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You Want Proof, ELEnin <-- Extinction, I'll Give You Proof -- You Can't Handle!!!

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posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by athenegoddess

Actually I've been researching 2012 before the fad started emerging around 2003 or 2004. I have looked at it from so any different angles and the actual data points to nothing happening. When you look at primary sources and scientific papers it is clear nothing will happen. It is only New Age authors and YouTube conspiracy theorists that claim something will happen by greatly distorting the same sources I use or simply making things up.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

Do present me with the basis of your findings instead of talking about them. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by MACchine

Originally posted by iceblue20-12
What i find interesting is the jpl data goes back 2009.
Supposedly Elenin was discovered late 2010.
I have been searching for a utube vid i have seen where a lady lined it up with the haiti quake before it was supposedly discovered.

WISA was launched on Dec. 14th 2009, I imagine it would have started working within a few days and they would have done TESTING to start with to see that everything was working CORRECTLY and while testing they could have used to it inspect KNOWN POSSIBLE ANOMALIES, if you get my drift, and then thrown that data away because IT WAS JUST TESTING !!!

WISE is the modern version of IRAS, built is find and observe brown dwarfs, the top two scientists in-charge of the mission said they believe they found NIBIRU, it is in the data it just needs to be fleshed out, and that will take until AFTER 2012 -- SURPRISE, SURPRISE NOT !!!

It has a very interesting mission that was cut short in a VERY suspicious way, half way through, as though they found what THEY WERE LOOKING FOR, DONE.

WISE's mission was not cut short.

WISE launched on Dec. 14, 2009 to begin a 10-month mission to collect data to be stitched together into a composite map of the entire sky. The spacecraft surveyed the cosmos in infrared light, which allowed it to peer through dense layers of dust to capture stunning space photos of previously unseen objects in unprecedented detail. In addition to spotting asteroids and comets, the $320 million space telescope is designed to detect the faint glow of distant objects, such as strangely cool brown dwarf stars. Over the course of its mission, WISE scanned the sky 1 1/2 times, taking about 1.8 million images of asteroids, stars and galaxies. The spacecraft also spotted 19 previously unseen comets and more than 33,500 asteroids, including 120 near-Earth objects, which are objects with orbits that pass relatively close to Earth's own orbit around the sun. In late September 2010, WISE ran out of the coolant needed to chill its infrared detectors. The observatory then began an extended mission, dubbed the NEOWISE Post-Cryogenic Mission. Without coolant to prevent its instruments from warming up, WISE operated on two of its four detectors, training its eyes on objects within our solar system.

next time maybe you should get your facts straight. WISE completed the mission it was created for, and even had enough extra life to be put on a seperate mission and is now in hibernation for potential future use.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Libertygal

I'm just glad I probably won't be around for Newton's 2060 prediction. Then it's just going to be strawman after strawman about how if Newton was wrong in his prediction then how can we be sure anything else he did is right.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:57 PM
Umm what do you guys think of this???

sorry I do not know how to embed.
edit on 7/9/2011 by OShtey because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by athenegoddess

They are scattered around the 2012 forum. I'd say check the Elenin threads first as I've had to repeat myself so many times at this point it has become very succinct. If you don't want to do that and can wait I can try to summarize everything tomorrow.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by OShtey

It's from The Onion, a satirical "paper" that makes up news to mock current events. Some of their fron page stories right now include, "97-Year-Old Dies Unaware Of Being Violin Prodigy," "Rod Stewart Easily Passes For An Elderly Aunt," and "Nation Somehow Failed To Predict Attack By Michael Bay."

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by MACchine

I have to wonder how all you ELE supporters are going to feel in Nivember whan we are all still here.. Pr for that matter, what your're all going to

Probably "we were wrong on the timing... this is the new date we will all die"....

Thats how it goes with end of worlders...

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by Ironclad

After Elenin comes YU55, so that will be their next play.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 11:53 PM
When you say "Nibiru" I assume you mean the 12th planet that Z. Sitchen preached about. With that comes the advanced beings called "Annunaki," right? You know, the guys with 6 fingers, 15ft tall, need gold to save their troubled atmosphere, passed on agriculture to man.

