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My Demonic Attacks and Semi-Possession

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posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 07:57 PM
I recently touched on a demonic experience I’d had in another thread and received two PMs asking me to tell the full story. I seemed unable to respond to them by PM (I assume because my account is new.)

The topic was brought up here..

Note: I was never on any medication, illegal drugs or alcohol during these encounters. I didn’t have schizophrenia or was given to hallucinations.

The full story:

Being a Sensitive, I have experienced paranormal activity my whole life. Some experiences were positive, some negative and some just plain weird. It’s therefore difficult to pinpoint exactly when, where and how this all began, but I’ll try.

My family moved into a new house about 18 years ago (when I was around 15 years of age.) It was a nice country home on a hill, overlooking forest and some ocean. The elderly locals had long-ago named it Mount Pisgah, a reference to the hill upon which Moses witnessed the Promised Land (I only mention this in case its biblical reference is of any significance.) It was a major step up from the trailer we had been living in, which had been near relatives we no longer wished to be near for various reasons (they were also involved in evil occult activities (which I’ll skip for now as to stay on-topic.)

At one point my sister and I experimented with a Ouija board, I think before the paranormal activity first started. Neither of us believed anything would happen. We tried a couple times until we really called out for a local spirit to answer us. Then the planchette began moving as if a third hand was doing it. At first we accused each other of moving it, opening our eyes to figure out how it was moving. But clearly an unseen force was moving it. I cannot remember its name and we did not write it down, but it did give us a name and other details, such as its sex and how it died. I was more unnerved by this than my sister and so I put an end to it.

She convinced me to try it two other times, both of which failed to produce results. Although, the third time I had a negative feeling, as if we were tapping into something dangerous. I then decided to stop it and never wanted to experiment with it again. I wanted it burned or thrown away, but to this day it remains in my old bedroom closet.

Paranormal activity started. My mother and sister would occasionally hear voices speaking some foreign language elsewhere on the property, but when they’d look, and no one was around. These voices sounded like Gypsies to them, but I suggested they may have been ghosts of Native people. They each also saw lights in the sky at night outside their windows (looking out opposite sides of the house), apparently similar to fireworks. My sister and I one night watched an orb (larger than a firefly) move about the bushes. Whenever either of us looked directly at it, it would disappear (even to the one looking away.) Multiple nights we’d also watch a UFO which appeared as a normal star in the sky, which would move in loops but then hold perfectly still for 2-20 minutes and then start moving again.

Two mornings in a row the TV turned on by itself as soon as I entered the room. Another morning, I heard an odd rocking sound as I passed by. I ignored it, lost in thought (as I often am.) I proceeded to pour myself some milk and make toast. After maybe three minutes or so the rocking sound caught my curiosity. I went into the bathroom and saw the shampoo bottle rocking back and forth on the sink. Soon it rocked quickly until it came to a stop. I pulled it back one way and another, trying to make it rock like it had been, but it would only rock maybe once each time. (And yet it had been rocking on its own for at least three minutes straight!)

But it gets stranger...

One sunny morning I sat on the couch and started reading a magazine of my mom’s (which I never did.) The TV was on, volume low. The dog lay in the den, asleep, and a cat on one of the lower steps. I was home alone. A noise started in my parents’ bedroom. At first it sounded like two of our cats were running around (perhaps one chasing the other) as they knocked things down off nightstands, etc. I was surprised, as our cats were not that active and my parents always kept their bedroom door closed. But the bumps and crashes grew louder and louder, to the point where it sounded as if a man was throwing lamps and book shelves around. And then, even worse, as if large pieces of furniture were being thrown. And even worse, as if they were erratically being thrown off the walls as if the room was literally going amok by itself! After I stood, it stopped.

The animals kept sleeping, undisturbed. The thrashes did not echo off the walls, but the sound was very clear and loud. I didn’t feel anything negative about it however. I walked up the stairs, inspecting my sister’s room first (I knew it came from the other room but her door was open and it seemed sensible to check.) Then I opened my parents’ door, expecting to see an utter wreck. Instead, everything was fairly neat and tidy. No lamp was knocked over, not a book on the floor.

Six months later, I admitted this experience to my mother and sister. They both turned to me with shocked expressions and came out with the same exact reply: “No, it happened to me!” We talked it over and apparently each of us had experienced the same exact scenario: home alone on a sunny day, reading on the couch, a cat on a step and the dog near the steps, crashing in my parents’ room which started low and but got worse to the point where no human could have been responsible. In each case, we didn’t get any threatening vibes from it. We’d look in the room and saw nothing wrong.

Only my father never experienced this, and interestingly, he’s never sat on the couch. He always sat in his rocking chair by the wood stove.

Years later, I moved away to Toronto, Ontario, where I lived for nearly two years. I found out the hard way that city life wasn’t for me and I missed the country. There was a really bad point early on when I mismanaged my finances and found myself unable to pay rent (I was 22 at this point and on my own for the first time.) My landlord was a druggie and was relying on the rent for different reasons. She was outraged and really lost it on me, shrieking in my face in a way I’d never experienced or witnessed before. I felt bad about myself, feeling that I’d failed as a man to do my part. And so, I accepted her hateful energy.

