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Plan C: World War III

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+99 more 
posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 06:44 PM
  • May 1, 2011:

    WASHINGTON - Osama bin Laden, the face of global terrorism and architect of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, was killed in a firefight with elite American forces Monday, then quickly buried at sea in a stunning finale to a furtive decade on the run.

  • June 11. 2011:

    Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, the head of Al-Qaeda in East Africa and the mastermind behind the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, was killed during a shootout with Somali government forces in Mogadishu.

  • Sept 30, 2011:

    President Barack Obama publicly and proudly confirmed the death in Yemen Friday of one of the most prominent leaders of Al Qaeda, American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.

  • Oct 20, 2011:

    Muammar Gaddafi was killed after being captured by the Libyan fighters he once scorned as "rats," cornered and shot in the head after they overrun his last bastion of resistance in his hometown of Sirte.

It would seem a lot of terrorist leaders are being killed nowadays, and all of them in areas where the US (or US-led alliances) are operating. This can easily be seen as President Obama flexing his muscles to show he is a strong President, especially in light of the upcoming 2012 elections where he is having serious trouble in the polls. But I seem to recall during Bush's eight years, a lot of concern expressed over his policy of carrying out such assassinations... including concerns raised by none other than now-President Barrack Obama.

Are we witnessing a shift in Obama's policies over the election? Or is there something even more troubling and sinister in the wings?

I have known for some time now that the entire War on Terrorism was less about terrorism and more about money. Specifically, the US dollar has been backed since the removal of the gold standard by something industrialized nations find even more precious: oil. Without oil, nothing runs; factories shut down; governments are paralyzed; economies grind to a standstill. By agreement with OPEC, and specifically with Saudi Arabia in appreciation of American oil companies being willing to drill there during the early days of oil exploration, OPEC only accepted dollars for oil - nothing else. No rubles, marks, yen, pounds, or pesos. That has caused the dollar to become the International Currency Standard.

Since the collapse of the fixed exchange rate regime and the gold standard and the institution of floating exchange rates following the Smithsonian Agreement in 1971, most currencies around the world have no longer been pegged against the United States dollar. However, as the United States remained the world's preeminent economic superpower, most international transactions continued to be conducted with the United States dollar, and it has remained the de facto world currency.

The Iraqi War was immediately preceded by Saddam Hussein attempting to break this agreement by offering oil to other nations in exchange for their currency in the midst of the UN oil embargo, aided by the corruption in the Oil For Food program. Despite what was publicly admitted, Irag had made no hostile motions concerning their biological/chemical weapons program, which had been under way for decades, and Irag had no ties to the events of Sept 11, 2001. The only thing Irag had done to become a target was to make the offer to depeg their oil from the US dollar.

Shortly thereafter, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, representing Iran, announced oil would be available for Euros instead of only dollars. The war drums began to beat again, this time claiming Iran was developing nuclear weapon technology, and of course using Israeli involvement to stir up sympathy among a mostly Israel-friendly populous.

Earlier, the Islamic Republic of Iran had announced that the euro would replace the greenback in the country’s oil transactions. Iran has called on other OPEC members to ditch the sinking dollar in favor of the more credible euro.

A backup plan was already in the works. By convincing the people that the planet was in dire peril and the innocuous gas carbon dioxide was to blame, a move was placed into action to tie the currency not to oil production, but to oil usage. Since no hydrocarbon can possibly be burned in an oxygen environment without producing carbon dioxide, this was a perfect solution. It met with resistance however, as few countries were able to effectively implement the Carbon Credit scam that was at the heart of this scheme.

So much for Plan B. But wait, there is a Plan C that is even now being implemented.

Most of the world's oil reserves lie untapped, many of them in impoverished third-world nations where political influence can be bought and sold (just as it was to the Middle East many decades ago). What would happen if Iran were no more, along with a select few uncooperative rulers? What would be the consequences of losing 5% of the world's oil supply? Devastation... prices for petroleum products would skyrocket, throwing the economies around the globe into utter chaos at a very inopportune time. But the up side, if certain detractors could also be eliminated in other countries, would be that the US dollar could remain the International Currency and the US economy could go right on printing paper and calling it valuable.