Riddle me this, how can advanced beings evolve on a planet that is only 40 degrees above absolute zero? If Elenin is this super massive magneto dense star that never was and can't be seen, how can people be seeing it now? If is was a few trillion kilometers out from Pluto in 1984 and is now just 90 days away from crossing our path, isn't that moving a little too fast? I don't have time to do a numbers crunch right now but that seems way too fast to maintain a 3500 year orbit around our sun. It would be so far away from the sun in 3500 years that the suns' gravity would have no effect giving it no reason to orbit our sun...remember our sun is also moving in towards the center of the Milky Way.

Just my thoughts...

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 12:14 AM
so sometime in late september we should have a solar eclipse being that elenin (the huge brown dwarf) will be between the sun and earth or is it now just a small comet again?. Or are you all worried about the tail of debris it carries which by the time earth crosses its path it will be some 49million km away.... must be some massively long tail of dust and ice.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 12:16 AM
The OP's videos demonstrate a cover-up and should remind the skeptics in general, that they are not privvy to all information and therefore cannot debunk what they do not know of.

Follow up articles are not free from an agenda.

IRAS discovered something of significance.

Follow up : IRAS discovered nothing of significance.

Great, nothing to worry about right?

Regards, Skellon.

edit on 10-7-2011 by Skellon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 12:22 AM
All of this Elenin and Nibiru is very interesting, and very confusing. Can you point me in the direction of some simple information, or a starting place for me to read and learn about what you all are debating about all of the time?

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 12:39 AM
My god im so sick of everyone talking about this. I do respect your concern and OP however.
One thing I cannot stand is so many people talking about "the little rocks in ELEnins tail falling to earth".
You DO realize earth has an atmosphere and rocks coming at earth are burnt up everyday, correct?
also even if our government did cover cover ELEnin up if it was in a crash course with our wonderful planet (which in my opinion it is not) we would hear the real story from the internet when other countries warned their citizens. Besides, our government isnt THAT dumb and would know this.

edit on 10-7-2011 by iBleedSovietR3D because: (incomplete reply)

edit on 10-7-2011 by iBleedSovietR3D because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 12:51 AM
If it comes, it comes. Why are you working yourselves up for nothing? Blurry images with poor pixilation won't convince me of impending doom. Get a grip!

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:22 AM
don't want to comment on the elenin stuff, but that oliver north video was crazy. a perfect example of BS government, lying to us and each other.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:24 AM
I love all these 'end of days' threads, always full of data but never ending up actually meaning anything.

My simple take on these things is IF there was an impending event then only the select would know about it until it became impossible to hide, IF the event was classed as a world killer then why would you want to be told?

Would people not prefer for it to be a sudden event rather than painfully awaiting it and watching all hell break loose population wise. IF the event was a massive strike but unlikely kill the planet you would expect never to be told, letting US die serves a people harvesting purpose, sort of resetting the balance but not as clear cut as that.

So far not one of these threads proves anything, they do show interesting idea's and some proof of secret things but the rest is guess work.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:24 AM
Sorry, doubled post..
edit on 10-7-2011 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by pikypiky
If it comes, it comes. Why are you working yourselves up for nothing? Blurry images with poor pixilation won't convince me of impending doom. Get a grip!

Totally in agreement with you, piky. Whatever Elenin is, IMO a commet but..., Whether it crashes into our planet or not is completely out of our hands, no matter how panicky everyone gets.

Instead of being panicky, take a deep breath, calm the eff down, and enjoy the journey. Any of us could be hit by a truck tomorrow, or maybe eaten by a shark! so whats th point in worrying about it?

Enjoy the journey while it lasts, be that for the next day or 10 days or 100 years. Whatever is going to happen will happen, it is out of our hands.



posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

Thats NOT why the comet is named Elenin! People like the OP (fear mongers, etc.) are the first ones to capitalize the ELE in the name. Comets are named usually after their discover, in this case Russian amateur astronomer Leonid Elenin. This is nothing but a typical comet. Get over it already!

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