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Katy Perry's new video "E.T." looks like Grey mind-programming psy-op.

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posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by WingedBull

WingedBull says "Not in the least, because I am intelligent to understand allegory and analogy. She isn't actually talking about having sex with an alien, she is comparing the man she is singing about to alien."

I say,

You must read the bible at face value also.
edit on 1-4-2011 by Deneb56 because: forgot to add WB's quote

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 02:36 PM
What is really frightening to me, and I mean trully terrifying is the fact that some people here actually think she is worth listening to. I mean, my God, music has really gone backwards. Compare her to all the great stuff that went before. Mowtown, John Lennon, Hendrix et al.

And the alien thing? tin foil hat time folks - sorry, I know it's a cliche but my god, even some of the fruitcakes on youtube wouldn't buy into that garbage. So Katy Perry is in on the alien agenda? YEEEAH of course she is!

Come back Lilly Allen, all is forgiven.
edit on 1-4-2011 by brintonwhite because: spelling

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by michaelknives52

Don't tell me you think "alien are in again" is by accident? You think The History Channel has non stop Ancient Aliens and 2012 programming for no reason? You think alien movies being released on 3-11-11 same day as the japan Earthquake is by mistake? It's called television programming for a reason. It programs you! Didn't you notice that the tsunami that hit Japan looked allot like the programming from the 2012 movie?

Let me explain it this way. When your watching a movie that has a dog in it. When the dog is in danger you ever notice that deep inside you really don't want the dog to die. 9 times out of 10 the dog never dies cause people hate seeing animals killed. Well why don't people feel that way when watching action movies with actual people getting shot, killed, blowed up or whatever? Because you were programmed to be desensitized to seeing such a thing. So when you watch natural disaster movies over and over when you finally see one happening on the news like in Japan, you are desensitized to it. You can't realize it for what it is. This is the same reason UFO programming has been kicked into high gear. With television shows like V and movies like BATTLE and videos like THIS ONE! They are normalizing it. Plus this video has deep deep symbolism behind it. There are big reasons why things like her dress turns white as her eyes become possessed. Referring to duality and good versus evil. This is no accident this should be taken seriously for what it is. Deep mind psy-ops to program your mind and mold it to where they want it to be. These people know what they are doing!

edit on 1-4-2011 by InfowarriorCarson because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker
this video just leaves me with so many questions. why would they spend so much time and effort on the high tech looking video if not to leave some sort of influence on the watcher???

That is exactly what people should ask themselves indeed !

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 02:43 PM
Did anyone catch the monkeys F###ing befor she kissed the robot alien thing?

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Yes exactly. They understand that a trained eye can spot these messages and it is there way of communicating to you. They are getting more bold with there messages as we get closer to there end game.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard

The song is about a rape.?

In actuality song has no meaning, they just want to make money.

Don't over-analyze it Simplest answer is most likely the right answer.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:03 PM
Music is meant to be interpreted that's why they call musicians artists. The question is what is the real message they are trying to portray here?
what message are they giving here in this video

The truth is most teenagers emulate the artist or musician they prefer and become groups in high school goths, metal heads,jocks,skaters,punks, etc and It's evident what there music of choice is just by looking at them most of the time.
So you can't tell me media has no influence I know I'm being brainwashed.The question is how much of it do I realize.
Since you don't know you're being brainwashed. It's mostly conditioning making people accept something they don't like gradually .

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Deneb56
reply to post by WingedBull

WingedBull says "Not in the least, because I am intelligent to understand allegory and analogy. She isn't actually talking about having sex with an alien, she is comparing the man she is singing about to alien."