So how to offset the downside of a 5% loss of oil supply? Easy: develop new reserves.

Two days ago President Obama authorized the deployment to Uganda of approximately 100 combat-equipped U.S. forces to help regional forces “remove from the battlefield” – meaning capture or kill – Lord’s Resistance Army leader Joseph Kony and senior leaders of the LRA.

The forces will deploy beginning with a small group and grow over the next month to 100. They will ultimately go to Uganda, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with the permission of those countries.

All of the nations mentioned have indications of potential oil reserves, similar to the expectations that the US oil companies had when they agreed to drill in Saudi Arabia. One, South Sudan, has proven reserves of a substantial nature.


+29 more 
posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 06:45 PM
So we have...

The original plan: depeg the dollar from gold/silver and tie it to a more precious resource (oil) through agreements with oil-producing countries.

Alternate Plan A: Bully any oil-producing countries into compliance, using threats, military intervention, and even assassination and regime-building as needed.

Alternate Plan B: Using Carbon Credits mandated by the UN, tie the International Currency (assumed to still be dollars) to oil usage instead of oil production.

Alternate Plan C: Remove the ability of oil-producing countries who have not complied with dollar pegs, and replace them with alternative oil-producing countries which the US and its allies can again control through infrastructure assistance and financial pressure.

Now the problem with all this is that the original oil-producing countries in Plan C which no longer wish to follow the status quo must be removed... preferably from existence. As long as they remain in any form and have the capability to dig a well, they are a threat to Plan C. Enter Israel, Iran, and the nuclear threat.

Recent news has also been filed with continuing and escalating reports of Israeli threats to stop the Iranian nuclear weapons programs by any means necessary including preemptive military attack. Of course, since Russia gets a large amount of its oil from Iran, this would be seen by the Russians as an act of war. Russia is not a major problem since the breakup of the USSR, but they still have the old weaponry... enough to cause quite a headache across the globe. And since any perceived threat to their oil supply (as in Africa) would be also seen as an act of war, China, who is indeed a threat to the US, would no doubt be involved as well.

So we have a powder keg waiting to explode:
  • a regime in Iran who is deviating form the economic interests of the US, while allied with Russia.
  • Israel poised to strike at Iran as a proxy for US interests, over a perceived (but admittedly potentially true) nuclear threat.
  • US forces abandoning the Middle East area in slow but sure movements.
  • US forces starting to move toward an oil-rich area of Africa.
  • China interested in the oil reserve potential in the same area of Africa.
  • A faltering economy in the US with extreme pressure applied by the populous to increase jobs and income.
  • China holding massive amounts of US debt.
  • The US debt ceiling being raised on a logarithmic scale, allowing for even more debt to be sold (to China).

Yeah, this is starting to sound like one serious powder keg with a whole mess of lit fuses burning their way down.

I am watching for a further deployment to Africa, continued removal of US troops from the Middle East, and then a strike on Iran from Israel. As soon as that happens, I suggest everyone buckle their seat belts and keep arms and head inside the moving cars... it's gonna be one heck of a ride.


posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 06:50 PM
Thanks for compiling about 2,000 threads into one. We all knew trouble was brewing, but the real question is not will, but when will the pot bubble over.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 07:02 PM
I hear you Red...My Husband and I have been watching the same thing. I have this feeling deep in my funny bone, that all hells going to break out before the end of this year. That may be why the EBC system will be tested on Nov. 9th 2011...and other exercises that HLS, FEMA, etc...have been getting ready for...

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by spw184

WOW! Truth about Gaddafi? Is this the real truth? MUST READ!!!!

