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The Mother of All Conspiracies

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posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by StarBoy

living in caves and making clothes from hemp sounds great to me. the government can't profit from me then, and it would teach us not spoil ourselves with luxury. think about the survival skills we as a country would obtain if we lived that kind of life... I mean, what exactly would we need a government for in that state of being? If we were to not have electricity and running water tomorrow, how many people would die? they know this, we know this, and yet we keep raising drones to keep it all going. How many things do you do a day that are essential to your survival? because I'll be the first to admit, I waste my time chasing dollars. We as a species must acknowledge that our purpose in life is to our choosing. aside from the obvious need for survival, we have a psychological need to be happy.


if you want to see real change, then you have to start wanting your needs, and stop needing your wants.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by lordbayfin

its a metaphor, thanks for trying to understand what i was saying though, and for the extremely helpful feedback.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by guavas
reply to post by 74Templar

"...or just a way to keep us in the dark about our own possible greatness."

This, right here, my friend, is the answer to it all.

The human potential for greatness is unbelievable...da Vinci, Tesla, just run through a list of your own heroes and you will see that this is true.

The human potential is beyond that of the da Vincis and the Teslas, I believe there is potential in our minds/spirits beyond what we can imagine at this point in time.

We all, myself included, need to get out of the dark.... 2012 may just be the beginning of the awakening, if y'all don't get it this year, don't give up!

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 01:15 PM
Despite what new world order people and the elites might think,I think one size doesn't feet all....the system that works for Chinese might not work for an American or Arab....we mostly have different conceptions of life in general...every nation has different needs,different believe systems,and sets of values....we are all bounded to our cultures ,like it or not.that is the only true identity we have....if we were not genetically this different,maybe we could somehow get under one flag ,but until then i can not imagine that every sole on this earth is willing to be loyal to capitalism or socialism or Islam or any other ideology for that matter... as childish and devilish as it may sound, maybe years of war and misery followed by "project blue beam" could lead to a mass obedience that might actually be good for the entire population as a whole!.... who knows!....after all humans are only humans...

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by guavas
We have been turned into a greed driven society,posessed by materialistic illusions and our solidarity has been broken by the governments relentless pursuit of injecting fear,hate and aggression into our minds,as we are dominated and controlled every sad and sorry step we take through this short and temporary life and our empathy,compassion and love for eachother is going extinct...
edit on 20-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by jjinsane1

The cancer thing kind bugs me to...I was watching the Burzynski documentary (which I highly recommend you see) and there was a family that had discovered that they're still using DDT from the 70's still today for cancer're telling me that in all that time, they haven't figure out something to replace it with?

I really wonder about the cancer thing (as my mom had it) and the Burzynksi docu really adds credence to that wondering.

And, if I were to go someplace "relatively safe," I would move to where the money is...a Scandinavian country or something, where all the money is - because I think it's a marginally safe bet they aren't going to bomb their money.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:44 PM
Most of you (us) really know not what we want.

People talking about relocating to some remote wilderness and living off the land have nto really thought about what they speak of! They don't realize how much work they would have to do to survive, and while they wouldn't be working for the "government", they would be working to feed themselves and keep from dying of things people in a city don't worry about.

In this reality we either buy into the matrix or we don't. Meaning you either work/slave to feed the system (all of us even though some benefit more) or you go live in the sticks and risk such things as dying from a fever!

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 04:41 PM
Well all what the OP stated is true, but its not hard to figure out. i think i sussed the whole rigged game from when i was in school. In the UK they still have a very blatant class system and every now and then they promote some figure head from the working class to superstardom, in order to trick all the workers that they too can climb the ladder to the top if they keep plucking away;.
you only need to look at American Idol , for a good example, how the TPTB hypnotize the stupid population into thinking, "one of our own has made it"
like I said its blatant.
And if you look at the so called wealth creation within the aspiring "middle classes" over the past 30 years...well its all be on credit cards. in other words no real wealth creation what so ever, just another way to exploit people at the bottom to make them think they can climb up the ladder, yet when they do manage to they turn into credit slaves.
All this is to have workers, who can feed the very top of the different to any ant colony or bee hive.
im suprised most people don't know this as its blatantly obvious.
you also mentioned the divide and concur routine, with back v white set up. In the USA and other countries but most notably the USA, a grid system was designed in every city, where you have blacks and whites housed in square blocks within a city, they do the same with Mexican immigrants. They are basically all ghettoized, in order to breed suspicion between the races and hatred.
Its not an accident. how could it be. yes different racial groups are bound to gravitate to their "own kind" however it is the responsibility of a government to make sure that racial groups actually diversify equally within a city to promote harmony.
Now as we see with the Zimmerman Martin case, the media would like to detonate the race bomb,. evidently racial tension is deliberately designed to be exploded when a government like the states, need a diversion from other major events. its something useful to have up their sleeve.
there is no doubt that if the plan is to explode America from the inside, a race war would be easily to manipulate.

