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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

That certainly seems to sum up everything!

Nammu does not play a significant role in the corpus of texts that has survived, nor was she much of a mythological personality. She may either belong to an older stratum of Sumerian or pre-Sumerian deities who do not become subjects of literary compositions, or owe her appearance in the hymns and god-lists to a tendency to anthropomorphize general concepts such as abzu or ENGUR and thereby integrate it into' the Sumerian pantheon but without really becoming a 'character'."

The Southern or Eridu Mode

I've got an axiom kicking around here somewhere:

The ultimate in divinity cannot be made into a character in the story.

Corollary: When you hear or read about some guy strutting around saying this and doing that, conquering these and driving out those, and claiming to be the one and only, somebody is lying.

It seems that only Namma has access to this secret place; she takes the tears of the gods there, for the gods cannot do so themselves. It is also only Namma who can bring things out from the secret place

Then the Secret of the All has her own Genius(free moving part of self who is and isn't herself) Her Genius seems personified.
edit on 2-8-2013 by pthena because: (no reason given)

If, on the other hand:

She is She who needs no Genius,
Being Herself Genius,
Genius of Genius,

Then we can say nothing
which would be true
in the saying.

The Deep is deep,

Perhaps the falling back
to things of Earth
and familiar things
is the wiser course
for those of Earth.
edit on 2-8-2013 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by pthena

Have you reached the Tree Beyond Which There is No Passing? :-)

I think you are right.

The more I contemplate that which lies underneath - that which made the first Sound (Ahh by some accounts, the initial sound of the OM or Aum, done properly) - that which sent out the first wave and brought the All into being, that which is both the genesis of Life and Order, and Chaos (which are all processes bound to that which is created, imo - chaos is as much a function of life and time as is order and structure - both are needed in this life. Without chaos there is no growth, no death - only stasis - for it is the property of decay.) So what lies Beyond the time-bound realm?

Some say it is an Ocean.

Or Oceans upon Oceans of Light...Love (The Creator is Love, some say)

But to see it, to experience it directly, is far too overwhelming for a mere mortal, and the desire to rejoin that Source so great as to make this Earth a hollow prison, where one sifts mournfully through the dirt for signs and traces of the Beloved.

Ok - just musings here to some degree. Don't know if its added anything or not...or merely reflected back to you something?

edit on 2-8-2013 by AboveBoard because: ()

edit on 2-8-2013 by AboveBoard because: ,

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 09:09 AM


Stargates of Iran

A cosmic gate remix.

edit on 3-8-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by AboveBoard

Have you reached the Tree Beyond Which There is No Passing? :-)

I looked up the term, read descriptions of uses of the term. I discovered that no fewer than 5 religions lay some claim on knowing something about it, one went so far as to claim their leader to be this tree.

I looked at pages and pages of artist renditions. Then I switched to artist renditions of World-Tree. Then I found this:

All the World - Book Review

I love trees. I spent much time in trees between the ages of 5 and 22. I was quite good at climbing.

Don't know if its added anything or not...or merely reflected back to you something?


Swimming in Trees

When I was fifteen, walking down a dirt road beside an avocado grove, I noticed the spacing of the trees and how even the overall canopy was. A wild thought crossed my mind, "I could swim across the top of this grove from end to end."

So I climbed to the top of the first tree, extended my arms and legs to maximize surface contact with the leaves and twigs as I lay out horizontal. Then I crept forward at first from branchlet to branchlet, until I fell into the rhythm of swimming.

I had reached the fourth tree when the owner called me down. He didn't comment upon my skill. He pointed to the ground and said, "Do you see all these flowers? None of these will become fruit now."

So for me, that fourth tree out of hundreds was the tree beyond which there is no passing. I've never since then swum recklessly across fruit bearing trees which are in bloom.

According to the reviewer of that book, it seems to be a good book to read aloud to children. I'm not sure what the intended age group is.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by pthena

I was referring to the point beyond which humans may not comprehend or "pass" - sorry to not do more explanation of that! That is my particular understanding of that image. Whether the Bo-Tree, or the one on the "right hand of the throne of God beyond which the angels may not pass" - well, I was not being specific, more metaphorical. And that metaphor led me into the rest of my post.