Make that 2001. It seems others are getting the same correlations I am about this. Many intriguing happenstances seem to have happened around Gaddafi's death...


posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by maryjo44
I hear you Red...My Husband and I have been watching the same thing. I have this feeling deep in my funny bone, that all hells going to break out before the end of this year. That may be why the EBC system will be tested on Nov. 9th 2011...and other exercises that HLS, FEMA, etc...have been getting ready for...

I think the ________ is gonna _____ ________ ________ around 12/21/2012.
Myans never said the world would end, they predicted a time of turbulence.
Well, Whats better fitting than this?

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 07:08 PM
Historically, most wars, (if not all,) invariably stem from an economic (side) effect.
Some wars, have religious or revenge as a primary or secondary cause.
A tertiary effect may actually be protecting our people in that 'region'.

War has been used to bolster (adjust or shift) the American economy, ever since its founding. It is just becoming more and more obvious since Vietnam.

The significant problem with continuing in this trend is that now, wars cost more money in the long run than they generate.

More than likely, while we can can put boots on the ground, for a short vicious war, it is more cost effective to adjust the 'undesirable leadership' of 'rogue nations' or groups with a drone strike.

While it may be that this 'Army of God' over in Africa is as foul a thing as it has been painted, the long term economic goal is pretty clear.


posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by spw184

Originally posted by maryjo44
I hear you Red...My Husband and I have been watching the same thing. I have this feeling deep in my funny bone, that all hells going to break out before the end of this year. That may be why the EBC system will be tested on Nov. 9th 2011...and other exercises that HLS, FEMA, etc...have been getting ready for...

I think the ________ is gonna _____ ________ ________ around 12/21/2012.
Myans never said the world would end, they predicted a time of turbulence.
Well, Whats better fitting than this?

??Or?? It could all be finished by 12-21-2012...

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

S&F!! Excellent observation, Redneck. I’ve got a ton of fact checking and research to do now! What you described is so much deeper and more ominous than I care to remember. I tried to regress in my search for truth and look more onto the background than the big picture. Your post has inspired me to look at the big picture once again and view it through the lens of what I’ve learned since I left. This post is a great representation of why I frequent ATS because it really gets me thinking (and rethinking) where I stand on many issues. Great work and great insight! I look forward to following this closely as is develops. Thank you!

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 07:49 PM
12-21-2012, if I am not mistaken, is not the end but the beginning of a new era according to the Mayan calendar. The last period of the old cycle was seen as a time of turmoil and trouble, due to the evils of mathematical incompatibility between the various cycles.

So yeah, it might all be over by 12-21-2012... would be nice if it were. 12 months and 29 days...


posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

All I have to say is WOW! RedNeck, you have presented some compelling insight into what is truly going on in the world today. You have totally blown my mind and I cant wait to go back and research everything more in depth. I truly believe that you have hit the proverbial nail on the head with this one.

On an off note... I never remembered you being a Mod. When did that happen???

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 08:21 PM
Excellent work Red, it takes more than a single catalyst to spark world wars and pique enough interest from various nations however, you have dot pointed a number of catalysts which seem to be potent ingredients for war.

By God I hope you're wrong but I don't see anything pretty coming from any of this.

As for the Mayan calendar...there's too much disinformation, too many varying ideas and lack of knowledge on my part to speculate any relation but it does claim that it is the beginning of a new age, hopefully the earth is still intact, most of us are still alive and the new age of peace, love and enlightenment arrives.


posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Pirateofpsychonautics

As for the Mayan calendar...there's too much disinformation, too many varying ideas and lack of knowledge on my part to speculate any relation but it does claim that it is the beginning of a new age, hopefully the earth is still intact, most of us are still alive and the new age of peace, love and enlightenment arrives.

I just figured you know...

War is coming soon..
12/21/2012 is coming soon..
Hopefully we are all those weirdos with tinfoilhats that nothing comes from.... but maybe we are not o.o

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

Star and Flag!

Heres an article to add to this thread...................

It’s a story that should take your breath away: the destabilization of what, in the Bush years, used to be called “the arc of instability.” It involves at least 97 countries, across the bulk of the global south, much of it coinciding with the oil heartlands of the planet.

