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Katy Perry's new video "E.T." looks like Grey mind-programming psy-op.

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posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard

Real evidence of the "Illuminati Freemasons" please.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:01 PM
I LOVE IT, blatant, to the point no bs . I love kanye's line "tell me whats next alien sex"
the visuals are inspirational and katy is one smoking alien and if I were an alien maybe monitoring earth transmissions from say a mothership hiding behind the moon I would send out some scout orb ships to party with the locals
edit on 1-4-2011 by gaurdian2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:02 PM
I think you're tooo paranoid. There's no alternative meaning to this song...but she does look smokin' hot at the end of the video.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:03 PM
What a weird video...anyway, the song seems to be attuned to even the lowest common denominator, yet deal with some amazingly complex concepts. I don't even mean the stupid Kanye crap - the shapeshifting interdimensional nature of Katy in the beginning is enough to ponder where the ideas came from.

If this is one more step to soft disclosure, they are definately trying to do it in style.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by DuceizBack
OMG you guys are retarded
I'm glad I don't respect your opinions.

Thankyou for this.

You made my ATS day.
This is a hottest topic?


eeehhhchh... =-/

You people need to ignore everything about this kind of stuff, seriously, this is the stuff that is bad for your mind to even absorb, or think about; it causes serious damage to someone who can not separate themselves.

This is simply catchy simple music -- trying to stay at the top of some useless pillar of fame and glory, gets any mainstream suckers ear for a long time -- of course, it's catchy!

To a true musician, or any serious listener of what music truly is, and is capable of doing for ones self (or others - depending on which side of the fence you're on) -- this is not even a tolerable sound or frequency of emotion.
To a LOT of people in western society... who hum this garbage like its life's anthem -- you get a sence of happiness, or it makes you feel alright because... well -- it's just so candy coated! OH, and studio enhanced through the A$$. *puke*

This kind of music actually makes me nauseas, sick to my stomach, and emotionally helpless, as in "If this is what the most popular music/sound/audible logic is right now, I have no hope for the overall appreciation of human creativity and life within the majority populace... or it's ability to appreciate complex art; or have a sense of self." I feel this way, only because I am aware of what it is doing to my subconscious and inner dimension.
It's VERY easy to brainwash yourself unknowingly.

For me, this is tragic music; for desperate souls searching for uplifting messages of hollow promises; and other things I have a hard time placing into words that are based off emotional fear.

I read the OPs post -- skimmed through the video half carefully for imagery -- then remembered this is Katy Perry we're talking about -- who is famous for nothing other than her boobs, and the fact that she kissed a girl, and liked it. (/me suicide) -- Needless to say I did not fill my ears with that subconscious destroying filth. This video is not filled with anything meaningful, it tries to have some sort of new-age "whats that?" just to get you to listen to the crap more, there is no meaning, no freaking answers -- just smart marketing. You people are wrapped in paranoid fear -- and prove that fear (or curiosity of the unknown) controls, and can be fatal to ones ego, or self. Katy Perry is a highschool bimbo at best; hardly something to waste your precious life seconds with thinking about.

At least Lady Gaga dabbled in Satanism and the occult... which is respectable, until you realize she sold out mainstream attention and money.

Anything on TV relating to 90% of music past 98ish = BAD -- paid for and mass sheeple approved.

There is so much more music out there than what people SHOW you!

Do you know what you like? Or do you like what you know?

A very critical question I am sure any serious audiophile/musician has asked himself at some point.
Everyones had a song that stuck with them at one point. That is because it does something for you on the inside; makes you feel free? Or simple that, the ability to let you feel something more than the ordinary blahs.

I can assure you, there is more music you've never heard of that is better than 90% of what you hear these from other sources (radio/tv/mtv/sponsored events) You just have to know what it is that you like, or if you're not even sure, explore!!!

Myspace is one of the best places to find new types of music, and styles, and sounds, ideas, philosophies and ideologies. Every artist that has friends usually has other types of music either they respect, or fellow men they play alongside with; so it's really a never ending cycle of sound; You have to be open minded, and understand true EMOTION can seep through any aesthetics! No matter what you consider 'quality' in a sound, true feeling can change/expand anyones mind about how something is or can be done.

I also understand many of you here already realize this; and that is wonderful; but this is a website about denying ignorance; and music and it's fans are truely one of the best examples of that, people will argue that music is good, when the artist uses an Auto-Tune; give me a friggen break, kick him off the stage! DELETE from your mind that THAT was an artist or inspiration. *cough* Jamie Foxx's garbage auto-tune performance; on a vocal showcasing TV program *cough* OR most pop noise.

If I offended anyone from this message, you probably listen to Katy Perry and do not have a very convincing opinion anyway.

Have a nice day!

P.S. = Letting yourself be brainwashed is easier than you may think! Get that foil hat out

edit on 1-4-2011 by GrimTroll because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastard
I don't have a direct plan. I'm improvising.

Well, I highly doubt anyone here is sitting around the table discussing occultism in any social/economic/political etc through cartoons, music etc. Just my gut feeling. I would assume most are consumed with the tangible things they are directly exposed to like rent, mortgage, car payments, little Johnny's grades, parking tickets, food shopping, death of a family member, birth of a grandson, summer vacation, bills, job stability and so on.

To claim the things you are saying and admitting that you have no direct plan is foolish in my eyes.

Action my friend. You are doing no service to your cause or belief by posting anonymously.

It's almost cowardly if you ask me.
edit on 1-4-2011 by PaidDisinfoAgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Jepic

I don't know man, I think it's just our frame of reference that has changed, but YMMV, I guess. At the time -- Bowie was shocking. Parents and teachers were outraged. It was definitely a much bigger hullabaloo than Katy Perry or Lady Gaga.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by PaidDisinfoAgent

Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastard
I don't have a direct plan. I'm improvising.

