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McDonald's Job Applications Dumped On 'Occupy' Protesters By Chicago Board Of Trade

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posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by Dystopiaphiliac

Minimum wage and temporary (to get out of health & dental benefits) is slavery.

Good point, at least someone else around here is awake and aware.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by supine

My thoughts exactly, they should find the owners of the building or something, it is never good to kick a man/woman while they are down.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Aim64C

You want your own house (we are, virtually, the only country that has such individualized ownership of real estate - most other countries own/rent/lease in groups or families). A car for everyone in the family, new clothes every month, etc.

That's the stereotypical "American Dream." I've been told that's the dream from family, friends and political figures since I was a little child. In a capitalist system it's the dream to have useless things, and to support useless things, such as professional sports (Everyone I work with is fascinated with professional sports, yet none of them play ANY sports, it makes me cringe). What does anybody need? We only need enough to survive. Food, water and enough sleep that you don't cause brain damage. Anything beyond that is purely want and completely unnecessary.

If I was suddenly the supreme ruler of the Earth I would force EVERYONE to be stripped of all unnecessary goods until everyone had the basic necessities to live. No one human should live in peace and happiness while another man suffers and dies from starvation. And there's not even anything I can do about it. Where would I go right now to sign up and give the rest of my life to helping those who absolutely need it the most? There's no organization like that. There's no group organized with the cohesion of the US military that instead of dropping bombs they drop food and shelter. I guess it doesn't matter anyways, we're all struggling to survive just so we can die.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by bekisu

Ha. Ha. People who act like we're all still in high school and run down our protests screaming "get a job!" don't realize they are embarrassing themselves way more than they embarrass us. Almost everyone at the Occupy where I live have jobs...

That's really just sad, not on the protestors part but the people who dumped the applications.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

The American dream is dead..........welcome to the New Global Order (NWO) is a passe term.

1984 is here because not enough people woke the frack up fast enough and we're making the same mistakes over and over and over again..........allowing the corrupt few to manipulate and control the many.

How vindicated you must feel.

Here's the way I look at it: I have goals in life, and I'm intelligent and resourceful enough to accomplish them. I will overthrow governments and vanquish demons if it's necessary.

You sit there and act like what has happened is completely out of your control.

It's your life. You can choose to accept responsibility for it, or not. Failure to do so will allow someone else to call the shots for you.

I am not going to break down your claims and point out where you have failed to take charge of your own life - you likely already know where, and it makes for ugly forums.

reply to post by Dystopiaphiliac

Minimum wage is the closest thing to slavery and you're lying out your ass if you tell me the owners of major corporations wouldn't have slaves if they could.

Minimum wage is exactly what it is - the minimum wage as established by your government.

If you think it's slavery, then you are, clearly, not very adept at finances.

Around here, you can get rent for as low as $200/month if you are willing to split it with a couple other people (room mates). If you haven't bought a car over $8,000 - you should be able to afford your payments and insurance quite easily, as a younger person in life. Learn how to cook some basic, but nutritious dishes (that are inexpensive) - and you will find that a full-time minimum-wage job can meet your expenses with some excess.

Pay off your car and roll that into savings. Begin searching for higher paying jobs in manufacturing and/or pursuing trade schools. Use some of your savings to invest in equipment you personally own and can use for a trade (people willing to drive out and weld on farm equipment get some pretty good money for the time and overhead).

Minimum wage is not intended to be the catch-all wage where you can live without really feeling pressured to find a better job.

Minimum wage is, in itself, a bit of a fallacious concept. With an increase in minimum wage comes an increase in virtually all retail and service goods to account for the increased wages that must be paid by the revenue provided by customers. Raising minimum wage encourages outsourcing and increases local costs of production and living.

Not that the proponents of increasing minimum wage understand this...

My point?

It's only slave wages if you treat yourself like a slave and allow yourself to become dependent upon lines of credit and/or live to the absolute extent of your income. If you, instead, treat yourself like a smart, thinking, intelligent human being capable of forming a plan and executing that plan - then minimum wage is a stepping-stone, a transitional period of one's life used to better their condition.

But you have to be smart about it.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by Dystopiaphiliac

If I was suddenly the supreme ruler of the Earth I would force EVERYONE to be stripped of all unnecessary goods until everyone had the basic necessities to live. No one human should live in peace and happiness while another man suffers and dies from starvation.

You've got my vote.

Now, I grew up in a time and place where I was fed "Good girls get married in their early 20's, have babies, are good mommies and wives, make sure the babies have a nice house and swing set, work hard, and all the rest of the frap.

During the Viet Nam War I protested war because nobody should be killing anyone............I still believe nobody should ever hurt or kill another person.