As I did, for just a second, I felt a demon (an evil entity) leave her and enter me, almost as if through her eyes and into mine (but as I was looking at her at the time, it may just have seemed that way.) Before and after this split-second sensation, I felt no sign of a demonic presence. Although, almost immediately afterwards, she smiled as if satisfied and walked away. I felt as if she thought she was satisfied with having told me off but was sub-consciously relieved to have lost a demon which had been possessing her, as if she was unknowingly glad to have given it to me.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 07:59 PM
She went through withdrawal, whether form drugs or the demon, or both. Her moods would range from very happy to low and depressed to very angry (she had a psychotic temper which scared me more than any man I’ve ever had to deal with.) She’d turn her enraged temper on me for something so petty as leaving a drop of water beside the soap on the sink! As for me, I felt beside myself. I was at this time trying to be something I wasn’t (a city slicker) and I began losing touch with who I was. I’d look in the mirror and did not recognize who was looking back. I remember walking down the street like an empty shell of a human being, feeling nothing but sorrow for the loss of my before quite deep and profound emotions.

One time, lying on my bed from exhaustion (between working overtime and by this point suffering from serious sleep deprivation), I felt a bubble of consciousness separate from my own. This horrified me, as I wasn’t sure if I was having some kind of schizophrenic split, if I was going crazy or if that demon I had felt enter me had become one with me and was now trying to free itself. I had way too much to deal with at the time (and was trying to be a motivated, practical person) and so I kicked it down (in a matter of speaking) into the unconscious, hoping it would never come up again.

But it did, this time feeling more negative than before. I kicked it down inside a second time. Months later, in a better environment and a much better financial situation (but still sleeping very poorly) it arose from me one morning. Only this time it felt battered and bruised, as if my kicking it down had done it serious harm. Too disturbed to deal with it, I kicked it down a third time. (Understand, in those days I was not being true to myself and did things and in ways that would contradict my normal intuitive judgment.)

After I returned home for Christmas one year, I found myself in love with the woods, the beautiful blue sky, the ocean waves and everything I had missed about country life. I decided to stay, for good. At some point, either before or after Christmas, I began noticing Shadow Men following me around (this I already described on another page, linked above.) They never seemed to harm me but were quite interested in me, as if they were up to something (in retrospect.) But the night the attacks started I stopped seeing them and have never seen them since.

That first night...this is where it gets hard for me to write. I was actually feeling rested at this point, at long last. I was happy to be home, although saddened that it had not worked out for me in Toronto. I was smiling on this night however, light-hearted as I closed my eyes and eased in a way I hadn’t for two years. Just as I was falling asleep, BOOM! I was hit by a demonic entity. It felt as if its consciousness was like a rock (solid) striking against me: one rock hitting off another. It was like being hit by arrow: so fast you could hardly react. My body/mind would react in a split-second instinctual way, to violently shove away from my bed (to move upwards and away from the attack.) It would strike me once or twice, then wait for me to ease. Again, when I was just falling to sleep, it would strike me again.

Each time, I felt its consciousness (if just briefly). There was no wall between us, no way to defend myself. I didn’t even believe this sort of thing actually happened (demon attacks) despite my recent experiences. Ghosts, fine, but not this. After each attack, I would sit there wondering if it was me, if this was a schizophrenic problem. Was something inside my own mind attacking myself? But then it would hit again—BOOM! And I KNEW each time, when I felt it, that it was very real: a unique consciousness with its own personality and intentions.

I would describe its personality as “explicitly crude”, as I did not feel it was being sadistic so much as it simply wanted (or needed) something from me and simply didn’t care one iota what had to be done to me in order to get it. No different than a spider trapping a fly and then sucking its blood. It felt simple-minded to me, like a predator acting on cold instinct. But it had no body, it was just a spirit. I was truly devastated, horrified and overwhelmed. I was in such a weakened state, as I lost sleep night after night, never knowing when it would strike. It felt like a god compared to me, and I’d never felt so utterly helpless.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:00 PM
I could not bring myself to tell my family. I didn’t want to scare them, or have them think I was crazy. But night after night I lost sleep, attacked almost every time I tried. One day I went for a drive with my mother. Returning home, I suddenly had a panic attack. It was like everything around me turned into a train going downhill like a rocket, and I was being dragged along in chains. I had nothing to hold onto and so I used my imagination to create a platform that I could clamp onto. If I doubted it for even a second, I believe the storm of panic would have taken me (and God only knows what that would have done to me.) Using all my will power, I held onto a center that I created, until the storm finally passed over me.

This began a long series of panic attacks, which were all ‘minor’ compared to the first. Crippling tension and overwhelming stress also followed. I was unable to help shovel the driveway as I was so utterly exhausted. My parents and sister, whom I’d always had a warm relationship with, showed no understanding of this whatsoever (which seemed most unlike them.) As I became increasingly helpless, crippled, they became increasingly angry with me, almost to the point of hostile. I tried my best to explain that I was overcome with stress and could barely even make it to the bathroom, but this was met with a cold attitude I’ve never seen from them in my life.

