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The most vulnerable suffer when fluoride is taken from water

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posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by Tarno

Originally posted by e11888

Originally posted by TheComte

Originally posted by dogstar23
I don't need any research...

This is the rallying cry of the anti-fluoridationists.

They don't need any research, and they ignore evidence that contradicts their claims.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Again,what kind of oppinion do you need to want to force medicate millions of people? What research does one need to do to simply point out that you are obviously nothing more than a control freak that feels the need to dictate and control every aspect of human life?
Exactly! It's hilarious and sad at the same time, sad because they're practically allowing people to get drugged/die off, hilarious when they can't recognize the dangers of these types of things even with definitive proof and facts on record (such as cancer rising) which leads me to believe they're paid to spread false info to keep the drinking of fluoridation going or that they were duped through the media/advertisements and feel the need to spread the word of fluoride like some religion. I know myself fluoride is a sham, in my city we don't fluoridate water at all and only brush my teeth once a day neither have I visited a dentist in over 10 years (I'm 18 years old) man gotta love propaganda.
edit on 14-10-2011 by Tarno because: (no reason given)

If your case is so obvious, then you should be able to present an entire PhD on the subject, peer-reviewed and published, yes? One ancedotal case (yourself) isn't enough.

No? A couple of unverified photos? OK.

Many chemicals can be toxic in excessive amounts. You can kill yourself with black pepper if you eat enough. You have no case. If you did, you'd have made it by now.
edit on 14-10-2011 by FlyingSpaghettiMonster because: stuff

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by e11888

Originally posted by Tarno

Originally posted by e11888

Originally posted by TheComte

Originally posted by dogstar23
I don't need any research...

This is the rallying cry of the anti-fluoridationists.

They don't need any research, and they ignore evidence that contradicts their claims.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Again,what kind of oppinion do you need to want to force medicate millions of people? What research does one need to do to simply point out that you are obviously nothing more than a control freak that feels the need to dictate and control every aspect of human life?
Exactly! It's hilarious and sad at the same time, sad because they're practically allowing people to get drugged/die off, hilarious when they can't recognize the dangers of these types of things even with definitive proof and facts on record (such as cancer rising) which leads me to believe they're paid to spread false info to keep the drinking of fluoridation going or that they're were duped through the media/advertisements and feel the need to spread the word of fluoride like some religion. I know myself fluoride is a sham, in my city we don't fluoridate water at all and only brush my teeth once a day neither have I visited a dentist in over 10 years (I'm 18 years old) man gotta love propaganda.

See heres the problem though and its the reason none of them will respond to me. They want us to argue over if fluoride is safe or not instead of if it should be forced on millions of people as it is today. Ive attempted to bring this up multiple times throughout this thread and not one person on the other side of the argument will debate it.
edit on 14-10-2011 by e11888 because: (no reason given)

I just did. Basically I'm against mass medication because it removes responsibility from the individual to control their own health - which is not to say we should be left to fend for ourselves, universal healthcare is a must for a civilised country - but where we can take action for ourselves, we should be allowed the choice. But why pick on fluoride? Why not remove all chlorine from drinking water too? That's poisonous in the wrong amounts.'d probably start catching diseases from the tap. Tricky choice.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 01:41 AM
wow this is a huge discussion.

Not sure if its already been mentioned as i skimmed through this but their is a theory that 'Fluoride' suppresses your pineal gland/release of '___'. Which in essence is your spirituality.

I stopped drinking fluoride water 2 years ago and my spirituality has gone through the roof. Their could be other factors but this is my main suspect!
Plus it taste like poo....

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 02:00 AM
I live in Scotland and I have my own private water supply taken from an underground spring. There is no flouride in my water and there never will be. Flouride is a by product of Industrial waste and a active ingredient of rat poison and anti-depressants. Why in the hell would I want to injest that?

Most mains water in Scotland is not flouridated. I don't know if they will be adding it any time soon or not but if they do they had better not try to add it in my water. In England the water supplies are being flouridated. On some international flights you'll notice bottled water with flouride. I noticed and handed it back to the stewardess in disgust.

Why in the hell would they want to add flouride to water when flouride is a poison? Why not add vitamins and supplements to help the population? The simple answer is to dumb the population down. To create an opening in their bodies for disease and ailments. To create Big Bucks for the corrupt Big Pharma companies that have to supply their drugs to 'treat' those diseases etc.

This is for long term control and depopulation. Same as the enless mercury filled vaccines. Break down your immune system to allow for more nasty bugs!!