Hey that idea about dropping food instead of bombs ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At around 40 I began to read first David Icke, than Jim Marrs and other conspiracy books.............

It was at that time that I awoke from the Matrix we call our present reality.

I finally came to the conclusion (better late than never) that I had been lied to, used as a tool.

Anyway your post was most insightful, humanitarian and intelligent.

Everyone deserves to have a full tummy, a nice soft warm bed and a roof over their head. In my own small way I have donated time and money to various organizations to promote humanitarian projects.

Everyone deserves to make a decent salary, enough that they don't have to work two jobs.

Everyone deserves not to have to live in a place where they are bombed at night and day.

Everyone deserves a job where they are not bullied, but required to work hard for a good day's pay.

Nobody deserves to make so much money they could not spend it in a hundred lifetimes.

While Tori Spelling spent 80,000 USD on her son's first birthday party, 23,000 children died of starvation that day.

While many movie stars have closets the size of our homes, many people are homeless.

I count myself lucky to have a home but I have six pairs of shoes, three pairs of jeans, seven tunic tops, two dresses and underwear.

We have one hybrid car (my husband and I share). It's a medium size car and gets 45 miles to the gallon.

I do not waste any food - surprising what the squirrels, bunnies, coyotes and birds will eat.

I donate 2 nights a month to a food distribution center and have one dog I rescued from death row.

I also donate money to various charities which is now getting harder because my job was out sourced over a year ago and at my age, companies do not like older workers.

While I am not Mother Theresa, in my own way, I try to give back and am very thankful for what I do have.

Your post was again most impressive and restores my faith in humanity.

We need more people like you.

I'm tooting this book, The Resonant Factor by Dennis's pricey at 40.00 so you may have to budget it in but you might find this book interesting and informative.

As soon as I sign off for today I'm going to read it, but it's a big book and not a easy read.

I wish ATS had a book review section.................this one book would get 5 out of 5 stars from me, it's a monumental read.

edit on 7-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: spelling

edit on 7-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady

Originally posted by Drunkenparrot

I dont understand, are you saying that food service employment is beneath you?

I have news, there is no shame in honest work. I would not hesitate to take a job in the service industry to provide for my own if it were all the work I was qualified to perform.

Regarding the fast food applications, that has been a staple for weeding out the slackers and undesirables in my profession for a long time.

Dropping a McD's application in the offenders extra value meal is short, blunt and unmistakably to the point.

You find the gesture rude do you? Good, I am sure that was the intended reaction.

Ok, so you are telling me that you would work a minimum wage, fast food job knowing full well you will have to apply for governmental assistance just to be able to get by?

Before you go spouting off on these people, ask yourself what would you do in their situation? Face it you could get laid off yourself, unless you are the boss of your own company. What if you couldn't get a McDonald's job because they told you that you were over qualified? Many people get turned down due to that excuse.

Here is the problem, and why those applications are so rude. Those fast food jobs will not support one person let alone a family. They are meant for high school and college students who are living with mommy and daddy. They are meant for someone who has to supplement another source of income.

I don't know of anyone who can make a living of off a McDonalds job or other minimum wage job unless they were living in poverty. That usually means living in bad areas, living in nasty apartments or houses that badly needs fixed, not having enough to eat or food stamps, and not having anything except the necessities. Is electric really a necessity?

Those jobs have such odd work hours with the requirement that you have to be available for when they want you to work that you basically can not find a secondary job. It will be extremely hard.

Many in the OWS crowd are already employed, but know their job can disappear as quick as everyone elses. They know there is something wrong, and taking a stand against it.

It is this lack of respect and stereotyping employers have towards people, as to why many can't find a job. Just because someone has been unemployed for so long, they are lazy. Just because they have bad credit either due to their own fault, large medical bills they can't pay, or an illegal foreclosure they are likely to steal from the company. Don't forget being over qualified.

If they find out you have unpaid medical bills, they will deem you to get sick too much. Of course they always favor the young over the middle age and older people.

Before you tell others to just go find a job who have been unemployed for a long period of time without a good excuse, employers will turn them down left and right in favor to someone who already has a job or only unemployed for a couple of weeks if that. I don't care how well qualified someone is.

Also, there are those who have no place to live or address. I don't care how many applications you give them, they will never find a job due to the lack of an address.

Remember jobs are disappearing left and right. Too many people, and not enough jobs. Over a million applications for 50,000 job openings? Ouch.

When people don't have money it will hit every type of business. Honestly, the only type of businesses I see increasing are second hand shops, Dollar Stores, Good will, St. Vincent DePaul's, and other stores that sell items cheap. Guess where my Christmas shopping has been so far?

It is not as simple as saying go find a job. Think before you speak.