Well, I highly doubt anyone here is sitting around the table discussing occultism in any social/economic/political etc through cartoons, music etc.

I create music around the emotion and process of 'occult' mechanics, or use others who do the same as ways to expand consciousness.

This is what takes up 3/4 of my social discussion. Occultism -- return of the ancients -- your direct connection with existence, magical music based off ancient ritual, notes or whatever is related/amplifying. Trust me to anyone who chooses this path, it consumes you - and your mind... as it should -- as you almost wonder how you ever existed without it! :-D

Music is my magical vehicle to the 'other-worlds'

edit on 1-4-2011 by GrimTroll because: Forgot a portion.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Turiddu
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard

Real evidence of the "Illuminati Freemasons" please.


For those who are not familiar the above condo is the "Century Towers" in LA. A point for Hollywood Illuminati celebrities.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Turiddu
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard

Real evidence of the "Illuminati Freemasons" please.

How artistic celebrities are whore's attention, they expose themselves a lot. Obviously we can't expect to see Obama, Sarkozy or Angela Merkel spotting these signs in public.







posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:38 PM
It's a music video. Stop freaking out.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by PaidDisinfoAgent

Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastard
I don't have a direct plan. I'm improvising.

Well, I highly doubt anyone here is sitting around the table discussing occultism in any social/economic/political etc through cartoons, music etc. Just my gut feeling. I would assume most are consumed with the tangible things they are directly exposed to like rent, mortgage, car payments, little Johnny's grades, parking tickets, food shopping, death of a family member, birth of a grandson, summer vacation, bills, job stability and so on.

To claim the things you are saying and admitting that you have no direct plan is foolish in my eyes.

Action my friend. You are doing no service to your cause or belief by posting anonymously.

It's almost cowardly if you ask me.
edit on 1-4-2011 by PaidDisinfoAgent because: (no reason given)

So you assume that by teasing me and insulting me, I'll give you my home address, social security number, cell phone and a photo??? And what makes you think that your opinion about me, has any relevance in my life???

Are you that naive to believe I'll be tricked into agent provocateurs psycho-babbling??

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastard

Originally posted by PaidDisinfoAgent

Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastard
I don't have a direct plan. I'm improvising.

Well, I highly doubt anyone here is sitting around the table discussing occultism in any social/economic/political etc through cartoons, music etc. Just my gut feeling. I would assume most are consumed with the tangible things they are directly exposed to like rent, mortgage, car payments, little Johnny's grades, parking tickets, food shopping, death of a family member, birth of a grandson, summer vacation, bills, job stability and so on.

To claim the things you are saying and admitting that you have no direct plan is foolish in my eyes.

Action my friend. You are doing no service to your cause or belief by posting anonymously.

It's almost cowardly if you ask me.
edit on 1-4-2011 by PaidDisinfoAgent because: (no reason given)

So you assume that by teasing me and insulting me, I'll give you my home address, social security number, cell phone and a photo??? And what makes you think that your opinion about me, has any relevance in my life???

Are you that naive to believe I'll be tricked into agent provocateurs psycho-babbling??

Says the guy who thinks katy perry is an alien abducting children, and Kanye West is in on it.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:51 PM

Says the guy who thinks katy perry is an alien abducting children, and Kanye West is in on it.


Sometimes it takes all kinds.... no?

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:56 PM
I really don't think there's anything to the video. Pop musicians don't intentionally write anything that would be "conspiracy" in nature; and unless the director/producer is CIA, I don't think he would either, knowingly. Like many in here have already said; I think people look too deep into shallow things. Trippy video anyhow. Not a fan of Kanye West. I lump him in with Bono; guy's got an ego and a "holier than thou" attitude that I don't like. Katy Perry does have a couple good songs on her first album though, but most of my interest in her is that she's nice to look at...generally.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Nobama
reply to post by Sentience365

Or maybe it's a metaphor towards Kanye West? sounds like she's just singing about him. Your looking too far into a song that's dimwitted and holds no true meaning in it.

This sounds about right. The song sounds to be mostly about sex.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 09:02 PM
My issue goes a little deeper. Sure, I am pretty sick and tired of oversexification in our culture. Yes, I think the lyrics are perverted and creepy.

However, to me the more important question is why are we teaching ourselves to look to entertainment as a moral compass? Maybe the Illuminati are in control of the entertainment industry. So what? Just because they present icons (musicians, movie stars, etc) that encourage a certain ideal doesn't mean we HAVE to accept it. Just think for yourself, teach your children to do the same and don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 09:07 PM
Personally, I liked it. I never would have heard that song, or seen the video.
Thanks op.
I'm going to watch it again.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 09:30 PM
WARNING!! DO NOT SING THE LYRICS, DO NOT THINK OF THE LYRICS. DO NOT REPEAT THE LYRICS IN YOUR HEAD. Singing the lyrics will make you have the intent to be abducted.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastard
So you assume that by teasing me and insulting me, I'll give you my home address, social security number, cell phone and a photo??? And what makes you think that your opinion about me, has any relevance in my life???

Are you that naive to believe I'll be tricked into agent provocateurs psycho-babbling??

Calling you foolish and cowardly are not insulting. They very much make up the characteristics you have displayed. In fact they ring true in this case very much so. To be filled with such knowledge that you claim to have and not doing anything to help your fellow man against the doom of a political-social-spider-monster-shadow-group except post on a board where friction and opposition are met daily is foolish.

Cowardly in the sense that you are afraid to be a voice in the fight against your TPTB.

What's the matter Colonel Sanders? Chicken?

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