If some of you want to help them by taking their poison that is up to u. I drink alcohol. That's a poison too. But that's my choice. Flouridation of water supplies is FORCED POISONING!!!!

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 02:03 AM
They don't add fluoride to the water in the area of Spain where I live. We can buy Calcium Fluoride tablets from the pharmacy, if we want to.

There is a huge difference between Sodium Fluoride and Calcium Fluoride and even if there wasn't a difference we should have a choice in whether we want it added to our water. If we accept fluoride is a requirement where will it stop... maybe in a few years they'll decide to add something else to our water for our own good. Whether it's good for us or bad for us isn't really the issue - the issue is keeping our right to choice of medication.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 02:06 AM

The most vulnerable suffer when fluoride is taken from water

How true!! How true!! If you take away their flouride, they might start thinking more clearly - might start waking up and questioning you!!! Aaaack!! Beware - unsheepled people!

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by ovumcranium

The most vulnerable suffer when fluoride is taken from water

How true!! How true!! If you take away their flouride, they might start thinking more clearly - might start waking up and questioning you!!! Aaaack!! Beware - unsheepled people!

And with that phrase you lost any credibility you might have laid claim to. You may think this is all a great mind control plot - now please show your working out. Where's the clinical proof? Belief isn't enough.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by FlyingSpaghettiMonster

Haven't you opened any of the links listed on this thread?? The IQ studies, the bone density studies, etc.,etc., etc., EXCELLENT research and studies provided - do I have to repeat them for you???

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by KILL_DOGG

I've never been clear on what the big hubbub is about fluoride in the water. We've had it there for decades and life expectancy and tooth retention has steadily increased. However you've got this faction of people, most of whom still live in their mom's basement wearing tin foil hats, want everyone to think the government is poisoning us. All I can do is stare at the screen and shake my head in bewilderment.
(visit the link for the full news article)

As a son of a doctor and medical student myself I can only sigh in disbelieve over this post. It actually hurts me to read such ignorance. Also the blatent lies the media spreads about the substance shocks the hell out of me. It's like saying ratpoison is good voor your skin take it twice a day. But hey we already are taking large amounts of ratpoison daily, only we call it aspartame. (Sounds less treathening)
If you don't know what you are talking about, don't speak about it like you do.

Flouride is pure poison and one of the greatest causes for most illnesses from osteoporosis and many blood disseases to any kind of cancer you can name. This isn't somekind of nutty conspiracy, this is medical fact!
But I am probally one of those foil wearing nutjobs you are talking about.

edit on 14-10-2011 by Subjective1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-10-2011 by Subjective1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-10-2011 by Subjective1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-10-2011 by Subjective1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 02:50 AM
I vaguely recall there being a study done in china on the effects of fluoridated water in children, they found that in the group of children given fluoridated water their IQ's dropped and had less healthy teeth. While the group of children given non-fluoridated water had higher IQ's and better teeth.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 06:00 AM
I found an Australian Political Party that want ban Fluoride
Its written into their water policy -

APA will also ban Fluoridation of the water supply because we believe and know it is a poison used to dumb down our population, it does nothing for your teeth and causes cancer and other sicknesses, we have documentation to back this up in a court of Law

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by hoonsince89
wow this is a huge discussion.

Not sure if its already been mentioned as i skimmed through this but their is a theory that 'Fluoride' suppresses your pineal gland/release of '___'. Which in essence is your spirituality.

I stopped drinking fluoride water 2 years ago and my spirituality has gone through the roof. Their could be other factors but this is my main suspect!
Plus it taste like poo....

yes, I've read the same. my sensitivity to the otherworld remains high,but I'll be keeping track of my experiences now that I'm taking steps to eliminate fluoride as much as possible from my life. the problem is, it's in EVERYTHING. every time you buy a drink of any kind at the store, get some fast food, get a slice of pizza, fluoridated water is part of the mix. when you think about it, it really is a crime against humanity; forced poisoning. and the people running their mouth about how it's not harmful..well, I'd say the fluoride has affected your critical thinking skills

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by FlyingSpaghettiMonster

Originally posted by Tarno

Originally posted by e11888

Originally posted by TheComte

Originally posted by dogstar23
I don't need any research...

This is the rallying cry of the anti-fluoridationists.