What would I do in their situation????
Are you kidding?

I would work 3 jobs to provide for myself and family.
Not throwing a tantrum in a protesting mob.
Give me a break.

Again, it just shows the true colors of OWS. "I want Govt to fix my problems and take care of me".

I am reminded of the goober that asked the question of when will the President treat the American citizen like their child, during I think the 92 Presidential debate. Bush scoffed at the idea, but Clinton oozed at the idea of being Daddy Govt.

These are the people at OWS. "Please Daddy Govt, take care of my woes"...

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by satron

Originally posted by bekisu

Originally posted by satron
This is exactly what they are protesting. McJobs are the only jobs left for the majority of the people.

Exactly... It must suck to have a college degree and mountains of student loan debt, and the only job you can get is flipping burgers and saying "would you like fries with that."

If this is truly the future of the work force in America, then they seriously are going to need to legalize drugs, because everyone is going to need them.

Is that all people still think about in the States, getting stoned??

Perhaps if people stopped bonging themselves silly and kept what brains they had un-# faced then maybe the economy might be better off. Its all I ever see these days, bongs and legalise this and that, and yet most of the folk I hear this from are not working, odd that....

How many more ways do people need to screw up what little brain cells they have, this culture of doing drugs really does not help efficiency, just ask those now unemployed Ford workers who liked to smoke weed during their shifts.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by macman

How about you go work at McD's, also please take a pic in the uniform to prove it. But, you probably have a job, so anyway I imagine you would not worry about losing your job? And if you do this offer is still open and to prove that it's your pic in the MCD's uniform I want you to post a pic of yourself now...j/k but you know it is easy to jsut take any bum working at MCD'S pic and say it's you. Just first, Mac...

I worked many of jobs in fast food. I have worked 2 jobs since 95. Spare me the BS cry baby attitude.
To this day I work a full time job, a weekend job and a small business.
If I was unemployed tomorrow, I would gladly put on the McDonalds Uniform. As I provide for myself and my family.
I don't look to Govt or my neighbor to provide for me.That is the difference.
I am not above any job, when presented with either work and income or no work and no income.
I am not a cry baby when it comes to hard work, or work for that matter.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by gunmetal

Good post a star..............if someone is down, help them back up.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Dystopiaphiliac

If I was suddenly the supreme ruler of the Earth I would force EVERYONE to be stripped of all unnecessary goods until everyone had the basic necessities to live. No one human should live in peace and happiness while another man suffers and dies from starvation.


I don't entertain such useless ideas. "Supreme ruler of the Earth?" "Force everyone to be stripped of unnecessary goods?"

Why the fixation on what others have?

Me? I have my own goals. I want to see other planets - to build some of the beautiful and amazing things my mind imagines - to learn as much as I possibly can about the universe.

Dominating others is not something I really lend much thought to. It's a useless concept that leads one down a corrupt path.

I believe there's an old piece of scripture that deals with this... a particular phrase: 'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's things.' It's some powerful wisdom.

Where would I go right now to sign up and give the rest of my life to helping those who absolutely need it the most? There's no organization like that.

The Peace Corps. Salvation Army. Many local and regional religious institutions. There's a considerable list.

There's no group organized with the cohesion of the US military that instead of dropping bombs they drop food and shelter.

The military delivers insane amounts of food and supplies to foreign countries.

We have to. Armed gangs led by warlords tend to seize control of it and use it to extort the local population if we don't go in locked, cocked, and ready to rock.

You'll find that most of the poverty in the world is caused by one of two things: laziness/sloth, or selfishness/greed. Africa is a prime example of selfishness and greed - where an alarming percent of the population has a fixation with how another person lives and expresses a desire to control how other people live and work (for their own benefit). People don't have anything because it makes you a target; or someone already stole it from you.

In America, it's sloth, for the most part. However, with the OWS movement, this is becoming a selfishness/greed sort of thing. If it keeps up, we will soon be like Africa, with leaders of the OWS movement pillaging others under the banner of social justice.

Which is why I try my best to stay away from fixation on what others have. Sure - I like to ooh and ah over cool things that others have - and say "I'd like one, too" - but I don't try and victimize myself to justify feelings of jealousy. I'm happy they are happy, and let it be at that, while working and planning for my own future to meet my own goals.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Aim64C

I've taken charge of my life and I've had a nice life.

I've also donated mega time to others that haven't had as nice a life and I've seen first hand the ugly head of a unjust, greedy society.

I'm simply trying to wake people up to the many injustices that abound.

From where I started out and where I am now, I've done quite well for myself.

But, we as a country are in the mess we are in because not enough people woke up, united and reacted fast enough.