My mother would fly off the handle at me over any little thing (much like any angry ex-landlord I described above.) Sometimes I saw a psychotic rage building in her face which bore no semblance to my mother whatsoever, as if I had done so much wrong by her that I had driven her to madness (which...I hadn’t.) Her hands would even lift, almost like claws ready to dig into me. This disturbed more than frightened me, as not only was this my mother but she was one of the kindest-hearted people I’d ever known in my life. After telling me off one time over something very trivial, she approached my bedroom door and apologized, admitting she had no idea why she was losing it and that she knew she was in the wrong.

I half-accepted her apology but I deeply resented her for having turned on me when I needed her most. Understand, at the time I knew nothing about how demons can turn people against each other. I just thought the whole world was turning on me. It wasn’t so unlike dark chapters in my childhood, when a gang of boys would beat me up for no reason and others would stand around and watch with sadistic grins. I felt like now my own family was ganging up on me, and it made about as much sense. I became increasingly depressed, about everything. If I admitted about the demonic activity at this point, it would only have fuelled their hateful, paranoid, bizarre attitudes towards me.

I also became paranoid, suspecting at first that my mother was turning my father against me. But then I witnessed him lying on the couch scheming before I was to go for a ride with my mother. He then spoke to her quietly. Mom’s positive attitude then turned bitter, with strange ideas about me that I’d defend in the car by forcing a positive attitude and being level-headed. Dad waited for us eagerly and I saw his excitement turn to disappointment when we returned, friendly and not angry with each other. I was sure then that he was the one manipulating my mother. One time, when his blood pressure was high, he came at me over something minor. He was red-faced and I knew he wanted to fight me physically (probably destroying our relationship forever), but I held still and positive as much as possible.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:00 PM
He turned to my mom and said, “He’s an ass****!” And nodded. “He’s an ass****!” It was like he was saying, “See, now you can finally see it for yourself—I told you!” Mom looked astonished, looking between us in bewilderment of him and the situation. I can’t even remember what this was over, partly because I was so ‘out of it’ at the time, but it could be anything from me walking away from being yelled at to refusing to do a chore I had no energy to do, anything at all. The manner that he did this in, calling me an ass**** and nodding, it was like looking at a completely different person, one I never met.

My father is a self-made scholar. He was raised to be a gentleman (in the true British sense (he partially grew up in England.) He is a very mature, thoughtful and honorable man, and when I saw him reduced to acting like a child who was trying to convince a teacher that someone he doesn’t like is bad, it was utterly pathetic and bizarre. At the time, I just found myself increasingly disappointed in them both. I had no friends, no girlfriend, and my family hated me. While I dealt with panic attacks, tension, stress, sleeplessness, exhaustion and a demon that awaited to assault me in the night! I was living a true nightmare...

And new kinds of paranormal activity started. I always liked cool air and so I’d leave my bedroom door open. My heater was turned off, but it didn’t work anyway (both my heater and ceiling light stopped working around this time.) And yet, when I awoke (from whatever sleep I managed, if any) my room would be so warm that you’d swear it was a heater, or that there were several other bodies heating it up. I’d walk past the open door, into the den, where the air was really cool. This was wintertime and the heaters were turned down at night. It was always, and I mean always, warm in my bedroom.

One time, while lying on my bed, it started moving on its own, shaking up and down. This startled me. I got up but never saw it move. I’d feel an evil presence, but strangely I felt it more in the bathroom than my bedroom. There was an old water heater in the wall beside the bathtub (I mention this because entities sometimes drain energy from these things.) I felt, though I never saw, a ball of negative energy levitating above the bathtub, beside this wall. I hated having to use the bathroom at night because I felt it there, next to me, watching very closely. I asked my other family members about this, but apparently only I could feel it.

Desperate, I began researching demonic activity on my parents’ computer while they slept. I read about respected paranormal investigators named Ed and Lorraine Warren. I contacted Ed Warren by email and described my experience to him. He got back to me, asking me to see a psychologist first and then to get back to him. I agreed. It made sense anyway, for as stubborn as I was to deal with it alone, I was overwhelmed with stress and desperate for help. An appointment was made.

In the meantime, I could barely get any sleep. I felt the demon getting stronger (more god-like) while I got weaker. One night I felt it coming over me, like a weight over my face (and mind.) My consciousness was somehow blocked off from my body and I felt myself being shoved (as if by its weight) down a black tunnel. I assumed then and still believe this tunnel was my unconscious mind, or a tunnel that led to it. I fought with everything I had to push it away or to pull myself up. I remember reading about a ‘real werewolf’ case, where a demon took control of man’s body and when he awoke he discovered that his body had been used to murder people! I was terrified what this demon wanted my body for.

Desperate, I tried embracing it. This worked! I found my consciousness lifting the more I embraced the force pushing me down! I rose up into my body, became conscious and I even felt more whole than I had before (realize, I still had lost touch with my true self.) This made me wonder again if this demon was not just a kind of projection that I was unconsciously creating. Why did embracing it make me feel more my old self? Perhaps I had just reclaimed energy from it that I’d lost, but it’s really hard to say.

