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New ATS Survey: Origins & Evolution

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posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Wertdagf

Or, you know, nothing will change because most folks just adapt their faith to the new ideas abiding.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
And in order to continue their rule, leaders have created the concept of rights and privileges in order to appease to this consensus.

YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS - George Carlin

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:38 PM
Being completely honest, I couldn't choose anything except for neutral all the way down. I feel so lost and confused about it all really. I have so many questions and so little time. I am just in complete awe that I am able to experience life as it is.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:51 PM
Great choice. The ATS members and guests have done themselves proud with the responses, and response levels, of the string of ATS Surveys so far. Let's hope it continues through this specimen also, and not have a statistical embarrassment. It's been going so well so far!
edit on 26/8/11 by Morg234 because: being stupid

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:54 PM
Seeings as the previous polls were dominated by liberal left wing results I already know exactly how this poll will play out.

2nd line wriggles out of the primordial mists and grows legs and runs away!

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by belsoember

Technically true. We only have rights because we know about them. But we had the idea before we knew we did. Strange in that on-between areas of evolution.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by hubblenuts
Being completely honest, I couldn't choose anything except for neutral all the way down. I feel so lost and confused about it all really. I have so many questions and so little time. I am just in complete awe that I am able to experience life as it is.

I consider your responses the most wise and safest bets.

Due to the immense lack of data available to the human race, we are but children who hardly know anything about our surroundings at this point in time.

I also choose neutral because I am aware that this is an incredibly complex issue, and without much direct obvious evidence to go with, it is difficult to make any reasonable conclusions.

I support your choices because they are the most legitimate considering the circumstance.

Thanks for sharing, nice to know I'm not alone in my neutral stance.

Although, notice how they attack for being neutral? I must not believe in gravity, even though that has nothing to do with any of this and gravity is provable right now today...

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:00 PM
Happy to participate! Seemed like a well balanced survey, although unsophisticated, I think it will garner some interesting results.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by jjkenobi
Seeings as the previous polls were dominated by liberal left wing results I already know exactly how this poll will play out.

2nd line wriggles out of the primordial mists and grows legs and runs away!

What ? Left wing liberals dominated the last polls?

I didn't notice that at all. In fact I figured that only about 10% of the ATS population at best could be considered actual "left-wing liberals".

I am pretty convinced that at least 75% of ATS has moved beyond the petty party politics garbage and has created their own opinions and assessments of various political policies as a result of common sense and as a result of them seeking to fulfill their needs as humans.

But hey that's just my opinion.
You didn't exactly prove your post either so it's my opinion vs your opinion.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:07 PM
Actually in fact, my belief in "Gravity" is why I don't think the Big Bang has any merit at all.

If you stuck every single black hole, star, planet, asteroid, etc - into one tiny little spot, it will not explode outwards.

It will be an ultra-massive black hole and will crush down on itself constantly. I call it gravity.

Thus, gravity apparently debunks the Big Bang theory pretty well.

Big Bang proponents have to fall back on the "God did it" principal that proves their theory is Creationism in disguise.

They have to invent a 'magic force' that allows all of the matter to go outwards away from the center of gravity ( during the Big Bang event). There is no such thing as magic and there is no magical force that causes that much nearly infinite matter to expand away from the center of gravity.

It's total nonsense and all of the math derived from it is also nonsense as well.

So yes, I do believe in gravity. That's exactly why I don't buy the Big Bang theory at all. I'm no fan of Creationism.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Is there a way to prevent the mass U2U things such as this from showing up in my inbox? ... No offense meant or anything but it's spam to me.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:14 PM
The universe, and all it entails, was created by a "supernatural entity" of infinite age, wisdom, and power.


Might we have an option that the universe and all it entails was created by a "supernatural entity" that was young, mischievous and sadistic?

I'd probably tick a 'slightly agree' box for that one

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:22 PM
I tend to find myself disagreeing with most of it, since lately I've come to view time as much more of a non-linear thing, and therefore excluding the notions of "creation," cause and effect, and so on.

The way I see it, time is a porous thing that has aspects that move forward and backward and sideways and so on, allowing energy and mass to be tossed around a universe that continues to loop back in on itself at the same time it expands through different kinds of infinities. Where did life evolve? In the future. And the past. Same thing.

