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Santorum jumps the shark. Pledges to make porn illegal

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posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Reps = gun control

This was an enjoyable read, SaturnFX, thanks for the link!!
I'll be passing that one around at parties!

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by Annee
reply to post by nenothtu

What is the solution?

Idealism or real world.

Formation of additional parties responsive to their constituency, which appears to be underway, but moving slowly - perhaps TOO slowly to salvage the nation. One new party won't do it, since the nation is too diverse in opinions, but if at least one can gather enough steam soon enough, it may get the attention of the entrenched politicos. Although they are only political movements, rather than parties, both the tea Party and OWS have gotten a degree of attention - enough that there has been movement to co-opt them. The Tea party appears to be a lost cause, having already been co-opted, so as much as I hate to say it, OWS is the best chance we have at the moment to shake them - assuming that OWS can successfully avoid being absorbed, get some kind of organized effort going, and present a perceived danger to the jobs of those politician who are walking around thinking they've got it all sewn up.

One key to that would be for OWS to abandon efforts focused on private concerns and start concentrating on efforts to unseat the politicians who make the rules for those private concerns. If Wall Street is an economic gun to our heads, politicians are the bullets. If those bullets aren't in the chamber of that gun, the gun is inert. We need to keep them in our own pockets, rather than handing them over to the economic hostage takers to use against us.

At this point, I don't even care whether the upset comes from the "right" or the "left", as long as it comes from SOMEWHERE. Once one faction or the other gets the ball rolling and has some success, it will motivate and hearten the other factions to make THEIR voices heard in a meaningful way as well.

There are other parties who have been around a while, but with pitifully little support, and a couple of new ones forming. Enough support swung to any one of them to make a difference would make Washington nervous. Working to elect Ron Paul is NOT the answer - Ron Paul still carries that "R" beside his name. Throwing support to someone else - ANYONE else, as long as they don't carry a D or an R, would grab attention. At this point I'm about ready to vote CPUSA just to shake things up - and that comes from someone who is just to the right of Atilla the Hun. I'm so far right I damn near wrap back around to the left.

I would STILL vote communist over either Obama or Romney or Santorum. I want someone up there who will pay attention and do what they're told, and if we can't get that, I'm ready to burn it to the ground and start over from scratch, and to that end am perfectly willing to put my absolute polar opposite in office and watch them burn it down.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Cosmic911

If you listen to the NRA whine long enough, it all starts to sound the same.

A little cynicism never hurt.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by The Sword

I'd rather drink some wine than listen to whine

(sorry, cheesy lol)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by The Sword

I'm always a little amazed at how some people just don't understand the importance of 2nd amendment. Putting everything else aside, the single most important reason, which is usually mocked or dismissed, is that it gives the people a way to protect themselves from tyranny. There's a reason other nations forbid their populations from arming themselves, self preservation.

Don't be fooled in thinking the cozy little world you live in isn't one major event away from degrading into something completely different. Only then do you realize the mistake in your attitude and unfortunately by then it will be too late for you. Making firearms illegal won't make your world any safer, but it will make your country quite a bit different.

The only intelligent people I've come across that still argue against it are those that truly believe their government could never get to that point? Ironic that it's probably the only thing keeping it from happening in the first place. That and there is sill a few bucks left to siphon from the U.S. before it's finished.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by Annee

You couldn't be further from the truth.

Not anti- gun here. I just don't give a # if some yahoo wants the right to carry their compensator..err..gun with them in public.

Are we really so fearful of each other that we must arm ourselves in public?

Gun rights are nothing more than a trivial distraction. The government will ALWAYS find a way to take your guns.

I am a gun owner.

What the 2nd amendment really means - - The Right to Bear Arms - - is: The People are the government - - - and will always have the means and right to rise up against corrupt leaders and take their government back.

No it is not trivial.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by Paschar0

Don't be fooled in thinking the cozy little world you live in isn't one major event away from degrading into something completely different.

This is why I'm a gun owner. When that "event" occurs, I'll need those weapons to protect myself and my family from the neighbor down the road who wasn't prepared and is now trying to steal my generator, or my food, or something else of survival value. People who are not gun owners have no idea why we chose to exercise our 2nd Amendment rights. It is to protect ourselves from that very institution that would take away our rights. When marshal law is declared and we delve deeper into the police state, an unarmed public is an easily-controlled public.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Cosmic911
Monogamy is not a function of biology. A species doesn't survive by practicing monogamy. I think its more true of men than I do of women. I believe, biologically, women are more monogamous than men generally.

I would say women are no more/less monogamous than men. If monogamy isn't conducive to the survival of a species then I would think both sexes would need to be open to having more than one mate.

The "marrying tribe" or the Zo'e have multiple spouses. Since no man is sure which children are his he cares for them all. Imo it probably brings them closer as a group. No man is going to abuse a wife who has several other husbands. Sounds like a good system to me. I like the idea that some husbands are "learning husbands."

