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CA pastor orders Christians to ‘isolate’ LGBT kids and then ‘turn them over to Satan’

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posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: olaru12

This is very scary. What happened to Christians being love and light, treating everyone with kindness?

Jesus would not like to see children or anyone handed to Satan, every. This man is very sick in his head.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: NavyDoc

Certainly one should be able to believe what they want. I just worry about pressure to ban "hate speech" or speech they don't like. One aspect of living in a free society it that one must tolerate some people whom one does not like.

I agree - completely. Freedom is complicated. Also - scary. I've always believed that any group of people that calls itself free will work things out naturally - as in - just like in nature. Balance is about weight/counterweight, action - reaction...

Too many rabbits? Next year you get more owls

I think we all (mostly) agree about right and wrong in the big picture - but we're a little fuzzy closer in. So, I see humanity moving two steps forward and one step back through the years and decades and centuries towards something we all ultimately want, but can't quite put into words that will work for all of us at the same time

But in the moment, the process is invisible and all we see is resistance, animosity and a fight for control

Those in control want to decide what's right and wrong for everyone - to the victor goes the spoils - and all that :-)

Tolerance is an interesting idea - don't you think?

As for the "greater good," what is considered "the greater good" can vary from person to person to person--which is why one must be wary about suggestions to restrict someone's civil liberties "for the greater good." I think one can look into history and see a great number of truly awful things done to people in the name of "the greater good."

Yes - exactly. It's not possible - nobody will ever agree about the greater good. It's possible to see how far we've come with time - none of it without a lot of fighting and suffering and loss. But, still...

I prefer the attempt at a greater good rather than settling for the lesser (and more specific) good. It's all just words and opinion I suppose - but a lot of important changes have come from words and opinions

History will show us where we made our mistakes - and where we created something beautiful

Thank you Navy - for a real conversation :-)

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: NavyDoc

Certainly one should be able to believe what they want. I just worry about pressure to ban "hate speech" or speech they don't like. One aspect of living in a free society it that one must tolerate some people whom one does not like.

I agree - completely. Freedom is complicated. Also - scary. I've always believed that any group of people that calls itself free will work things out naturally - as in - just like in nature. Balance is about weight/counterweight, action - reaction...

Too many rabbits? Next year you get more owls

I think we all (mostly) agree about right and wrong in the big picture - but we're a little fuzzy closer in. So, I see humanity moving two steps forward and one step back through the years and decades and centuries towards something we all ultimately want, but can't quite put into words that will work for all of us at the same time

But in the moment, the process is invisible and all we see is resistance, animosity and a fight for control

Those in control want to decide what's right and wrong for everyone - to the victor goes the spoils - and all that :-)

Tolerance is an interesting idea - don't you think?

As for the "greater good," what is considered "the greater good" can vary from person to person to person--which is why one must be wary about suggestions to restrict someone's civil liberties "for the greater good." I think one can look into history and see a great number of truly awful things done to people in the name of "the greater good."

Yes - exactly. It's not possible - nobody will ever agree about the greater good. It's possible to see how far we've come with time - none of it without a lot of fighting and suffering and loss. But, still...

I prefer the attempt at a greater good rather than settling for the lesser (and more specific) good. It's all just words and opinion I suppose - but a lot of important changes have come from words and opinions

History will show us where we made our mistakes - and where we created something beautiful

Thank you Navy - for a real conversation :-)


posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: JudgeEden

Hmm, do you really want me to debunk Hell right here and now?
Do you mean like mentioning that "hell" is an English word, so it isn't in the original language of the Bible?

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: Rex282

Jim you should first learn how to read a simple quote......I did not say this.
I was trying to reply to judgeden.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Hey, you know what? Fair enough. Me? I only care about the red words in the book. Jesus never singled out the gays for special punishment, and that's good enough for me. Obviously, I'm not a Christian, since I can't be assed to care about what Paul, or some OT Jews thought. Why should I? I'm not a Jew, or a Roman.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: Annee

The only thing Atheists have in common is a lack of acceptance of theism. God? If it exists and whatever it is -- it never had anything to do with religion.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 09:51 PM

originally posted by: 0zzymand0s
a reply to: Annee

The only thing Atheists have in common is a lack of acceptance of theism. God? If it exists and whatever it is -- it never had anything to do with religion.


