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21/12/2012 (12/21/2012) is anything strange happening to you on the countdown to the end?

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posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 03:34 PM
I was walking with the girlfriend down by the sea this evening on the way home from the shop to buy bread stuffing for dinner. I looked up at the mountains that surround us and saw a lovely warming orange glow (not a UFO people live on the mountains) but I started thinking about UFOs and then I slipped onto thinking about the 21/12/2012.

I was very interested in Planet X etc in the summer and researched it quite a bit, but I got bored of it as the date has started to get closer, and then I began to think of that date as a transition where we go through various experiences to ascend to a higher consciousness. I am not deeply spiritual and I am not going down the God route with this thread. I then began thinking about my own life and what has happened recently and if there is some truth behind the other versions of the impending date in December.

Firstly, I have found out that my Mother is facing a very large operation to see what the shadow on her lung is and how it can be treated.
Secondly, I lost my job as a supervisor after I have worked very hard for a year gaining recognised qualifications in management and attending various courses on coaching and developing people.
Thirdly, I had an accident, that was not my fault, and now my motorbike is wrote off and beyond repair. I wanted a motorbike for years. I have badly damaged my shoulder and I am now off work for a few weeks and face months of physiotherapy

Now, this is a lot to take in and deal with at the best of times when it is spread over the year but this has happened over the last 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, that's not actually the end of it either...... I applied for a new job as a supervisor in the retail sector just to have a change, but I got an email from the company saying "unfortunately we have received your application too late to shortlist you this time around, but should a vacancy for the position arise in the future we would welcome your application" I sent it in time to meet the closing date! WTF.

So, I suppose the point of this thread is am I heading for the end of my world as I know it, and will I be transitioning to a new life on the 21/12/2012 - 12/21/2012 or is it some MAD unconscious way of me dealing with the pending destruction of life?

The other part to this thread is to also see if there is anything strange happening in your life recently and do you contribute it to the end of the world/life as you know it, going by the "other" theories of what will happen on the 21st.

I will add that planetary activity does have an effect on the human being. Ask any policeman/woman at what time of the month has the most violence, and they will tell you it's during a full moon. Coincidence?

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 03:41 PM
Lately, it seems the veil between this life and the other side of death, has been thinning, for me, anyway. Numerous incidents from apparently, my long-passed cat. Lucid dreams of dead family member contact, on their death 'aniversary' dates.
edit on 4-12-2012 by Saucerwench because: x

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 03:43 PM
I've picked up on a few things coming to this date. One, a lot of things are coming up that need clearing. Handing business, closing loose ends up, just tidying things mentally and emotionally. I'm detaching more and more from physical / material things because that's what I feel I should be doing right now. Nothing extreme, just handling things differently it seems. I'm much more calm and my emotions have been a lot more predictable lately. I seem to wear my heart on my shoulder a lot less, and my mind is clearer and more present. In all, I totally dig it.

I said this in my own thread on the matter and I will say it to you:

Nothing to worry about. You will be exactly where you need to be, exactly when you need to be, and you are exactly who you need to be for the event.

In other words, keep on the path that your heart takes you and it will all make perfect sense shortly.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Saucerwench

In times of need a family member or familiar face will always be there for comfort.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 03:47 PM
Yes, at an accelerating rate.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 03:48 PM
Maintaining my sanity with so many around losing theirs.
More and more I need to check myself so I don't go off the deep end.
I pray for myself and everyone else to be stong in these difficult times.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by fourthmeal

That is how I am trying to see things now. I do believe things happen for a reason, and that is why I started this thread. I wanted to see if things are happening in other peoples lives to pave way for change whether it is on a large scale or a more personal scale.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 03:53 PM
I am totally depressed.
Probably the worst depression I have ever suffered.
And I don't look at this as a countdown.
I think that it is a bunch of malarkey, this end of the world stuff.
I am depressed for other reasons.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 03:53 PM


posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:02 PM
yep...nothing so far....

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by butcherguy

I find that if you are depressed you should talk to someone mate. There are a lot of areas for discussion on ATS and you stay anonymous. get it down in writing and you may be surprised to see that others have been and are in the same situation. Give it ago you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:10 PM
Ugh... I had a whole bunch typed out and my stupid tablet blipped on me.

I have noticed that the "universe" has been pushing my loved ones and I towards a new path. I use the word universe in my family to describe God and coincidences. It seems to work for us. In the last year a high number of seemingly negative events have occurred around me. My hubbys job did a huge corporate flip flop on how it feels about go-getters and those who give over 100%. Cancer in family members or scares of re-occurrence. My long waited for next dog is not even two and will be lucky to make it to 7 years. My sweet rescue has multiple genetic problems with his hind legs. It will be a long road of surgery and when to stop doing surgery. I have school age kids and puppy is very important to them after our old dog passed a couple years ago. My life was on the line in October when I spent a week in the hospital for mrsa. Many events seem to be pushing me towards a life more focused on love and less material goods even though we already live a modest life. It does feel like a spiritual change will be easier to reach in the future.