I say,

You must read the bible at face value also.
edit on 1-4-2011 by Deneb56 because: forgot to add WB's quote

Oh, and did you notice, Mr. Wingedbull, that Miss Katty Perry IS The alien in the video, I repeat; That katty perry IS the alien in the Video! yet in her lyrics she sings about the coming of an Alien Male figure? In the video, the only apparent human male figure is kanye west. Has she recently fallen for kanye west? I think not.
In her lyrics she is implying that she were a human female trying to entice an alien male figure, but in the video she is the alien figure and kanye west is the only visually depicted human male figure (the albino is sexless as the robot it was formed out of is also sexless).
my point is: how can you say that she is comparing a human male to an alien male, when she is visually depicted as being the alien herself? You say that she is comparing the man she desires sexually to that of Alien males. Are you saying that she has had sex with aliens well enough to know how to compare her alien sex with human sex?
In the video, Katty perry IS the alien and she does not come in contact with the only male cast figure, kanye west.
This video begs to be deciphered. the video visually contradicts the lyrics!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastard
reply to post by WingedBull

Sorry, but I don't waste one second anymore, reading you comments. You are uneducated and can't keep a conversation without rants and personal insults. I'm presenting my opinion and you are the one being arrogant by calling people ignorant for exposing what you can't see or refuse to see. We are in a CONSPIRACY FORUM, if you wanna talk about "celebrities being just harmless ways of amusement", you are in the wrong place. Try Rolling Stone, MTV, Celebrity Gossip or whatever.

Cheers to that!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Deneb56

Originally posted by Deneb56
reply to post by WingedBull

WingedBull says "Not in the least, because I am intelligent to understand allegory and analogy. She isn't actually talking about having sex with an alien, she is comparing the man she is singing about to alien."

I say,

You must read the bible at face value also.
edit on 1-4-2011 by Deneb56 because: forgot to add WB's quote

Oh, and did you notice, Mr. Wingedbull, that Miss Katty Perry IS The alien in the video, I repeat; That katty perry IS the alien in the Video! yet in her lyrics she sings about the coming of an Alien Male figure? In the video, the only apparent human male figure is kanye west. Has she recently fallen for kanye west? I think not.
In her lyrics she is implying that she were a human female trying to entice an alien male figure, but in the video she is the alien figure and kanye west is the only visually depicted human male figure (the albino is sexless as the robot it was formed out of is also sexless).
my point is: how can you say that she is comparing a human male to an alien male, when she is visually depicted as being the alien herself? You say that she is comparing the man she desires sexually to that of Alien males. Are you saying that she has had sex with aliens well enough to know how to compare her alien sex with human sex?
In the video, Katty perry IS the alien and she does not come in contact with the only male cast figure, kanye west.
This video begs to be deciphered. the video visually contradicts the lyrics!

The albino guy is male...he was not formed out of the robot, he was in stasis inside it, being kept alive despite the lifeless surroundings. The robot represents the underground shelters built of metal and meant to protect and shield human life. The albino guy represents humanity hiding underground (as one would do after nuclear war or an asteroid impact), not literally albino, it's not saying most people in the future will be albino, he represents the whole human race being away from the light of the sun. She (alien) is bringing the human into the light, into the new dawn of human civilization after its destruction.

That's my take, anyway. It is a video with meaning, I think. I don't think it is a "psy op" however.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by InfowarriorCarson
reply to post by michaelknives52

Don't tell me you think "alien are in again" is by accident? You think The History Channel has non stop Ancient Aliens and 2012 programming for no reason? You think alien movies being released on 3-11-11 same day as the japan Earthquake is by mistake? It's called television programming for a reason. It programs you! Didn't you notice that the tsunami that hit Japan looked allot like the programming from the 2012 movie?

Hey ! Do you think maybe because that's what a tsunami looks like when it hits the shore?

I was half expecting to see some dude surfing when the big wave hit the Himilayas.

Maybe that"s what the monk was waiting for.
edit on 1-4-2011 by hdutton because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:45 PM
People in this thread are missing one crucial point. That even if this video is full of allegory and analogy, the vast majority of the target audience of this music (teenagers and young adults) won't care enough to sit down to interpret the lyrics and probably don't even have a freakin' clue or the initiative to reach their own interpretation of this song. The vast majority gets what they hear. Nothing more, nothing less.

