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If there is a hell, could God change the system?

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posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:40 PM
A poster here presented a Youtube video for a NDE (near death experience) of a man who purported to have encountered Satan, but regardless of that particular experience, this led me to start running through a series of other Youtube presented hellish NDE's many of which shared details of hell that bore striking similarities involving the nature of the torment experienced "there". It was absolutely horrible and unsettling to say the least, not because I am afraid of hell myself, being a lover of God who's willing to repent and recieve God's love (which seemed to be the prerequisit for avoiding hell, according to the people in the videos), but because of my compassion for my fellow man and their souls. The very idea of an eternal damnation and torment from which there is no escape is something that I just can't fathom would be permitted by God who as the first/last cause and the creator of all things would have to have set this system up or permitted it to occur, so my question is this.

Could God change his mind about this system of judgement whereby, instead of allowing people's souls to enter into a state of eternal damnation and unending torment, put everytihng back onto a karmic wheel of karmic law whereby Jesus Christ is the resolution to the karmic paradox which could involve, at least for some, a continual "slide" or descent into ever-worsening life experiences at least until such time that a change of heart comes about via conscious suffering ie: where they do "get out" eventually, but just not until they've "paid the very last penny"?

God's love as I understand it, is unconditional, yet a love which also makes no compromise with sin and evil, upholding an eternal standard of the twin pillars of a severe justice, and a tender mercy, as rendered in the Great Work of Jesus Christ at the cross. Any such love, to BE love, must be free, both freely expressed and freely recieved in kind and therefore must be invitational and NON-COERCIVE. So there's a dilemma here, if we're aware that the alternative to loving God and opening our hearts to his love, is hell, the very prospect of which destroys the loving and non-coersive nature of such an invitation.

There are NDE's of Jesus apparently showing people hell, which makes me actually wonder if it was actually Jesus who showed it to them.. !

So if there's a pit of demons torturing people to no end, why not re-boot the system so to speak, whereby those souls could get back into a "line" in some sort of purgatory awaiting re-incarnation to learn from their mistakes, and just flush the demon-filled pit of eternal hell, lake of fire, etc., right out of existence (say down a black hole singularity?) and place everything back onto the karmic wheel administered by nothing more than the righteousness of Jesus Christ?

In other words, if the system is flawed, why not change it, because as far as I could tell from all these disturbing NDE reports, most of the people there fell into it, unaware, and while they may have been bad people involved in all kinds of unGodly activities and behavior when they were living people, with hardened and cold hearts at enmity with God, and who might even have willfully rejected God's love, should there not still exist an opportunity for them to come around, if not in one lifetime, then in many many lifetimes?

I just can't believe that God has set up a system where there's all these people ending up in a type of eternal sewage system, utterly wasted, and worse, tormented forever and ever, I just can't fathom it, and it doesn't make any sense such a system.

So if there is such a thing, could it be changed, could hell be flushed out of all human souls, and then flushed right down the drain, demons included (hey they've been torturing and tormenting people for a very long time, so they're not about to change their ways..).

Jesus and father God, if you're listening, please do something about this dillemma, which robs people of the opportunity to freely accept your loving invitation to get on board with you on the path of progress towards a future glorious perfection, thank you, and whatever will be let it be your will and not mine that is done. Amen.

Best Regards, (that's funny!)


edit on 13-7-2012 by NewAgeMan because: typo

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:44 PM
Allah can definitely "change the system" if He so chooses. The interesting thing in Islam is how hell is not an eternal punishment (save for the worst of humanity, people like Hitler for instance). Most who do go to Hell will only be there for a preordained amount of time to purify their souls and wipe clean sins they had committed.

In a popular hadith, Muhammad says that the happiest person on Judgment Day will be the person who is dipped into the hellfire for one second and then welcomed into Paradise. (I'm paraphrasing).

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by CoolerAbdullah786

Well, may all those practicing Sharia Law who stone women to death be dipped in hell at least for a very short period of time!

Sorry, I couldn't help it.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

They are not practicing Shariah law. They are practicing their own invented and corrupted version of it. And I agree. May Allah's justice prevail!

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

The concept of hell from a christian perspective is completely illogical...

A Loving and merciful creator/Father would not condem his children to eternal damnation...

Im more inclined to believe that HELL is something we live in this life time... and created by our words and actions(or lack there of) in this incarnation.

Click the link to read my thread on the issue

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:56 PM
You act like you have knowledge of something impossible to know. How do you know god exists? Ive met several people who claim to have met him, do you know its really him? How do you know hes the creator of everything? He didnt create himself. So what if he exists but hell is not his creation? What if theres other gods? What id hes evil and created hell because hes a liar and gets off on suffering? What if him and satan are equals, at a constant war with eachother, and satan gets off on suffering? This last one makes a lot of sense infact.

What about people who had ndes that werent religious?

What happens to a buddhist if he dies? Do we go to hell even though its a very peaceful religion that preaches nothing that cant be proven, and never suggests violence? Is the Buddha in hell?