as for reliance on cars etc..I have always been well aware to keep my life, as simple as possible. I have lived on very little from the go get as I come from humble beginnings so I know how to survive, luckily. Also well pointed out, how schools do not teach basic survival skills. Ive stated before that in modern society, you need to teach kids to swim, where as people actually instinctively know how to swim if they are thrown in the water as a baby.
the "civilization" has domesticated us, just like cattle and pigs and we know what happens to them once they have been used up.

edit on 20-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
Most of you (us) really know not what we want.

People talking about relocating to some remote wilderness and living off the land have nto really thought about what they speak of! They don't realize how much work they would have to do to survive, and while they wouldn't be working for the "government", they would be working to feed themselves and keep from dying of things people in a city don't worry about.

In this reality we either buy into the matrix or we don't. Meaning you either work/slave to feed the system (all of us even though some benefit more) or you go live in the sticks and risk such things as dying from a fever!

Most people who do a typical 40 hour week, expend more time working than it would take to tend to a field of crops. Also most people in the west work in sedimentary jobs, like offices. This actually promotes ill health. Where as a hunter gather or farming lifestyle promotes health and fitness. There fore giving a person a much stronger immune system, better mental health and no heart attacks or diabetes etc.
As for dying from viruses etc. I seen a 90 year old African, walking tall, with 9 wives, all his own teeth and a big smile and he lived his whole live in a hut made out of cow dung.
So there. Don't believe the hype about how science and doctors make you well...ultimately they don't. A strong immune system does. Oh and city pollution and pesticides help break your health down as well.
edit on 20-4-2012 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by guavas
The best slaves are the people who are told to think and believe they are free and especially those of us who were born in america,as soon we became old enough to speak and understand the english language,we have had the words free and freedom perpetually driven ever deeper into our minds and we hear those words so often and we are told those words so many times,that the vast majority of us have been brainwashed into believing they represent the truth for us all,but in reality,those two words are lies and illusions that only exist in the shape and form of perpetuated deceptions and intentionally disguised manipulations...

edit on 20-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

I can do basic math. I struggle with anything advanced. I didn't learn basic math from this man, and I've learned more since graduating, and now from my brother who is a freshman in highschool who actually has a fairly decent teacher. She teaches them little catchy sayings that make things stick.

I think you misunderstand - The math teacher didn't teach us hunting or fishing skills. That would've been much appreciated. He took a small group of guys to the side of the classroom and they told fishing stories. Now how to fish, just "Last summer I went down on the lake and I caught..."

That's what he did.

But yes, I have some survival skills (which I do feel are very important). My uncle is one of the biggest gun enthusiasts and survivalists you'd meet. He taught me hunting and fishing from the time I was able to hold a fishing pole or rifle.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by splitlevel
Most people are killing themselves to live,as the black sabbath song "killing yourself to live" tells us...

edit on 20-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by guavas

Teachers shouldn't ridicule students who "don't get it". They should teach them. That's what they're being paid to do.

You should watch Waiting for Superman. It's on Netflix right now, I think. It's pretty telling of our public school system (and yes, I am a product of that system). I'm not against public schooling in any way - I feel like I benefited from most of my education, with the exception of a couple of teachers. It's just interesting to learn more about teacher's unions and people teaching that don't deserve to be called teachers.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 06:27 PM
They study Edison over tesla is because he's American... Although I agree we should study tesla more, Edison will never be out of history books. He invented the lightbulb and he's American lol