Late to get my kids.... but I too have felt a change coming.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:11 PM
I'm not sure that I believe in one iota of this 2012 Mayan stuff. Not because I doubt in the knowledge of ancient cultures of the world, but mostly because I don't have faith in humanity to better itself beyond the scope of individualistic egotism. (I guess I'm an optimistic cynic haha. I hope for the best, but expect the worst.)

Anyhow, this year has brought on more changes around me than any single year I can remember...Somehow 2012 is shaping my life and surroundings moreso than any other year.

At the start of the year I lost my job of 4 years. I, too, was gaining management experience and felt like I was on the fast-track to a career...or at least, a good resume filler. I then lost my job with only about 3 days notice beforehand. The store just shut down and the regional manager didn't notify us at all (even though they'd been planning on it.)

I was planning to continue my education at the university to specialize in archaeology. That job was the whole crux of paying for university-level education. So, I couldn't realize my academic goals at that point either. Needless to say, I haven't been able to find work ALL YEAR! I was overqualified for this job, underqualified for that one. I had two interviews all year, I think. I just got turned down for another 2 jobs yesterday alone.

My grandfather (really, the only paternal influence in my life) died unexpectedly this year as well. It was a tremendous loss for me. It's ironic though. He was teaching me how to work on cars (a new skill to me.) And only a few months after he passed the engine of my first car (which he bought for me) died. I had to sell it for scrap. It's weird, but I have never dealt with death before. No one close to me has ever died before this year.

I used to play inline hockey the last couple of winters. This year, I can't seem to skate as well as I used to. I have two bad hip joints and I think they're finally catching up with me. I am 23 and need two hip replacements (related to cancer treatments etc.) One of my passions in life--really, my ultimate stress reliever was hockey. No in-line NHL season this year either. Another first.

And this week, my best friend for the last 10 years--seems to have just disappeared. I can't find him. I can't get a hold of him. I got a strange call from an investigator or someone asking about him (I'm not sure who called, but they called at 3AM and then again the next day in the evening.) I didn't know what to do. I didn't know anything about him. But, now I can't seem to get a hold of my friend. I don't know if he's dead, or in prison (not sure why he would be), or what! I am at a loss.

It sounds like a really bad year for me...and it was! But somehow in all of this tumult, I have found a bit of a serenity and humbleness. I don't feel like all these changes are out to defeat me. I feel like I'm learning to just let go and adapt--to find the silver lining in all.

My car breaks down? Heck, more walking and bicycling. My grandfather passed? Well, he passed on a great deal of knowledge and wisdom to me. No hockey? Well, I'm doing more reading and writing lately (another passion of mine that I had almost forgotten.)

I feel like all my attachments are being absolved--some of the shackles are being loosened. If I had to guess based on my own experience, I'd say 2012 was the year that I learned and changed the most.

All the old, stable constructs of my life are crumbling. That probably means it's time to build something new and more flexible.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:15 PM
I have also noticed that Karma is working on people, at a very quick pace.

I am not one to judge anybody's misfortune but if things are going not-so-good, perhaps it is Karma in action, setting things right.

Could also be some last-minute lessons before "Graduation". You know, cram-session before finals.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by chelsealad

Sorry about your string of bad luck.

I don't think it's the "end" but certainly global changes are going to manifest in the near future.

I have noticed a change in my animals. They seem to be shivering a lot even though the weather is very mild.

Synchronicity events are on a huge upswing.

I hear a constant rumbling sound, nonlocalized, some of my friends hear it but some don't.

I'm resolved to live one day at a time, make life a big party with more love making, dancing, drinking, playing music and being thankful for the blessings around me!

When and if the SHTF............I'm ready

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by olaru12
reply to post by chelsealad

Synchronicity events are on a huge upswing.

Word! My post was too long to mention all the bizarre synchronicities I experienced this year alone. However, that was probably one of the most important things to mention. I do see something stirring up around me. I don't think it's the return of Quezocotl or Nibiru though.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by ressiv
yep...nothing so far....

I've been away from this site for quite a while, guess what thread was at the top of the recent posts?

Any who, yep, nothing so far!

Wow, never thought I'd be posting on a 21/12/2012 thread again... Any one interested in the strange way that in america it's gonna be 12/21 and in the other part of the world it's gonna be 21/12? Spooky right?

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:24 PM
i have suddenly ... out of the blue ... started trying to make music ... just to see if i can .. this is completely out of the norm for me ... and whats more ... even tho i know outwardly its crap ... i just cant stop loving it ... this is really excellent music to me .. Piano Dream Nightmare .. and so i have to wonder , what is the cause of my biased to make me so blind to reality ...

Possibly related to our crossing the galactic plane, causing the sun to change my dna and make me vibrate at a higher frequency and tap into this heavenly beautiful music ... or at least make me vibrate in such a way where i perceive it to be such ..

... but also ... i got plenty spare time .. and i do like to kill the boredom ... yeah .. probably just that ...
my tinnitus tones 'may' be slightly louder than usual .. hard to tell over this darn ear infection ... i'll keep you updated

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:24 PM


posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:55 PM


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