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Florida officer burns 3yr-old boy

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posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

Some would. Most wouldn't. Just like any other profession that has a drastic, sweeping change performed overnight. I don't think that the dislike of change and heavier oversight is restricted to law enforcement.

I know you didn't want an answer, but oh well

edit on 13-12-2014 by Shamrock6 because: Messed up my smiley. Because I'm THAT guy

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
...I'm not finding any that are telling me how many LEOs are malignant narcissists.

I'd say offhand it's probably the same as the wifebeaters, maybe 4x the population as a whole, but I will go look up some studies tomorrow. I went off a couple of years ago and spent a few days reading studies when I looked at a copy of Police Chief that was advertising a psych screen to pick for officers that wouldn't be like Andy Griffith, because what you needed on the streets these days was a hard-nosed no-nonsense officer, and what they were screening for were those two indices.

And if you looked at the studies, it seemed that was true, other LEOs tended to rate you as a 'good cop' if you were high on those two. Not that it didn't give you some attributes that I'm sure were considered positive, but it came with a load of downside.

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 09:33 PM
i say do to him like we would to any normal citizen

stamp sex offender on him toss him in prision and tell them all hes a cop and goes after little boys

let them decide how he dies

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

Okay sounds good. Wasn't trying to be difficult or anything, just legit can't find what you seem to be referencing.

Also, if any of those studies include where to get a hard nose, link that for me also. My poor schnoz has been broken too many times

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
I don't think that the dislike of change and heavier oversight is restricted to law enforcement.

Probably not, but in this case, I think we can both say that IA, the police unions and the local prosecutor are probably not the most aggressive regulators of police activity that they could be.

If you knew you could lose YOUR cert if you didn't report your buddies' shadier behavior, it would reduce the tolerance for the odd bit of stepping across the line by your friends, I suspect.

I don't know many lines of work with that much responsibility where you get to police yourselves and the only other check on your behavior is a politician whose re-election is directly dependent on the people he's supposed to oversee.

As an engineer, I believe in breaking feedback loops to diagnose problems. And one way would be to introduce a check that doesn't cater to local politics, or feel pressure by unions, or depend on police cooperation for its success, and isn't staffed by your buddies.
edit on 13-12-2014 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

f you knew you could lose YOUR cert if you didn't report your buddies' shadier behavior, it would reduce the tolerance for the odd bit of stepping across the line by your friends, I suspect.

THIS i agree with.

A duty to act. Plain and simple.

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
My poor schnoz has been broken too many times

Yeah, mine too. I got mine fixed. It actually looks purty now. Got all the bone spurs out of there too.

We used to get away with stuff, if you didn't get caught. If so, you might get NJP. But if it was pretty scurrilous and went up the chain, your ass was had. I never heard about people trying to cover for other people in the few Courts Martial I had detailed info on. Not that NJP was real pleasant most times, either. But during CMs it seemed like they were going out of their way to happily screw the poor guy and there was Leavenworth and hard time and hard labor for a discouragement.

I'd just like you guys to have the same benefit.
A cop Leavenworth, with rocks and hammers, and a lot more enthusiasm toward putting you there than the local prosecutors seem to show.

Man, I might have more faith in you all being 'good cops' then. Especially if you never knew the guy you're pulling over or stopping and frisking, or dragging into the stairwell for a tuneup might just be able to end it for you, in a totally legal way. At the least, I'd expect the negative behavior to really dip.

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 10:05 PM
It's ALWAYS the boyfriend. Not usually the dad, brother, or uncle. The BOYFRIEND.

This guy should be charged with more, IMHO. Seems sexual in nature given the areas of the body he took time to burn, with a freaking hair dryer.

BTW, this POS isn't a LEO, he's a "detention officer" according to the Huffpost article.

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: Rikku
is it ok to tie in his profession with his crime because you dont like his profession?
his occupation is completely irrelevant.

So if he were a kindergarten teacher would you feel the same? In certain professions, it makes all the difference. Most people don't dislike the profession, they dislike the lack of morality and judgment of the people in their professions.
edit on 13-12-2014 by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

I know many on this site wouldn't believe it and would argue about it with a wall till they turned blue, but they don't appear to be here currently so I'll take the risk of posting the opinion...many of us would welcome the change. I've said on here a number of times that the system needs change, big time. It's systemic, and not limited to any one level of that system. Not all of us think the "thin blue line" extends to covering up crimes and misconduct. Some of us have no problem jamming up another cop. Maybe we're in the minority? Probably? But we do exist. I can only speak for myself and Torquey (I don't know anything about intrepid, other than he seems to be a Canuck), but that's the big reason why we bristle so much when people start applying the broad brush to law enforcement as a whole, or to the career as an entity. Not all of us are like the dudes that get posted on here so much.

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6


I get extremely defensive and offended when I get lumped in with bad cops.

This is because I took the job to help and protect my community. A community I was born and raised in.

That includes protection from bad cops.

It actually breaks my heart to think people view me as some kind of corrupt jackboot. It actually depresses me. So much so that I am leaving the career.