As for a "supernatural entity," if my thoughts travel back in time to actualize a virtual thing in the past, am I being supernatural? I can't quite say.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

If you stuck every single black hole, star, planet, asteroid, etc - into one tiny little spot, it will not explode outwards.

i beleive it does and its called fusion like when a nuclear bomb dentonates.

gravity doesnt exist without something making it as in a plantary body or whatever.

no a fan of creationism?

ats didnt exist without some outside external force nor does any thread contained there in nor any response posted in them.

did they always exist or not?

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by darkendmetal
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Is there a way to prevent the mass U2U things such as this from showing up in my inbox? ... No offense meant or anything but it's spam to me.

so i take it that your theory on the universe is that it revolves around YOU.

just kidding. come on, man... it takes two seconds of your life to open your inbox, see that it is a poll and delete the message. participate or don't - your choice. but spam? no one is trying to sell you anything, and it's not really flooding your inbox (there isn;t a poll every single day or anything) so why not just lighten up and "take one for the team" every now and then? it's not THAT big of an inconvenience, really... is it?

bet it took more time and energy to get to this thread and post your reply to it than it would have taken to just delete the message.

anyway, just a suggestion. hope i don't get in to too much trouble for voicing my opinion on your post. :-/

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:28 PM
Would have expected a question or two related to human DNA being tweaked and enhanced by extra terrestrials to speed things along.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:28 PM
I took it, but I don't understand what supernatural entity means.
I've been studying the supernatural since my teens with great interest, and that moniker has become confusing to me.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by jjkenobi
Seeings as the previous polls were dominated by liberal left wing results I already know exactly how this poll will play out.

2nd line wriggles out of the primordial mists and grows legs and runs away!

What ? Left wing liberals dominated the last polls?

I didn't notice that at all. In fact I figured that only about 10% of the ATS population at best could be considered actual "left-wing liberals".

I am pretty convinced that at least 75% of ATS has moved beyond the petty party politics garbage and has created their own opinions and assessments of various political policies as a result of common sense and as a result of them seeking to fulfill their needs as humans.

But hey that's just my opinion.
You didn't exactly prove your post either so it's my opinion vs your opinion.

6 out of 10 believe the Tea Party is corrupt and there was a 20% gap in those who think Republicans are corrupt vs Democrats. Link

I suspect it's more like 25% have skipped party lines if you include Tea Party members (who openly challenge non-conservative Republicans). The other 75% will never change from Red or Blue.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by hadriana
I took it, but I don't understand what supernatural entity means.
I've been studying the supernatural since my teens with great interest, and that moniker has become confusing to me.

at the top of the survey it stated the following to define "supernatural entity":

For the purposes of this survey, and in an effort to include all potential spiritual beliefs, "God" is referred to as a "supernatural entity."

so, i took that to mean basically a deliberate act by a consciousness that is self-aware, as opposed to just a freak accident.

i dunno...
edit on 26-8-2011 by highpriestess because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:39 PM
I may be the only one who views it this way but I must explain my answers so you can gauge responses better if others think my way...

I had to disagree with the phrasing of some of the science questions....

Their is no such thing as a science of biology... a science of history.... science of religion... ect.....

I know this is probably just me but I answered honestly but the answers do reflect what I am thinking... here is what the main point of departure is....

Science is the scientific method...

this is what the first Mrs. Avery told me... She was the art teacher and she seemed understand how my mind worked a little better then me.... I know the art teacher had a better mind then the science teacher on communication of information

Science is this....

And of course the most important step is...
Rinse AND repeat...

Everything else is the local shaman pedaling BS snakeoil....

I believe the scientist when they can prove in numbers that their is no god......(no numbers it is called faith)

I believe the christians (or any other religion) when the creator tells me in person that she believes you are correct....

Anything else label science is false advertising... Research is active science and the only science...
the rest is merely

a) history of science
making it vulnerable to manipulation ( look at statistical record...)

b)enlisted science...
working for a living making it a tool not a science....

As for religion...
One mans religion is another man's belly laugh...

Most of it seems to be a fraud... Why does god need 50 dollars? It is mostly men stealing from the gullible...
"What does god need with a starship?"

I do not mean to get quiet vocal but I wanted to let you know my feelings because it provides a slightly different look at how a very few on here might view things...

I split hairs....

I did enjoy taking the poll.... It made me think... and as I said earlier a few words make a whole lot of difference...

I hope my input can help with the designs of poll positively because yall are good people

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