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Objects found in Malaysia Airlines search

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posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 12:26 AM
What happened on the 777 fire in 2011?

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by DistantThunder

Faulty wiring in the crew oxygen system. The fire started during preflight.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 12:35 AM
I'm trying to rule out an attack upon Petronas Towers, where the place was "intercepted".

Any thoughts on that?

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 12:53 AM

This is the latest thats been put up on it that they have reached the area again now and more will be getting there shortly apparently.
edit on 21-3-2014 by Shana91aus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 01:53 AM
2500 Kilometers south west of Australia.... Absolutely incredible...

Antartica was the final destination?
edit on 21-3-2014 by Arken because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 02:12 AM

2500 Kilometers south west of Australia.... Absolutely incredible...

Antartica was the final destination?
edit on 21-3-2014 by Arken because: (no reason given)

Suuuuure it was. Because every base down there is capable of hiding a couple hundred civs dead or alive without anyone seeing squat, no problemo *rolls eyes*

If the objects are indeed 370, I believe the location lends massive credence to the hypoxia theory. If they were flying around confused as crap due to it, and eventually dead from it, they could have ended up that far away easy.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 02:36 AM


It's good to see that I'm not the only person on ATS that thinks this debris was more than likely planted.
I still maintane that this plane never crashed. Was never hijacked. I am still having a hard time believing it even existed at all.

But, I suppose time will tell......

Whaa? Why on Earth would they make up something like this? There would be a million easier things to stage and maintain media focus. Why something that multiple nations would search for? 239 families..

Its just absurd.
This plane existed. It was hijacked, likely with the help of one or both pilots, and it has either crashed or landed, but likely crashed.

Skelly, this guy is just throwing out plots from his head for a novel he won't write. The most reliable sources we have are, unfortunately, the MSM, because they are doing what we do, only broadcasting it to a show on national television.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 05:17 AM
Just a tidbit

On the news they said the area where the objects were is in a place with the strongest currents in the world and just showed a computer animation showing the water current starting from the location of the supposed objects (when first captured) has now reached past the east coast of Australia.

So if true that answers one of my questions, that if there is debris then it is now possible to have some washed up on the south west Australian beaches by now.(going by the graphics they showed)

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 05:45 AM

Just a tidbit

On the news they said the area where the objects were is in a place with the strongest currents in the world and just showed a computer animation showing the water current starting from the location of the supposed objects (when first captured) has now reached past the east coast of Australia.

So if true that answers one of my questions, that if there is debris then it is now possible to have some washed up on the south west Australian beaches by now.(going by the graphics they showed)

That's the whole problem with this scam . . . and I do mean scam. Yesterday, I heard everything from the current being akin to something similar to the speed with which water descends from Niagara Falls, to another report that the ocean currents there are about 2 km/h. Yet another report stated that the current was slow, but the winds from storms (they said three passed through the area since this flight (disappeared) were about 15 km/h and variable depending on the direction at the time.

I've heard we'll never find it because it's all at the bottom of the ocean, some 13,000 feet below the surface, but they're sure its there because of all the stuff on the surface of which they can only seem to find on some satellite photographs that are two or three days old, released only at their convenience and at the most opportune time.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the plane made a left turn, on even umbered days, the plane made a right turn or went north and/or south at the same time, was on 'autopilot' or not, and sometimes did and sometimes did not 'ping' its location, all veiled under some 'Get Smart-esque' cone of silence to our multi-billion dollar cache of spy satellites that can somehow find Muamar Ghaddafi in a drainage ditch in a country that amasses 1.7 million square kilometres, but can't accurately track a large aircraft on a pre-determined route, leaving a breadcrumb trail of electronic data in its wake.

Somehow, somebody or somebodies have made sure that there's about ten gazillion scenarios out there from which they can pick and choose in a manner that will pretty much bury the truth to this matter about the same depth as the ocean waters they claim holds the wreckage.

In the end, it certainly appears to me that we've been hoodwinked into never really knowing what happened and I do believe that was the intent of this all along.

We're supposed to muddle through life firmly attached to the information teat from which our destiny flows, all at the design of those who create the flow chart of our existence, all to their benefit.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by GoalPoster

I hear you GoalPoster and agree there`s much that stinks about all of this, even on the little I know.

Though Antarctic Circumpolar Current runs pretty close for mine of the area.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by GoalPoster

Calm down. Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence. For all that we think every square inch of the planet is under constant surveillance, it really isn't, especially in the vastness of the southern ocean. We're still talking about an object a little over half the length of a football field, in several million square miles of ocean.

