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why are we not protesting??

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posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 07:13 PM
Half of wisconsin is protesting the assault on the middle class-why are other states home watching tv??
We have seen recently how brave people are acting responsably to take back their lives and country.
Its time to take to the state capitols of our states, and demand real answers.
Who let you [governments] borrow so much money that half of all collected tax goes to interest to bankers and forign countries?? I didnt give them my permission!
Where are all the jobs??
Why are we at false wars for oil and greed??
Who is running our country??
Is global warming that much a threat that we get cem-smeared almost daily by government planes.
We have a million other things to protest but this is a good start-get off your butts.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 07:24 PM

We have a million other things to protest but this is a good start-get off your butts.
we will be right behind you.....................

edit on 26-2-2011 by IgnoranceAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 07:29 PM
meh...give it a few more weeks when the weather warms's too cold out..but once it reaches 70-75F Im in!

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 07:30 PM
We're not protesting because that's their plan. Since 911 enacting Martial Law is VERY easy and when we protest, that's exactly what they're going to do. There can't be a One World Government as long as the Constitution is still here. And the Constitution will be here as long as they don't enact Martial Law.

There are many ways of protesting than getting out into the streets. Our right to protest will even be gone soon --it'll fall under one of the definitions of a domestic terrorist.

First they had to expand the definition of a foreign terrorist. Now they're expanding what a domestic terrorist is. More people aren't committing crimes, it's that they're making more criminals by passing useless laws that weaken the necessary laws.

Soon everyone will be a criminal in one sense or another based on their broadened definitions.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 07:35 PM
We aren't protesting here because none of us can agree on exactly what we should be protesting about.

Ask ten people, get ten different answers.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 07:36 PM
EDIT: Off topic. Sorry folks.

edit on 26-2-2011 by Flighty because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by itsawild1

I've emailed leaders in the Wisconsin Republican party. This is outrageous. The unions agreed to all the "austerity measures" even though the crisis was precipitated by the new governor.

He is using this crisis he made as a means to end collective bargaining by public employees, and people are dumb enough to buy in to it.

I was very happy to see the cops (who are exempt from the cuts and all) tell the protesters that not only would they not break up the protests at the capital, but they would join the protesters in a show of support!!!

I don't think I am a Republican anymore. I think I've become a Libertarian.

EDIT: Starred and Flagged. Lets show the SOBs where their power comes from, and who ultimately holds the reigns of power. Us.
edit on 26-2-2011 by mydarkpassenger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 07:39 PM
I'm actually thinking a nice snail mail campaign by sending them all (like in every single one of these clowns) a nice copy of the Declaration of Independence. If one person does it, they'll think they're crazy. If two do it, they'll think they're gay. If 10 people do it they might think it's a movement, the remind them of who they work for movement.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 07:43 PM
The problem is organization and leadership. most people i know would be willing to demonstrate, but they simply don't know when or where to do it.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by itsawild1
Half of wisconsin is protesting the assault on the middle class-why are other states home watching tv??

I read that only 70,000 had shown up for the protests in Madison. Unless that state had shrunk dramatically overnight that is not even close to half of the population of Wisconsin.

We have seen recently how brave people are acting responsably to take back their lives and country.

If I am not mistaken, a large part of the problem with the debt which is weighing down our economic growth and prosperity is due to the public sector unions. How is it truly fair to be able to elect your own bosses? Will they not bend to your every wish so as to get elected?

Its time to take to the state capitols of our states, and demand real answers.

You can demand “real answers” every day and night outside every capital building, that does not guarantee you anything, they will feed your breadcrumbs to keep you submissive.

Who let you [governments] borrow so much money that half of all collected tax goes to interest to bankers and forign countries?? I didnt give them my permission!

A Republic is a form of government in which the elected representatives are used to moderate and represent the wishes and views of their constituency, so in essence so long as you have a representative they are giving your permission for you.

Where are all the jobs??

Shanghai, China and Bombay, India.

Why are we at false wars for oil and greed??

Because elected representatives in any nation with democracy are just like any other individual in society. They are subject to negative human values such as greed, power, and lust. We are speaking about elected representatives in a materialistic world, mind you.

Who is running our country??

Whoever has the money.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
I read that only 70,000 had shown up for the protests in Madison. Unless that state had shrunk dramatically overnight that is not even close to half of the population of Wisconsin.

We have seen recently how brave people are acting responsably to take back their lives and country.

If I am not mistaken, a large part of the problem with the debt which is weighing down our economic growth and prosperity is due to the public sector unions. How is it truly fair to be able to elect your own bosses? Will they not bend to your every wish so as to get elected?

I was discussing this situation with a friend, the other day. You are correct that this a small minority of the Wisconsin population. In fact, many of those protesting are not Wisconsin residents.

And, what the media is failing to address, is that if the Wisconsin legislators give in to the unions, the only option is to raise taxes on everyone. So, how is it reasonable to bend to the wishes of the minority? Why should all taxpayers suffer, because a minority group doesn't want to lose something?

As to the OP... There is one group who hasn't quite gotten pissed off enough to protest, yet. That is the average taxpaying, non-union, hardworking, normally quiet, rednecks with firearms. And, they are a majority group.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by itsawild1

Mmm.. the majority of American's are anti-union .. and the only ones that tend to be pro-union of union members or those that don't understand the real way unions operate. The Governor himself ran as anti-union and was elected by the majority.. many see this as petty, and the Dems and 2 repubs that ran away as pathetic children.

Public employees imo should not be allowed organized unions at all.

Perfect example: There are NO Unions for Federal Employees and half of all states have no collective bargaining rights, and several have no public union donations to political parties.
Would you say Federal employees are underpaid? No. Neither are non-union states.

I doubt it will fix Wisconsin's budget woe's but it won't hurt the union employees either except that, god forbid, they have to pay a portion of their medical and retirement.
edit on 2/26/2011 by Rockpuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by mydarkpassenger
reply to post by itsawild1

I've emailed leaders in the Wisconsin Republican party. This is outrageous. The unions agreed to all the "austerity measures" even though the crisis was precipitated by the new governor.

He is using this crisis he made as a means to end collective bargaining by public employees, and people are dumb enough to buy in to it.

I was very happy to see the cops (who are exempt from the cuts and all) tell the protesters that not only would they not break up the protests at the capital, but they would join the protesters in a show of support!!!

I don't think I am a Republican anymore. I think I've become a Libertarian.

Sorry to sound harsh, but if you support unions in the public sector, you are the exact opposite of a Libertarian.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:34 AM
This is our free speech zone
we might be more loud discussing here then one might think

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 12:03 PM
What we should be protesting is the way this country is run...
How many more scumbags are we going to elect to RUIN this country?

Isn't it time the people voted on BILLS, rather than vote in more politicians?

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 12:07 PM
I am not sure that we will ever see Americans rise up and stand united against our government, and it's the very same reason why we will never win the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. As Americans there are very few things that we are so passionate about that we are willing to die for them. The people in these Middle East countries believe in their cause so deeply that they are willing to stand up against their opressors, be they armed or not. They are willing to strap explosives to themselves to bring attention to their cause.

I am in no way saying it's right or that it's the only way to get results. My point is that we as a society just aren't that passionate about most things.

Now deny some Americans the right to update their Facebook status or watch the latest episode of some ridiculous "reality" show about one of their Hollywood idols and their will be blood in the streets. We have our priorities backwards here in this country.

Most Americans are only willing to take a stand when it directly affects them, and then only as long as it doesn't interfere with American Idol or Dancing With the Stars.

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