Seriously, wtf?

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I just can't believe that God has set up a system where there's all these people ending up in a type of eternal sewage system, utterly wasted, and worse, tormented forever and ever, I just can't fathom it, and it doesn't make any sense such a system.

There is no eternal torment in hell. This is not written anywhere in the bible. This is mostly assumptions drawn by pastors, and it has been beat into peoples minds, and they come to believe in it.

The only ones who will be tormented forever is the beast and the false prophet, not man.

Rev 20:10

And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Even then, it does not state how that torment will exactly be.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Akragon
reply to post by NewAgeMan

The concept of hell from a christian perspective is completely illogical...

A Loving and merciful creator/Father would not condem his children to eternal damnation...

Im more inclined to believe that HELL is something we live in this life time... and created by our words and actions(or lack there of) in this incarnation.

Click the link to read my thread on the issue

I agree. Infact suffering is caused by wanting. Wanting to exist causes incarnation. Were here because we want to exist. If we give up wanting, we can stop reincarnating.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:16 PM
I think there is a hell, and we are already living in it.

Oh come save us great lord

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:17 PM
it is not God who has created hell... it is we who create our hells.

these hells are created by reflections of our own fear and hate.

in any heightened emotional/spiritual state of being: be it ritually invoked, or one of life's more potent moments (love, birth, awe, terror, etc.) , or even the most heightened spiritual state we know of... Death, our fears, hates & our loves and graces will all be heightened as well.

so if we have lived a life in fear and hate, we shall certainly experience such disturbed states with all the potency consciousness has to offer.

if we have lived a life of love and grace, we shall certainly experience such blissful states with all the potency consciousness has to offer.

if we do find ourselves in the midst of our disturbed reflections (because who amongst us isn't slightly disturbed), well then, if we can (re)discover compassion and love, then we shall certainly be brought back into such folds of bliss.

check out the Tibettan Book of the Dead for a far more eloquent interpretation than i.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:21 PM
So get this everyone.

Right after making that post, I went from my office to the bank to deposit my bi-weely check. There was a rennovation going on around the bank, so while I was finishing my cigarette (a sin) in an enclave in the fencing, not far from me there was a young man, with his back to me, talking on his cellphone (looked like a bit of a hoodlum maybe..) and he was wearing a large red t-shirt with bold white lettering that said "WE'RE HERE TO STAY" and at the bottom under that "BUILT TO LAST". Then while in the bank I overheard someone talking, jokingly, about having to wait in a reception area, and then on my way back here to my office, a white butterfly flitted about before me almost the whole way, which seemed rather unusual in the middle of a major downtown urban core.

So there's my answer.

I tell you that God's love, and immaculate sense of HUMOR, never ceases to amaze.

God Bless one and all, whether you believe or not,

Your brother in Christ,


posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:26 PM
it's all metaphor and poetry, and unfortunately people have a need to take a bit too literal these subtle, yet profound concepts, like life & death, hell & salvation.

wa-la: Dogma is born.

if you say Christ is the only salvation that will free you from Hell.

and i say Compassion is the only consciousness that will free you from Living in Fear, well then...

what's the problem? i do not need to believe in Christ to believe in the Compassion that this Christ Deity is a symbol for.

it is all metaphor. the unyielding literalists are ruining it for everyone!

edit on 13-7-2012 by mythos because: a tweak or two

edit on 13-7-2012 by mythos because: accursed typo-s

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:28 PM
I am told that "God" is "omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. The Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Lord God Almighty".

Such poetic titles, so obviously absolute...and he can't make Hell go away? WTF!!!!

Simple answer: the Christian God is the spiritual world's Obama.
edit on 13-7-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by mythos

Your post reminds me of the parable of the Good Sameritan.

Excellent analysis here

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
I am told that "God" is "omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. The Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Lord God Almighty".

Such poetic titles, so obviously absolute...and he can't make Hell go away? WTF!!!!

Yes, but he CAN, and from what I can tell, he heard my prayer and answered rather unexpectedly and with his typical loving sense of totally awesome humor and charm that I'm starting to grow accustomed to.

And if that sounds more than a little solipsistic or narcissistic, forgive me.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

How exactly were your prayers answered? And what convinced you that it was him who answered them?

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Very strong and highly meaningful synchronicity that's how. I've also found that it almost always contains a rather uplifting sense of humor by far surpassing the comedic skill level of any human being.

Edit to add: Here was the post in which I described it.

post by NewAgeMan

edit on 13-7-2012 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Yeah...coincidence. Congratulations, you've redefined an age-old concept. Not that it became any more accurate.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Yeah...coincidence. Congratulations, you've redefined an age-old concept. Not that it became any more accurate.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

It was highly meaninful to me. And it's important to remember that for God all things are possible, including an alteration of his prison system.

If you'd seen and experienced some of the thing I have, you wouln't be so quick to discount it, the recognition of synchronicity.

You should research it a bit before casting judgement. Google synchronicity, you'll see.

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