They don't need any research, and they ignore evidence that contradicts their claims.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Again,what kind of oppinion do you need to want to force medicate millions of people? What research does one need to do to simply point out that you are obviously nothing more than a control freak that feels the need to dictate and control every aspect of human life?
Exactly! It's hilarious and sad at the same time, sad because they're practically allowing people to get drugged/die off, hilarious when they can't recognize the dangers of these types of things even with definitive proof and facts on record (such as cancer rising) which leads me to believe they're paid to spread false info to keep the drinking of fluoridation going or that they were duped through the media/advertisements and feel the need to spread the word of fluoride like some religion. I know myself fluoride is a sham, in my city we don't fluoridate water at all and only brush my teeth once a day neither have I visited a dentist in over 10 years (I'm 18 years old) man gotta love propaganda.
edit on 14-10-2011 by Tarno because: (no reason given)

If your case is so obvious, then you should be able to present an entire PhD on the subject, peer-reviewed and published, yes? One ancedotal case (yourself) isn't enough.

No? A couple of unverified photos? OK.

Many chemicals can be toxic in excessive amounts. You can kill yourself with black pepper if you eat enough. You have no case. If you did, you'd have made it by now.
edit on 14-10-2011 by FlyingSpaghettiMonster because: stuff
Take the time yourself to read up on fluoride (not from the producers/interest groups that support it) instead of waving your fist at everyone to present facts/viable proof on the table because what you're reading explains the slightest notion to disprove fluoride's beneficial claims. Think about what you're even saying, the fact that it's mass-medication and is clearly mass-advertised and there is more than enough evidence/facts out there (in this thread as well) to tell you fluoride is clearly working against our health ways you can't begin to imagine should be a huge slap in the face but no you rather make a big deal out of someone else's life/experience, trying to claim it to be false as well as believing having a PhD and enough supporters makes you speak only the truth.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 09:49 AM
People who can't understand the issue of fluoridation just don't know the science and history behind sodium fluoride. These are usually the same people who are addled in some way and an unknowing victim of the normalcy bias attributed to an acute mental block called cognitive dissonance..
Once chemicals such as Fluoride are added to water there no regulating it's consumption.

In fluoridated communities w/o proper filtration--------------
Fountain beverages, soups, coffee, tea, iced teas, lemon aide type drinks, your "daily" 64oz of water as well as other sources outside of the municipalities water supply.

Ignorance is bliss-----------
I know your laziness will prevent you from looking past the initial google search headlines on any of this material.
Look at MSDS results of sodium fluoride and compare it with arsenic, cyanid or some other poison you know is toxic and study the comparison. Watch the 59 min video from Dr. Paul Connet It's on YouTube. Also the hidden camera footage from infowars is eye opening.

Again if none of these things makes your brain do a double think look into cognitive dissonance and the normalcy bias. I really hope it helps the thick skulls out.


posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

You are just a sheep then bah bah that trust the government. The Nazis use fluoride in the water in the consternation camps to keep people dumb down and passive. Do some research and stop believing everything the government tells you.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by SyphonX

Originally posted by Vandettas
How exactly is fluoride making people "stupid"? Can we see some proof? What do you mean by stupid?

It is a neurotoxin. Meaning it affects the nervous system. Damaging the nervous system can adversely affect the mind and functions of the brain. It is more toxic than Lead, as in, it is more hazardous to a human's health than something we have banned the use of in paints and fuels. Leaded fuels or paint were never meant to be digested, yet lead was considered dangerous enough, that it had to be removed from these items (and more) after an outcry.

Lead is rated a "2" by NFPA standard. Sodium Fluoride is rated a 3. Also known as the "fire diamond". You see it on chemical containers. There are 5 levels:

0 - Poses no health hazard, no precautions necessary (e.g., water)
1 - Exposure would cause irritation with only minor residual injury (e.g., acetone)
2 - Intense continued but not chronic exposure could cause temporary incapacitation or possible residual injury
3 - Short exposure could cause serious temporary or moderate residual injury (e.g., chlorine gas)
4 - Very short exposure could cause death or major residual injury (e.g., hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide)

Yet, sodium fluoride, rated as a higher health-risk than lead, is willingly added to drinking water?

Proponents of fluoridation will tell you that sodium-fluoride in drinking water doesn't have high enough concentration to adversely affect a person's health or mind. Yet, what they don't tell you, is that because fluoride is in all tap water in the United States, that virtually 99.5% of anything you consume, be it food or beverages or medicine, it will contain fluoride. On top of that, fluoridated toothpaste. They study the risks of directly consuming tap water only. Take from that what you will.

