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If Intelligent Life Exsists In Our Galaxy Then........

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posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: alldaylong
It may not or never be on our own timeline.

The age of Planet Earth is around 4.5 billion years.

Humans have only been on Earth for the past 2.5 million years. That is just a blink of an eye compared to the age of Earth. That's over 4 billion years without human intelligent life on Earth. And we cannot even leave our own Solar System at this time.

Likewise the same timeline could possibly exist on other Planets in The Milky Way. Some Planets are much older and some younger that Earth. Therefore if the same rules exist on life being formed on those Planets, then it leaves us to being " all out of sync".

Younger Planets may not evolve life for billions of years in the future. Older Planets may have had life billions of years in the past and has since died out.

Therefore i think for there to be life at the same time on even two Planets in The Milky Way ( i.e Earth and a an other ) is very slim. That's why i don't believe we are being visited from E.T.

You may or may not agree.

Basically you are arguing the number of exoplanets we have discovered and will discover, by the time we invent the technology to prove life is on one of the exoplanets in the habitable zone, life will be extinct on that alien world by the time we can 100% prove it?

Even more so, life will be extinct by the time we can communicate with them?

And finally life will be extinct by the time we can travel there?

So you're saying that we are on the brink of all life becoming extinct in the Universe? Or you just think the Universe is cluttered with extremophiles and life on earth?

C'mon! That's ridiculous!

We will locate an advance civilization, there are THAT MANY planets our there. THAT MANY. There are 300 billion stars in the Milky Way.

And intelligent life may have located us, because intelligent life could have been observing photosynthesis for over 3 billion years, and oxygen for over 2 billion years. We have 2 gas giants, and gas giants are the first planets to locate when searching stars to see if they have a planetary system.

Ancient cultures of the world mapped out a good part of the Galaxy without the use of modern technology. So you honestly have to think 1 out of 100 billion possible planets has visited us in the last 50,000 years. Or even 50 years.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: Shadowstalker

The way us Humans perceive or define life is most lightly incorrect or problematic at best. Once you conceive the scale of our universe is seems rather arrogant to presume we are the only sentient species. Pretty lonely place with just us to occupy our cosmos. Life is probably about as unique as carbon considering the grand scale of it all.

edit on 4-11-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 07:05 AM
Galaxy extremely populated Its our science that went awol, deserting decency in their attempt to limit the world and put us in boxes under them. Multiverse, time clocks stars, a program in our mind. Basically everyone in a different time program is in a different realm. But we're not all in the same grade in the cosmos. Et is higher grades.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: Blue Shift

Galaxies are not expanding, the space between them is, so anyone in our own galaxy, with the appropriate means of travel, can reach us.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 08:03 AM
I personally think E.Ts have been watching us for thousands of years. occasionally interfering in human affairs. perhaps thats where most of the mythology of our planet comes from. perhaps they follow a sort of prime directive, similar to startrek and are only allowed to watch us. maybe we havent evolved enough for them to reveal themselves, i mean since were very war-like and controling. i dont know, but im certain that were not the only intelligence in the galaxy. it would be such a waste of space.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

I'm not saying that we are the only lifeforms out there. That would be totally arrogant. I believe that there is life out there, just not what we might expect... Let alone visiting Earth. Just look at what the Kepler Missions have discovered planet wise... Many of them are within what we consider to be the habitable zone of their stars. I'm sorry if you misunderstood what I was trying to say. Yes I believe there is life out there, but at what stage in its evolution, and where it is located is the question.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Shadowstalker

Location does seem to be a significant factor. Black holes/singularity's seem to be rather interesting. One would imagine any sufficiently advanced species with the capability to transverse the cosmos would also find such anomalies of interest so I suggest looking for signs of intelligence around those particular creatures.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 10:12 AM
Think about it! Intelligent Life.
so why would they come to earth?

they just hope we wip are selves out soon.
even they dont know what to do with us.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: alldaylong

But....! Understand this: You are only speaking from an "earth-bound" knowledge level and base. Im proposing to say we have NO concept EXCEPT... exactly what you ARE saying.