I loved the tree swimming story - sounds like terrifying fun.

My apologies if I have not added more than that, but...I do not swim in the same waters (or trees) perhaps - at least not as deeply.


posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by AboveBoard

I was testing the idea of sticking with the familiar. But it seems Ursula K. Le Guin was correct when she wrote, "Oh well. Consistency is a virtue until it gets annoying."

and the desire to rejoin that Source so great as to make this Earth a hollow prison, where one sifts mournfully through the dirt for signs and traces of the Beloved.

There are some people, I've read some of their posts, who believe they came from other planets, some from distant star clusters. I believe that I am an Earthman.

I saw a tiny spark in me once. From that I extrapolate and dare I say, fictionalize, that if I could look very very closely, then I would discover that it was an image of the Earth's core spinning within its molten sea; the dynamo of life and the energy fields of this planet.

I don't feel so homeless and lost then when I consider my self home on Earth. I don't think that I need to go anywhere else.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by pthena

First off, Ursula K. Le Guin is amazing.

Secondly - the image of the spark was beautiful. I find other's unique experiences enriching so thank you for that!
And I'm fully an Earthwoman myself, so no mystery there.

For me, my inner spark is elated to what lies underneath the spinning of the atoms amidst the void. One may go to the void and see nothing but the deep - and one may go there and see the edges of the Veil, and the Patterns that connect everything to everything else in such fine and invisible lines as to realize that the Void is all connecting, lines (in essence) so dense as to be pitch - and everything has a line to everything else, just as every drop in the ocean is connected to every other drop. It is a singularity. One can stretch across the universe with such least in the realm of the inner world.

Ok - now I'm going into "the land of the mystics" and I'd better return quick lest I find myself knocking on my own door, so to speak (Rumi) - Hey, I've got laundry to do!


posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

Just from the title, Language in the tents of Dan, I immediately think of the definitive story of the Danites found in Judges 17 & 18. See also Micah's Idol.

The language question traditionally seems to focus on what the Levites spoke and how the Danite spies recognized it.

In the text, when the scouts chanced upon Micah's house, they spent the night; when they chanced upon Micah's house, they recognised the Levite's voice (Biblical scholars believe this refers to recognition of his dialect or to priestly intonation[4]), and asked him what he was doing there, so he explained.
. . .
Textual scholars believe that the whole narrative is ultimately designed as a slur on the sanctuary at Dan, which became a significant sanctuary in the Kingdom of Israel, by a writer or writers who were opposed to the presence of idols there.[12] It is notable that everyone except the people of Laish is portrayed negatively[18] - Micah is a thief (at least in the second narrative), his mother consecrates 1100 shekels but only gives 200 of them for the purpose to which they were consecrated (again in the second narrative), the mother has molten and graven idols created (second narrative) - which violates the Mitzvot against this[19]-, the Tribe of Dan steal the idols, the Levite is disloyal (in the first narrative), and Dan brutally conquer and destroy the peaceful and unmilitarised city of Laish (in the first narrative).

Could we get a translation? Google translate of first paragraph got this:

Mythic Tagoimail Israalit Bagoilotz mother Tagoimail Mataim home Datanaim, Goa CM Goasamotz Aalisa'ol Goalashial Sisa'liel Goaan O. Rataam Mihanaid Firalaam Ganisa'id Tatids. Tagoimail Tatids discusses ways I rs will resound Mababal Riga Wa'el Farasa'tz home Mataim Goanabatz me rs will resound Bisitail taxes Tagoimail Badanod Mataim Zaritain Goafain me rs will resound Ialidol Goififail Dasisa'id me Tatol Riga Wa'el Faal Matty Tagoimail Alamaal Zidaid Nidial Shinilal Sagoamaid me rs will resound

I have speculated upon occasion that the Hebrew religions were basically made up by Levites as they went. I don't know if FL is attempting to link Levite language with Nod language or not.