There was a horrible blackness inside me, which had me guessing: was this me or it, or us both? This is hard to describe now, but it was like a horrible weight which held me down in a vat of despair. My emotions were all tangled in it. This demon had become connected to me, its darkness either having transformed part of me or having penetrated me. I felt as if it was partially inside (semi-possessing) me at all times. I felt it was trying to mind-control me, although I kept some kind of guard up to prevent that. I kept trying to rationalize it, perhaps wanting to forget how real it felt whenever it struck.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:01 PM
I’d read during my research that the way to determine whether or not a demon was real or illusionary was by judging its intelligence: the theory being, if it showed an ability to think independently then it was a real consciousness. I’d also read that you are at your weakest point psychically when you are just in that moment of falling asleep (you are somewhat protected while either awake or asleep, but not in-between.) It was then that a demon was most likely to strike. Of course, that was when this demon did (and only when) it attacked me (at this point.)

The more I lost sleep, the stronger it got. It was draining my energy, somehow feeding off my negative state. If I ever tried to feel good, bad things would hit me (usually through my family members.) If I tried to relax, it would make its presence felt, as to unnerve me. Even while I researched on the demonic, I felt it come behind me and start to take on a dense form. I waited, almost curious to see it in full form, but my fear (and nervous excitement) got the better of me. I turned around quickly and it darted away—a shot of light energy just flew through the wall. I believed it would have taken on some kind of physical form had I not turned around. This scared me, which I then realized was its strategy.

The thing was intelligent, capable of out-thinking me and keeping me depressed, edgy and un-rested. But more important to me, when it’d strike, I’d feel its dark consciousness, which was indeed very unique and willful. I knew now for certain that it was a demon. I looked for answers online, anything that might help. I read that commanding it to leave in the “name of Jesus Christ the Lord” could work. I rolled my eyes at this, as I was not Christian. But at this point I’d try anything!

So, when I felt it coming near me on my bed, I said aloud, without any belief, sincerity or optimism, “I command you to leave in the name of Jesus Christ, The Lord.” I felt it shift away, as if stung by the words. Shocked, I repeated the line with more hope. Again, I felt it react as if I was stinging it with something painful or splattering it with something vile. It hated the name. I kept repeating, with more passion, emphasizing the name “Jesus”. I felt it backing away on the bed, further and further each time, like a battered victim.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:01 PM
It didn’t leave, but I felt more empowered now. This was the second time I’d bested it in any way and the first that I had actually caused it pain! I thought about how it always attacked me at night and drew strength as I lost sleep. I decided to sleep in the daytime, while sunshine beamed in through my window. It never attacked me in the daytime, even if I slept, but getting sleep was extremely difficult. It had taught me to mistrust falling asleep—for it had previously always struck like an arrow the moment before reaching sleep. I found myself reacting in panic without it even having attacked me, paranoid about trusting that it wouldn’t strike (a problem I would suffer for years to come.)

What helped was, again, employing my imagination: I would visualize a cabinet with a keyhole. I would take the horrible darkness I felt (which was some extent my feelings and some extent it was the demon’s energy) and I shoved it into the cabinet and locked it. This was a method of suppression, but I promised myself that I would unlock it when I awoke because I knew, like it or not, it would have to be dealt with. Doing this, I could sleep. When I awoke, now stronger and refreshed, I’d take a sad sigh in knowing what I had to do. I visualized the cabinet, unlocked it and out came the heavy, depressed energy which weighed me down.

Now I was feeling stronger each day and I felt the demon getting weaker. It came at me one afternoon, quite bitter with me. I was now empowered. I fisted my hand and lashed out (not with my fist per se, but with my energetic/metaphysical body) and smashed the damned thing away. I honestly believe this did it harm. It came at me again and again I smashed it away. I can’t remember if I laughed at it or taunted it, but as you might imagine I felt pretty good at about myself now. It went away and stayed away for some time after this.

My family did not change back overnight, however. Problems between us continued. I began seeing a psychologist. Still rattled by what’d happened, I told him about the demon. This unnerved him and it didn’t seem to fit with the rest of my personality. “You don’t seem crazy,” he told me, as if the demon part of my story had to have a more comfortable explanation. He consulted a psychiatrist on the matter and they concluded that the demon was merely my “artistic interpretation of a panic attack.” Realizing their limitations, and not wanting to be labeled crazy, I officially accepted this judgment.

With great reluctance, I eventually accepted medication for my anxiety. The psychologist had pointed out that I was literally handicapped by stress. I wasn’t at this time able to do any work. The medication helped to take the edge off. I tried multiple kinds of meditations and exercises and read multiple books on anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder. But the cold, hard truth of it is: such a condition has no easy answers. I did what I could, while working again and getting my own apartment. I feel as though ten years of my life were stolen, as only now can I really make friends, go to parties and live more like a normal person again.

The problem of course is, living with what I know, and never sure how much (if anything) I should ever say about it. Many would probably think me either delusional or crazy. Hell, I didn’t believe in this stuff until it happened to me.

The demon, as far as I can tell, only returned a few times (in my current apartment.) A couple nights it tried fooling me like this: while I slept, it tried moving over me like a thin strip of paper, easing itself, unnoticed, into my body/consciousness. But my instincts would snap me awake and I’d shove it off. Once it came at me, full of rage, fighting viciously at me like an angry insect. Again, I merely brushed it away. I couldn’t help but laugh. To think, this was what had me so frightened, so crippled with fear! I realized by now that it was a pathetic being, relying on the energy of the emotionally troubled while at their weakest points, otherwise hiding in the darkness like a coward.

