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Senate CIA Torture Report Released: "Mismanaged Dungeons"

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posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 03:39 PM
To be completely honest on Sept. 12, 2001

I would not of cared what they did to the People that attacked us.

This just went way beyond the People that attacked us.

I see in hindsight, that we can't act like that.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 03:41 PM
I posted this in the other thread, thought it's worth reposting here:

The reason torture is so evil is because it can inflict significant psychological damage to an entire nation, and destroy its will to live. It's hard to explain, but as a species, we put far more emphasis on certain concepts such as slavery, rape and the genitals than genocide(probably because you can always repopulate), even if it occurred in the past. Honestly, at this point, I don't even care if we get nuked. In fact, I've told our people to stop having kids altogether, because this world is just getting extremely inhumane. This is not fun, and we've decided to exit this game altogether.

In the end, if you bomb an entire country or even use nuclear weapons, then even if you kill a lot of innocents, it will actually be far less offensive than torturing just a few individuals(once the country is recovered and can look at the past). See, we weren't offended by the Napalms and Agent Orange(since we overcame it), but after reading Nick Turse's book and what the CIA did, urgh...Torture is the ultimate war crime, which is why it must be outlawed, and the punishment extremely severe. If you torture, then it's pretty much the same as hacking a nuclear plant, use WMD, put poison in the water, etc. it's the ultimate form of blackmailing. I mean, why even pretend that you are trying to save innocents and fight for the good side, if you're going to destroy their will to live? Why not just nuke the entire world and get it over with?

To me, until we stop this group think and associate a few actions of an individual to an entire nation, in the name of nationalism, and treat each individual as human beings, we are truly no better than animals. To me, it's time for everyone to become mix race, because this is just pure evil. As far as a religion like Islam, well, in the end, it's just a belief. Remember that they weren't born this way, and are just humans like us, somehow we've just gotta find a way to convince them that this belief is wrong. Hopefully, in the future, we will be able to track our ancestry back to the Middle East, or find out that this is a simulation, or that there is a Creator, or that UFOs exist, because this is simply...unacceptable.

I would also add that nationalism and religion have been the bane of our existence, since our creation. We must find a way to get rid of this group think somehow.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 03:41 PM
Thge boys (Un elected officals, Lawyers, Judges) will spend millions on an investigating and no head will roll over this but you can be sure that the bill is past on to the tax payers.

No one is accountable anymore, they are like our Police and get away with anything

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

I would not of cared what they did to the People that attacked us.

Well we have option one to hang GW-Bush or option two if nineteen terrorists from Saudia Arabia did it and to bomb that country to bits and kill the Royal famaily.

My money is on option one unless bin-laden could change the laws of physics on 9-11

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: SloAnPainful

originally posted by: crazyewok
Cue the US government apologists on here who blindly support the USA police state and CIA torture as it they think it "protects" them.

I know there are a rare few here that believe this, but I doubt you will find anyone who would actually supports this... Even on ATS.

Of course sometimes I am amazed at the level of stupid that is all around us...


Due to T&c i cant name members

But look out for a someone with the avatar of bush/obama with the phrase sheeple and a well kown member with a name beguining in N and ending in 6 and one with a avatar of a pierced eye who on another thread agruing in favour of torture.

So yes ATS has pro CIA/goverment types on here.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: ausername

Not even possible to deny this happened under Obama too. I don't think that's why.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere
To be completely honest on Sept. 12, 2001

I would not of cared what they did to the People that attacked us.

This just went way beyond the People that attacked us.

I see in hindsight, that we can't act like that.

Exactly and why due process and rules are there.

Like you I dont care really about a few butt hurt terrorists.

But innocents got caught up in this and always do.

When you give goverments such power they will always missuse it.

It why you have due process, trials and human rights laws, allow goverments to bypass that and innocents will be caught up alongside the guilty.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: RoScoLaz4

Omg... do those clowns forget that we are the government employers? How are we supposed to know who to hire and fire if we don't know all the disgusting details?

"Shut-up, we don't to know."?
edit on 12/9/2014 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: Kali74

I'm willing to bet that just as many cases have happened under Obama. I doubt he has done anything to change this since he became president.

