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Twitter feed: White House says US considering sending humanitarian aid to Syrian people

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posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 01:33 PM

Twitter: BreakingNews 2:21pm via White House says US considering sending humanitarian aid to Syrian people as it ramps up pressure on Assad government

No source through Twitter, image capture instead below.

This is one way for the US military to get inside this conflict, by sending aid. From there military advisers bringing aid can assess the situation and start the war planning.

So what does ATS think, is this the guise the US will use to help the "rebels" in Syria - we come in peace with aid? Or is it legitimate, the US wants to send food and blankets?

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 01:41 PM
I wonder how this "humanitarian aid" will help Syria? I guess they will help out as good as they are helping in know with the torturing and genocide...yes please rush to Syria...#thanx Nato #thanx west

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 01:44 PM
Humanitarian Aid?? Is there some famine or other disaster of epic proportion that I just entirely missed?? Oh.... This is for the civil unrest huh? Ya know..If we stopped funding and pushing the rebels to make war among civilians in Homs and other cities, they might not be short of things when it comes time to stock the kitchen and make dinner.

On with the war drums...and nothing will satisfy be big green killing machine until Syria and Iran are both safely taken from their current leaderships and delivered to the UN and IMF with a pretty red bow wrapped around them. 10's of thousands may die?

Oh gee... can't make an omelet without breaking eggs...and all that.
( /end sarcasm)

If the Western powers stopped pushing Syrian internal matters into open warfare in the streets, we wouldn't have this problem. SO rather than literally feed the problem, how about we STOP causing it?

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by iamusic

As the multibillion dollar US war machine dies down in Iraq and Afghanistan it must find somewhere new to receive money - looks like Syria and Iran. I don't think the US will ever see peace again, we'll jump from war to war as people are so desensitized to it now.

Anyway, I don't know what aid the Syrians can use... oh wait I do. Guns! Those were probably delivered months ago...
edit on 7-2-2012 by Jason88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 02:01 PM
A bit late to the party, it's a shame Syria doesn't have oil, the SAS and CIA would have been on the ground months ago forming the rebels into an army and getting them ready to take Assad out for a nice lynching

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 02:02 PM
I just started a new thread on this topic below, go here:

Another thought on Syria, when I saw this news item I immediately remembered a lie that got the US into Iraq during Desert Shield:

Loyalist gangs have committed cold-blooded massacres of entire families, including women and babies, in their effort to spread fear among the protesters and push them out of the city — a development that could usher in a larger-scale drive for ethnic cleansing in Homs City and a number of coastal communities, where sectarian tensions continue to rise.


The key term there is "babies." As a lie it is used to pull at heart strings and paint the bad guys as really bad. (If babies are being killed I am sorry, but we've been fed this lie before).

Here the lie during the Iraq war: "When contemplating war, beware of babies in incubators"

Too bad it never happened. The babies in the incubator story is a classic example of how easy it is for the public and legislators to be mislead during moments of high tension. It's also a vivid example of how the media can be manipulated if we do not keep our guards up.


What I'm saying is, if we hear more and more stories of babies getting killed, then we need to start thinking the US is recycling a lie from the Desert Shield days.
edit on 7-2-2012 by Jason88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 02:08 PM
One thing is for sure, they need to hire better actors and directors for the next invasion show. The actors need to really act like they are happy Americans have come to liberate them. They need more props, like roses thrown in the path of the tanks. They need more than 10 people dancing around joyously. Hollywood needs to help out the spin doctors here. American credibility is at risk now. The fake jubilation at the arrival of US troops needs to be believable.

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