My parents and I are now closer than we’ve been. My sister and I rarely speak, but we never seem to fight and we always get along when we meet. I’ve tested these subjects with my family different times and they’ll discuss certain things with an open mind (two of them have had experiences of their own.) But I’m not sure how they’d take the whole story if I told them. We basically just ignore the ugliness as if it never happened. I’d rather talk it through, but it’s up to them. As for me, I have soul-searched and found myself again. I am more free-spirited now, artistic and much more athletic than I was.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:02 PM
There is more to say, but I kept with what seems relevant. Again, I’ve always been a Sensitive and I’ve had many other experiences than this. This was by far the worst I’ve ever encountered, but when odd things happen I find myself wondering if it relates to the demon or Shadow Men or not. I am still not religious but I have more respect for religious belief than I did. I always knew evil existed, I just underestimated how literal it is and how powerful.

I still have questions. What really brought this demon into my life? How much of this was psychological, how much of it supernatural? A bed cannot levitate on its own. If anyone has any thoughts, questions or insights into any of this, please feel free to ask or share. I’d love to understand it better myself.

What I take from this: know yourself! Know your mind and your heart. Evil can manipulate you from within, turning love ones against each other without knowing it. The heart knows best.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:02 PM
Thanks for posting this.
I'll have to read it shortly.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by LoneCloudHopper2
As I did, for just a second, I felt a demon (an evil entity) leave her and enter me, almost as if through her eyes and into mine (but as I was looking at her at the time, it may just have seemed that way.)

How did you feel it leave her? (That's weird)
And how did enter you? Gently or with demonic passion?
And most importantly, where did it enter you? Which orifice?

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by LoneCloudHopper2

Thank you for sharing that experience.
It is similar to some thing I have experienced,
and a great reminder to me about visualization,
it's not just the imagination

It is stories like these that people will read and use for themselves.
I'll probably have to read it again cause I know I will have a few questions.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 09:04 PM
Did you make a follow up call to the Warrens? I'm interested to see what their response was, especially how you seemingly pushed it out and away from you. Wow.

So do you think the quija board contact and the paranormal activity in your house was a seperate entity?

I'm curious to hear from others more knowledgeable about the subject matter has to say to explain what your previous landlady did to you, seemingly with malicious intent, to curse you or whatever????

Scary stuff.

At any rate, you must be extremely strong willed and a powerful force in your own right to be able to banish it like you did.

Can you explain how you felt when you called on Jesus?


posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 09:21 PM
Entertaining story. I'm not disbelieving you, but I always take these stories with a grain of salt because believers in certain 'stuff' like this always gravitate towards confirmation bias to validate their personal beliefs. Minor stuff, like the ouija board experience can easily be explained by the ideomotor effect, for example. How can you ever validate your 'sensitivity' and the 'things' you claim to have 'felt'? You can't really, so it's not really that smart to become convinced that your 'feelings' are correct. Sounds like you had issues before any of this stuff ever happened also, such as the 'bullying' you mentioned. Interesting that that issue came out in the story. If I were in your shoes I would never rule out some sort of mental illness. You may have deep psychological issues that are manifesting themselves, even as a supernatural explanation.. or maybe not.

You've already convinced yourself it really was a demon. Maybe it was, I certainly wouldn't rule it out completely. But perhaps it wasn't. Some of the stuff you mentioned about the demons behaviors doesn't fit some of the lore I've studied about them myself. You said yourself you were studying this stuff. Someone with mental issues, particularly feeding your subconscious lots of negative and harmful/fearful stuff, can manifest all sorts of bad stuff in their lives, particularly if you are in a highly stressed state of mind, and even triply so if you are not sleeping (hallucinations, panic attacks..etc). It doesn't necessarily mean it's paranormal or supernatural. The worst mistake you can make is to take all these experiences and try to add them all up together to equal whatever your current conclusions are, such as, 'my demonic attack', which seems to be what you've done. You may state that you're not sure, but it seems to me that you're leaning heavily in that direction anyway.

I'm sure others will have different opinions.
edit on 9-10-2012 by jheherrin because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-10-2012 by jheherrin because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 09:23 PM
Link to where I got this from, My demonic attack.

I was sharing experiences in another thread and brought this one over here.
I suspect it was a demonic attack of some kind, just gonna throw it out there for you, perhaps you have an opinion, this was a very strange experience.

