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McDonald's Job Applications Dumped On 'Occupy' Protesters By Chicago Board Of Trade

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posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by pngxp

This occupation wants nothing to do with the left, the right or even the cente as what we want is to be Americans for America!

The only that is bi-partisan about OWS is the call to end corporate corruption within Congress.

Other than that, OWS is pretty far out there in left field.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

The only that is bi-partisan about OWS is the call to end corporate corruption within Congress.

If there is a rallying cry to be heard it is this

People are sick of it.

And it won't register as being real until blood runs in the streets and foriegn media reports on it, while the federal reserve controlled media ignores it.

And then the guns will come out
edit on 7-11-2011 by InformationAccount because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by InformationAccount

I agree. That's why I supported OWS at first, went to the initial march and so on .. but now that message is simply one of many. 90% of which I don't agree with. So ... yeah, that's the biggest issue, and it's bipartisan every one can agree to it. But OWS is no longer the vehicle for change when it comes to this issue, because it's alienated a very large percentage of people with their "camps" and Progressive messages.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 03:01 AM
It's great to know we troll eachother in real life...

it was done simply for "teh lulz".

I'm sure they feel cool, they got a headline, more than most trolls achieve.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

This sums it up!

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 03:51 AM
Huge spear campaign against OWS

But we are WINNING!

The banks are resorting to acting like a child caught with it's hand in the cookie jar.

Just seen this photo and I am not sure if it is real however it speaks for itself

Let the buthurt flooowww
edit on 7-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 04:04 AM
I am thinking this could be... perhaps the person that littered the streets was not only throwing daggers in "thinking OWS is a bunch of Liberals" as well as referring to Obama creating McDonalds jobs.

This is typical behavior of the republican fringe.."coughs" ehem the Tradist douche bag that wasted a few trees and ink from the printer that obviously has too much time on his hands and a chip on his her shoulder.

According to the unemployment data released this morning, the economy added only 54,000 jobs, pushing the unemployment rate up to 9.1 percent. However, this report from MarketWatch suggests the data is much worse than that

McDonald’s ran a big hiring day on April 19 — after the Labor Department’s April survey for the payrolls report was conducted — in which 62,000 jobs were added. That’s not a net number, of course, and seasonal adjustment will reduce the Hamburglar impact on payrolls. (In simpler terms — restaurants always staff up for the summer; the Labor Department makes allowance for this effect.) Morgan Stanley estimates McDonald’s hiring will boost the overall number by 25,000 to 30,000. The Labor Department won’t detail an exact McDonald’s figure — they won’t identify any company they survey — but there will be data in the report to give a rough estimate.

If Morgan Stanley is correct, about half of last month’s job growth came from the venerable fast-food chain. That is hardly the sign of a healthy economy.


It's always the same predictable political BS with these simpletons

So the logic is 99$ flip burgers for the 1%?

Well then what will we do with all that kitchen oil?

Use it as fuel for our cars problem solved right?

Not a surprise coming from the elite, all they do is eat and crap on us
edit on 7-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by bekisu

If I had been drinking milk when I read that, it would be dripping out my nose right now.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by fixer1967

everyone who was there should have filled it out, and then proceeded, as a group, to go turn them in at the nearest mc donalds demanding a starting pay of ten dollars an hour, or however much the figured they would need to actually live!!!

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by Drunkenparrot

Originally posted by bekisu

On top of cold weather and logistical pains, "Occupy" protesters in Chicago last week dealt with an embarrassing stunt. Dozens of photocopied McDonald's job applications were reportedly thrown from the Chicago Board of Trade building and onto Occupy Chicago protestors earlier this week, according to Chicagoist (h/t Mediaite).

source rude. So everyone's supposed to go work at McDonalds flipping burgers, this will solve ALL of our problems, yeah right.
edit on 6-11-2011 by bekisu because: (no reason given)

I dont understand, are you saying that food service employment is beneath you?