Zo'é people

The marriage rituals of the Zo'e are complex and not fully understood. It is not known how many wives or husbands one is allowed to have. Usually one woman has several husbands, one or more of whom may be "learning husbands"; young men learning how to be good spouses, in exchange for hunting for the rest of the family.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 11:27 AM

When marshal law is declared and we delve deeper into the police state, an unarmed public is an easily-controlled public.

Good video, yet I guarantee there will be those that will look at it and make some excuse to themselves about how it must have been justified somehow. People need to understand government and law enforcement as a whole are not here to protect you, they are here to control you. The video is evidence of what happens when SHTF, even a small fan. Rights will be meaningless, the strong and/or smart will be running things. What do you think will happen by lecturing uniformed thugs in this type of scenario?

If I were one of these "officers" I would be a little more worried about the next time one of these victims sees them coming. It's easy to step on someone once, it's when they see you coming again that things change.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Paschar0

An Eloquent post, friend. And your point couldn't be any more closer to reality. The funny thing is, I never considered myself a conspiracy theorist, And still don't, however, the domestic truths that we as a people are uncovering on an almost daily basis is overwhelming and undeniable. Gone are innocent days. And gone are the days when our government functioned as an extension of the will of the people.

And to think that my political views are benign and meek when compared to others here on ATS. This nation is truly headed for darker times.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by Annee

You couldn't be further from the truth.

Not anti- gun here. I just don't give a # if some yahoo wants the right to carry their compensator..err..gun with them in public.

Are we really so fearful of each other that we must arm ourselves in public?

Gun rights are nothing more than a trivial distraction. The government will ALWAYS find a way to take your guns.

I am a gun owner.

What the 2nd amendment really means - - The Right to Bear Arms - - is: The People are the government - - - and will always have the means and right to rise up against corrupt leaders and take their government back.

No it is not trivial.

To bad the real government consists of private interests... You could purge DC 10 times over and find
nothing has changed.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by jacktorrance
reply to post by Afterthought

People will argue that it's their freedom of speech to produce really violent sex, so how is it limiting their ability to do what they want if they have to sell it in DVD/BluRay form?

I guess if a person did want to watch that kind of porn, then having to go to a store to purchase it could limit their ability to view it. We're pretty invasive as a society and enjoy talking about who's doing what and why. Maybe they're a senator who enjoys a raunchy romp with a twisted S&M every now and then, but wouldn't want to go out to get it for fear of the person selling/renting it to them blabbing.

Nah, really though I think it's just a matter of convenience. Having it on hand any time the need arises is probably something they enjoy. Also, principal. The fact that someone else is telling us what we can and cannot watch, when it is legal, really grinds peoples gears. And it should.

As far as the women that are pretty obviously drug addicts and you can assume that's the way they're getting paid, that's probably true. But the problem then is drug addiction, not porn. And that's a whole 'nother battle.

What porn have you guys been watching? I personally would not want to see a drug addict having sex on film, eugh. And violent porn? Maybe I am a little naive but I have only ever seen one film with even a tiny bit of slapping and just thought they were being kinky. What's this violent porn you refer to?

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:32 PM
Now he is saying he will prosecute distributors of any material his people deem 'obscene.' He is not specific about what he calls obscene. He won't get elected so really is nothing to worry about but it alarming he has as much support as he does.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by mastahunta

Originally posted by Annee

I am a gun owner.

What the 2nd amendment really means - - The Right to Bear Arms - - is: The People are the government - - - and will always have the means and right to rise up against corrupt leaders and take their government back.

No it is not trivial.

To bad the real government consists of private interests... You could purge DC 10 times over and find
nothing has changed.

Does anyone really know what is really real? We could be a very evolved video game for all I know.

However - - I simply pointed out what the 2nd amendment actually means. Implementing it is something else.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by LErickson

Don't run into women that like pornography often on here.

I'm glad that people are waking up to Santorum's silliness. What's next? Theocracy?

Before we know it, Santorum will be cavorting with the likes of the Taliban.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Paschar0

READ it again. I said that I don't have an issue with guns being legal.

I'm just sick and tired of the morons in our culture that make the gun rights movement look bad. You really ought to reign in some of them because they're a #ing embarrassment to the second amendment.

And exactly what tyranny do you protect yourself from currently? If all of the gun rights people banded together, they could put a stop to that tyranny instead of worrying about their property all the time. Just march and stop the tyranny!
edit on 18-3-2012 by The Sword because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
I said that I don't have an issue with guns being legal.

Yep - - that is what you said.

I'm just sick and tired of the morons in our culture that make the gun rights movement look bad. You really ought to reign in some of them because they're a #ing embarrassment to the second amendment.

Can't argue that.

I doubt some of them - - - actually know what the 2nd amendment really means.

edit on 18-3-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 02:58 PM
if you wanna make porn illegal....kiss my brown ass

why do white people always want to control everybody?

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 09:37 PM
This buffoon honestly doesn't mean to outlaw porn. By now, you guys should know that they promise to do things to a certain audience to *sigh* appeal to their wishes. They move their position as much as water does, so don't expect them to stand firm on it.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 12:32 AM


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