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by burntheships

Nowadays,energy is free for those who would fight for it,there are many different ways too create free power,even i have a few idea's on free energy,which i think would work,but other problems need addressed.
Also,food,any type of carbon or carbon based thing can be turned into anything else carbon based,like food,on a molecular level,we don't have the technology for that idea yet,so i wont waste my time,but there are other ways of ensuring food for everyone,if others weren't so selfish and greedy,and i don't mean the greedy fat man who eats cheeseburgers all day and could buy an African a cheeseburger-like the government-who know as well as i do,free food is available,but i agree with them in some ways,why feed everyone??? when the world is already far too well overpopulated??? if we can completely control the numbers of humans,fine,feed them,but we can't,so no,don't,its no wonder they don't,some family's have several children,it's a waste of resources we don't have,especially,when the ones who are having the most kids are un-educated,penny-less people,as inhuman as this may sound,if it goes on,the whole world will suffer greatly,i say one child,maybe two-or three if your rich...but if you have no money-no children at all,those without money shouldn't have children...i was brought into a poor family,my dad left when i was 3 and my mother was a bit,well,crazy,so why should any other unfortunate child be brought into the world unplanned too live a life of hell cos their oarents wanted sex,i hate my parents for that,my dad is dead,got a letter 3 years ago telling me,"your dickhead of a dad is dead!!!"
un-educated,a waste of time too the world,i was the only one out of thousands of my comrades who gives a # about anything except,drugs,sex-looking cool,being a gangster and in general...a total #ing one deserves that,no one,ive put up with it my whole life,and personally,"if ya cant keep em...dont #in havem!",thats world hunger sorted...without the government's depopulisation,which they will do,if we don' for free energy,apart from windmills,wavemachines...and a lot of # the government knows about,as i said,i have my own ideas.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by guavas

Well done. That's pretty much how I understand it too. That's the thing, you have to step back a little and take the big picture view when understanding why we are where we are. Social engineering takes time and must happen incrementally. I've heard people say that we can't change from where we are because selfishness and domination are part of human nature. But not so, just part of the engineered human we have been steered toward through history. Selfishness and domination come from lack. Imagine the kind of world we would have if everybody had everything they needed-there weren't people going hungry or trying to numb out their shi**y existence by using drugs or screwing people over because it is either "them or me."

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 10:17 PM
I am certain that you are right on the money. I've discovered this truth myself. I've even arrived at it from different angles. Always the same conclusion.

If I may add the notion of fasion. If you can stomach wearing old clothes that aren't hip but are free from rips and tears from mending them yourself you would never need to buy new clothes as often as we are led to believe.

That's the key word: led. We are definately sheep. What really sucks is trying to communicate any of this reality to blinds zombies who think we're crazy.

We will never convince certain people of this "game" you've uncovered. I fear that this "game" is just the result of monkeys getting smart. There may not even be a shadowy group that is running it. I think it's worse than that. I think no one is running it and it's just the sum of the parts what with 6 billion humans running around with a free planet and the means to do whatever we want on it, to eachother, etc.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by rodge2001

You should have said "monkeys thinking they are getting smart" instead of "monkeys getting smart"

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by rodge2001

You should have said "monkeys thinking they are getting smart" instead of "monkeys getting smart"
Tailless apes would be another way of describing the human animal...

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 11:32 PM
I like the theory put forth by the poster. I have thought this very theory to be true for some time. I would take it one step further and ask the question, How can a few overpower the will and intent of the many? I am sure many here believe in cause and effect and or the natural law referred to as karma.

When the conspiracy studies got tired I spent a great deal of time delving into the study of law and what many have probably heard of as the the “straw man”. Law is the operating system of this world. I would put forward the idea that this may be the key to the imbalance in the Karmic equation.

The name we use in commerce is applied for (BIRTH CERTIFICATE) which means our parents asked for it. It was a choice. This name we “use” exists only on paper and should be considered fiction. There is you and there is the name you “use”. You are unlimited in the natural world, you are indefinably unique and are the sum of all thoughts, feelings,actions etc.

When you say I am that name you have knowingly or unknowingly limited your power and identified your self with a limited fictional creation of the STATE. One exists in Law(mans Law) and you the flesh and blood exists in natural law.

I would propose the karmic effect of natural law does not exist in the world of illusion(mans law, statutes, by-laws etc.) We are told all men are created equal and that is true I believe in the real world but we all can see that this is not the reality of the world around us, I propose this to be the biggest factor to ponder on if one wants to break free from the system.

I could go a lot deeper with this but I will leave it at that. You “use” a name in the world of illusion, You are not that name. Example, what is your name? My name is JOHN DOE (wrong) The name I use is JOHN DOE(right)
This I feel is about consciousness and self empowerment.

I believe we co create this reality, with this in mind be conscious of you thoughts positivity goes a long why in co creating a better world. This site can take you down a dark path of dread if you let it.
I hope I got my point across and maybe exposed a new level of consciousness to some of you.

Here is a thread I posted a few years back that goes deeper down the rabbit hole.
Peace and Love!

edit on 20-4-2012 by Eyesa2diffcolors because: added link

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