I was sitting here at the computer and I thought my nose was running so I wiped, and when I looked down, I realized it was blood. I used to have a blood phobia of sorts, I never understood it, but when I would see my own blood, I would faint. I don't know why, part of my anxiety disorder I guess, anyways, that went away several years ago... So I look down and see the blood, and grab something to stop myself from bleeding, go into the bathroom, look in the mirror, came back out and got light I was going to pass out. I went to the couch, sat down, could feel the blood drain from my head to my feet, got all cold and clammy, and passed out. I looked at the clock right as I was going under, it was 9:04 pm. Next thing I know, I am on my knees on the floor repeating over and over "calm down"... But when I became conscious, it was like I was in a tunnel, and then my mind snapped back into "reality" so to speak, as I became aware I had just passed out and remembered what had happened, and opened my eyes and everything was dark. Here is what really makes me wonder... As soon as I realized I was out and coming to, I started to hear this wicked ringing and banging in my head, Almost like jet engines and a high pitch ring. My vision started to come back and it was like spinning pentagrams in both eyes, I mean I SAW them shooting out into my vision and onto the floor, like my brain was trying to track where it was and each eye was in a tunnel of pentagrams or red star symbols, almost blood red, or brown. As I looked around on the floor saying calm down, the tunnels of vision started to move with me. When I looked farther ahead on the floor, the tunnels would bend as my brain tried to figure out what I was looking at. It was like looking through two slinkies, only they were dark red and had points like a pentagram,very hard to explain. If I was on drugs I could see that happening, but I'm not, so I dunno wtf that was. Part of me thinks I died, and came back, and part of me thinks it was just "one of those things" and part of me goes WHOA....what was that?!!? It was like nothing I have experienced before. My nose stopped bleeding after that, I think I just passed out, but the strange part was coming back to consciousness. I have been hit so hard in the head before that it knocked me into a dream, this almost felt like that. I know I was dreaming as I passed out, but what it was I don't remember, and coming to, well, as I described it, I have no idea what it was. I have visions sometimes of the other side, and strange beings, thsi seemed to fit right into that, only like I was a strange being....weird huh? I have no clue what that was lol Oh and when I came to, it was 9:06, and the weird vision thing went until 9:11.

I did not put in this comment that I felt another intelligence, but I kind of did.
I have been protecting myself since,
just in case I have to fight it again.

Happy Halloween

Seriously though, what a freaky experience.
Was it demonic? I don't know really, I just know it was out of the norm.
Ok, I go back to happy thoughts now.

edit on 9-10-2012 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by ThisToiletEarth

Originally posted by LoneCloudHopper2
As I did, for just a second, I felt a demon (an evil entity) leave her and enter me, almost as if through her eyes and into mine (but as I was looking at her at the time, it may just have seemed that way.)

How did you feel it leave her? (That's weird)
And how did enter you? Gently or with demonic passion?
And most importantly, where did it enter you? Which orifice?

It was a split second feeling. I felt a demonic (evil) consciousness for just a split second as it left her (as if through her eyes) and enter me. It's as if it was somehow disguised while it was either inside her body/mind or inside mine, but that split second when it was between us I could feel it. Remember, I am a Sensitive. Why it was hidden beyond my perceptions while inside her (or especially inside me), I can’t explain.

It happened so fast and my mind was so shaken by the heavy emotions spewing out at me from my landlord that I barely noticed it. Just for split second. I remember that it felt evil. It's exact emotions or intents would be hard to guess.

Spirits are non-physical beings and they can enter your body at any point, orifice or no. It felt at the time as if it came through her eyes and into mine.

Edit: more to the point of how it entered me, it just happened. It was almost as if a connection between her and I already existed and it just shot along. It had no trouble penetrating me whatsoever,
edit on 9-10-2012 by LoneCloudHopper2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by LoneCloudHopper2
It was a split second feeling. I felt a demonic (evil) consciousness for just a split second as it left her (as if through her eyes) and enter me. It's as if it was somehow disguised while it was either inside her body/mind or inside mine, but that split second when it was between us I could feel it. Remember, I am a Sensitive. Why it was hidden beyond my perceptions while inside her (or especially inside me), I can’t explain.

See, this is exactly what I'm talking about? How can you be sure you felt a demonic consciousness leave her and enter you? You're 100% on this? How can you be? You are Sensitive? So you can rely on this 100% and use it to explain everything? Somehow, I seriously doubt this. Anyway, I'm off to bed. Good story.
edit on 9-10-2012 by jheherrin because: (no reason given)

Also wanted to add, if you were studying demons you surely found ways to banish them, as this stuff is all over the internet. I'm surprised the best you could arrive at was to use Jesus, someone you don't claim to believe in. Just odd to me, but whatever.
edit on 9-10-2012 by jheherrin because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by itsallmaya
Did you make a follow up call to the Warrens? I'm interested to see what their response was, especially how you seemingly pushed it out and away from you. Wow.

So do you think the quija board contact and the paranormal activity in your house was a seperate entity?

I'm curious to hear from others more knowledgeable about the subject matter has to say to explain what your previous landlady did to you, seemingly with malicious intent, to curse you or whatever????

Scary stuff.

At any rate, you must be extremely strong willed and a powerful force in your own right to be able to banish it like you did.

Can you explain how you felt when you called on Jesus?


I don't think I did. I wish I had kept those emails! They were with an old email I used to use but then when I tried to re-establish it, someone had already taken it. But no, I never contacted them again. Although Ed Warren said very little, I remember feeling warmed that they would actually fly up here to Canada to help perfect strangers, at no expense (other than flight expenses, etc.) I didn't expect that. But I had been dealing with the problem on my own, and somehow I never got around to letting him know how it worked out. I regret that.