I have news, there is no shame in honest work. I would not hesitate to take a job in the service industry to provide for my own if it were all the work I was qualified to perform.

Regarding the fast food applications, that has been a staple for weeding out the slackers and undesirables in my profession for a long time.

Dropping a McD's application in the offenders extra value meal is short, blunt and unmistakably to the point.

You find the gesture rude do you? Good, I am sure that was the intended reaction.

And people making statements like this end up finding out exactly what the OWS people are protesting when they lose their jobs and these cushy jobs they claim people are too lazy to look for are not being replace by the people they currently worship. It is funny how easily your prospective changes when you are one of the ones who can't buy a MickyD's dollar menu item after you've shot your financial reserves looking for these jobs that are never coming back.
Now here's a thought on growing trends in the US - there is no job growth, not even in fast food. Once another 12% of jobs is tossed out for the corporate bottom line, there will be millions more out of work. More people that cannot buy McDonald's food.
Then it will be the McDonald's worker who will lose their jobs to the corporate bottom line because there is no one left to buy their crappy food.
So what will be your next solution? Or rather your next nasty joke? It's easy to joke when you think it is never going to happen to you. But take my advice: consider the possibilities that you losing your job today has better odds than of you ever winning the lottery all because of the worship of the rich and them keeping their bottom line tactics. Funny thing is, they don't realize that once everyone is out of work, they won't make money anymore either. Now who is the idiot?

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by bekisu rude

Really? A bunch of people bitching that they dont have a job...i'd say they did them a favor.

Go to work while you wait on something better. Stop expecting it to be handed to you simply because your father worked his ass off to have the things you do today.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by satron
This is exactly what they are protesting. McJobs are the only jobs left for the majority of the people.

wrong. McJobs are the only jobs available for people too stupid to do anything else.

A college degree means NOTHING today. It doesn't mean you're smart or you're capable. It means you're in debt and you spent all of your extra money on beer.

Now you feel entitled to complain you have no job.

You should have spent your time honing a skill...there are lots of jobs out there, and you can't blame anyone if you're too lazy or too stupid to qualify for them.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by QueSeraSera

I would imagine that if they had to, they'd gladly fill out a McDonalds application. Some people prefer to be productive, some people want to be parasites. It's easy to see who is who in these OWS examples. The McDonalds applications are a perfect illustration of that point.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:35 AM
The best Christmas party I ever went to was when I worked for the Chicago Board of Options Exchange...............ahhhh boiled shrimp the size of the palm of your hand (no joke)......all kinds of booze (and what we cannot here in name on ATS because it is illegal / I didn't partake of the latter).

Roast Beef, ham, all kinds of salads, liver pate, caviar, all kinds of top quality food, quality I've only seen in a few of the very best restaurants.

Older men (30's - 40's) going after us young ones (early 20's)............had to lock ourselves in the woman's bathroom up on one of the higher floors.

When these guys get plowed, they go wild.

I guess stocks were doing well in the early 70's.

BTW: I saw money, large sums of cash pass from hand to hand as "a little extra Christmas cheer, wink wink".

I only worked at the CBOE for about a year, the people were nasty, spoiled, cruel and heartless. One of the stock traders made life very difficult for me after that one Christmas party because I "wouldn't give him one little kiss".........sexual harassment, you bet but try and come up with the money for a lawyer to prove it and the guy was worth easily millions.

But, that Christmas party (and I've been to some really nice ones) topped them all by a landslide. The food, drink and other stuff there was unbelievable.

Starred the OP Post because I could easily see these folks doing something like this...............they are some of the goons working for the 1%.

Again, Go to the very best supermarket you can find and the food the common man is offered is nothing, compared to how the other half lives.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:21 AM
Welcome to the new service economy.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by Duamutef9

No some people preferred to be paid what their worth..........the people who are doing the real work, flipping your burger in under two minutes, watching your little darling baby, putting up with and trying to educate your bratty teenagers, people who drive buses, clean toilets, fight fires, all are paid not near what their worth.