One data, the Hasmonean name Hyrcanus is linked to Caspian Sea area. Is it possible that Levites are not originally related to the so-called Israelite tribes, but are wanderers from the Caspian region making up religions as they travel (Nod reference)?

Note also that Genesis 34 and 49:5-7 has their propensity for violence as the reason they have no allotted portion in Israel. Yet that same willingness to kill Israelites is given as the fitness for priesthood in Exodus 32.

26 then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, “Whoever is on Yahweh’s side, come to me!”

All the sons of Levi gathered themselves together to him. 27 He said to them, “Thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel, ‘Every man put his sword on his thigh, and go back and forth from gate to gate throughout the camp, and every man kill his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor.’” 28 The sons of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men. 29 Moses said, “Consecrate yourselves today to Yahweh, yes, every man against his son, and against his brother; that he may bestow on you a blessing this day.”

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by pthena

You may have a point, i think the general interest there looking at the bibliography, labels and imaging is with the Tribe of Dan as the most Northerly Tribe and the traditions and language of Ugaritic, with regards to Lilith,

In Ugaritic literature she receives sacrifices (UT 23:7) and is invoked in a hymn (UT 104) which calls her "the veiled bride" and "our lady"


posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by abeverage
Todays Latest another Cassini Diskus...This time with blinking...

Cassini Diskus – Incillir Event 260713


There have been other events...
Abu Dhabi Event 280613-1807

Singapore Event

Eupe Event

Aztec Event

Phoenix Event 130397 UFO events?

130397 is the same date as 03-13-1997 The day of the Pheonix Lights

Under labels it is branded as
Labels: Cassini Diskus, Defense

Why Defense?

Today's "Event" is a future event as the date 260713 is 07-26-2013 or this Friday.

I am not one to play into prophesy and future predictions. But if there is a large UFO event on Friday...

edit on 23-7-2013 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

The events refer to scientific discovery not aliens.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Brotherman

The events refer to scientific discovery not aliens.

Oh really? What scientific discoveries? I think someone might disagree with you...

from: Direne
sent: 3-8-2013 at 05:53 PM
Can you please answer two questions.

Are the Cassini-diskus events UFO related?

Is Enok from the Book of Enoch?

Yes. Both questions have an affirmative answer. But the "U" in UFO means "unknown" for you. Not for us.

edit on 4-8-2013 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by abeverage

Yes I am 100% sure that it is relative to scientific discovery, the originating concept of cessani diskus was to convey what they thought to be the most scientifically important discoveries onto a format in which would be the most practical to communicate with non earth entities should the need arise. It is not so much different then what Carl Sagan was trying to do with his gold placard that he put on a spacecraft explaining our biology and again sounds of earth. As we all in here should know cessani diskus is meant to be listened to it is not a readable language as shapes dictate time sequence color and arrangement dictate tone pitch etc etc. Most of these events are more correlative to CERN and the Hadron collider. I will not refute that they do believe in life out side of earth but this compilation I am certain applies to quantum mechanics and atomic discovery.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Brotherman

I get what you are saying about what Cassini-Diskus is intended for, but the actual events written in C-D are UFO incidents.

You are refuting what Direne said to me when asked if they were about UFO's...did I miss something? I don't want to argue with you but isn't this sort of like tell the Author of a book you know more about what the story was they wrote? Cassini-Diskus is obviously a symbolic language regardless of if it is to be listened to as well, I will go ahead and trust the source that IM'd me the response.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by abeverage

Originally posted by Brotherman

The events refer to scientific discovery not aliens.

Oh really? What scientific discoveries? I think someone might disagree with you...

from: Direne
sent: 3-8-2013 at 05:53 PM
Can you please answer two questions.

Are the Cassini-diskus events UFO related?

Is Enok from the Book of Enoch?