In other words, we have limited and only earthbound knowledge, no concept of more... only hypothecies, theory and conjecture.

Given that...and the vastness of whats out there...I believe we are dumb enough...because we only know so little and no-more about it....that its nearly IMPOSSIBLE for there not be be anyone, anyplace and anything out there...made with tech and materials we cant fathom because we've never discovered the planets, materials and processes that made them....yet.

We are infants with an infantile perception of something much much much older.....Someday...

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 06:21 PM
My thoughts....

The major problem lies with us. We are often far too arrogant and stubborn as a species.

We are still stuck in the dark ages quite often preaching "Thats just not possible" and other such negative rumblings. Have we learnt nothing from our own very brief history?

Look at how at the advances we have made in the last 10,20,50,100,1000 years. Look at the boundaries and misconceptions that have been smashed in that time and yet here we are still applying our relatively basic knowledge to the universe.

Why shouldn't other life exist, why shouldn't it be intelligent?

Even the calculations we make about 'alien life' are nearly based on parameters that would suit Humans. Why?

Why do we assume that all intelligent life must be carbon based, that their 'planets' would need an atmosphere and that they would need to be in the habitable zone?

We are applying extremely narrow parameters to our search for life, we are basically only looking for other human like life forms that arent much more advanced than ourselves.That is a very blinkered and dangerous stance to take.

Think about a race that is more advanced than us EVEN if they are carbon based and have similar biological needs to us. Would their technology not permit them to live happily on planets we would deem inhospitable? After all our technology has seen us in less than a century move away from the horse being the primary mode of transport to actually living in space.

So why couldnt another species live easily on pretty much any planet they wanted?

Or maybe they could be nomadic, roaming the universe in city or planet sized ships? Or maybe they dont need ships at all....

The possibilities are virtually infinite

Unfortunately its often our own arrogance that is blinding us to those possibilities, Instead we dedicate our efforts to look for human like civilizations, on earth like planets, who's technology has developed along paths similar to our own.

The sheer size of the universe says to me that its hard to rule out anything.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: alldaylong

I've yet to see conclusive evidence of visitation to Earth (imo etc) and i'm of very much the same opinion, Galactic civilisations and Empires could have risen and fallen many times over (or not) and we could have remained a fairly isolated back water.

I still think that we'll find life in our Solar System, but we could be isolated from the cosmic jolly-up for millennia to come because we missed it by a few million years. It's kinda pants really.

a reply to: seabhac-rua

The Genus Homo is about 2.4 million years old....

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 07:25 PM
There is statistically more chance of their being other more advanced intelligence in the galaxy, universe and possible multiverse than none.

My own experience and opinion is that there are and that are able to traverse vast space time / dimensions and interact with this earthly realm and our consciousness.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 10:03 PM
this is just a thought....anything is possible, you know how mammals evolved over time? what if we evolved from aliens? we are finding alien shaped skulls from all over the world so who's to say they weren't here first? and over billions of years we have evolved from them. Maybe if we are being visited by aliens from outer space they could be watching us because we came from them! If mammals can evolve then why cant humans???

posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 12:43 AM


posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: alldaylong
It may not or never be on our own timeline.

The age of Planet Earth is around 4.5 billion years.

Humans have only been on Earth for the past 2.5 million years. That is just a blink of an eye compared to the age of Earth. That's over 4 billion years without human intelligent life on Earth. And we cannot even leave our own Solar System at this time.

Likewise the same timeline could possibly exist on other Planets in The Milky Way. Some Planets are much older and some younger that Earth. Therefore if the same rules exist on life being formed on those Planets, then it leaves us to being " all out of sync".

Younger Planets may not evolve life for billions of years in the future. Older Planets may have had life billions of years in the past and has since died out.