Golfing seems to be his top priority as the POTUS.


posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 04:00 PM
I don't want this evil done in my name.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere
To be completely honest on Sept. 12, 2001

I would not of cared what they did to the People that attacked us


It is because you dont care your government can walk all over you. This is what you allow when you make important decisions in anger. This seams to be a great American weakness.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: SloAnPainful
a reply to: Kali74

I'm willing to bet that just as many cases have happened under Obama. I doubt he has done anything to change this since he became president.

Golfing seems to be his top priority as the POTUS.


Bitching about his golfing is #ing stupid, most people realize what that's all about... but instead it's a meme and turns people off. Discuss reality... this torture business makes me want to burn effigies of Bush/Chaney/Obama/Rumsfeld/Clinton/Kerry. Same with drone strikes and continuing the wars... can we #ing talk about the # please?

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 04:15 PM
It is somewhat disingenuous of people to act all shocked surprised by these revelations.

Anyone not a lifelong resident of a grass hut deep in the amazon jungle should be aware that the land of the free and home of the brave has been conducting these inhuman activities for decades.... Did you really need this report?

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: ausername

Did you really need this report?

This report is really needed so that the American society can front their opinion on how their governemt controlled CIA conduct their work in Your name.

Isent Peace and proparity and Democracy for all the American solgen? The US dont go easy on other governments that conduct torture. Then why should it be any different for the US?
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord
Now they have everybody thinking they are not going to do this anymore. I wonder what the next step is? OK not everybody but a majority of people. And not you if you think I meant you.

edit on 9-12-2014 by Tarzan the apeman. because: yeah

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: Tarzan the apeman.
a reply to: SkepticOverlord
Now they have everybody thinking they are not going to do this anymore. I wonder what the next step is?

This report is not going to stop the CIA from torture. I bet they are at it right now somewhere.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
I don't want this evil done in my name.

Nor do I! This is the kind of diabolical evil that my tax dollars are spent on! Why? Torture doesn't work anyway, a victim of such a criminal act would say anything to make the torture stop. Why?... for a trumped up fiction to forward a corporate agenda to steal the national resources of foreign nations in the middle east? NO! I DO NOT APPROVE OF WHAT MY GOVERNMENT DOES!

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 04:33 PM
Welcome to "intelligence", they do what they feel they need to do to " extract " information from a sensitive target or anyone who can be held as leverage for such information. It has been going on as long as spies and intelligence officers have been around... so for thousands of years, have we grown more sensitive to it? Or have our hearts started bleeding more from biased media reports and political agendas? The other guy is always dirty when someone stands to gain from it.

As far as calling these torture tactics heinous or barbaric, sleep deprivation and water boarding, electric shock and the like are far from the judas chairs, racks, and jawbreakers of times past.

The question comes down to what would you do to keep your family, friends or country safe? I know how I would answer, so will your heart bleed all over the place while they stand in danger or are detained and tortured themselves? Or will you do something about it that may make you feel bad in the morning but know they are safe for another day?

I know there are a lot of people sheeple here on ATS who would wave a solemn goodbye to their loved ones other than act to try to save them, they are weak and confused.... but then again they are shills and fall completely into the subjective programming they themselves whine about every day.

The world is real, it's not " civilized" and no matter how much you cry and shout unfair it's not going to change anytime soon... too bad for you folks.. the rest of us will move on.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 04:40 PM
To the people of the world:

Please accept my heartfelt apologies for all the sick and twisted # my nation does..on the regular...apparently for #s and giggles. Rest assured, those whom I speak to from day to day would generally feel the same if they weren't so damn ignorant to anything outside their sphere of influence.

I am just at a loss of words and that's rare for me.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
To the people of the world:

Please accept my heartfelt apologies for all the sick and twisted # my nation does..on the regular...apparently for #s and giggles. Rest assured, those whom I speak to from day to day would generally feel the same if they weren't so damn ignorant to anything outside their sphere of influence.

I am just at a loss of words and that's rare for me.

Its not just America to blame.

If you read some of the innocent victims accounts after being released and interviewed a consistant theme is that MI6 and MI5 were normaly involved alongside there CIA counter parts or conducting interagations of there own.

Infact I would put money on it that a lot of the non released pages delt with the UK and other key allies involvement.

UK intelligance has at the very least been active in both GITMO and the salt pit.
edit on 9-12-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

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