Yes. Both questions have an affirmative answer. But the "U" in UFO means "unknown" for you. Not for us.

edit on 4-8-2013 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

She only said that both have an affirmative answer, she made a distinction between you and them when she unknown for you not them. We do not need to argue about it you are right about that, but I am telling you I know for a certainty that these events are in regards to scientific discovery. With that being said bigger questions arise for example what was the purpose the motivation behind encoding all of this? I think this is where the UFO and other then earth entities come into play more so then anything else, they encoded these discoveries for an event to communicate with them, this is where the confusion lies I think the dates aka events are a record of when either A these messages where transmitted or B when they got some kind of response or some kind data regarding the transmission.

To answer your question, I do not think Direne would disagree with me completely, ask yourself, her response first word to your 2 questions was "yes." this must have been in reference to Enok vs. Enoch as the second part was about UFOs lol these people have a way with words and are usually very thought out. I do not see where she would disagree with me as I have already said multiple times throughout this massive thread that cessani diskus was created as a means to communicate with other then earth entities. I am not saying aliens but I am saying I make the comparison as to Carl Sagan and his placard and gold record to the sounds of earth, only this method would be much more effective then Sagans as technology and knowledge and innovation has changed greatly. This system uses node mathematics and its function (mathematically) well I will leave that to others to determine because I am not privy to the exact parameters but i will suggest that you look at node math I have linked a few places in this thread to look at and I promise you if you look at that think about the implications in regards to xenolinquistics, proto language, and math you will whole understand where I am coming from it is so obvious
edit on 4-8-2013 by Brotherman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Brotherman

Sometimes I hate at it's finest discussing fascinating esoteric linguists. I understand what you meant. And I believe these are communication events or signal events.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by abeverage
reply to post by Brotherman

Sometimes I hate at it's finest discussing fascinating esoteric linguists. I understand what you meant. And I believe these are communication events or signal events.

I edited my last response to you but in this regard I agree with you, my angle isnt that they are documenting sightings they are recording their progress in regards to other then earth entities what the data shows I cannot say as I do not have the means to decrypt their system in a way that would be meaningful to me or you. I will not say it isnt ufo related but at the same time will say it isnt ufo related in the sense that it has anything to do with sighting events if you follow my jive bro

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by abeverage

reply to post by Brotherman

Have you considered the possibility that this is a layered language, or communication method? Some languages have more than one meaning to a single line - Farsi is a good example. Or Aramaic. Heck, if I remember correctly, each letter in the alphabet has its own esoteric meaning as well... It makes translation difficult in certain contexts...and also makes the language very rich and "deep" - you don't just read it one way, especially poetry and such. In other words, it could mean Both of these concepts you are discussing, and Both could be conveyed in a single "sentence." I could also be shooting in the dark here, but the thought occurred to me as I was reading and so I thought I'd share, knowing full well it may be so much of nothing...We don't really think like that here in the West, so...

[steps quietly and humbly out of the way so that you may continue...or not]


posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by AboveBoard

Cessani Diskus is not a language comparing it with Farsi is moot the idea here is that cessani diskus is meant to be heard it falls under a different category I think I can speak for both ABeverage and Myself when I say that we understand the methodology however we were discussing certain events read some of my earlier posts about 40 some odd pages back where I explained the mystery of cessani diskus

Ahb= farsi

Mi= arabic

aqua= spanish

block circle square triangle= cessani diskus

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by Brotherman

Well there you have it. I agree that I don't have a framework with which to discuss it with you adequately.
Thank you for your response - as I said - a shot in the dark!

peace to you,


posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by AboveBoard

It is a very interesting concept give me a second to edit this post ill dig back a million pages ago and re link some things for you

Here Above Board

this will give you a base in understanding now apply this with something like 56million colors to add to simple shapes in a time line devised by order of shapes makes for a very efficient way to encode information now if every color had a sound every shape had a pitch and every placement sequence had a tone you can literally encode so many things it is almost unfathomable to think about and lest me not forget to add this little idea what if the sounds where representative of archetypical brain patterns meaning they are shared through all human minds, I wont explain more as some still believe in occultism alot of truth is shared in this thread it just takes time to find it but I promise so many of them exist here
edit on 5-8-2013 by Brotherman because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-8-2013 by Brotherman because: (no reason given)

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