Therefore i think for there to be life at the same time on even two Planets in The Milky Way ( i.e Earth and a an other ) is very slim. That's why i don't believe we are being visited from E.T.

You may or may not agree.

The problem with your reasoning, as valid as it may be (we don't know yet) is that you cut out a whole category of other planets which evolved life within 1 or 2 billion years of the beginning of life on Earth.

Given the fact that our galaxy possesses around 50 billion Earthlike planets..... even the most conservative estimates if only 1% of them were within that 2 billion year range (in reality this percentage is much higher but bear with me) then that is still 5,000,000 million planets roughly the same age as the Earth.

You presume that most advanced life will ONLY be around solar type stars and almost never around smaller M-dwarfs (red dwarf stars which have far longer lifetimes than our Sun). Bad assumption given that we're learning that habitable planets around M-dwarfs may be the most common places life hangs out in our galaxy since M-dwarfs make up 80 percent of the stars in our Galaxy and they stay habitable longer than planets around solar type stars.

M-dwarfs can live for 10s of billions of years. There are M-dwarfs as old as our Galaxy which are still shinning and could be host to civilizations 8-10 billion years older than us.

You also presume older life around Solar type stars just dies out rather than moves on. Bad assumption.

edit on 8-11-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: alldaylong

Dinosaurs existed for 135 million years. It could be possible that higher intelligence arose in some of those reptiles and technologically progressed to the point where they left Earth. They left behind their brutish cousins to deal with the calamity of an astroid impact. Then 65 million years went by, and then we appeared.
Ponder the fact that in the last 150 years or so we have gone from horse-drawn vehicles to landing people on the Moon six times. We have actually left the Solar System in the form of a satellite called Voyager 1. We are already in the midst of a biotechnological revolution that will give way to transhumanism and artificial intelligence. Soon half the human work force will be replaced by robots.
If we get our act together once again, we will be leaving this mud-ball and leaving our brutish ape-cousins to deal with the calamity of run-away global warming.
So you have to step back and ponder that just in our own galaxy, there are BILLIONS of stars and nebulas where intelligent life could have evolved. Then multiply this by the BILLIONS of galaxies in this universe. Then multiply this by the theoretical assumption that multiple universes exist outside our own.
To me intelligent life-forms in other places are a certainty, and I think some of them have already come by our mud-ball to use as a rest stop.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 12:45 PM
65 million years ago, give or take a few weeks, life on this earth was wiped out, almost, so if that had not happened intelligent life might have evolved a lot sooner, so its just bad luck that intelligent life arrived later that the rest of the galaxy, I believe we are late comers, 'the rest' are waiting for us to catch up.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: alldaylong

Do you believe in mathematics?

Do you believe in the science of probability?

If so then it would be impossible to accept that life isn't abundant in the universe. Our inability to find it or its inability, or unwillingness, to find us has zero bearing on that. We know what's required for life to form, evolve and flourish. We know that the earth is anything but unique when it comes to having these requirements. Taking into account the almost unimaginable size of the universe it's mathematically, statistically and scientifically impossible for life to not exist elsewhere. Everyday as our technology advances this become more evident.

I sincerely believe that most people alive today have a very limited understanding of the immensity of the universe. The trillions of galaxies, with tillions of stars surrounded by trillions of planets. Using the numerical value of "trllions" isn't even correct because, as far as we can tell, space is anyone can be so foolhardy to suggest that we're "it" is beyond me.

Whether they're coming here or not is up for debate. But I'd suggest that the historical and contemporary evidence shows that they are.
edit on 08000000pm11America/Chicago2014Saturday20141114 by duaneology because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 12:02 AM
Ah yes the imagination of man...

If we could just prove half of our drunken thoughts we would be fortunate and the rulers of the sun...

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 12:18 AM
I don't understand why so many people think ET would want to visit us.

If I knew of another society like ours out in space and developed a method to travel there I would look elsewhere.

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