The "arc of instability" includes 97 countries. A startling number of these nations are in turmoil, and in every single one of them, Washington is militarily involved.

Obama's Arc of Instability: Destabilizing the World One Region at a Time

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

From that article,that really puts it into perspective........

According to Pentagon documents released earlier this year, the U.S. has personnel -- some in token numbers, some in more sizeable contingents -- deployed in 76 other nations sometimes counted in the arc of instability: Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Syria, Antigua, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

I find it both interesting and telling two diametrically opposed political ideologists, George W. Bush and Barrack Obama, have both ended up following what is essentially an identical path to the other. That tells me there is something more substantial at play here than ideology. Instead, I believe there is a push for what to those in the know is an obvious necessity for the stability of the USA... well, at least their part of it.

And the only answer to that I see is that they feel they need to control the oil... after all, what would happen if all those trillions of dollars we have floating around actually became truly fiat and worthless overnight?

Even the filthy rich fear something... absolute bankruptcy and abject poverty.


posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

Yes,many Presidents have set America up,for one hell of a World War.

What I dont get is this.

When the financial system collapses,and it will,what will be the end game of it? They cannot eat gold,and drink oil............

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 10:36 PM
Love your broken down summary of what is happening. I could imagine that everything is somehow turning out to be one big act in the world. Leaders trying to create a war to destroy humanity while they hide in their little bunkers. While we kill eachother off. So that the world population is at a descent size in order to create a one world government. That's all what they are trying to do. That's why the U.S is so heavily involved in creating battles here and there. Piss off other countries, and make up these B.S laws and Regulations to create Martial Law, which restricts our freedoms as the people to have our say in what we want (which we never have) Only except the peaceful occupy Wall Street Protesting is about the only good thing that you could do to express yourself. Other than that not a whole hell of a lot that you can do. Except love each other, and have what you need in order to survive this chaotic mess.

If there was no money in any form today there would be no war. I'm so sick and tired of the planet that I live on. I wanna fly and explore elsewhere.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 10:38 PM
John Titor the "time traveler" said the global war would be about this time. Russian involved.

+4 more 
posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

No, they cannot eat gold, nor can they drink oil... but we are talking about a completely different world view than what most have. We are talking about old money.

Bill Gates, to use an example, is not the type of person we are discussing. He is immensely wealthy, yes, but was not reared in absolute wealth. He grew up more or less normal, experiencing sacrifice for greater gain and lack of the ability to fulfill desires. Now, his grandchildren will grow up less normal, surrounded by every fulfillment of every desire made possible by the fantastic sums of money they will have access to. They will never experience want or need, never give up something for a greater gain, never have to decide between two choices.

Some will think that is heaven; I think it is closer to hell.

At some point, new money made by fortune and hard work and inspiration becomes old money used to pamper every conceivable desire without work being necessary. At that point, the perspective changes. No longer is there a respect for others, because others are obviously inferior... after all, they seem to exist to serve those with the old money. If they need food, there is no need to go buy food... just have the maid or butler do the shopping and the delivery boy at the grocery store to deliver it. The cook will prepare it and make sure it is served properly according to every whim of the boss. If there is ever a desire to travel, there is no need to drive... that is what the chauffeur does. The result is that there is a built-in, almost instinctive belief that others exist to serve you and for no other reason.

And therein lies the fear I mentioned... the fear not of the actual loss of money, but of the loss of status. The very concept of serving another is unimaginable.

So is it difficult to imagine why they do what they do? Not for me; I see the trap they have placed themselves in, the trap of being totally and absolutely dependent on others, inferior others, for everything in their lives... the trap of being totally, absolutely, irrevocably dependent.

They yearn for more power because that, in their mind, is the natural state of things. Disaster cannot happen to them, and if it does, someone will be there at their back and call to correct the problem... otherwise they will withhold their wealth.

And with a world view like that, is it any wonder they do not comprehend that they cannot eat gold and drink oil?

No wonder to me...


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