I'm not sure if it was the Ouija board, occultist relatives, a haunted house or that psycho landlord that brought the demon into my life. In my view, the property is quite old and was probably haunted to begin with. The Ouija board probably brought more negative energy into the home. I feel that the Shadow Men (as I explain in the other thread) had a hand in it. They were following me around for days leading up to the attacks.

Scary, yes..

When I called on Jesus lol once I realized it actually had power I became like a passionate preacher, calling out (in my mind) for it to leave with a fervor. It felt empowering.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 09:54 PM
As I was going to retire, some stuff just didn't add up for me, sorry. For example, the 'sensitive' claims. You keep making it a point to tell us "Remember, I am a Sensitive". Obviously, by your own story you had this belief you were 'Sensitive' before this ever happened. If so, why claim that you "never believed this stuff"? I don't know any Sensitives who don't believe in spirits and demons and stuff of that nature. Also, the psychiatrist stuff doesn't really add up for me. He consulted a colleague(?) just to come up with that lame analysis? The parents behavior... sounds like there is more to this story, and it would be interesting to hear their side of it. I personally think you have a bad case of adding everything up to enforce a whole lot of confirmation bias. You see this sort of stuff all the time with people and their stories on ATS, which is why, even though I do believe in the paranormal, I don't take 99% of the stories I hear about seriously whatsoever. You sound like you'd make a great writer though. Good luck.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 10:20 PM
I was born with three demons. The Hawaiians believe if a baby has a birthmark they are possessed and used to put the baby in the sea to die. I had three birthmarks.

They were generational demons passed down the bloodline. I finally got rid of them when I was 26yrs. Then the inner world went quiet and I knew they had gone.
They were obscene and would lose things I liked, so I could never find joy in anything.
I used to astral project to Heaven just to get away from them.

My mum found Jesus (from her dad who had been a Freemason, then came out) when I was 5yrs and He helped me to control them. I would tell them to shut up in Jesus name. They weren't very strong, as I am.
I think when I asked God to kick them out at 26, they were glad to go and didn't put up a fight.

I now know what are my thoughts, what are someone elses and what is Jesus. I am also a sensitive.

Shadow men are like Wraiths from Lord of the Rings, they can sense a person who has a demon attached to their soul. They like people like that, as they are easier to control and they can make them do things the victim doesn't want to do.
In fact I recently read something that stated, that attaching a demon to a victim is part of MKULTRA and this is why fear and trauma is part of the mind control method.

You really need to talk to Jesus, you do not need to go to church (they never helped me). As you found out His name rules over all demons, He can kick your one out for you. You just have to ask.

The Military found me and so did other entities and left scars, so I am glad I am a whole person now and not demonised. But even after 26 the abductions didn't stop, nor did the demon attacks completely, but I always had Jesus to fend them off, after I called on Him.

But on the flip side I have been to Heaven many times and seen Angels in the flesh. I have been part of miracles and I am learning to be a Seer.

So good came out of a bad thing.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by jheherrin
Entertaining story. I'm not disbelieving you, but I always take these stories with a grain of salt because believers in certain 'stuff' like this always gravitate towards confirmation bias to validate their personal beliefs. Minor stuff, like the ouija board experience can easily be explained by the ideomotor effect, for example. How can you ever validate your 'sensitivity' and the 'things' you claim to have 'felt'? You can't really, so it's not really that smart to become convinced that your 'feelings' are correct. Sounds like you had issues before any of this stuff ever happened also, such as the 'bullying' you mentioned. Interesting that that issue came out in the story. If I were in your shoes I would never rule out some sort of mental illness. You may have deep psychological issues that are manifesting themselves, even as a supernatural explanation.. or maybe not.

You've already convinced yourself it really was a demon. Maybe it was, I certainly wouldn't rule it out completely. But perhaps it wasn't. Some of the stuff you mentioned about the demons behaviors doesn't fit some of the lore I've studied about them myself. You said yourself you were studying this stuff. Someone with mental issues, particularly feeding your subconscious lots of negative and harmful/fearful stuff, can manifest all sorts of bad stuff in their lives, particularly if you are in a highly stressed state of mind, and even triply so if you are not sleeping (hallucinations, panic attacks..etc). It doesn't necessarily mean it's paranormal or supernatural. The worst mistake you can make is to take all these experiences and try to add them all up together to equal whatever your current conclusions are, such as, 'my demonic attack', which seems to be what you've done. You may state that you're not sure, but it seems to me that you're leaning heavily in that direction anyway.

I'm sure others will have different opinions.
edit on 9-10-2012 by jheherrin because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-10-2012 by jheherrin because: (no reason given)

I don’t mind skepticism, so long as we’re both honest. I think the major difference between a believer and a skeptic is that a believer is (ideally) someone who has experienced something and so they know it to be true, while a skeptic (typically) is someone who never has and questions its legitimacy. Either one can be honest or dishonest, for a believer can also be skeptical and logical, or he can be gullible with denial issues. Likewise, a skeptic can search (with logic) for the truth, or he can have his mind already made up on the matter and merely seeks to debunk all the evidence he finds, rather than giving it a chance. It’s always best that we’re honest, believers and skeptics alike.