The few are manipulating and controlling the many and the many are just now beginning to figure this out.

edit on 7-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Aim64C

Around here, you can get rent for as low as $200/month

Like to know what planet you live anywhere even in bad areas around me are 700.00 per month and that's for a studio, bare basic one room and bathroom.

Read my other many cars do you own? My husband and I share one. Last one was a Saturn that lasted us 13 years.

We just bought a hybrid that gets 45 miles to the gallon at $29,000 (again 1 medium size car shared by 2 people).

Do you donate time to others?

Last month I

Worked two nights at a food / homeless shelter
Donated walking and clean up poop at the local animal shelter
Went shopping for two really old people
And gave away sandwiches and blankets to four homeless people that refused to come to our shelter.

What did you do last month to make the world a little better?

If everyone did just one random act of kindness per day our world would be a lot nicer place to live.

You need to do some serious research on how unjust pay scales are in America.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by bekisu

You don't go to McDonald's on a college education. If that's what they want them to do, pay them back their college fees. It's the Board's fault for telling colleges to say that everyone would have jobs.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:06 AM
Did most of the "too lazy to work, OWS?" people miss the part where when McDonalds put out 50,000 jobs, they got over a million applications?

That's right! Fill out the application, and you too could have a less than 1 in 20 chance of landing that mcjob. Oh, and you might have to relocate so you can make your minimum wage, where 20 years ago, any schmuck 16 year old could pick from a variety of these types of jobs in their hometown.

The "joke" is that they're too lazy to work. The reality is, there aren't enough jobs of ANY sort. And speaking of entitlement, how about the Board of Trade workers who believe that because they had the fortune of graduating college a decade ago that they're deserving of the money they make, and their counterparts with similar skills who have the misfortune of being younger are deserving of contempt?

This group also painted "We Are The 1%" on the windows of the building earlier.

It's not Occupy Chicago that's acting as if mcjobs are demeaning.
It's not Occupy Chicago that's displaying vast amounts of ego.
It's not Occupy Chicago that's showing self-entitlement.

It's the half drunk futures and options traders who have no skill other than the ability to determine when something is mispriced, or more appropriately, when something's price can be effectively manipulated for profit who are displaying these things proudly.

Class warfare, it's not just for poor people anymore.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by mobiusmale

I went to college, finished and got my degree. I do not have a high paying cushy job. Right now I wait tables until I get the good job. Who knows how long it will be, but I'm not too good to put on that apron and take orders from rude people who run my butt off, or talk to me like I am a worthless, uneducated girl just there to serve them. (btw, there are some nice people too.) I do have my days when I think, "why did I have so many restless nights studying, if this is what I'm going to be stuck doing?" But then, I pull up my big girl pants and go to work because I've got bills to pay and children to care for. There is no such thing as entitlement. I will keep sending my resume out, and hopefully I will get a decent paying job.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by ldyserenity

Originally posted by pngxp

Originally posted by ldyserenity

Originally posted by pngxp
you know what helps unemployment the most?

camping in a park for 3 week.


You know what works for your attitude? A BULLET!

wow, so is that a threat of physical violence towards me or something?

im guessing youre a liberal? thanks for showing your true colors.

No it's just a suggestion for you to take into account.But I was beig sarcastic.

Sitting behind your computer deriding people trying to stimulate CHANGE~~~ EPIC FAIL!

No I am middle of the line Consider myself an Independant Independant from retarded leanings and bipartisan bull#!
edit on 6-11-2011 by ldyserenity because: add

yes, a suggestion of violence towards me. thanks again for that!

and would you rather me go down to one of these parties and deride these people accomplishing nothing? well, that would be fun, but A) i actually have a job because im not camping in a park for weeks on end, B) judging from your threats, i dont want to get shot. so i will stay here at my computer thank you very much. the change these fools want isnt what 99% of america wants, and its 0% of what america needs.

and for the people saying that this movement isnt political and not affiliated by the left... really? REALLY??

and heres a question for the OWS supporters. is ignorance really that blissful?

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

It's good to hear you're doing what you can to help other people. Helping and sharing is the basis of a peaceful and loving relationship. On this planet there is the technology for everyone to have a place to live, with indoor hydroponics (growing your own food) and safe drinking water. The technology exists, but we the people with luxuries, have been unwilling to band together to apply this. When will the time come that millions of people stand up together and reject the current systems of government, which separate thinking and feeling beings with imaginary lines on dirt?

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:33 AM
Wonder if their just trying to aggravate protesters into becoming destructive and violent, to force an ending. And how did they throw the papers out? im pictureing a big building with solid glass windows. No windows that open.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:34 AM
What a lame joke..

Yer its all fun and games now,but just wait until the tax payers are outweighed by the unemployed and cant support them anymore.

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