So tell me. What urge and chance of change for the good do you think these people in all their hormonal glory have, when new song after new song they are tempted to have sex through the same old sexual lyrical tricks?

Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me
Infect me with your love and
Fill me with your poison

I know a bar out in mars
Where they driving spaceships instead of cars
Cop a prada space suit about the stars
Getting stupid hah straight up out the jars
Pockets on shrek, rockets on deck
Tell me whats next? Alien sex.
Imma disrobe you
Then Imma probe you
See I abducted you
So I tell you what to do

Also a very important and always overlooked thing about a song is the way the person pronounces the lyrics. Pronunciation is a big thing when it comes to the audience hearing a song. See for yourself! Before reading the lyrics, listen to this song again and pay careful attention to the way Kanye pronounces the lyrics in the 2nd paragraph I wrote in italic.

Now go check out the lyrics in google. Do you see how different the "message" is between what he wrote and what he sings?

As for this being a possible conditioning tool. I don't wanna get into that. I'm just gonna say that I don't think even a long campaign of let's say abduction related songs is enough to program a person to think that abductions are nice or a pleasurable experience. I mean just check the facts.
edit on 1-4-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:46 PM
OP, So the Illuminati and Free Masons are infiltrating the music industry to convey their message. What do you plan on doing with this information aside from arguing with anonymous people on an internet forum? Do you have a plan of action?

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by PaidDisinfoAgent
OP, So the Illuminati and Free Masons are infiltrating the music industry to convey their message. What do you plan on doing with this information aside from arguing with anonymous people on an internet forum? Do you have a plan of action?

Love it. Great question.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard


posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:10 PM
I watched Katy Perry and I liked it! And so does my 10 year old daughter. She is too busy being herself to emulate anybody else.
Why does it seem like the average age of some of the nay sayers on ATS is 80??? I mean are people on here that out of touch with pop culture that they think Katy Perry is the exception and not the norm?
Do David Bowie, E.L.O., Pink Floyd or Elton John ring a bell? I mean alien promotion has been around for decades.

What's next? We gonna put clothes back on the David? These Nay sayers are such prudes but they are on ATS shaking their fists at all the kids with their bible verse signatures. Unbelievable and HILARIOUS at the same time. S&F

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:17 PM

I swear to god this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by LuisCyfer

Yeah? Tell me something. Did Pink Floyd or Elton John talk about infecting people with love and then filling them with poison? Or did they ever say in their lyrics that aliens have a dirty mind and filthy ways and that they are tryna bathe their eyy in your milky way? No. I thought so...

edit on 1-4-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by LuisCyfer
I watched Katy Perry and I liked it! And so does my 10 year old daughter. She is too busy being herself to emulate anybody else.
Why does it seem like the average age of some of the nay sayers on ATS is 80??? I mean are people on here that out of touch with pop culture that they think Katy Perry is the exception and not the norm?
Do David Bowie, E.L.O., Pink Floyd or Elton John ring a bell? I mean alien promotion has been around for decades.

What's next? We gonna put clothes back on the David? These Nay sayers are such prudes but they are on ATS shaking their fists at all the kids with their bible verse signatures. Unbelievable and HILARIOUS at the same time. S&F

You are missing the point that nowadays, with current sensory technology, movie effects, internet, speed of information, lots of people all over the world are familiar with alien presence on Earth, governments and military of superpower nations working with Greys and Reptilians, secret underground bases, human abductions, cattle mutilation, HAARP, project blue beam, secret societies, NWO a s**tload of stuff that didn't pass by the lysergic generation who listened David Bowie, E.L.O., Pink Floyd. Nowadays someone look at the skies and see a Stealth bomber, a silent black chopper or a black triangle craft, then goes home, seek in the internet and find lots of stuff about reverse engineering, whistleblowers claiming that military work with aliens, etc, etc.

Do you think that a picture of Bowie dressed like a gay-alien caused more sensory impact in the '70s youth, than a hi-tech video of Katy Perry shapeshifting into a tall Grey or a Reptilian, cause in the current youth??

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