I understand that a Ouija board could appear to operate supernaturally when it isn’t, and many times this may be the case, but it can’t be simply ‘explained away’ so easily. Although our eyes did open for a time to attempt to make sense of its movements, our eyes mostly stayed closed as our mother observed. Either way, it went fast along to spell out specific replies. Is it possible that the unconscious mind (being hers or my own) did this? I wonder how the unconscious might judge where to take the device in order to point to specific words and numbers if one’s eyes are closed? The odds in such results would be highly improbable. I’m not saying that therefore that proves that it’s real, but it’s an important point.

As for your comments arguing against sensation, right now I am sensing my fingers on the keyboard, the computer’s weight on my lap, the screen where the letters are appearing. It’s real. I trust that it is. There is a Sixth Sense that some of us have used and for us it is just as reliable as any other. There are stories I could tell you about what intuition can do that would shock you (if you believed them.)

I mentioned the bullying because it felt relevant and I have nothing to hide. Psychologists argue that sadism is mental illness, but I remember how cruel kids can be. They would hurt you on purpose, often in groups, and get off on it. I never did. Why is that? Who is ‘abnormal’ in that scenario, me or them? I never understood cruelty but it seemed to come pretty natural to some. I don’t claim to have the answers here, but I find it interesting how people can act so cruel to each other when it never felt right to me. And as for having ‘problems’, who doesn’t?

You say I may have “deep psychological issues that are manifesting themselves”. You may be right. I did have a difficult childhood and it is very hard being a Sensitive in this world. I am still not entirely clear in my own mind how much of this was psychological and how much of it was supernatural.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by jheherrin
Entertaining story. I'm not disbelieving you, but I always take these stories with a grain of salt because believers in certain 'stuff' like this always gravitate towards confirmation bias to validate their personal beliefs. Minor stuff, like the ouija board experience can easily be explained by the ideomotor effect, for example. How can you ever validate your 'sensitivity' and the 'things' you claim to have 'felt'? You can't really, so it's not really that smart to become convinced that your 'feelings' are correct. Sounds like you had issues before any of this stuff ever happened also, such as the 'bullying' you mentioned. Interesting that that issue came out in the story. If I were in your shoes I would never rule out some sort of mental illness. You may have deep psychological issues that are manifesting themselves, even as a supernatural explanation.. or maybe not.

You've already convinced yourself it really was a demon. Maybe it was, I certainly wouldn't rule it out completely. But perhaps it wasn't. Some of the stuff you mentioned about the demons behaviors doesn't fit some of the lore I've studied about them myself. You said yourself you were studying this stuff. Someone with mental issues, particularly feeding your subconscious lots of negative and harmful/fearful stuff, can manifest all sorts of bad stuff in their lives, particularly if you are in a highly stressed state of mind, and even triply so if you are not sleeping (hallucinations, panic attacks..etc). It doesn't necessarily mean it's paranormal or supernatural. The worst mistake you can make is to take all these experiences and try to add them all up together to equal whatever your current conclusions are, such as, 'my demonic attack', which seems to be what you've done. You may state that you're not sure, but it seems to me that you're leaning heavily in that direction anyway.

I'm sure others will have different opinions.
edit on 9-10-2012 by jheherrin because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-10-2012 by jheherrin because: (no reason given)

I believe it was a demon due to feeling its dark consciousness as an existing, self-interested, predator mind when it met my own, coupled with the evidence of its strategic cunning. I am unsure if its strategies were of its own making or not (as I am unsure the extent to which the Shadow Men played (as mentioned in the other thread) but the fact there was intelligence behind it shows me that there was some form of awareness involved.

What lore are you suggesting is in contradiction to what I am saying here?

Yes, the imagination can be extraordinary and I am an imaginary person. But how does one imagine an entity that plots against you in such harsh, deliberate and self-interested ways? How does it move a bed up and down or heat up a room or shoot light through a wall? After having experienced this stuff, I know better. I’m too honest with myself to just explain it away. And honestly, the idea of it being ‘all in my mind’ is no more or less scary than it being a demon. They are both scary, just in different ways. I am not trying to convince myself of anything, I’m just looking for the truth, the same as you are.

The worst mistake you can make is to take all these experiences and try to add them all up together to equal whatever your current conclusions are, such as, 'my demonic attack', which seems to be what you've done. You may state that you're not sure, but it seems to me that you're leaning heavily in that direction anyway.

Here, we have a difference in logical view. I am merely looking for the truth and as you can see, I’ve taken it all into account. It’s not as if I’m ignoring the bits that don’t add up, as I’ve included them and admit that I am still unsure of how it all fits together. I left it open for interpretation, but I’m not going to hide from the truth I’ve discovered of this. I experienced a demon and I witnessed demonic activity. Understanding what it is and what it means, well that’s tricky. I don’t have answers, only experiences. I’m not a Christian. I don’t even understand how using the name Jesus helped. But I’d argue that since it did, in my not believing, proves that the demon was not illusionary. How else could something I didn’t believe at all have an impacted something that I manifested?

I appreciate your questions. We don’t have to see it the same. The truth is the important thing, whatever that may be.
edit on 9-10-2012 by LoneCloudHopper2 because: (no reason given)

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