Religion is man made.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 05:35 AM
And, "Blessed are the pedophile priests/ministers/pastors, for they shall inherit a bunch of "flocking" idiots that will listen to such crap". I would say they should all get the "flock" outta that church or whatever and go home and act like the Christians they say they are...have tolerance and caring in their heart and love thy neighbor...unless the neighbor is a pedo of course.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I will ask you once more read my first answer on this thread or are you ignorant

Obviously I read it; I replied to it, using quotes.
I also gave you my "appraisal" mentioning parts of your first post that I didn't bother to quote.
Apparently quite a few other people found my "appraisal" worthy.

No, I'm not ignorant.

I tried to watch your silly video - I made it to 10 min. or so when it said if I wanted to continue reading, I had to go to some other link. It had taken me two tries just to get that far, the thing was so lame-o. So naturally, no, I didn't want to go to another link to "keep reading", nor did I want to waste another 50 minutes of my time on such nonsense.

I know about karma, too! Do you believe in reincarnation for karmic learning? Next time round you'll be "a gay".

Are you part of the New Apostolic Reformation? The Seven Mountain Dominionists? Or are you suffering from a separate strain of "Godliness" - do you actually believe that sodomy is how demons "move about" like some kind of subway?? Really Never heard that one before.

As for "opening the door", I was referring to YOU having made your remarks to begin with which opened the door for rebuttal (HA! No pun intended).

"Rules of hospitality", eh? I don't think you know what that means. One doesn't use run-on sentences peppered with insults like 'ignorant' and devoid of punctuation or proper spelling when corresponding with a person who has replied to their original missive. Reflects on your education/intelligence, ya know.

*second eyeroll, with facepalm for added emphasis*
Anyway, my house is cleansed and sealed against demons/evil, watched over by Walnut trees, and has a protective dome around it. (Just like every other home I've had since I learned how to do that!)

edit on 6/20/2014 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: olaru12

False teachings = counterfeit Christianity and/or confusion, and these are false teachings.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 05:09 PM
I don't think you are imaging this, OP….

MOST of the churches in the world have been infiltrated by jesuits and occultists (satanists and others)…

this kind of doctrine is so evil and un-Christ-like…

sad really, because I have found that as w "dowsing" and "psychic" abilities, homosexuality can be handed down by the choices ancestors have made, that effect the DNA expression…

see Bruce Lipton "Biology of Belief": genes express based on environment and BELIEFS…

then you have so many former gays who have successfully turned to Jesus for help becoming straight and having love for women and having families, these "churches" KNOW BETTER!

yt: Former Homosexual Speaks Out Part 1

yt: Ex Homosexual Testimony / Spiritual Warfare Freedom From Spirits Influencing Thoughts & Desires

yt: Jesus Christ Saved Me from 27 Years of Homosexuality

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 05:10 PM
you can learn a lot from the testimonies of former homosexuals… it really convicted me. People are TRANSFORMED by sincere faith in Jesus.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 05:14 PM
for more on the infiltration of church leadership:

Ex Jesuit Alberto Rivera and others Speak on Jesuit infiltration

also Carolyn Hamlett talks about this, as a former occultist who infiltrated churches…

satanists do it for fun and power, as well…

and on how homosexual practices are used by the occult for deals w supernatural, that then get passed on to their children:

Gareth Knight, in his book A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism (1976) states unequivocally that:
"Homosexuality, like the use of drugs, is one of the techniques of black magic.
It is a much more potent way of working than the use of incubi and succubi, which are formed by the fantasies of masturbation."

there is so much more on this topic…

Kaye Griggs found that there is an organization that PROFILES and recruits vulnerable men into secret orders from a young age, coerces them into homosexuality, then sends them to the best schools and joins them to the "best" secret societies… all to be USED by them for evil:

Kay Griggs: Colonel's Wife Tell-All Interview

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Well it took you quite a while to reply young lady, anyway you may not have a religion or you may but I would ask you to name three things people are willing to die for, there are many more but three things in particular stand out, Family, Country, Religion.
Now do you think people whom are willing to die for there faith are going to just roll over and say that you are correct when you were patently not so.
Now If I was a father and my son or daughter was Gay would I disown them, NO but would I feel hurt to know I may never see my grandchildren and wonder if perhaps my parenting was somehow wrong, YES.
Would I still love and accept them as much as if not, YES most certainly, would I fear for there well being, OF COURSE I WOULD.
But your post read mine as somehow anti gay when it was not but I am a believer and accept the word of My god though I will be the first to say I do not always understand it and doubt I live up to it.
Now have I as a person ever harmed anyone in my Life, No except in self defence following orders which is not the same thing.
So I got the impression you were attempting to Belittle my statement without understanding it and one thing I do not like and never have is a bully weather they be present physically which is not a problem for me since I grew to manhood or verbal as the one whom garners a group around them and sits waiting to butt in and mock something said by one of the partys in a conversation so that they can make themselves look intelligent by belittling there targeted victim and humiliating them, now that is not what I am saying you did but it is most certainly reminiscent of it.
I will warrent that perhaps that video was a little silly but it was of good intention with a moral tale and from a man whom obviously believed his experience and for one whom has also had plenty of paranormal experience myself I am not going to nay say the guy though I see spirits as mist of shadow and I disagree with him as when a beloved pet cat died I watched it's spirit come out of it like three balls of grey mist that together where about the same size as the cat had been and went the way he had been trying to go when he died with us myself beside the pet after a bout of ill health.
My mother at the death of a family member along with my sister both watched as a silver stream flowed out of the deceased up to the ceiling and we as a family have experience much more than this.
So if you attitude is based on a belief there is nothing then I assure you that you are in for a rude awakening but if it is simply because you do not believe in my religion then obviously I have my faith and you have whatever religion you have.

One thing common to most religion and christianity is no exception, SELF DENIAL.
In christianity you put god first then those around you above yourself if you can live by his words which the vast majority of christians myself sadly included often fail to do but of course if you take the claim that the first love is love of the self which if absolute BS and vanity talk then self centred self pleasing perverse attitudes are the one's which are the norm and most especially in a world devoid of spiritualism and enlightenment.

Christ was more about the soul and even said there is NO gender in the resurrection, you shall neither be male nor female, you shall neither be given in marriage nor TAKEN in marriage as you shall be like the angels.
So tell me where exactly does self pleasing personal physical satisfaction and short term illusion that you are not alone because you are physically next to one another (Even though the gulf between the two minds is in no way shortened) fit into the eternal souls agenda.

edit on 20-6-2014 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Well it took you quite a while to reply young lady,

I debated whether it was worth the effort while I was busy living my life. It also took me a while to slog through those first few minutes of your video.

But I don't have to defend myself to you, bro. I appreciate the "young lady" thing though. I have grown children.

I would ask you to name three things people are willing to die for,

In this day and age, for me and other women, I can name only ONE for sure: Family.
A second one is possibly "Justice." Definitely not Country or Religion. No.

Now have I as a person ever harmed anyone in my Life, No except in self defence following orders which is not the same thing.

Woops! You said also that you had learned to be 'calm' and not act out your 'contemplated' violence. Following orders, eh?

Yes, if you have harmed someone else "following orders", it is the same thing. Can't you think for yourself?

When you're (if you become) a parent, you might see things differently. For now, though, your continued name-calling (I'm a "bully" now? As well as ignorant and bigotted? Sheesh. I thought I was just giving my opinion based on my own life and studies and experience) and lack of appropriate formatting/grammar has exhausted me, and anyway I'm leaving in a few minutes to go watch a live performance by a terrifically hysterical comedian named "Eddie Izzard."

So - I'll leave you with THIS video to watch - It's his bit about religion.

But I recommend you watch the whole thing: it's long, but interesting and very entertaining, as well as insightful for people who realize they don't know all about everything. Hope you enjoy it!

Have a great night! It might be a while before I reply again - tomorrow I have to go out of town for a family lunch 2.5 hours away, and then come back....

If I wake up early enough, though, I'll check in with you!!