If I was a bad cop I sure in the hell wouldn't care about how people viewed me. I know there are a lot of cops out there who feel the same as me.

That is why I stress the fact that maintaining a positive relationship between the police and the citizens is a two way street. Both are responsible.

Blanket hatred will only push away and drive out good officers. The bad ones couldn't care less how they are treated.

I see that this (ex) corrections officer was arrested. So his crime was not covered up by other cops. If guilty I hope he faces extreme punishment.

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 10:59 PM

originally posted by: the owlbear

I don't think of you as lesser for your opinion.
Thank you for your well thought out response. I don't agree and never will but that doesn't mean we have to add animosity especially to a situation we have no stake in.

Owlbear, why is it that you feel you don't have a stake in the situation? Is it because it isn't your child? When exactly will you have a stake in it?

These horrible actions by those in protective and leadership roles should incite all of us to take a stand against the violators. We ALL have a stake in it.
edit on 13-12-2014 by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: lovebeck

You bring up a good point. Maybe sexual charges are in the works? I doubt someone burns someone's genitals without being influenced in some way by sexual thoughts.

And yeah he's a detention deputy. As far as I've heard, detention, prisons, and the like often have sadistic staff.

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 11:44 PM
Correct there all all sorts of criminals in all professions. Sick bastard. . a reply to: Rikku

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 11:55 PM

On Jan. 17, Hernando County deputies arrested Marrone after they say he confessed to burning his girlfriend's toddler with a hair dryer because the little boy wanted to play and Marrone wanted to sleep, according to WTSP.
When Ethan began complaining about his pain, saying only "pee pee owie," Sherron pulled down his diaper and saw that his genitals were swollen to the size of a softball. The boy also had burn marks on his thighs, buttocks, and chest.

So this sick POS wants to sleep huh?

I've got a sleep remedy for him, and I will guarantee that he gets a really good rest.

edit on 13-12-2014 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2014 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: Realtruth

But then where does the violence end? If someone hurt this man for doing that, then logically someone would hurt that person in retaliation and so on and so on. Violence is cyclical. The more violence exists, the more it will continue into the future.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: Yeahkeepwatchingme
a reply to: Realtruth

But then where does the violence end? If someone hurt this man for doing that, then logically someone would hurt that person in retaliation and so on and so on. Violence is cyclical. The more violence exists, the more it will continue into the future.

Imo when someone hurts a helpless child, all bets are off.

The cycle of violence, peace, love thy enemy and all that other BS goes out the window.

Adults are suppose to protect, nurture and care for children, not abuse, torture, disfigure, and murder them.

Let me ask you a question since you speak of cycle of violence, and logic.

Do you eat meat?

Do you kill bugs?

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: smurfy

Horrendous as this is, I think you have the wrong forum...that's my opinion.

Agreed. Unless his being a police officer has some direct relevance to what he did, this does not belong in here. Was he on duty when he committed this atrocity? No? Then this amounts to nothing more than a disgusting exploitation of an innocent child's suffering as an excuse to promote more hatred for law enforcement:

Seems the LE profession really does attract some of the sickest psychos out there....

Seriously? You should be ashamed of yourself, OP.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 01:00 AM

originally posted by: tigertatzen
a reply to: smurfy

Horrendous as this is, I think you have the wrong forum...that's my opinion.

Agreed. Unless his being a police officer has some direct relevance to what he did, this does not belong in here. Was he on duty when he committed this atrocity? No? Then this amounts to nothing more than a disgusting exploitation of an innocent child's suffering as an excuse to promote more hatred for law enforcement:

Seems the LE profession really does attract some of the sickest psychos out there....

Seriously? You should be ashamed of yourself, OP.

People don't hate law enforcement. And many LEO's have been guilty of abuse and immoral activity. I simply don't see food service workers mistreating innocent people because it rocks their boat. The fact of the matter is, there is abuse of power, abuse of others and the system they committed to uphold. Even a boy/girl scout doesn't need to be in uniform to uphold their oaths.

The following Law Enforcement Oath of Honor is recommended as by the International Association of Chiefs of Police as symbolic statement of commitment to ethical behavior:

On my honor,
I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust.
I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions.
I will always uphold the constitution of my community and the agency I serve.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 01:20 AM

originally posted by: tigertatzen
a reply to: smurfy

Horrendous as this is, I think you have the wrong forum...that's my opinion.

Agreed. Unless his being a police officer has some direct relevance to what he did, this does not belong in here. Was he on duty when he committed this atrocity? No? Then this amounts to nothing more than a disgusting exploitation of an innocent child's suffering as an excuse to promote more hatred for law enforcement:

Seems the LE profession really does attract some of the sickest psychos out there....

Seriously? You should be ashamed of yourself, OP.

oh please
....if there is any reason there is a mention of him being an officer has more to do with the fact he has a duty of an officer he would be a "mandatory reporter" for these types of crimes yet he is the perpetrator of them....and as it turns out he is a corrections officer not a cop

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