I don't understand the mentality on here that when something goes wrong it has to have been a meticulously planned operation. Life isn't as tidy as that. It's not a movie. Things don't have to make sense or follow a narrative. And sometimes nature reminds us humans that we're not as powerful and smart as we think we are.

I like a mystery as much as the next man, but why spoil it by dragging in silly conspiracy nonsense?
edit on 21-3-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 06:10 AM

reply to post by GoalPoster

Calm down. Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence. For all that we think every square inch of the planet is under constant surveillance, it really isn't, especially in the vastness of the southern ocean. We're still talking about an object a little over half the length of a football field, in several million square miles of ocean.

I don't understand the mentality on here that when something goes wrong it has to have been a meticulously planned operation. Life isn't as tidy as that. It's not a movie. Things don't have to make sense or follow a narrative. And sometimes nature reminds us humans that we're not as powerful and smart as we think we are.

I like a mystery as much as the next man, but why spoil it by dragging in silly conspiracy nonsense?
edit on 21-3-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

I hear ya . . . I guess I need to stop having three smokes, a kitcat, two double espressos and a shot of tequila for breakfast.

It just gets frustrating that trying to get a verifiable story out of any of these folks is about as easy as nailing a blob of jello to a rabid skunk's ass.

And its rather excruciating for those who want answers . . . and very heartbreaking for the families, friends and colleages of those who climbed aboard that flight to oblivion.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by GoalPoster

Yep, it's frustrating. I feel sorry for the talking heads on telly who have to fill airtime when there's nothing new or concrete to report. Lots of speculation but very few hard facts, and the media are as much in the dark as anyone.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 06:28 AM

I hear ya . . . I guess I need to stop having three smokes, a kitcat, two double espressos and a shot of tequila for breakfast.

It does seem like overkill, one espresso should do the trick.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 07:31 AM
The original source said "possible" objects. I have looked at the photos and just don't see objects. I see a slightly more reflective patch than the other reflective patches. It just looks like the water's surface to me. I think it (anything) is worth checking out, but it should have been carefully emphasized that these were "possible objects" so everyone wouldn't run with it as "objects found". Could it be something floating just under the surface? Sure, but seeing all of the smaller reflective areas makes me lean toward just EM reflections that are a bit larger than others.

Compare the inverted image to the original. You can see it is likely just some wave peaks similar to, but slightly more intense than the other areas. Unless they are all "objects".

edit on 21-3-2014 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Halfswede

Yes, I thought the same thing. The top part of the object does look like it has a square corner but that could be an illusion. And the arrow showing the scale seems to extend over a large part of the "object" that looks just the same as the waves/reflection off to the left. The more solid looking object is barely half the length of the arrow.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 08:46 AM

reply to post by Halfswede

Yes, I thought the same thing. The top part of the object does look like it has a square corner but that could be an illusion. And the arrow showing the scale seems to extend over a large part of the "object" that looks just the same as the waves/reflection off to the left. The more solid looking object is barely half the length of the arrow.

Just from that description, it could be an inflatable life raft. That's enough to justify investigating what the object is.
Even if is empty and not from the plane, it might be relevant to other investigations.

edit on 21-3-2014 by stormcell because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 08:52 AM

reply to post by Zaphod58

Hmmm nice words, but what is your point exactly?

My point is
You've got every software company in bed with the US military.
Every modern aircraft is controlled by US software.
There were 20 USA military software designers who only recently released a new program AND WOW

They ALL died on the same plane which nobody in the F'N modern world can find.


Exactly and there is also suspicious connections as to the owners of the Company these people worked for .
I already posted a link to this on another thread here, but to recap briefly ;
Free Scale is owned by the Blackstone Group part of the Carlyle Group and whose major, owner seem to be none other than .....Jacob Rothschild. It was also implied this had everything to do with the patents to new software.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by stormcell

Oh, I quite agree that it is definitely worthy of investigation. Just that we shouldn't get carried away.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 09:01 AM

There were 20 USA military software designers who only recently released a new program AND WOW They ALL died on the same plane which nobody in the F'N modern world can find.

If killing them was the goal, no need for the whole cloak and dagger redirect. They would have just blown it up. No, I think these folks were, or are alive somewhere. They may have killed any others they didn't need, but whoever they were after on this plane, I think they were taken alive at some point.

I do think we'll find a wreck eventually, but I think it will be sans the person/s taken by the perps.

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