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Haha, anyway I am probably older than you so let's leave it there, and as for following orders sometimes it is necessary to save more lives weather that belongs in your mantra or not though I actually admire pacifists as they are among the bravest people I have met.
As for justice believe me there is non from what my family have suffered and all so called human justice is a compromise rather than a restoration or undoing of the injustice.
I actually can't stand eddy izzard though I have nothing against the guy my humor was more the Allo allo sort though when I was little more than a child I found kenny everette with his dolly parton routine, beard and all to be the funniest thing on the three tv stations we then had.
I supposed we will have to agree to disagree but as for orders when the first gulf war came along I ran down to join streight away, not to kill but to keep my family and nation safe as my grandfather's had both done in there time, thankfully I was no involved and it was one of the most unnecessary blood baths in history, remember the iraqis many of whom never even had boot's were trying to run back along the highway from kuwait city and there tanks were blitzed from the air well an aquaintance told me it was not necessary but they wanted to test out some weapon systems, his job was retrieving and cleaning out some of the iraqi vehicles they tested certain weapons on in live fire, he litterally had to hose out the remains of the crew and analyze the damage to the tank and how effective it had been on eliminating the crew (hosed them out).
Much later I came to the conclusion that the war had been about Oil and nothing more and the second gulf war was about bush Jnr doing better than his father, after all it is our part of the world that has the serious ramifications and not over there.
I thankfully was not involved as after all it only lasted a matter of week's and once the operation began a matter of day's as the Iraqi's ran for there lives in disarray, later it also transpired that Saddam had asked the americans and had misread there reply as a go ahead and do what you want when he had invaded Kuwait, but I never joined out of any hatred for them people though I do not like a religion which treats woman as second class citizens, no I joined to protect my family and if necessary lay down my life for my country which I admit was misguided as what the hell has this country done for me but then I was only 18.
I have only mentioned this on here to answere you and will say no more of it.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

So if you attitude is based on a belief there is nothing then I assure you that you are in for a rude awakening but if it is simply because you do not believe in my religion then obviously I have my faith and you have whatever religion you have.

I don't believe there is "nothing." I believe we are all part of the Divine.... ALL of us, and ALL of us will reunite with that Divine Source eventually. After we've learned all of our lessons.

Eddie was fabulous tonight, BTW. I knew he'd be a person you 'can't stand'. And guess who was outside spewing hell-fire from across the street as people were coming into the theater?!! The Westboro Clan (who I can't stand)!! Yep! Probably a dozen of them. All looking pretty glum, and embarrassed. It was like the most ironic of all possible "opening acts" - and they did get lots of photos taken, and people pointing at their famous selves, and chuckling. Don't think they 'saved' anyone, though.

They're so silly and misguided. It's truly ridiculous...and useless. But - no worries, they assured us with their lovely and subtle signage that God does in fact Hate Us All - as much as he hates all "Fag Enablers" and "Drunks" and "Proud Sinners" apparently.

Pfft. (Eddie, for what it's worth, didn't condemn anyone. He did, however, put on lipstick for their benefit. To make a point. He hadn't intended to wear any, but since they had come all that way and all...well...he obliged them. Not that any of them were in the theater, but for all I know he went out and talked to them. Wouldn't surprise me.)

(And finally, no. You're not older than I am. You've been wrong on most counts with regards to who I am and what I believe - and you're wrong about that, too. The older siblings of my classmates were coming home from Vietnam when you were born.)

Toodles. Chat at you later.

edit on 6/20/2014 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 12:18 AM
You know, Satan does throw the best parties though, so maybe this is good advice actually.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

I really don't know much about the westbro baptists, are they not a family run affair, something not right though I have nothing against those whom have absolute faith in the lord but no I disagree with them in that I think being gay weather I personally approve or not and weather it is strictly in order with the law of the bible does not damn anyone, being promiscuous, encouraging others to do the same and living only for ones own pleasure on the other hand probably will damn a soul but then there may be level's of being damned and like you say all are god's children ultimately so like I said I and you can not judge but christ most certainly can.
Also a persons Sexuality is only one aspect of them and among the gay community there are most certainly people who in every other aspect are probably better christians than myself, though in a knee jerk culture there are also those whom hate christians with every bit of the same level of bigotry that pure homophobics show to them and probably because they have been told they are totally wrong, Well I can not judge them, it is not to coin the old vernacular "My cup of tea" but they have a right to pray in the same church as me and my god is no less there god, my christ died no less for them than he did for me.
This is my belief.

What I will say though is God did not approve of it, remember soddom and gamorah, are they truly only an analogy or biblical parable or did they really exist, ask yourself that after watching this man.

This is not related but may stir some faith in you if you ever believed.

edit on 21-6-2014 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

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