You have not researched enough into the wage differential in America..............The CEO of McDonalds makes how much? What does he/she do? Not much, I've worked on the same floor as a at ten, lunch from 12-2, golf at 3, home at 4 and the three times I had to bring in a paper for signature, he was playing PC golf. And don't give me the "well he comes in on Saturdays".............nope I did, he didn't, not once.

The people who do the real work are wizing's time things were more equalized.

The man who held my husbands heart in his hands made less than the corrupt CEO I worked with.

The reason our planet is so messed up is the majority of people simply don't realize how stuff really works and are apathetic about the injustice of the "system".

Wake up!

I'de rather go homeless than live the way I lived working in a fancy office that was managed exactly like Henry the VIII's court.

I'm not lazy, but I refuse to no longer be abused by the system while a chosen few get all the perks.

Movie stars make tens of millions while people that do the real work, stock your food, drive your food to your stores, grow your food, butcher your animals so you don't have to dirty your little hands, the people who do the real work now must hold two jobs just to put food on the table and a roof over their head. But hey most of you I bet will reply, so what, movie stars are worth the tens of millions............insane the lot of you.

Now companies have gotten crafty, they make you work just short of 40 hours so you don't get benefits or tell you "you should be able to get this work done in 39 hours" when in actuality it would take someone with a BS degree and a IQ of 130 60 hours to get all the frap work off your desk.

Again, wake up, unite and are all enslaved and being taken advantage of and too stupid to realize it.

edit on 7-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:42 AM
To respond to the: "Food Service doesn't pay a living wage" crowd:

Look at how you live.

You want your own house (we are, virtually, the only country that has such individualized ownership of real estate - most other countries own/rent/lease in groups or families). A car for everyone in the family, new clothes every month, etc.

Few jobs actually can provide that. Hence why the housing market imploded when we decided to try and legislate people into homes.

A few families pooling their incomes and renting/buying a larger home can live quite comfortably on the types of income that most people are going to have to face in today's world.

It's as simple as that. People are going to have to change and adapt to the times.

OWS is not going to succeed in improving people's lives. It's as plain and simple as that. Nothing is going to prevent the next several years from suffering high unemployment and inflated prices. It's the price we pay for over 40 years of a credit-driven economy spent to its max and allowing our government to go completely unchecked by reason.

If you want someone to come and solve the problem for you - then you might as well just do something worth getting shot and killed for - because it's not going to happen. Dependency on some "higher authority" to dispense a job to you or to even have one created for you to apply for is not going to go rewarded in these harder economic times.

You either get resourceful, and get creative, or perish.

There is no "new deal" to pull us out of this.

OWS is protesting against the very laws of physics, and they will find the effort most futile. No one has the power to meet their demands, and even if it could be accomplished for a short period of time - it would not be sustainable.

The question is whether or not we want to try and preserve the framework of our Nation, or simply let it burn to the ground with chaos determining what arises from the ashes.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by Aim64C

We had one car my husband and I shared (not a SUV) and made it last for 13 years...............we got a new one, a hybrid - one car.

We have one house, a prefab 1960 model that needs a lot of remodeling, I'm not complaining, it's got ten rooms and a big yard.

New clothes, nope................I thrift shop and that now rarely.

Americans over spend thinking TS isn't going to HTF.

We still have another several years to pay off our second mortgage and my husband is 67 with a aorta valve replacement..............he has lived longer than any other male in his family for the last 200 years.

My job of 16 years was outsourced to India over a year ago and at 58 most companies practice age discrimination but hey try to prove it.

The American dream is dead..........welcome to the New Global Order (NWO) is a passe term.

1984 is here because not enough people woke the frack up fast enough and we're making the same mistakes over and over and over again..........allowing the corrupt few to manipulate and control the many.

edit on 7-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:58 AM
Minimum wage is the closest thing to slavery and you're lying out your ass if you tell me the owners of major corporations wouldn't have slaves if they could.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by bekisu

That sounds like littering.
They should get a ticket.

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