far right is throwing in support Trump even though he isn't a sure-fire non-corrupt option and despite some of his rhetoric falling short of what the hardest core of conservatives desire.

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