Believe me, the average American far exceeds the safe-consumptions levels of sodium fluoride. In my opinion, there is no such thing as "safe levels" when it comes to toxins. I believe this term should apply to toxins found naturally, and thus unavoidable to some extent. Fluoride is unnaturally added to water supplies, thus it does not occur naturally, and is not meant to be viewed as safe to any extent. Only the insane, stupid, or criminal-minded among us would agree to this.

Any lawyer defending this should be disbarred, any academic praising it should be fired. It is disingenuous, offensive and criminal.

Don't know what else to tell you. Drink up.
edit on 13-10-2011 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)

Thank you, someone with a straight forward answer!

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

instead of arguing with eachother and using your non-skillful-selective-reading..... why dont you respond to ME ? Stop forgetting the fact that this reality is an ILLUSION compared too the "other realms". and you people are soooo stuck in it hahaha
Wake up peeps; you have spiritual beings everywhere ttrying to wake up you up.

Humanity knows one thing; "what you see is what you get"

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by LoveisanArt
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

For all the smart asses replying to this (including the OP) we are not saying that Flouride "poisons" us...

Flouride calcifies the Pineal Gland.. The Pineal Galnd is your Third Eye. It is NOT a physical eye.. much more complex then your ignorant minds can understand. The P.Gland is what makes you see into other dimensions, see energy, what makes you DREAM, visualize, see spirits, its the Power House of your I-MAGE-Nation (Notice Mage? you think magic is fake too? Im not talking about Criss Angel Illusions either...),

The flouride "whiners" arent whining about physical "poison".. rather taking the esoteric aspect of the human mind. Something you IGNORANT comspiracy dwellers wouldnt understand. The ones (like me) who are concerned about the Flouride addition to food, water and the only thing we clean our teeth with... we are concerned for people like YOU reading this right now. Wishing you would wak up.

The biggest problem humanity ever faced, was the deletion of thier spirituality. And only paying attention to the physical world they see with thier physical eyes. IF only you KNEW the "other" side of life, you wouldnt be skeptisizing, thinking you know everything (you dont know jack), and denying all that is lol.
The best one I hear on ATS over and over... "ET's dont exist" hahah man you peeps are so lost in life, and it SHOWS that the dark workers have control of your tiny minds and contain it. My girl had alien visitation in July, Ive seen spaceships with my own eyes, Ive traveled astral (many times). And I STILL havent seen anything.. the reality you live in, is an illusion. Something you cant understand until you drop your beliefs your skeptizism, and open your damn minds and hearts.

Im preacching now because I wish for humanity (YOU) to wake up from the illusion you incarnated in (Physical reality). Just because you havent expereinced thigns and dont understand them, doesnt mean you should brush it off as it doesnt exist. Years ago people thought the Earth was flat..... TODAY we believe we are the inly ones in the galaxy (let alone the YOUniverseS) ... Quit blogging, quit thinking you know this life and reality, quit thinking what you see is what you get and "Seeing is believing" ... Your going NOWHERE that way. Humanity is soo UNDER-developed because of this thinking and believing.

Funny how tribal people belive in ETs, have seen shiips, even CONTACT. And WE are the ones with "technology" and yet we assume nothing exists but what our eyes tell us..

Once you awaken your third eye, and listen to your heart rather everything you read in books.. then you will understand and THEN you should make a bias conclusion in whatever it is your denying or not. People Like I, arent too worry about it, we see, we feel, we know the truth. Now we want to wake up the silly people stuck under the Systems illusion.

Love and peace everyone, hope you wake up soon. Be prepared for the upcoming years, the way your thinking and acting isnt going to help for whats to come. If you want to remain ignorant, so be it, its your walk. The rest of us will be perfectly fine in the upcoming events.

edit on 13-10-2011 by LoveisanArt because: (no reason given)

Stop ignoring the Truth; listen to my words ... they will help wake you up

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 10:55 AM
well -referring to the article about how fluoride is all that keeps poor people from dying of cavities-

arsenic gives you beautiful skin shouldn't we be putting that in the water ? don't poor people need good skin?

all this concern for the poor
why not just send them to a dentist?

or a doctor? No, what am I saying Fluoride is the only answer to humanities dental problems

the only answer and there shouldn't be choice Everyone needs it!

now drink your Flouride smoke your cigarette and eat that donut!

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by ovumcranium
reply to post by FlyingSpaghettiMonster

Haven't you opened any of the links listed on this thread?? The IQ studies, the bone density studies, etc.,etc., etc., EXCELLENT research and studies provided - do I have to repeat them for you???

How strange, I thought we didn't need proof?

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